• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

David Silver

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In the distant past, the various tribes had their purpose. We know this, we even have pageants about it. But how much of it is true?

Come with me and let's have a little peek at that world so long ago, before the time of Equestria.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

Huh. It makes sense. Canon wise we have the Pie family with their obscure sense, and Cheese has his as well. Then there is the choosing stone... The Apples are an example too. AJ talks to some of her trees, Granny Smith followed who knows what to accomplish things (like the Zap Apple techniques). One could even say Celestia has traces of it with her insights and plotting. Add to that the ever present slight all the other tribes have to earth pony (Yes, I'm still a tad bitter over most references to alicorns only mention wings and horn...)

I'm more than willing to take this as possible canon.

It is an interesting take I will say. I would hope that Pinkie may know this, but with her I would never bet anything as she is all kinds of unique. It makes me sad for what has been lost by the earth ponies, but continued by the zebras or at least Zecora.

Earth ponies are weird, man.

who's magic lets them take flight


Don't let Pinkie find this story. I can only imagine how she might react. :pinkiecrazy:

I like vary believable.

Spice Must Flow. :pinkiecrazy:

A very unique look at head "party" canon capable of blowing away the fourth wall.:pinkiehappy:

Regrettably believable. Still, hopefully one day ponykind will be ready to heed the wisdom of the land once more.

That is just what I was hoping for. I saw an interesting angle and tried to take it to its logical conclusion, without getting lost along the way. This felt like the perfect use for my desire to do a one shot. Glad you liked it!

The title is misleading; you don't say anything about where earth ponies come from. You also don't address your description or chapter title since it doesn't talk about any pageants or beginnings either.

Really though, earth ponies don't have an origin. They're the source material. The vanilla version. The only kind of pony there is in some generations. Unicorns and pegasi are just upgrades to the standard model.

7136786 There are powers earth ponies have that the others don't, and that's what this was about. This is supported in many musings and writings of Faust, and supported in show by many 'touched' earth ponies. Applejack speaks to trees, Pinkie Pie can feel the entire world's machinations, Tree Hugger is clearly in touch with the flow and touch of things. Even Maud can access this flow.

It is an origin story, an origin of a lost heritage. The earth ponies were meant to be gentle leaders and shamans, but that didn't pan out.

7136840 An origin story is when something starts. This was about something ending. (You might want to flag it as either sad or dark, since they kill her mother at the end.)

It's a nice concept, but lacked depth. You can do a whole lot more exploring with this story. I'd look forward to more writing, continue! Cliff hangers and dead ends are no fun. :fluttercry::derpytongue2:

7141364 It is a one shot. Is there more depth? Always. Feeling inspired? Good, get to writing. You'll only make me a happy equine if I can encourage such. I already have a mega-epic going that reaches upwards, already blown past 1 million words.

the thread that binding them together - the thread that binding them together --or-- the thread that bound them together


This story is at once beautiful and powerful in its simplicity.

It explains Pinkie's powers in the framework provided in the canon series without any glaring contradictions, even though the story itself is cut from whole cloth.

Thank you for writing and sharing it with us!

7145244 Fixed! Happy to write it, even if it wasn't the happiest story. It goes for more than Pinkie though. The canon has many ponies clearly touched by such things, up to and including Celestia.

Cool! Can't wait to read ur story!!

Ahh wow. A real witch hunt, for the "anomalies"... chilling, and brilliant! :twilightsmile:

7220836 Glad it provoked some thought.

7136840 um not sure about apple jack talking to trees, do you really talk to your cat? nope. and half the stuff faust says is so posed to be funny she told every one that thy poop anywhere on the ground, the ones in the air leave literal shit storms and unicorns farted neon, also implied what depys cuti mark was for... im not saying that everything she says is crap but it sounds like tinfoil hat stuff, after all its implied that she is a stoner... and definitely a hippy. but who knows

Next time on shadow verse

7231696 In the show, she talked to her tree. This has nothing to do with Faust.

7231795 same thing as talking to your cat, she never did get a reply back, after all it does not reply back to her. some sing and talk to there plants

Sad to think that in that reality, ponies hunt and kill those who still listen to the whispers of the earth. :applecry:

Or that's just what I understood, and it actually means something completely different that I just didn't notice.:derpytongue2:

Good one-shot! Very deep. :twilightsmile:

That was nice and dark.

7404857 A good combination.


I have a little something along those lines. I believe you may find it to your tastes.

What force wanted the earth ponies to be "gentle leaders" and shamans? Is it related to the "whispers"? What do the other ponies races have to do with this force?

7408069 Force? What force wanted unicorns to have magic? Or wanted pegasi to fly.

I don't know. That's what I'm asking you I guess.

7410787 Nature, evolution, destiny, entropy, god. Take your pick.

I pick all of the above with a smidgen of aliens messing around there somewhere.

I like this take on earth ponies; clearly not everything is sunshine and rainbows in ponyland.

7446440 Thanks. I like the picture it paints while not conflicting with the canon.

Woo! You've made my day.

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