• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 3,971 Views, 138 Comments

Scratching the Surface - Johnny_Bell

Vinyl moves from Manehatten to Ponyville due to budget problems, adventure ensues!

  • ...

Chapter 17 (We Got Time)

Octavia was the first one to wake up in the morning. Rubbing her eyes with her hoof, the grey mare looked around her room everything was still the same, Vinyl laid sprawled out, making a mess of the covers. Octavia giggled and pulled the covers up over the white unicorn, whom mumbled a little then rolled over. The cellist looked outside, it was a sunny day and everything seemed normal. Stretching, she felt a slight pull on her haunches, the memory of the previous nights activities rushing back to her. A slight blush flushed her cheeks as she walked out the bedroom door. The mare stopped in the living room and stretched her front legs, lifting her rump in the air.

“Well this is a nice way to wake up. Normally I’d prefer to wake up next to a lover and gaze into her tired eyes, but I guess seeing this is awesome too.” Vinyl’s cheery voice came from the hallway behind Octavia. The cellist turned around quickly, her red face of surprise looking the DJ in the eyes.

“I was...stretching!”

“Like that?”

“D-didn’t you get a good enough v-view last night?” Octavia stumbled on her words. Vinyl lifted en eyebrow, then looked down at the grey mare’s hooves, then back up at her face.

“If I did, why did you just show your flank to me again?”

“Vinyl! I was stretching!” The grey mare went back to her previous statement. Vinyl laughed then walked up and gave Octavia a kiss.

“Good morning to you too.” The grey pony shook her head, laughing a little.

“Yes, good morning Vinyl.” The DJ levitated a bowl over to to the cellist, along with a spoon.

“Cereal for breakfast?” She asked, moving her rump to a beat in her head. Octavia couldn’t help but giggle at the almost-spastic movements of her filly-friend’s rear.

“I would love that.” She said, walking over to their table. The DJ levitated two bowls and spoons over to her cellist. Vinyl set the items down and looked up at Octavia, whose soft gaze met hers. The white unicorn seemed to get lost in the mare’s purple eyes. How could a fancy pony like herself even come near the DJ that she is? Vinyl didn’t even know that ponies from Canterlot even visited such a small, rural area like Ponyville. She started to worry.

“What happens if she starts to get bored, or worse, thinks of me too childish? Over time will I have to change? Is she accepting me for myself? Oh Celestia, what if-”

“Something wrong, Vinyl?” Octavia’s voice broke the unicorn out of her worried trance. “You’ve been staring at me for five minutes, and your smile slowly dropped. Plus, you didn’t answer me.”

“Sorry... Was just thinking.” The White mare shook her head.

“About?” The earth pony trotted over to her.

“Nah, it’s stupid.” Vinyl gave a weak smile, which didn’t impress the cellist.

“Vinyl, hun, you know you can talk to me.” Octavia nuzzled under the DJ’s chin. “And I’ll listen.”

“I was just worrying if... Well, if you’d think of me too childish... You know, with the way I act and stuff. I was just thinking that if you do, then I would change for the better, for you.” The cellist blinked, then lifted her head to meet Vinyl’s look. There was a short silence between the two.

“Sweet Celestia, I hope not.” Octavia finally said.

“I... Wait what?”

“Vinyl. If I didn’t like how you are now, I wouldn’t be here with you today. I’ve stayed this long with you, haven’t I? I mean shoot, nine months just living with you probably would have been hell if I didn’t love you like I do. Vinyl, my little DJ, I love you for you, and I don’t want you any other way.” Octavia leaned in and kissed the unicorn. “I mean, you wouldn’t want me to change, would you?” She added in as they parted.

“Well, maybe if you were a little more fun...” Vinyl said, jokingly. The grey mare smiled and pushed the unicorn slightly. “You know I don’t want you to change, sweetie.”

“You’re a jerk, but you wouldn’t be you.” Octavia turned, flicking Vinyl’s muzzle with her tail.

“I’m not a jerk! Just spontaneous.”

“Spontaneously a jerk!” the cellist cried from down the hall. Vinyl laughed.

“What does spontaneous mean, anyway?” She blinked. There was laughter down the hall. “Wait, what about breakfast?”

“I dunno Tavi, you sure that’s today?” Vinyl asked her fillyfriend, levitating her bow tie to the mare, who was in the bathroom, making herself look neat.

“Vinyl, it’s my first invitation to do a show with my ensemble since... The pink incident.” There was a hint of a growl in the cellist’s throat. “So of course I know it’s today.”

“Darn, I wanted to spend time with you.” Vinyl kicked the ground with a fore-hoof.

“Well why don’t you go to that usual club you go to and do a surprise show there? Don’t the ponies love you down there?” Octavia asked, tying on her bow tie.

“They did.”

“What happened?”

“My last gig there, I caught the place on fire.” She looked away and mumbled. “Like I knew the curtains were super sensitive to laser lights...and fireworks...” The grey mare stopped.

“You lit fireworks off, inside the building?” She turned to look at the DJ.

“I thought it’d be a cool effect!” Octavia rested her forehead on a hoof with a small sigh. “So where are you playing again?” Vinyl quickly changed the subject.

“The Royal Garden at Celestia’s castle. There’s a small get together there and we were asked for some simple, calming background music.” She adjusted her bow. “Perfect.”

“Oh. Well since I’m not doing anything, can I tag along? I won’t cause trouble, promise.” The grey mare adjusted her mane, then turned and looked at the DJ.

“Alright. You can come. Just, clean up a little. You know, fancy.” Vinyl groaned. “Oh come on, I’ll help you out. Starting with that mane.” The DJ placed a hoof over her head.

“No cutting.”

“Only gel.” Octavia promised as Vinyl joined her in the bathroom. The cellist started placing gel in the unicorn’s mane, smoothing it back and forth, parting it and placing a hair band near the top. She took her time, making the messy mane into a work of fancy art. After about forty five minuted the grey mare stepped back.

“Well? How do I look?” Vinyl asked, one eye brow cocked in wonder.

“Like royal Canterlot birth, my dear.” Vinyl gave a smile.

“May I see?” Octavia gave her a nod. The DJ turned around and looked in the mirror as Octavia quickly fixed the unicorn’s tail. “Wow.. I don’t look like myself at all..” She tilted her head to a side, then smiled.

“And I did what I could with your tail.” The cellist nuzzled Vinyl’s cheek. “You clean up nicely.” She said, complimenting her own work.

“Oh, you know, personal hair specialist back at home.” Vinyl nuzzled back.

“Remember Vinyl, fancy or small talk.” Octavia said, carrying her cello in a case on her back.

“Lovely weather today, isn’t it?” Vinyl said in the best snooty voice she could.

“And less of.. That.” The cellist chuckled with the unicorn as they walked into the most formal place Vinyl had ever seen. She looked up to see the celling, or rather, what wasn’t the celling.

“Wait, this place is like..”

“A big bowl, yes. The construction of the building helps amplify the sound of the music played. I’d thought you would know about this, Scratch. You told me you DID take musical theory in college.” The unicorn looked at the grey mare and did a slight roll of her eyes.


“You totally just blew it off, then aced the final because it was easy.”



“At least I pass-”

“Octavia?” A lime yellow mare with a cobalt mane walked up to the pair, the biggest smile a pony could manage.

“Fiddlesticks!” Octavia ran over and gave the mare a hug. Vinyl watched in confusion as the two started talking.

“Wow, s’been a long time since I saw you last. How’s the cello workin’ for ya?” The yellow mare turned slightly to see the unicorn walking up next to Octavia. “and who’s yer friend?”

“Oh! Fiddlesticks, this is Vinyl. Vinyl, Fiddlesticks.”

“Charmed.” Vinyl said, getting the practice in for her fancy talk.

“Wow, you’re a pretty one.”

“I could say the same about you.” Vinyl nudged Octavia slightly.

“Yes, we know we look the same.”

“Sure ain’t easy being related and lookin’ the same.”

“Thank goodness for the color difference.” Octavia laughed.

“Well shoot, not like Ma and Pa didn’t get us confused anyway.” Fiddlesticks laughed back.

“Sisters?” Vinyl asked, looking back and forth at the two identical looking ponies.

“Oh no no no. ‘Ma’ and ‘Pa’ is what she calls out grandparents.” Octavia re-assured Vinyl with a smile.

“Cousins!” Fiddlesticks pulled the grey cellist in and gave her a hug. “and what about you, Vinyl? You just a friend of Octavia’s?”

“Ye-” The unicorn began.

“Actually, she’s my fillyfriend.” Octavia cut off the white mare, causing her to blush a deep red.

“Lovers? Wow, never saw that coming in you, Occy.”

“Yeah, well, find the right pony, and they might change that in you.” Octavia bumped against the DJ-in-disguise. Vinyl gave a fake cough and smiled.

“Anyway, I should be getting ready for our performance. Have you seen Frederic Horseshoepin anywhere?”

“The pianist? He hasn’t shown?” Octavia took a quick look around. “Can’t say I have...”

“Shucks.. Oh well, we might have to start without him if he doesn’t show.” Octavia nodded.

“Looks that way.” Suddenly the yellow mare turned with a smile.

“Unless your friend here can play something!” Vinyl’s eye widened at the thought of this.

“Uh, I really don’t do fancy.” She stated, looking down at her shades which were around her neck.

“But yer still a musical arteest, right? It counts!” She grabbed Vinyl’s hoof and started dragging.

“Uh..!” Vinyl couldn’t find the words to stop the mare.

“Fiddle! Wait! I don’t think that’s a good idea!” Octavia chased the two down.

The Yellow mare came to a halt at the stage, pulling the fancied Vinyl with her.

“Well, there she is! Think you can handle playing in front of two hundred ponies?” Vinyl dusted herself off.

“Only two hundred? Pfft, I can do that in my slee-” Octavia came up and bumped the unicorn.

“Civilized, remember?” She whispered. Vinyl nodded and cleared her throat.

“Well, two hundred doesn’t seem to be that difficult to play for.” Vinyl closed her eyes and nodded.

“Well, I hope you’re up to it, Scratch!” Fiddlesticks patted the unicorn on the back. “What do you play, anyway?”

“Well, it may not look like it, but Vinyl is a modern music pony.”

“I’m a DJ.”
The yellow Octavia look-alike looked at Vinyl.

“How’s this gonna work?” She mumbled to herself, frowning a little and placing a hoof under her chin.

“Well, give me a few minutes on stage with you, I can create a beat in my head while you play. Then mash it in at the right time and make it sound beautiful.”

“Our music is already beautiful.” Octavia playfully scoffed at the white unicorn. Vinyl only stuck out her tongue.

“If only the weather was as beautiful as our music.” Fiddlesticks stated, pointing to the sky.

“Are those.... Pink clouds?” The cellist squinted at the sky, placing a hoof over her forehead to block the sun's rays.

Author's Note:

Hey hey! Sorry for the long wait, hopefully THIS chapter flows a little better.
If you find anything, or can think of anything to help make the story a little better, let me know! I'm happy for ANY criticism that comes my way. Now to wait for the next chapter....
<3 ~J~

Comments ( 18 )

A TaviScratch I did not know existed? PREPOSTEROUS!

This was quite enjoyable. I shall be following it, not unlike a hawk hunting for a field mouse. But seriously this was pretty good.

Pink clouds?! Discord is back, and he's teaming up with Pinkie Pie! Equestria is doomed! Run for the hills, everypony! :raritydespair::raritycry::applecry:

Amazing; this goes for both the story and the chapter. Simply divine. I don't think it fair that you have so few followers, likes and faves so I'm gonna promote your fic among my subscribers, if that's all right with you :twilightsmile:
Keep on rocking! :heart:

Oh you know........Ruby Skies and Violet Clouds......:pinkiehappy:

I exploded as I saw that this was updated. One of my favourite stories at this moment.

So far, i really like this story.
Sometimes i got the feeling that i missed a chapter because of jumps in emotional evolution in some characters happening really fast, but over all i like the writing and the story + the little references to canon events.
I do hope the update schdeule isnt going to be once every 3 months now as i would like a lot more of this story very soon

2475830 I promise to everyone here that another 3 month wait WILL NOT happen. I was just so busy for that period of time. I'm going to try to do at least once a month.

It flows much better, but the lack of any sort of scene transition marker made it a tad confusing at first.

“If I did, why did you just show your flank to me again?”
“Vinyl! I was stretching!” The grey mare went back to her previous statement. Vinyl laughed then walked up and gave Octavia a kiss.
“Good morning to you too.” The grey pony shook her head, laughing a little.

This was also confusing. At first glance, I assumed Vinyl was the one to say "Good morning", not Octavia, since in most cases each paragraph in a string of dialogue between two characters signifies the other character is the one talking and acting. Also, the fact that some dialogue paragraphs, like the second one above, contained the actions of the other character makes them awkward to read.

this story is entering season 2... (1:45-2:27)
JK, but still

Is a phrase.

Love is based on emotions, it's not something that just happens. It needs to develop, to grow. Love cannot exist without giving it proper time to grow.

and makin pink clouds on a summer afternoon!!!

When will this story end?!

reply to this when chapter 18 is out

Vinyl lifted en eyebrow

Vinyl lifted an eyebrow

Holy s@#$ its discord run:raritycry::pinkiegasp::fluttershbad::twilightoops:

Sorry, I was younger when I made that comment 4 years ago🤣🤣🤣 your good man, I was just so used to the name I said.

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