• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 13,303 Views, 2,320 Comments

Gazing to the Ocean of the Sky - David Silver

She can swim far and wide across the waters of Equestria, but it's not enough. There are places above those waters, places she plans to reach. Where biology failed her, her mind would succeed. Equestria better be ready, because she plans to visit!

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26 - They Arrive

The next morning found Cherry and Indigo both uncomfortable and frowning. They had good reason, as Twilight had dressed the both up in formal attire, with a tuxedo draped over the both of them, neither made specifically for them. Indigo plucked at the alien clothing. "You're not wearing anything."

Twilight gave a wide smile. "I just want the two of you to give a good impression on Celestia and Luna. I'm sure they'll love you both, but getting off on the right hoof would be ideal."

Cherry looked to Spike, who seemed far more calm than Twilight was working herself up to being. "Hey, Spike. Are they really hard to get along with?"

"Nah." Spike waved a claw dismissively. "Celestia likes basically everypony, and Luna's a little shy, but she's nice too. You'll like 'em both!"

"Good, than I'll take this--" Cherry was interrupted by a manic Twilight appeared before her in a flash of magic.

"No! Keep them on until you've at least said hello and made formal introductions."

Starlight raised a brow at the antics. "I think you may be blowing this just a little out of proportion."

Spike smirked a little. "That's our Twilight."

Twilight didn't walk, it seemed her tense nature made her more prone to flashing around. Appearing before Starlight, she leaned in at her. "I'm not blowing anything up! If they don't approve of our guests, it could mean any number of things. We could go to war with the sea ponies, or she might take away my crown, or take away my castle, or--"

Starlight put a hoof on either of Twilight's shoulder and looked her in the eyes. "Do any of those things sound like something Princess Celestia or Luna would actually do?"

"... Maybe?" Twilight sank to her haunches with a dazed look. "I just want this to go well."

Spike gave an emphatic thumbs up. "Well I'm sure Cherry and Indie want to give a good impression, right guys?"

They both nodded vigorously, even if Indigo was busy wriggling free of his uncomfortable clothing.

Twilight sank a bit more, the mania slipping from her. "Alright... We'll do it your way." She took a slow breath, drawing in until her chest was full before slowly letting the air free. "I'm ready."

"That's good." Celestia strode in from outside with Luna beside her. "I trust everything is alright?"

Luna cast her gaze down at Cherry and indigo with a curious expression. "Are these the ponies from the sea? A pleasure to meet you." She offered a hoof, which confused Indigo, but Cherry raised a tuxedo'd leg to clop a hoof against the offered one.

"Hello. I'm Cerulean, but you can call me Cherry, and this is Indigo, but Indie's fine." Cherry smiled and Indigo waved a hoof in greeting.

Luna seemed amused. "We are not certain why we thought you would react differently. I am Princess Luna, and this is my sister, Princess Celestia. Are you two related?"

Indie shook his head quickly. "We've been friends for a long time, but we're not siblings. Nice to meet you, um, Miss Luna."

Celestia raised a hoof. "We will all be friends today. Our given names are enough. You're not even one of our subjects, which reminds..." She tapped at her chin softly. "Do you have a leader? Somepony who makes the larger decisions of your underwater home?"

Twilight was smiling, a little forced as she floundered internally at the sudden appearance of the Royal Sisters. She spotted the dropped tuxedo and her horn flashed, banishing the suit of clothes from the floor to somewhere out of sight.

Cherry shook her head a little. "I don't think so? At least, mom never told me about it." She frowned a little. "Mom did like only telling me things she thought I really needed to know. Imagine her surprise when I went running off to explore The Dry."

Indie snorted at that. "You made your mother cry. I wouldn't be too excited about that part, but you're alright and she knows, so it's alright now." He poked Cherry in her clothed chest. "I think it's more a case of you not paying attention."

"Oh? Fine, then tell Celestia who's in charge." Cherry crossed her hooves, rearing up to let her mechanical hooves support her weight for a moment.

Indigo nodded quickly. "I will." He looked up at the massive form of Celestia and her eternally waving mane. He felt no wind and blinked softly. "Are you alright?" He looked over at Luna and saw her mane was much the same, constantly undulating under the effects of a wind that wasn't there. It was sort of like they were underwater, their hair being tugged gently by invisible currents. "Is that supposed to happen?"

Spike shrugged softly. "That's normal, for them."

Celestia smiled gently. "We're perfectly fine. Think of this as a physical sign of our connection to the celestial bodies we watch over. Now, you were about to say?"

"Oh, right!" Indigo blushed faintly. "All sea ponies must obey the Master of the Waves. He, or she, is the one that's proven themselves wise and powerful enough to rule us. Gaining the title is a life-long thing until they retire and a new Master is found."

"Is that why we say that?"

"Say what?"

"By the waves."

"You really didn't know that?" Indigo squinted a little at his friend before giggling. "You should pay more attention."

"I pay plenty of attention! Just to things I care about." Cherry looked up towards the princesses. "Oh! I made a cake for you! Pinkie helped." She turned and began leading the way towards the dining hall. "You'll like it, promise."

"I helped too," proclaimed Indie proudly as he followed along.

"Putting on sprinkles is hardly helping." Cherry stuck out her tongue. "But you did help, yes. I'm sure they'll appreciate it."

Starlight swatted Twilight out of her daze and pointed to the dining room, getting her moving before Starlight gave a little smile and wandered off, trusting in Twilight to take it from there.

Spike was first to the table and hopped up into a chair. "Would you believe neither of them had a cake before Pinkie introduced them?"

Luna frowned with thought. "We would imagine it difficult to bake underwater." Her eyes moved to the offered cake. It had three layers with chocolate frosting and bright rainbow sprinkles applied liberally. "It looks delightful. Twilight, could you get some tea to accompany?"

"Oh, of course!" Twilight took off running and came scampering back with a tea set hovering. She didn't make it to the table as Celestia put a hoof in the way.

"Twilight, my cherished friend, relax. Nopony is here to judge you today. You've done well to be a caretaker to two exotic ponies." Celestia looked to the two sea ponies. "Has Twilight been a good host?"

Cherry pulled at her tuxedo gently. "Besides making me wear this, yes. She's been great." She settled on a chair and sank onto the soft cushion. "Everypony in town's been nice and I've got to see and do so much. There's still plenty I want to do."

Celestia nodded a little. "Then I see nothing wrong." Her magic gently took the set from Twilight's grip. "Now come and sit with us."

Defeated, but far less tense, Twilight hopped up and joined the others around the table. "So, how was the trip?"

Luna nodded at Twilight. "Uneventful, which is just as well." She accepted a cup when Celestia set it before her and took a little sip. "I think our guest should be permitted the first cut."

Cherry perked her ears up, then looked to Indie. "Go ahead."

"Me?" He looked around before grasping the cake knife in his mouth and making a quick slice into the soft and increasingly tasty-smelling cake before a second formed an actual slice to be taken.

Magic wrapped around the cut and set it on a plate before it landed before Celestia, who's horn was glowing gently. "I hope nopony minds if I take the first nibble. I wish to tell our guests how they did." Or maybe she just wanted some cake. Either way, she picked up a fork in her magic and carved off a piece before it was gone down her large snout. "Mmm..."

Soon the others had their own slices and were enjoying the baked confection between sips of tea. The energy of the room became far more relaxed than it had started. Indigo looked up at the larger of the two. "Celestia, right?" She nodded. "Nice to meet you. Do you like the cake?"

"It's perfect." She set down her fork on the empty plate. "Pinkie's very good, and I can taste her attention in it, but your own personalities show through."

Luna hiked a brow. "Are you implying, sister of mine, that you can taste effort in cake creation?"

"Perhaps." Celestia looked to Indigo. "Would your Master of the Waves be troubled if we wished to meet them?"

Indie frowned a little. "Oh gosh. I never met her personally. She's so busy taking care of the whole sea, it's not surprising she wouldn't rush to meet a random sea pony like me."

Celestia could sympathize with that and gave a light nod. "Is there a formal way of sending a message to her?"

Luna nudged her sister gently. "You would scold me for this. Let us pay attention to the guests before us instead of focusing on others we may want to meet."

Celestia colored faintly at being called out. "You are correct. I'm sorry for being rude. Cherry, what was it you wanted to see next?"

Cherry saw an opportunity and clopped her hooves together. "My special talent is working with mechanical things, and I really want the chance to take apart a train."

Celestia raised a brow. "That's a significant request."

Cherry sank a little. "If you can't, I understand, but I'd really like it..."

Celestia considered a moment. "Would the train have to be functional?"

Cherry perked right up. "You have broken ones? I'd love to even have one of those! Maybe I could fix it..."

Luna nodded, seeing where her sister was going. "When trains become too old and unreliable, they are retired. Some get used for scrap metal, but we should imagine there are other trains that have not met that fate. Perhaps you--" She was cut off as she had a seapony hugging her tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Indie smiled a little at the happiness his friend was showing. "I think she likes the idea."

Twilight coughed softly. "We don't have room for that here, in the castle."

Celestia nodded. "Which is precisely why we won't bring it inside, but it should be fine nearby, in easy reach."

"Oh please, yes!" Cherry hopped up and down, her mechanical hooves working with her forelegs to propel her into the air several inches.

Luna reached out and poked one of those shiny hooves. "Did you construct these?"

Author's Note:

Twilight's bubble of panic has been thoroughly popped.

Train incoming? Cherry strongly approves. We'd better make sure the proper forms are free of typos.

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