• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 11,979 Views, 1,178 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous - Monty Eggman

Based on the Equestria Girls movies and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, this series tells the story of Sunset Shimmer in her quest to locate a series of dangerous cards that corrupt those who find them. It's time to Duel!

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RANK 16: The Doctor is (Back) In:

Author's Note:

Since it's been awhile when we last saw the Doctor (eight Ranks to be precise), I thought now was a good time to have him make a return appearance.

Not much more to say, other than the fact that I recently had a chance to try out the new Link Monsters. And in my honest opinion, I had a lot of fun using them, and I don't think the game will be ruined just because they showed up. My point is, don't hate on Link Monsters until you get a chance to try them for yourself. You might be surprised to find out how fun they can be to use.

RANK 16: The Doctor is (Back) In:


In Canterlot High School, every student is wild over the world's most popular trading card game: Duel Monsters! Every day, players of the card game, known as "Duelists", go head-to-head to see who among them is the best around. Among the Duelists in attendance at CHS, one of the best is a young teenager named Sunset Shimmer, a girl from another world...

A while back, Sunset Shimmer, in her pursuit of the Number Cards, encountered another individual that was also collecting them. Simply known as "The Doctor", or the "Number Hunter", the two had crossed paths and were drawn into a Duel to determine who would claim the other's Numbers. However, the Duel ended without a result when an accident put The Doctor's life in danger, forcing Sunset to rescue him. Left unconscious, the mysterious man was unable to continue, and Sunset decided to end the Duel in a Draw. As a result, neither of them lost their Number cards that day.

The Doctor eventually recovered from his concussion, with the help of his assistant Derpy Hooves. After figuring out that Sunset Shimmer was not an enemy, they decided to leave her be for the moment and concentrate on the Number users that are actually causing trouble.

However, The Doctor requested that Derpy should return to her school in order to try and learn more about Sunset Shimmer. He wishes to know more about what she is like now, and also why she is collecting the Number cards. Seeing it as an opportunity to make peace with her former bully, Derpy accepted the task...


It was early Friday morning, and everyone that attended Canterlot High School was rushing to get there on time. Among them was a young girl named Derpy Hooves, who literally WAS rushing to get there. "Oooooh! You picked a GREAT time to almost oversleep, Derpy!" she scolded herself. "I can't afford to be late today, or I'll fail the Algebra test for sure!!"

Luckily for her, Derpy managed to reach the school just as the first bell rang, which, to the students, meant that they should start getting ready for their first period soon. Derpy raced into the building, dodging several students as she made her way to her locker. "Okay..." she said to herself as she ran, "just a few more feet, and I'll make to my- WAAAAUUGH!!!"

All of a sudden, the grey-skinned girl collided with someone during that brief period of time that she was talking to herself. She fell to the ground, landing on her rear end. "Owie..." Derpy groaned, rubbing a sore spot on her head. When she looked up, she gasped to see that the person she collided with was none other than...

"Sunset Shimmer!!" Derpy cried out, trembling a little as she hopped to her feet. "Omigosh, omigosh! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!! I-I-I didn't mean to bump into you like that! I-I wasn't paying attention and-"

"It's...it's okay." the red and yellow girl replied calmly. "I wasn't paying much attention either. Don't worry about it." As she rubbed the sore spot on her head, Sunset looked up and was surprised to see who was there. "Oh! It's you, Derpy!"

The grey teen didn't respond at first. This was the first time the two had met since last year, and despite the fact that Sunset had rescued her friend The Doctor a while back, Derpy was still a bit nervous standing in front of someone that had bullied her in the past.

Sensing that Derpy was feeling a little uneasy, Sunset glanced over to the side, noticing an Algebra textbook that had fallen to the floor after they literally ran into each other. Picking it up and presenting it to Derpy, she told her, "I...think this might be yours, Derpy. You don't want to lose this thing; after all, we have that big test today, right?"

"Um...yeah... That's right." Derpy responded, slowly taking the book from her. "Th-thanks."

Standing back up, Sunset then asked her, "So, um...how are you, Derpy?"

"I'm...fine. Just fine." the grey girl answered.

"And your friend, that Doctor guy... How's he feeling? I know he took quite a bad hit to the head..."

"Oh! Actually, he's fully recovered now!" Derpy told her, feeling a little less nervous. "In fact, he's just gotten back to looking for Numbers again."

"Oh, that's good to hear." Sunset replied. "Well...I'm glad to hear that." Turning around to leave, she told Derpy, "Well, we've got to get to 1st Class soon, so I'll see you later."

"Wait! Sunset!" Derpy called over to her, shaking off her uneasiness for a moment. "There's something I... There's something I want to ask you before you go..."

Stopping, the red and yellow girl glanced back over to Derpy and asked, "What is it?"

At first, the grey teenager froze up. This was the first time she actually had a pleasant conversation with her former bully, and she had no idea what to say. But then she remembered her promises - both to The Doctor and herself, and worked up the courage to speak. "I...I want to...talk about some things with you...after school's over."

"What kinds of things?" asked Sunset.

"I...I really can't say, Sunset." Derpy replied. "But, I think it's...really important that we talk to each other sometime... Is that okay with you?"

Thinking for a while, Sunset began to realize what Derpy may have wanted to speak to her about. Seeing that there was no harm in accepting her request, she then told her, "That's okay with me, Derpy. How about we meet over at Sugarcube Corner... Let's saaaaayyyy...about 4 or so?"

"Sure, I can do that." the grey girl replied. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." As Sunset turned to leave she then told Derpy, "And try not to be so nervous about talking to me next time. I'm not the same Sunset Shimmer that gave you a hard time. Believe me when I say that you can ask me about anything."

"Oh, um...I'll...I'll remember that!" Derpy responded, managing to form a smile. "So...I'll see you later, then!" And with that, the grey-skinned girl walked past Sunset in order to get to her locker and prepare for her class on time.

Sunset just simply stared in the direction that Derpy ran in, thinking about something to herself. Before she could mull over it any further, she was greeted by Twilight Sparkle's voice. "Hey, Sunset!" she said to her.

"Oh! Hey, Twilight." the red and yellow girl responded.

Noticing the red mark on her head, the young Princess then asked, "Is...that a bump on your head? Are you alright?"

"Oh, this?" Sunset replied, pointing to the sore spot. "I just fell over; nothing to worry about. It should fade away in a couple of minutes."

"Oh, okay then." Twilight replied, satisfied with that answer. "Anyway, let's get going before we miss class."

"Yeah, let's go." agreed the red and yellow girl, following her inter-dimensional friend to their first class for the day.

Meanwhile, far away from Canterlot High School...

"Ohohoho!!!" cackled an older man's voice. "So this is the power of the all-powerful 'Number Hunter'?" The man had a mask covering his eyes (with the left eye hole fitted with a Duel Gazer) and wore a blue, sparkling cloak that concealed most of his body. The part of his face that was exposed, along with his hands, showed that he had light-purple skin, and he had swirly, silver hair. On the back of his right hand, a green, glowing mark that resembled the number 83 could be seen. "I, Gladmane, will be the one that ends your Number-collecting goal forever! You may have gotten this far, but with my Number card on the field, there's no way you can touch me!!" the man continued to taunt.

Gladmane was in the middle of a Duel with someone: The Doctor. As Derpy had told Sunset, he was back on his feet and back to work, searching for more Number cards. The main computer in the Tardis - which served as his home away from home, his laboratory, and his preferred method of travel, tracked down the man that he was dueling right now. The Doctor's field was empty (Dr. Hooves: LP 2,500), while his cloaked opponent had one monster on the field (Gladmane: LP 2,000). It was a pale-skinned human woman with long, burgundy-red hair and purple-colored lips, wearing a long, blue-violet robe, a shimmering crown, and carrying an elegant-looking scepter with a large jewel on the top of it. On her chest, just below her neck, was the same green 83 mark, indicating that she was a Number card.


Number 83: Galaxy Queen:
(Xyz-Effect Monster/Spellcaster/DARK/Rank 1/ATK 500/DEF 500)

3 Level 1 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; until the opponent's next End Phase, the monsters you currently control cannot be destroyed by battle, and if they attack a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.


Even though he seemed outmatched, the good doctor wasn't scared one bit. "The status of this Duel doesn't concern me." he told his opponent. "What I'm more concerned with is why you, the wealthy owner of many a resort in Las Pegasus, would come out all the way here to Canterlot. There isn't anything for you here."

"Oh but there is, Doctor." Gladmane rebutted. "I've been here many times before, scouting out local talent that would be perfect for the shows at my many resorts. And by 'perfect', I mean perfect to exploit and rake in even MORE cash! After all, those I employ often have a very hard time leaving..."

"Yes, I am well aware of your dishonest business practices." The Doctor told him. "You use an elaborate web of lies to make them all think that they need to keep working for your resorts, so that they can continue to make money for you. You even go as far as to turn paired performers against each other in order to force them into staying. But I am afraid that your plan cannot sustain itself forever."

"Is that so?" asked the cloaked man. "Well, just try to stop me! It'll be your word against mine, so no one will believe you!"

"We'll worry about that matter another time. We have a Duel to finish first." the mysterious doctor told him. He then drew his next card, looked at it, and calmly told his foe, "I'm afraid this is where the Duel ends, Mr. Gladmane."

"You're bluffing!" the man told him.

"I never bluff." The Doctor told him. Taking a different card out of his hand, he then announced. "First, since I do not posses a monster on my side of the field, I can Special Summon my Photon Thrasher." The monster then appeared in front of him, sporting a luminous blue body, blue and orange-colored armor, and a long sword (Photon Thrasher: Level 4 / ATK 2100 / DEF 0). "And then, I will play Polymerization! With it, I designate the two Photon Crushers in my hand as Fusion Materials!"

"A Fusion Summon?!" exclaimed Glademane.

"Indeed." The Doctor then began his Summoning Chant, saying, "Hammer-wielding beings of light! Combine your energy and shine forth upon our enemy! Fusion Summon! Appear now, dual creature of light! Level 6! Twin Photon Lizard!!"

The Doctor's two monsters were immediately sucked into a vortex made up of blue and red clouds. Afterwards, a bright light shot out from the vortex's center, creating a brief, but powerful flash. After it died down, a two-headed creature now sat beside the mysterious man's Photon Thrasher. The twin creature was colored red and yellow in some areas, black all over, and sported a pair of wings and a pair of snarling heads (Twin Photon Lizard: Level 6 / ATK 2400 / DEF 1000).

"Rrrgh, that doesn't make any difference!" shouted Gladmane. "My Number's ability protects her AND me from any damage! So what was the point of that move?!"

"Believe me, if you knew what the point of my last move was, you would not be so anxious to see it." The Doctor calmly told him. "I now activate Twin Photon Lizard's effect. By releasing it, I can then Special Summon the monsters that were involved in its Fusion Summoning."

"You mean-?!"

"That's right. I'll lose one monster, but gain two! So I release my lizard and revive my two Photon Crushers!!" the Number Hunter declared. And with that, the Fusion Monster vanished from sight as a violet-colored portal opened up. Afterwards, two similar-looking monsters then jumped out of it, each sporting green armor and carrying a giant hammer-like weapon (Photon Crusher [x2]: Level 4 / ATK 2000 / DEF 0). Taking out one last card from his hand - the same one he had just drawn this turn, he then shouted, "And now I release Photon Thrasher and one of the Crushers to Summon my most powerful creature!!"

Gladmane gasped as he watched the two monsters leave The Doctor's field. After a brief flash of light, a boomerang-shaped object manifested itself before the mysterious man. Grabbing it, The Doctor chanted, "The galaxy that lurks in the darkness. Become the light of hope and my very servant! Descend now, embodiment of light!" He then hurled the object into the air, spinning it as he did. "Appear now, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!"

The object drew in enormous amounts of light energy all around itself and then began to form into The Doctor's ace monster, the mighty Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. It let out a powerful roar, showing that it was here to fight (Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon: Level 8 / ATK 3000 / DEF 2500).

"What is that thing?!?" Gladmane cried out, becoming fearful of the mighty dragon in front of him.

"The monster that shall end this Duel." The Doctor simply answered. "And the one that will force you to relinquish your Number card! Even your Galaxy Queen won't be able to survive this blow!" Pointing forward, he then shouted, "Galaxy-Eyes!! Attack with Photon Stream of Destruction!!" The dragon roared and fired a massive beam of light from its mouth.

"B-but it won't do...any good!!" Gladmane protested. "My monster's effect keeps her alive!!"

"Not from this, it won't. I now activate the effect of Galaxy-Eyes!" the Doctor announced. "When it battles another monster, it banishes both itself AND its attack target from play until the Battle Phase ends!!"

"WHAT?!?!" screamed the other man. But all he could do was watch as both battling monsters vanished from sight. "This can't be!!"

"Do not bother trying to deny the obvious, Gladmane. Your Number can't save you; not from the Banished Zone, that is." The Doctor told him. "But that's not the worst of it. Now that you have nothing left on your field, my remaining Photon Crusher can now attack you!"

"Oh NO!!"

"Go!! Photon Crusher! Wipe out his remaining Life Points!!" The Doctor ordered his monster. Crusher gave a confirming nod and ran forward, ready to swing its weapon. Once it got withing striking distance, the light monster wasted no time in hitting Gladmane hard.

"AAAAAAAACK!!!!" the man screamed as his last few Life Points were depleted (Gladmane: LP 2,000 - 2,000 = 0) (WINNER: Dr. Hooves). He then fell down onto his back in defeat.

Once the Duel was over, The Doctor watched as a ball of light flew out of Gladmane's chest. Knowing what to do next, the mysterious man then pressed a button on his special Duel Pad, activating an electrode that drew the light ball into it. A second later, Gladmane's Number card jutted out from the Graveyard slot of the Duel Pad.

"Mission accomplished." The Doctor said to himself. "Number 83 is now secured." Pocketing the card in his Extra Deck, he then turned to his fallen opponent and told him, "Consider this your punishment for all of the people you've cheated to make yourself a profit. And despite what you had said earlier, it won't be your word against mine...considering that the recording equipment I have stashed away in the Tardis picked up every last word from our conversation. Once it is uploaded onto all of the social networking sites, everyone will know just how dishonest you truly are. I doubt you'll have any power back in Las Pegasus after that." And with that, The Doctor walked back into mobile laboratory and departed from the scene.

Several minutes later, after he had posted Gladmane's words onto the Internet, The Doctor then looked over his collection of Number cards. "Now let's see...with the recent addition of Galaxy Queen, I now possess five Numbers." he said to himself. "The other ones that I've obtained after beginning my search include Thunder Spark Dragon, which I collected from Lightning Dust...and there's also the one I picked up after defeating an individual over at the reservoir..."


Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
(Xyz-Effect Monster/Rock/WATER/Rank 3/ATK 3000/DEF 3000)

2 Level 3 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. During your Standby Phase: Detach 1 material from this card or take 2000 damage. You cannot Special Summon monsters. While this card has no material, it cannot attack.


"Ghastly individual, that one..." The Doctor mulled to himself, thinking about the Duel that he had that day. "While under the card's power, he nearly poisoned Canterlot City's freshwater supply. Had I not arrived as soon as I did, it would have had drastic consequences." Pulling up the information on another Number card, he then said to himself, "And then there's this card... While under its power, the Duelist actually believed that he was some sort of heroic knight. But all he did was scare everyone when he began chasing random people with that sword of his...."


Number 10: Illumiknight
(Xyz-Effect Monster/Warrior/LIGHT/Rank 4/ATK 2400/DEF 2400)

3 Level 4 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; send 1 card from your hand to the GY, and if you do, draw 1 card.


"After the Duel was over, he had no memory of what had happened." The Doctor continued. "But he recounted everything that he had done, thinking that it was all merely a dream..." Sighing, he added, "Seems as though he had quite an overactive imagination, and the Number used that to create havoc. Luckily, no one was hurt, and once he was out of that knight costume, nobody recognized him as the attacker." He then pulled up one more Number card in his database, looked at it for a while and thought, (And this is the one that I obtained when I took on the job of collecting the Numbers...I haven't used it yet, though. There's something about it that...well, never mind. I'm sure I can complete this job without it.)

Closing out his Number card database, he then told himself, "Anyway, I should inform Ms. Derpy of my newest acquisition." Looking at his young assistant's school schedule, The Doctor thought, (Let's see, her lunch period is at 12:30 p.m., so if I call her around that time, I won't risk interrupting her while she is at class...) After figuring all of that out, he continued looking over the information on his computer, looking at an article that read, "Tech Robber Strikes Again".

A few hours later...

"You found another Number card, Doctor?!" asked an excited Derpy after answering her cell phone. "That's great news! How many does that make now?"

"Only five so far." The Doctor told her on the other end of the line. "Unfortunately, I am a tad behind on my Number collecting due to the injury that I had suffered some time ago."

"Don't worry so much about that, Doctor. It was an accident, and there was nothing we could've done to prevent it." Derpy reassured him. "Just be thankful that Sunset saved you when she did."

"I suppose you are correct." The Doctor replied. "The best thing to do now is to keep going forward and do our very best." He then asked his assistant, "Speaking of Ms. Sunset, what is your progress involving her?"

"Well, I arranged to meet with her one-on-one later today, over at Sugarcube Corner." the grey girl answered him. "I hope that I can try and find out more about how much she's changed since last year." Sighing a little, she added, "To be honest though, what I really want is to see if...well...if she and I can..." Derpy tried her best to tell him what she wanted to say, but just couldn't form the words.

Chuckling warmly a little, The Doctor told her, "You do not need to tell me, Derpy. I know what you truly want from Sunset. You wish to try and become friends with her, is that it?"

"Yeah, I know...it sounds weird, right?" asked Derpy. "I mean, she used to be so mean to me in the past... But after I saw her save your life that night, I started thinking that, well...maybe it could happen..."

"Well, in that case, I wish you luck." the mysterious man told her. He then pulled up the article that he was reading and asked Derpy, "By the way, do you happen to know anything regarding someone by the name of, 'The Tech Robber'?"

"Hm? The Tech Robber?" asked the teenager. "You mean that guy that's been robbing all of the computer stores in Stratusburg? Yeah, I heard about him. Vapor Trail told me all about it when I talked to her online yesterday; she heard it from her friend Sky Stinger."

"Yes, the article did say that the robberies were being committed in Stratusburg, but nothing about who the perpetrator is or when these crimes started." stated The Doctor. "Do you happen to know anything else?"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Derpy began, "Vapor did tell me something else... She told me that those robberies started happening some time last September."

"Last September...?" pondered the man. "Now why does that sound so famil-" He then gasped and said, "Of course!! It was on September that the Number cards first appeared in this world!"

"Then...are you saying that this Tech Robber guy has a Number card?" asked Derpy, realizing where The Doctor was going with this. "That's why he's stealing stuff?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not..." he answered. "But the coincidence is indeed hard to ignore. In any case, I'm heading off to Stratusburg to check things out. I'll contact you as soon as I'm finished."

"Okay, good luck Doctor!" Derpy said cheerfully.

"And best of luck to you as well, Ms. Derpy." The Doctor responded. "Goodbye for now." He then hung up and began typing some things into the Tardis' computer. "Now...let us see if there are indeed any Number cards involved with this 'Tech Robber'..."

Later on, after school was out for the day, Sunset and her friends were busy in the Music Room, practicing their music again. Rainbow Dash and Applejack played a few reps on their guitars while Rarity fine-tuned her skills on her keytar. Not all of them were practicing playing their instruments, however; some were doing their own thing. Pinkie Pie, for instance, was looking at a pair of turtles that she had asked Fluttershy to bring with her, seemingly puzzled about something involving them.

"I don't get it... Why isn't the green one staying on top of the brown one's shell?" the pink teen asked herself. "That book said that turtles LOVE standing on top of each other!"

"Um...what kind of turtle book were you reading, Pinkie?" asked Fluttershy, a bit worried for her little reptile friends.

"This one." Pinkie Pie then handed her pale yellow friend a bluish-green book.

Fluttershy looked at the cover, sighed, then told her silly friend, "Um...Pinkie? I...hate having to tell you something like this, but...I don't think this book is...quite accurate regarding turtle behavior..."

"Really?" asked Pinkie Pie, a bit surprised. "But why not? It WAS written by a doctor."

"Yes...Dr. Seuss." the animal lover informed her.

Pinkie then took the book back and paged through it a little...and then realized her mistake. "OHHHHHH... I guess that explains why all the facts were written in rhyme." she stated, giggling a little to herself at her silly mistake.

The mentioning of the word, "Doctor" made Sunset Shimmer recall her conversation with Derpy Hooves earlier in the morning. After remembering her promise to meet with the grey-skinned girl, she then looked over at Twilight (nose-deep in a book, as she usually was) and said to her, "Oh, that reminds me: Twilight, I have to meet someone in about an hour from now, so I won't be at the apartment right away."

"Who are you meeting with?" asked the young Princess.

"Derpy Hooves." answered the red and yellow girl. "She wanted to talk to me about some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" asked Spike, popping out of Twilight's backpack.

"It's...kind of personal; I'd rather keep between me and her, if you don't mind."

"I understand, Sunset." Twilight replied, understanding her friend perfectly. "In that case, we won't pry anymore into the matter, right Spike?"

"Uh, yeah. I won't either." the puppy responded. "Sorry, I was just sorta curious, that's all."

Sunset chuckled warmly a little, knowing that Spike didn't mean to be insensitive. Turning back to Twilight she then told her, "Anyway, I don't think I'll be gone too long, so maybe you and the others could do something until then."

"That sounds good t' me." Applejack chimed in. "Maybe we can help Twi out with her Deck some more."

"Yeah, I've got a buncha cards back home that're just collectin' dust." Rainbow Dash added. "But maybe Twilight could use 'em better than I could."

"I believe that is a most marvelous idea as well." agreed Rarity. "I'd be more than happy to donate a few of my cards for a good cause." Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded to say that they'd help as well.

"Thanks a lot, girls. I'm glad to know that you're kind enough to do all of that for me." Twilight told them all. "And I promise that I won't let your kindness go to waste! I'll do my best to become stronger so that I can help collect all of the Number cards!"

"Yeah!! That's the spirit, Twilight!!" Pinkie cheered loudly.

"We'll do whatever we can...even if it's only a little..." Fluttershy added.

Sunset smiled, happy to know that Twilight was in good hands right now. Packing up her stuff, she then told her friends, "I just have a few things to check up on before I go, so I'll see all of you later." The others nodded and said their goodbyes to Sunset as she left the room.

Elsewhere, in the city of Stratusburg, there was trouble afoot: A big-name computer and gadget store had suddenly become the scene of a major crisis. It seemed that the infamous Tech Robber was at it again. Dressed mostly in navy blue and black, the man also had a ski mask on to cover his identity, and he was waving a pistol in his hand. Clearly, he wasn't in the mood for any funny business.

"Alright, listen up!!" he shouted to everyone inside the store, eyes glowing bright pink as he did so. "Everyone stays on the ground, and nobody gets hurt! I'm takin' what I want from this dump, and if anybody's stupid enough t' play hero, they'll live to regret it! And that's if you're lucky!!"

"U-u-u-uhhh yes! Wh-whatever you say!" said a trembling male employee. "We'll do what you say! Just don't shoot!"

"Yeah, that's right; stay cooperative, and I won't have t' use this." the Tech Robber told him, waving his weapon to emphasize his point. "Now, if you don't mind - or even if you do - I'm going to do a little, 'shopping'..."

The crook then took his time looking around the store, trying to find the most expensive equipment to steal. Once he found it, he snickered and said to himself, "Perfect! This unit looks powerful enough. Not only will I be stealing a high-end model, but I'll use it to create even more havoc once I upload the new virus that I've been working on. Once it spreads, if all goes as planned, I'll control everything in cyberspace! And I'll be the only one who will stop it...for an outrageous fee, of course! Hahahahahaaa!!!"

But just when everything seemed like it could go down in the worst possible way, a DING sound came from the automatic doors, indicating that someone had just stepped inside. An employee looked up and said to person who walked inside, "No! Don't come in here!! It's dan-!" But at that moment, the employee's words were cut short when he, along with everyone and everything around him, were frozen in place.

The only one that still seemed to be able to move was the Tech Robber. Upon hearing the warning cries of the store employee, he knew that someone had just walked in. "Grrr...what's goin' on?!" he asked angrily. "I thought I told everyone to follow my demands!! Does this gun LOOK like a toy to you?!"

"No, but now it might as well be." said a calm voice. The robber looked up and saw the man standing before him: The Doctor.

"So, someone's come to save this place from the big, bad, Tech Robber, huh?!" asked the crook, snickering to himself. "Well, we'll see about that!!" He then immediately pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. "Huh?! What the-?!" The robber tried again and again, but still nothing happened. "What's wrong with this thing?! It was working just fine a second ago!!"

"I'm afraid your weapon is quite useless right now." The Doctor told him. "I've activated a special field that slows down time. Anything and anyone around us is now moving at a mere 10,000th of its normal speed...except for the two of us."

"You're crazy! That's impossible!!" the robber protested.

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. I have more pressing concerns involving you, Mr. Tech Robber." the mysterious man said. "I'm planning to end your crime spree once and for all... And I also plan to take your Number card as well."

"Number card...?" asked the crook, calming down for a moment.

"Only those who possess a Number is unaffected by the Tardis' device." The Doctor told him. "Since you seem to be able to move despite my field's effect, it confirms my suspicion."

"Heh heh...I see; you're not just some random guy, huh?" asked the Tech Robber. "You're that Number Hunter that I've been hearin' about." The man then pulled off his mask, revealing his dark-green face, pink eyes, and striped hair alternating between grey and white. "Well, if you think you're gonna stop me, then you're more nuts than I thought you were! I pounded the last guy that tried to fight my Number card! And now I've got TWO of 'em to pound you with!!"

"Hmmm...interesting. So you've collected Numbers yourself, have you?" The Doctor asked him. "Well I am sorry to say that your Number gathering will end today. Because I, the Number Hunter, will take them from you!"

"Peh! I'd like to see you try!!" the Tech Robber spat, preparing his Duel Pad and Duel Gazer.

After activating his own Duel Pad, a red mark appeared over the Doctor's left eye, just like when he had dueled Sunset. "If we're going to be dueling," he then asked, "you should have the decency to give me your real name."

"Whatever you want; it's not like you'll be around anymore after this anyway." the crook replied, complying with the request. "The name's Data Hacker."

"Data Hacker...? Not exactly the most subtle name for a computer thief." The Doctor responded, unimpressed. "But I suppose it doesn't matter much." Placing his Deck into the Duel Pad, the mysterious man then said to his opponent, "I hope for your sake, you duel as well as you rob, because just as you do not show mercy to the people you terrorize, I won't show any towards you!! Now let's duel!!!" (Dr. Hooves: LP 4,000)

"Bring it!!" shouted the robber, ready to fight (Data Hacker: LP 4,000).


Back in Canterlot City, Sunset walked down the street, heading towards Sugarcube Corner. That was where she and Derpy had agreed to meet each other to talk. Once she stepped inside, Sunset looked around, trying to find the grey-skinned girl. (Hmmm...now where is she...?) she asked herself. (Am I too early?)

"Um...Sunset Shimmer?" asked a woman's voice.

The red and yellow girl, hearing her name, turned around to see who it was that was trying to get her attention. It was Mrs. Cup Cake, one of the two owners of the sweet shop. She had sky-blue skin, swirly pink, striped hair, eyes of a similar color to her hair, and wore a pretty yellow dress with a white apron over top of it. "Oh! Hi, Mrs. Cake." Sunset said to her. "Good to see you again."

"Good to see you as well." Mrs. Cake replied with a smile. "Anyway, we've been expecting your arrival. Your friend already got herself a table. I'll take you over to see her."

(She must be talking about Derpy.) Sunset deduced. Smiling back, she then said, "Okay, then. Thank you very much." Mrs. Cake nodded and led her over to where Derpy was waiting.

Mrs. Cake led Sunset over to a small booth in the back of the store. There, sitting in the booth was Derpy, who noticed that Sunset was coming towards her. Taking a deep breath to clam herself, the grey teen said, "Okay, Derpy...you can do this... She's not like she was a year ago... You can have a normal conversation with her, no problem..."

"Here you go." Mrs. Cake told Sunset after showing her to the booth. "My husband will be by a little later to take your order. He should arrive very soon."

"Thanks, Mrs. Cake." the red and yellow girl replied as the woman left. Turning over towards Derpy, she told her, "Well...I suppose until Mr. Cake gets here we can...well...talk about some things."

"Uh huh." Derpy responded, still feeling a little uneasy about meeting with her former bully.

Noticing that she was feeling nervous, Sunset sighed and told her, "Listen, first things first...I wanna apologize about the whole thing with the newspaper last year. There's no excuse for the way I yelled at you over something so stupid like that..."

"I..it's okay, Sunset." Derpy said. "I'm not mad about that anymore."

Sighing again, the inter-dimensional girl replied, "But it WASN'T okay, Derpy... I hurt you; I hurt a lot of people back then! And that night, when I dueled The Doctor...it made me really think about what kind of monster I was back then... And I began to think about how everyone must have felt after I mistreated them so badly... After giving it a lot of thought, now I don't blame them for treating me like an outcast; that's exactly the way I treated them, after all..."

"Sunset..." was all that Derpy could say, feeling sorry for her.

Using her napkin to wipe a small tear from her eye, Sunset then asked, "Derpy...I really meant what I said that night... I feel horrible about how I treated you, and I want to try and make things right... Even if there's no way that we can be friends, at the very least, I want us both to be able to move on with our lives... So, I guess what I'm asking is...can you ever possibly forgive me for what I did to you...?"

This was the first time since last year that Derpy had any interaction with Sunset Shimmer. She was amazed at seeing this side of her former bully; she could tell that Sunset really did feel bad about what she had done, and that she wanted to work things out. The grey teen smiled and told her, "Of course I can forgive you, Sunset."

"You can...?"

Derpy giggled a little bit and told her, "To be honest, I forgave you the moment you risked your life to save The Doctor's. I didn't believe it at first, but I can tell that you really have changed since last we met. And I'm willing to work things out peacefully, just like you asked me to that night."

Smiling and sniffling a little, Sunset asked her, "So...do you think we can...well, start off fresh?"

Derpy nodded and answered her, saying, "That's all I really wanted."

Sunset was truly happy to know that the person she had bullied in the past was willing to bury the hatchet at last. "In that case, let's start things off on the right hoof- er, foot. Let's have a quick snack here, just the two of us. My treat."

Derpy giggled a bit and said to her, "Sounds good to me. Thank you."

As if on cue, a pale yellow-skinned man had arrived at their table. He had green eyes, short orange hair, and freckles on the bridge of his nose. His outfit consisted of a simple light-blue shirt, tan pants, a white apron, a small red and white hat on his head, a candy cane-striped bowtie, and red and white sneakers. He was Mr. Carrot Cake, husband of Cup Cuke and co-owner of Sugarcube Corner. "What can I get you girls?" he asked them, ready with a pad and pen.

"Hi, Mr. Cake." Sunset told him. "I'll have a chocolate milkshake, and a slice of chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. Low-fat for both; I'm trying to watch my weight."

"Mhmm. Okay..." Mr. Cake said to himself as he wrote down her order. "And you, Ms. Derpy?"

"Just the usual, I guess." the grey teen replied.

"Gotcha." the man said, writing down the rest of the order. "Six-pack of muffins - two blueberry, two bran, and two strawberry - along with a glass of pink lemonade. Coming right up." He then left the table to fill the order.

After he left, Sunset then asked Derpy, "So, tell me: What have you been up to since last year...besides what I already know, of course." The two of them chatted with each other while waiting for their food to arrive.


Back in Stratusburg, the Duel between the The Doctor and Data Hacker (a.k.a. the Tech Robber) had just begun. The Doctor was chosen to begin the Duel, and the two had already drawn their opening hands. "Now, it is time us to begin." the mysterious man said to his criminal opponent. "I shall start by Summoning my Photon Sabre Tiger in Attack Mode." The first monster of the Duel was a glowing white tiger that appeared to be made out of pure energy (Photon Sabre Tiger: Level 3 / ATK 2000 / DEF 300). "Of course, since he is alone on my field, he loses 800 attack points..." The Doctor stated (Photon Sabre Tiger: ATK 2000 - 800 = 1200).

"Then why'd you bother Summoning him?" asked Hacker.

"Because by doing so, I can now add one more copy of Photon Sabre Tiger from my Deck to my hand." The Doctor told him. His Duel Pad then automatically shuffled his Deck and left the chosen card sticking out for him to grab. He then pulled out a different card and declared, "Next I play Polymerization! I use it to fuse together the Photon Sabre Tiger on my field with the one in my hand!"

"What?! A Fusion Summon right on the first turn?!" asked the robber.

After playing the Spell Card, a blue-and-red vortex appeared in the sky, drawing in both of the Photon Sabre Tigers. "Mighty beasts of light! Combine your energy and shine forth upon our enemy!" chanted the Doctor. "Fusion Summon! Appear now, dual creature of light! Level 6! Twin Photon Lizard!!"

Just like he had done in his Duel with Gladmane, the mysterious man brought out his powerful Fusion Monster. The gigantic, two-headed lizard flew out of the vortex and gave out a mighty roar (Twin Photon Lizard: Level 6 / ATK 2400 / DEF 1000).

"Next," The Doctor continued, "I shall activate the effect of my Twin Photon Lizard! By releasing it, I can Summon the two creatures that created it!" And with that declaration, the Fusion Monster disappeared, leaving the two tigers on the field together. "And since there are now a pair of Tigers out, their attack points do not decrease!"

"Peh...that's not gonna help you one bit!" Hacker taunted. "I'll wipe 'em out anyway!"

The Doctor made no response to his opponent's comment. He simply took one more card out of his hand and stated, "I place one card face-down and that will conclude my turn."

"It's my turn, then! I draw!" Data Hacker said as he pulled his card from the Deck. After looking at it, he then told his foe, "I'll Summon this monster in Attack Mode! Go, Digital Bug LEDybug!"

After playing his card, a small, glowing ladybug materialized itself onto the battle field. It was blue and yellow, and looked very mechanical in appearance. On its back was a digital display of the number "3" (Digital Bug LEDybug: Level 3 / ATK 500 / DEF 0).

"An Insect Monster, I see..." said The Doctor. "I hope for your sake, there is more to your move than just that. It alone cannot compete with my Photon Sabre Tigers."

"Heh, that's the thing about bugs, real or computerized:" began Data Hacker. "Where there's one, there's always bound to be a ton more!" Taking out another card from his hand, the crook then shouted, "I activate Final Gesture!! By targeting one of my Level 3 monsters on the field, I can then Summon another copy of it straight from my hand! So I'll play another LEDybug!!" And just like that, a second mecha-ladybug digitized itself onto the field. "And now I overlay my two Level 3 Digital Bug LEDybugs and form an Overlay Network!!"

The Doctor watched as the two bugs turned into a pair of yellow lights and flew into a red portal that appeared in the center of the field. (Hmmm...it seems he is not going to Summon either his Number cards just yet...) he thought to himself. (He must be planning to soften me up with regular Xyz Monsters first...)

The criminal then began his Summoning Chant, saying, "Destructive bug in the mainframe! Materialize before me and eat away at my enemy's life!! Xyz Summon!! Computerized terror, Rank 3!! Digital Bug Scaradiator!!" After completing the chant, the portal shot out a red light. Out of it came a very small, bright blue scarab beetle, rolling what appeared to be a computer cooling fan (Digital Bug Scaradiator: Rank 3 / ATK 1800 / DEF 1400).

"Not bad...an Xyz Summoning on your first move." complimented The Doctor. "But it is still weaker than my monsters."

"Not after I play this!" Hacker shouted, holding up a card in his hand. "I activate the Field Spell, Bug Matrix!!" After playing the card, the entire field around them was engulfed by a cloud of green zeroes and ones, which swirled around the two of them for a time. When they finally vanished, the two Duelists were standing on a large circuit board floating in a large, dark-blue space.


Bug Matrix:
(Field Spell Card)

All Insect monsters you control gain 300 ATK/DEF. You can target 1 Insect Xyz Monster you control; attach 1 Insect monster from your hand to that monster as material. You can only use this effect of "Bug Matrix" once per turn.


"HahahaHA!! What's wrong 'Number Hunter'?!" asked the demented crook. "Are my teeny-tiny little bugs too much for you now??" (Digital Bug Scaradiator: ATK 1800 + 300 = 2100 / DEF 1400 + 300 = 1700) The Doctor said nothing response, remaining cool and collected, as usual. "...Not gonna say anything, huh? Fine! Have it your way!! Scaradiator!! Attack one of the Tigers!!"

The small bug then turned itself into a cloud of red zeroes and ones, which then phased itself into one of the Photon Sabre Tigers. The beast growled in pain before it, too, transformed into a similar-looking cloud and vanishing from the battlefield (which also caused the remaining tiger to weaken, due to its effect) (Photon Sabre Tiger: ATK 2000 - 800 = 1200). A few of the red numbers flew towards The Doctor, inflicting damage to him as well (Dr. Hooves: LP 4,000 - 100 = 3900). "Urrrgh...!" he grunted after losing some of his Life Points. He then asked his opponent, "Is that all you have, Data Hacker? Because I expected a little more from someone who holds a Number."

"Oh you want more, huh? Fine then!" Hacker then told him, "First off, since my Scaradiator has Digital Bug LEDybug as an Overlay Unit, I can draw one more card." After he did so, he then added, "Not only that, but Scaradiator's effect allows me to take the monster it destroyed and use it as one of its Overlay Units!" (Digital Bug Scaradiator: OLU 2 + 1 = 3).

(Hmmm...so that monster steals the monsters that it destroys and makes them into its own Overlay Units?) The Doctor asked in his mind. (I thought as much...That thing truly indeed represents a typical computer virus.)

"Last of all, I'll place two cards face-down on the field and end my turn!" Data Hacker declared, doing just that. Chuckling he then told his enemy, "Perhaps if you had been smart and kept that Fusion Monster out, this might not've happened..."

Drawing his next card, The Doctor then replied, "I must admit, you may be right about that..." He then smirked and added, "So why don't I just go ahead and do that?"


"I activate my face-down card! Call of the Haunted!!" the mysterious man shouted, flipping his card face-up. "I shall use it to revive my Twin Photon Lizard!!" After that, a dark-purple portal appeared in the center of the field. Moments later, the Fusion Monster that The Doctor had played at the beginning of the Duel made its return appearance.

(Grrr...I see...) Data Hacker thought. (That's why he released it so quickly last turn...Because he had a way to bring it back later...)

"My moves during the first turn may have seemed reckless, but in reality, I left nothing to chance." The Doctor told him. "I prepared Call of the Haunted so that I could revive Twin Photon Lizard when I needed it most. And I suppose this situation warranted its return."

"Just make your move already!" spat the crook.

"Very well." Pointing forward,The Doctor ordered, "Twin Photon Lizard!! Attack Digital Bug Scaradiator!!" The powerful beast then prepared its attack, but just then...

"I play MY Trap Card, Curse of Anubis!!" yelled Data Hacker. "Thanks to this, all our monsters go to Defense Mode and their defense points drop to zero for the rest of the turn!!" The Doctor gasped as all three of the monsters on the field switched their battle positions, which also succeeded in cancelling out Twin Photon Lizard's attack (Twin Photon Lizard: DEF 1000 > 0) (Photon Sabre Tiger: DEF 300 > 0) (Digital Bug Scaradiator: DEF 1700 > 300).

"I see...it appears that you had a backup plan for MY backup plan. I must say, I'm actually impressed." The Doctor complimented.

"Grrrr, shut up already!! I know you didn't really mean that!!" yelled the criminal. "Quit with the condescending talk already!!"

"If you insist." the brown-skinned human replied, taking another card out of his hand. "I'll set one card face-down and end my turn. And that means your Trap Card's effect is dispelled as well." (Twin Photon Lizard: DEF 0 > 1000) (Photon Sabre Tiger: DEF 0 > 300) (Digital Bug Scaradiator: DEF 300 > 1700).

"My turn, then! I draw!!" shouted Hacker as he pulled his next card. After placing it in his hand, he then stated, "First, I'll switch Digital Bug Scaradiator to Attack Mode, then activate its effect! By removing two of its Overlay Units, I can change the battle position of any monster on your side of the field and negate its effects!" After discarding the two chosen Overlay Units (Digital Bug Scaradiator: OLU 3 - 2 = 1), the crook then told his foe, "I choose your Tiger!"

And with that, The Doctor's Photon Sabre Tiger then went into Attack Mode and lost its effects (though in this case, it actually helped it to regain the attack points it lost due to its effect) (Photon Sabre Tiger: ATK 1200 + 800 = 2000). The Doctor made no response whatsoever to the thief's move.

"Grrrn...what does it take t' get a horrified reaction outta you??" asked Hacker, annoyed that his moves weren't even fazing his opponent. "Well let's see if this move wakes you up!! Attack, Scaradiator!! Go after his Tiger!!" The tiny monster then transformed itself into a red cloud of numbers once more, ready to delete its next victim...

"Oh, I promise you that move did indeed wake me up." the mysterious man commented. "Just in time to activate my Trap Card! Go, Lumenize!!!"

"Aaack!" yelped the crook.

"This Trap not ONLY negates Scaradiator's attack, but it also allows my Photon Sabre Tiger to absorb your attacking monster's attack points until the End Phase of my next turn!" The Doctor explained. The Trap Card then shot out a brilliant light that blinded the crook's Xyz Monster before phasing itself into the Tiger. Afterwards, its blue glow turned bright yellow as it gave off a mighty roar (Photon Sabre Tiger: ATK 2000 + 2100 = 4100).

"Rrrgh! How annoying!!" complained Hacker. "Fine then! I'll do this instead! I Summon Electromagnetic Bagworm in Attack Mode!!" After he played his card, a sinister red bolt shot from out of the sky, appearing as a red, evil-looking ghost made out of what seemed to be pure electricity (Electromagnetic Bagworm: Level 3 / ATK 200 + 300 = 500 / DEF 1400 + 300 = 1700). "Next," the criminal continued, "I play the Trap Card Bug Emergency! This lets me Special Summon two Level 3 Insects from my Graveyard! So I'll bring back two LEDybugs!!"

The Doctor watched as his opponent revived the two Insect monsters that he had played on his first turn. (Is he going to Summon it now...?) he asked himself.

"I should probably mention, though..." Hacker began to explain. "Monsters Summoned through Bug Emergency lose their effects. But that's just fine with me, because that ALSO negates the effect that prevents me from using my LEDybugs to Xyz Summon anything other than another Insect monster!"

"In other words, you used the negative effect of your Trap Card to permit yourself to Summon any monster you want, correct?" asked The Doctor.

"Exactly!" Thrusting his hand up into the air, Data Hacker then shouted, "I now overlay Electromagnetic Bagworm and my two LEDybugs, all Level 3 and build the Overylay Network!!" And in just one second, all three of his monsters transformed into yellow balls of light that were drawn into a galaxy-like portal in the center of the field. "Materialize, Number 34!! Infiltrate the mainframe and wreak havoc on society!! Xyz Summon!!" he then chanted as the portal exploded, revealing a pink symbol resembling the number 34. "Malicious malware, Rank 3!! Terror-Byte!!!"

After the chant was done, a large, cross-shaped box with three swirling purple orbs descended down onto the battle field. It then began to unfold itself, revealing a pair of arms, legs, wings, a tail and a head with a long crystal-like horn on its forehead. On it right wing was the same 34 symbol that now appeared on its controller's right arm.


Number 34: Terror-Byte
(Xyz-Effect Monster/Machine/DARK/Rank 3/ATK 0/DEF 2900)

3 Level 3 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. One per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 Level 4 or lower Attack Position monster your opponent controls; take control of it until the End Phase.


After it was Summoned, the Number card put itself into Defense Mode, and the crook ended his turn. "So," The Doctor began to ask, "That's what your Number card looks like?"

"Hehehehehhh...you ain't seen nothin' yet!" Hacker taunted again. "This big guy has quite a powerful ability; one that lets me spend an Overlay Unit to take control of any of your lower-level monsters!"

"Is that so?" the brown-skinned man inquired. "Then I'll just have to eliminate your Life Points before it can do that! Now I draw!" He then picked up his next card looked at it closely. "I now activate the Spell Card, Photon Trade!" he then declared. "By sending one Photon monster from my hand to my Graveyard, I can draw two more cards!" After paying the cost and drawing his new cards, he then shouted, "And now I release Twin Photon Lizard and Photon Sabre Tiger and perform a Tribute Summoning!!"

At that moment, The Doctor's only two monsters vanished from the field, and in their place was a bright white, boomerang-shaped object. Grasping the object, Hacker could only watch as the mysterious man flung it up into the air, chanting, "The galaxy that lurks in the darkness. Become the light of hope and my very servant! The embodiment of light, now descend! Appear now, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!"

The object in the sky began drawing in massive amounts of light energy into itself. Once it took in all that it could, it let out a brilliant, blinding flash that filled the whole store. Once the light faded, The Doctor's most powerful monster was standing by his side (Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon: Level 8 / ATK 3000 / DEF 2500).

"Wh-wh-what is that thing?!?" asked Data Hacker, a bit fearful at seeing the powerful dragon in front of him.

"I shall tell you exactly what it is." The Doctor calmly replied. "This is the creature that will help end this Duel and claim your Numbers. And once I do, you shall pay dearly for those you stepped upon for your own greedy reasons!" Pointing ahead, he then ordered, "Go, Galaxy-Eyes! Attack Terror-Byte with Photon Stream of Destruction!!" The mighty beast then let out a powerful roar as it fired a deadly energy stream at the crook's Number card.

"What do you think you're tryin' to do?!?" Hacker shouted. "Don't you know that Numbers can only be destroyed by other Numbers in battle?!"

"I am well aware of that, but I do not need to destroy your Number card to defeat you." The Doctor rebutted. Taking out another card from his hand, he then added, "I'll play this Quick-Play Spell Card from my hand: Photon Wind!!"


Photon Wind:
(Quick-Play Spell Card)

During your Battle Phase, when a monster you control attacks an opponent's monster but did not destroy that monster by battle: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent, and if you do, draw 1 card.


"Thanks to this card, I'll deal you damage even IF I can't completely defeat your monster yet!" the trenchcoat-wearing man informed his opponent. And as he said that, Galaxy-Eyes' energy stream was surrounded by an intense wind that helped to increase its power. As expected, Terror-Byte survived the attack by The Doctor's monster, but the wind continued past it and struck Hacker dead-on (Data Hacker: LP 4,000 - 1,000 = 3,000). "Afterwards, Photon Wind permits me to draw one additional card after I inflict damage." He then drew his next card and saw that it was called Galaxy Burst.

The crook grunted a bit as he got back on both feet. "You're gonna pay for taking such a cheap shot at me!" he yelled. "I swear it!"

"Perhaps, perhaps not." The Doctor simply replied. "I'll set a card face-down and end my turn."

Data Hacker grumbled as he reached for the next card in his Deck. (Number card or not, my Terror-Byte can't do anything against that souped-up dragon of his... But I'll show him what happens to people that get in my way...by crushing him AND his dragon!!)

"I draw!!" the crook shouted, pulling his next card. Not hesitating once, he added, "I'm playin' the card that I just drew! Spell Books Inside the Pot! This lets us both draw three cards from our Decks right now!!"

"So you're allowing me to draw new cards in order to try and overcome my dragon, are you?" asked the brown-skinned man. "You must be getting quite desperate if you're willing to take that much of a risk. However, if that is what you want, then I will draw my three cards and honor your wishes." And that's just what he did.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...just go on and keep flappin' your lips!" Hacker grumbled, drawing his three cards. After looking at them, he smiled wickedly and told him, "Because if this all goes as planned, you ain't gonna have a single thing to laugh about!"

The Doctor just raised an eyebrow, not showing any sign of fear on his face or saying a word in response.

"From my hand, I play the Spell Card, Bug Signal!!" Hacker declared. "Here's how it goes: First, I target one Insect-Type Xyz Monster on my field - like my Digital Bug Scaradiator - and then I get to Summon another Insect-Type Xyz Monster from my Extra Deck that's two ranks higher!!"

The move got The Doctor's attention. "Hold on...!" he said with a gasp. "Are you about to do what I think you're about to do?"

"You bet I am...!" the crook snickered. "What I'm about to Summon is a new breed of Xyz Monster; one that I found out about after hacking into Industrial Illusion's mainframe before their annoying firewalls booted me out! You're about to get your first look...at an Xyz Evolution!!"

"Xyz Evolution?!"

Thrusting his arm up into the air, the criminal then yelled, "Voracious bug in the mainframe! Enter undetected and destroy my enemy from the inside!! Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!! Vicious virus, Rank 5!! Digital Bug Corebage!!"

After the chant was complete, Hacker's Digital Bug Xyz Monster transformed itself into a white light and flew into a white summoning portal. Seconds later, a large, mostly mechanical butterfly flew out of it, surrounded by two yellow orbs (Digital Bug Corebage: Rank 5 / ATK 2200 + 300 = 2500 / DEF 1800 + 300 = 2100 / OLU 2).

"So this is it..." The Doctor muttered to himself, "a Xyz Summon that uses another Xyz Monster as the Xyz Material... Most fascinating...!"

"Heheheh, well don't get TOO impressed with my new monster, bub." the crook told him. "After all, it's only going to get worse for you. You see, just by removing an Overlay Unit from Corebage, it can send one of your Defense Mode monsters back into your Deck!"

"Then I suppose it's too bad for you that I do not have any defending monsters."

"Oh, don't worry...I'll soon fix that." Hacker said as he took another card from his hand. "I play the Continuous Spell Level Limit - Area B! As long as it's on the field, all Level 4 and higher monsters are forced to go into Defense Mode! Which means that I can now use Corebage's effect!!"

"I figured you would do that." the trenchcoat-clad Duelist responded. "So I'll counter your move by playing this! Galaxy Burst!! While it may halve the attack power of my Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, in return, it allows me to negate the effects of two cards on your side of the field for the remainder of the turn! And I choose Corebage and Level Limit - Area B!!"

The crook snarled as white electricity surrounded both his Spell Card and his Xyz Monster. His move had been stopped before he could complete it (Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon: ATK 3000 ÷ 2 = 1500). "Grrrr...you think you can stop me with that?!?" shouted Hacker, shaking his fist. "Well, THINK AGAIN!!! I now remove both of Corebage's Overlay Units!!" (Digital Bug Corebage: OLU 2 - 2 = 0).

"And why would you do that?" asked the Doctor, curious to know what his opponent was up to.

"Peheheh...that's the one thing about electronics..." Hacker told him with a demented chuckle. "When they stop working, that's when you need to upgrade! I use Corebage to initiate ANOTHER Xyz Evolution!!!"

"ANOTHER ONE?!?" shouted The Doctor.

As Corbage transformed into a bright yellow light and flew into the white portal in the center of the battlefield, Data Hacker began to chant, "Unstoppable bug infecting the mainframe! Show no mercy! Devour everything in your path!! Leave nothing behind!! Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!!" Eyes becoming even more crazed-looking then before, he finished his chant, saying, "Digital Destroyer, Rank 7!! Digital Bug Rhinosebus!!"

Out of the summoning portal came a humongous rhinoceros beetle. Like Hacker's other Xyz Monsters, it was partially mechanical-looking, it had a pair of large wings coming from out of its back shell, and it displayed an enormous horn that looked like it could flip a truck onto its back. A single yellow orb orbited around it repeatedly (Digital Bug Rhinosebus: Rank 7 / ATK 2600 + 300 = 2900 / DEF 2200 + 300 = 2500 / OLU 1).

"So that must be your Ace card, am I correct?" asked the good doctor.

"You certainly are." confirmed the crook. "And you're about to see why! I activate Rhinosebus's effect!! By removing one Overlay Unit, I can destroy one monster you have that has the lowest defense! So say goodbye to your Photon Dragon!!"

The Doctor gasped a bit as the monster drew the swirling orb into its horn (Digital Bug Rhinosebus: OLU 1 - 1 = 0). After gaining the power that it needed, the giant insect charged forward and ran right into the dragon, horn-first, stabbing it and sending it straight to the Graveyard.

"And I'm not even done yet..." muttered Hacker. "Next I'll play the Spell Card Bug Illegal Hacking! This card lets me remove two Overlay Units from my Terror-Byte, and if they're both Digital Bug monsters, I can use Terror-Byte to Summon a Rank 3 Insect Xyz Monster from my Extra Deck! And it just so happens that I have two LEDybugs attached to Terror-Byte right now! So I can now Summon my OTHER Number card to the field!!"

"No way...!" said the brown-skinned man, shocked.

At that moment, Hacker's Number card transformed into a purple light that flew into a galaxy-like portal in the center of the field. The portal soon exploded, leaving behind a yellow symbol that looked like the number 20. "Now get ready, Doctor Who-Gives-a-Flying-Leap!! You're gonna wish you minded your own business!! Come out, Number 20: Giga-Brilliant!!"

At that moment, a giant cocoon-like object came down from the sky above, surrounded by a pair of yellow orbs. After it emerged, the cocoon began to crack apart, sending shining bits of shrapnel every which way. The pieces then began to form the new monster's body: It resembled an ant, only much larger, colored silver and purple, with piercing red eyes, grotesque legs, and large wings, the right one bearing the same 20 symbol that had been previously seen.


Number 20: Giga-Brilliant:
(Xyz-Effect Monster/Insect/LIGHT/Rank 3/ATK 1800/DEF 1800)

2 Level 3 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; all face-up monsters you currently control gain 300 ATK.


The Doctor stared at the new Number monster before him (Number 20: Giga-Brilliant: ATK 1800 + 300 = 2100 / DEF 1800 + 300 = 2100). After about a few seconds, he then asked, "So what is that monstrosity supposed to do?"

"Heheheheh...just watch:" Hacker told him. "Even though my Bug Illegal Hacking card doesn't allow me to attack with that monster it helped to Summon, I can still use its ability! Now by removing one Overlay Unit, my Giga-Brilliant increases the attack power of all of my monsters!"

The trenchcoat-wearing Duelist gasped as the new Number monster absorbed one of its floating orbs into its head (Number 20: Giga-Brilliant: OLU 2 - 1 = 1). Afterwards, it began radiating a bright light that increased the power of both itself and Rhinosebus (Digital Bug Rhinosebus: ATK 2900 + 300 = 3200) (Number 20: Giga-Brilliant: ATK 2100 + 300 = 2400).

"And now it's time to use all those attack points to annihilate you!! Go, Rhinosebus!! Attack him directly with your Viral Horn Attack!!" The massive bug then sped forward and struck The Doctor hard, taking out almost all of his Life Points (Dr. Hooves: LP: 3,900 - 3,200 = 700). Chuckling evilly to himself, he then taunted his foe, asking, "Had enough punishment yet?"

"Grrrrn...it will be you who gets punished in the end..." the brown-skinned man said back. "So do your worst!"

"Peh! Have it your way!" Hacker snapped back. "For my last move, I'll use the effect of the Field Spell Bug Matrix and attach Digital Bug Websolder from my hand to Giga-Brilliant as an Overlay Unit!" (Number 20: Giga-Brilliant: OLU 1 + 1 = 2).

"On him?" asked The Doctor. "Not on your other monster?"

"I don't see why I'll need to." the crook said rather smugly. "Without that big windbag of a dragon on your field, you're nothing! Soon, I'll be known as the guy who crushed the so-called 'Number Hunter'!! Hahahahaha!!!" Smirking, he then added, "Now it's your turn... And because of that, your Galaxy Burst card's effect expires, which means even IF you could bring out a more powerful monster, you won't be able to attack with it, thanks to Level Limit - Area B! Just give up now!!"

"...Absolutely not."

"What was that...?" asked Hacker.

"You heard me." The Doctor told him. "I refuse to surrender to the likes of someone as despicable as yourself! So long as I have but one Life Point left, I'll defeat you and your Number card!!"

(Heh...what a dope. He's crazy if he thinks he can get out of this one.) thought the crook, so sure that he would win, no matter what his opponent did.

Preparing to draw his next card, The Doctor then thought to himself, (I will not give up...! Ms. Shimmer was in a situation just like this one when I dueled her, and she too, refused to surrender! And Ms. Derpy would no doubt tell me to keep on fighting as well! After all, the future of this world is at stake in this Duel, so failure is not an option!!) With the bravest face he could show, the trenchcoat-clad man shouted, "It's my move!! I draw!!" After getting his next card and looking at it, The Doctor smirked and told his opponent, "It's about time I ended this fight between us, don't you agree?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?!" asked Hacker, confused.

But instead of answering his question, the mysterious man went on with his move, saying, "I activate Photon Sublimation! By banishing two Photon monsters in my Graveyard, I can draw another two cards!" He then proceeded to banish two Photon Sabre Tigers from his Graveyard before drawing his new cards. He then looked at them closely and said, "...Perfect. My victory formula is complete."

"V-victory?! There's no way!" protested Hacker.

"There is, and you shall soon see for yourself." the brown-skinned man promised. "I activate the Spell Card Accelight! Since I control no monsters, this card allows me the ability to Summon any Level 4 or lower Photon or Galaxy monster from my Deck!" After making his choice, his Duel Pad auto-shuffled the rest of his cards, leaving one sticking out. Taking it and placing it on the card tray, he then declared, "Come on out, Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon!"

At that moment, a small dragon then appeared from out of a pool of light. It appeared to resemble a baby version of the mighty Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, and it even gave out a tiny roar after it appeared (Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon: Level 1 / ATK 300 / DEF 250).

"Pah!! What kinda puny monster is that?!" the crook mocked. "Are you even TRYING anymore?!"

"I wouldn't be so quick to judge my monster based solely on its appearance." warned The Doctor. "Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon has a very powerful effect. By releasing it, it allows me to Summon its more powerful form from either my hand or my Graveyard."

"M-m-more powerful form?! You don't mean-?!"

"I do!!" The Doctor then shouted, "Return to the field, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!!" And in an instant, his most powerful monster emerged from out of a dark-purple portal and took its place back onto the field.

"Grrrr...so what?! Don't forget my Spell Card! Level Limit - Area B forces it into Defense Mode!" reminded Hacker.

"I am aware of that, Data Hacker... But it won't matter once my move is complete!" the trenchcoat-wearing man told his opponent. Taking another card out of his hand, he then said, "Next, I activate Galaxy Zero!! This card resurrects one Photon or Galaxy monster from my Graveyard! And I can say for sure that the monster I plan to Summon will surprise you greatly."

"Huh...? What do you mean??" asked Hacker.

Taking a card out of his Graveyard, The Doctor then shouted, "Now I Summon...ANOTHER Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!!" And just like that, another dragon, just like the first, appeared beside the mysterious Duelist, letting out a powerful-sounding roar.

"WHAT?!? Two dragons?!?" asked the crook in shock and fear. "But that's impossible!! I only destroyed one!!"

"You are correct." The Doctor replied. "You DID eliminate only one dragon. But when I played my Photon Trade card, I sent this Galaxy-Eyes to the Graveyard in order to pay the cost."

"You...you mean you sent it there all the way back THEN?!?" Hacker inquired. "Why?!?"

"To prepare for my biggest play yet. The move that will defeat you and allow me to take your Numbers away." the good doc answered. "But I still have a few more moves to make first. Now I activate the card Photon Sanctuary, which gives me a pair of Photon Tokens on my side of the field." And just as he said, two glowing balls of light manifested themselves in front of The Doctor (Photon Tokens [x2]: Level 4 / ATK 2000 / DEF 0). "And now that I've done that, I can now release them both...and Special Summon yet another Galaxy-Eyes!!"

"You've gotta be KIDDING ME!!!" screamed Hacker, not believing his eyes as a third powerful dragon appeared on the field. Even though his Spell Card forced them into Defense Mode, he couldn't shake the feeling that something big was going to happen. And pondering about it started making him sweat.

"And now that all three of my Galaxy-Eyes are on the field together, it is time for my ultimate move!!" The Doctor declared. "I overlay all three of my dragons to create an Overlay Network!!!"

"WHAT?!?!" shouted Hacker, fearful for what was going to come next.

In an instant, all three of the dragons transformed into yellow lights, but retained their dragon shape as they flew into a pink-colored summoning portal that appeared OVER the battlefield. As the monsters entered it, the portal then turned dark purple and began to form into what appeared to be a black hole of some sort, though whether it was one or not was left up to debate. The Doctor then closed his eyes and chanted, "Radiant galaxy, here and now become the striking light, and show yourself!"

After that, a long staff appeared before The Doctor, who grasped it tightly and prepared to throw it like a javelin. "Xyz Summon! Descend, My very soul!" He then tossed it into the summoning portal, causing an explosion of light that filled the room. After that, a violent whirlwind whipped up in the center of the explosion. The light drew itself into the whirlwind and began to take form, emerging out as a red and black-colored dragon with three heads, radiating light all over itself. "Rank 8! Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" the good doc shouted, finishing his chant (Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon: Rank 8 / ATK 4500 / DEF 3000 / OLU 3).

Needless to say, Data Hacker was not expecting this move from his foe. He trembled in fear at the incredibly powerful monster that was Summoned before him. "No...no... I-I-I can't... I can't lose...!" he whimpered, scared out of his mind.

"I'm sorry to say that you WILL lose this Duel, Data Hacker." The Doctor informed him. "This is the ultimate form of my Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, and nothing can stop it." Taking out one of the cards underneath his new Xyz Monster, he then added, "But if you don't believe me, then allow me to fill you in on the details: Since I used at least one Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes, it negates all other active card effects on the field!"

"NO!! You can't!!"

"I am afraid that I have done just that." the mysterious man informed him. "Which means your Level Limit - Area B and your Bug Matrix lose their effects! And your monsters lose the attack and defense points that they gained from your Field Spell!" And as he said that, the two Spell Cards lost their color, appearing instead in grayscale to show they their effects were gone (Digital Bug Rhinosebus: ATK 3200 - 300 = 2900 / DEF 2500 - 300 = 2200) (Number 20: Giga-Brilliant: ATK 2400 - 300 = 2100 / DEF 2400 - 300 = 2100).

"But that is only the beginning!" the good doc continued. "Next, I remove one of Neo Galaxy-Eyes's Overlay Units! (Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon: OLU 3 - 1 = 2) By doing so, I can forcibly remove all Overlay Units from the Xyz Monsters you control! And for each one, Neo Galaxy-Eyes gains 500 attack points and one additional attack this turn!!"

"ACK!! That can't be!! You can't!!" shouted Hacker. But even he knew that his situation was hopeless. All he could do was watch as Giga-Brilliant lost both of its Overlay Units (Number 20: Giga Brilliant: OLU 2 - 2 = 0), which were quickly absorbed into The Doctor's monster and causing it to become even stronger (Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon: ATK 4500 + 1000 = 5500).

"Prepare yourself, Data Hacker, for there is nothing you can to save yourself now!" The Doctor told him. Pointing forward, he then shouted, "Neo Galaxy-Eyes!! Destroy both Rhinosebus and Giga-Brilliant!! Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!!!" And with that, the three-headed light dragon let out powerful streams of light that struck both of Hacker's monsters. The first blast destroyed Rhinosebus, evaporating it into thin air (Data Hacker: LP 3,000 - 2,600 = 400). The second shot eliminated Giga-Brilliant (due to Neo Galaxy-Eyes' effect, it was no longer protected by its special ability) and wiped out the criminal's Life Points (Data Hacker: LP 400 - 3,400 = 0) (WINNER: Dr. Hooves).

"NOOOOO!!! I can't lose!!! I won't...!!" screamed Data Hacker. But deep down, even he knew that it was all over. The criminal then fainted, both from the stress of the Duel, as well as from the result. The Doctor let out a sigh of relief, happy that he was able to pull through and win.

Minutes later, The Doctor looked at the two Number cards in his hand, Giga-Brilliant and Terror-Byte, placed them both into his deck box and said to himself, "Numbers 20 and 34 are now secured. I'd say this mission was a complete success!" Glancing behind him, he looked over at Data Hacker, who was now tied up against a large, square column with several long extension cords. "Once I leave here," he remarked, "time will flow normally again, and this crook's days of stealing and hacking computers will be over. If he is as infamous as I heard he was, he'll be put away in prison for quite a lengthy period of time."

The mysterious man then tapped a button on his steampunk-like Duel Pad, which immediately summoned the Tardis in front of him. Smiling to himself, he then said to himself, "Ms. Derpy will be quite happy to hear about this little venture once I meet up with her again. I just hope she'll have accomplished as much with Ms. Shimmer as I have with my Number collection..." He then walked into the phone booth-like chamber and vanished from sight...


At that same time, Sunset and Derpy were still spending time together over at Sugarcube Corner. Of course no time really passed at all since The Doctor had started his Duel against Data Hacker, due to the time-slowing device that he had activated. The two of them had gotten the treats that they had ordered, eating them as they talked about what they had been up to since last year.

"So you actually got to travel to other worlds and universes, too?" asked Sunset, becoming quite interested in hearing about Derpy's travels with The Doctor.

"Yeah, we sure did!" the grey-skinned girl replied. "There were so many people and places that I've seen while I was with him! Like, one time, we actually got on board a REAL pirate ship!"

"A pirate ship, you say?"

"Mhmm! And the captain of ship was pretty interesting too!" Derpy continued. "Though it really shocked me when I saw his arms stretch really, really far! And that green-haired guy with the three swords was pretty cool too! Oh and that little reindeer guy was SO adorable!!"

"Well, it sounds to me like you've seen just about everything and then some, huh?" asked Sunset.

"Maybe... The Doctor says there's probably million or more other universes out there, just waiting to be found!" Derpy told her. "It sounds pretty unbelievable, I know; even I have a hard time believing that it all really happened."

The black jacket-wearing teen giggled a bit and told her, "I believe you, Derpy. In fact, I'm probably one of the few people around here that can." After chuckling a little more, Sunset then added, "The stuff that I've been up to probably isn't as interesting as travelling through the multiverse, but it's been pretty exciting, I can tell you. For instance, I just recently got my own place to live, I managed to save this year's Fall Formal from being ruined, and I even helped Fluttershy win the Inter-school Duel trophy for our school."

"Oh yeah, I read about that on the school website." noted Derpy. "I never could have imagined that Fluttershy of all people would actually be able to beat somebody from Griffonstone! But, to be fair, I don't think I would have done as well if I had been chosen."

"Oh, you play Duel Monsters, too?" asked Sunset.

The grey girl giggled and replied back, asking, "Who do you think helped Dr. Hooves to learn the game?"

"Dr. Hooves? asked Sunset. "That's his name?"

"Not really." Derpy answered. "That's just what I call him, as well the pen name he used to sign the papers that I needed to apprentice under him during most of the year so far. To be honest, I don't know what his real name is, or even where he comes from. But that's fine, all that I need to know is that he's a good person, and I'm glad that I was lucky enough to meet him."

"Well, I suppose anyone who stands up for somepo- er, somebody else the way he did that night when he and I dueled must have a good heart." Sunset replied.

"Well, TWO to be exact."

"Two what?"

"Um, nothing." said the grey girl. "Just saying something to myself."

Minutes later, the two teenage girls finished with their food. Mr. Cake, noticing that they were about to leave, came by their table to take their plates and glasses before leaving the check for their order. Just as Sunset had promised, she paid for everything, even the tip. After leaving the store, Derpy rubbed the back of her head and told Sunset, "Well...I guess we gotta get going."

"Yeah, we do..." the red and yellow girl replied. Smiling and extending her right hand towards her, she then told Derpy, "I'm really glad we were able to meet today. I think this was exactly what we needed to help each other."

"I agree, Sunset." the grey girl told her, shaking Sunset's hand gently. "And I'm glad that you've decided to change for the better." Thinking a little more to herself, she then told her, "And also...um, I think I would like to be your friend, too."

"You will?" asked the black jacket-wearing teen.

"Mhmm. Not only that, but I'd like it if you and The Doctor could work together a little more as well..." Derpy told her. "He asked me to try and meet with you so that he could know more about you...And I think it's because he would really want that as well."

Sunset thought about her request for a moment. "Well...I suppose it would be the most logical option." she figured. "If he and I DID work more closely with one another, we might be able to locate and collect all of the Numbers much faster." After pondering some more, she then told her new friend, "I would like that, too. But only if he comes to me and asks me himself. That way, we can both be sure that's what he wants. Nothing personal, I'm just still a little cautious, that's all."

"I understand." the grey girl nodded. "I'll see what I can do." Turning around to leave, she waved and said, "See you later, Sunset!"

"Bye, Derpy! See you in school next week!" Sunset shouted as Derpy left. Once the grey girl was no longer in sight or in earshot, the red and yellow girl then took out her cell phone and tapped on it a few times. Putting it up to her ear, she waited a while for someone to pick up.

Eventually, she heard someone's voice on the other end. "Yes? Rarity speaking." it said.

"Hey, it's Sunset." the otherworldly girl spoke. "I just finished talking to Derpy. Where are you right now?"

"At my boutique, finishing up some orders..." Rarity replied. "If you are asking for Twilight, she has already come and left. Applejack brought her and Pinkie Pie over to that new card shop after we heard that it is now under new management."

"Wow, that was fast." noted Sunset, referring to the fact that the store that once had an illegal counterfeiting operation going on had been reopened by a new owner already. She then asked her fashion-minded friend, "Could you tell them that I'm on my way over there? I would do it myself, but my phone's only at about 10 percent power, and I want to save it in case of an emergency."

"Not a problem at all." Rarity told her. "I'll inform them immediately."

"Thanks, Rarity. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"You're quite welcome. Have a good afternoon as well." the fashionista said before hanging up. Sunset then put her cell phone away and headed off to find Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. As she walked down the busy sidewalk, she couldn't help but feel really good inside. Now that she and Derpy had finally made peace with one another, the otherworldly girl felt as though a heavy shackle had been removed from her and that she could continue to move on in her life. She stopped for a moment and looked up at the bright, blue sky above, and reminded herself to be thankful that she had so many good people in her life to keep her happy.

-- To Be Continued...



Dr. Hooves (7 Numbers total):

- Number 10: Illumiknight (previously obtained)
- Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
- Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction (previously obtained)
- Number 34: Terror-Byte
- Number 83: Galaxy Queen


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