• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 23,414 Views, 803 Comments

The Sky Is Falling - chief maximus

Rainbow has been good at almost everything she's ever attempted, so why is just talking so hard?

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Where We Began

Where We Began

Okay, so you remember how I said eventually I'd bring you back to the start of this story? Well, hang on, we're almost there.

So, I kissed Twi. In front of Celestia and everybody. Looking back on it, this whole situation was created and ruined by alcohol. There's a lesson in that. Maybe.

Anyway, she bolted. Why she didn't just teleport, I don't know, but she might as well have, because she was gone in a flash. I didn't know what to do at first. I mean, when you make a decision like that, it's usually gonna end one of two ways. So, there I was, standing alone in the spotlight. It felt weird. I usually love being the center of attention, but this time was different—definitely not the kind of attention I wanted. After what felt like hours, Princess Luna cued up the band. I took the chance and headed outside.

I took a trot out to the gardens and sat against a castle wall. This was a lot to process. I think I humiliated one of my best friends, and on top of that, I'm pretty sure the whole country's gonna know about what just happened by tomorrow. I was so sure she'd... agh, I don't know what I was thinking! Maybe if Princess Luna hadn't put us both in the spotlight at the worst possible time.

But... I can't blame the princess. She wasn't the one who decided to make a move on Twilight. In front of her parents. And brother. And everypony else. I can't believe I thought that would be a good idea! What was I thinking? I pounded my hooves into the dirt. I felt lower than some dumb country analogy. I bet she hated me. I looked up at the moon. Where does Luna find the time for moon raising and this formal stuff? At least the gardens were quiet. No wonder Fluttershy liked it out here so much. She's inside probably enjoying her date with Soarin too much to notice.

Sheesh, of all the ponies to have their date go south, it had to be me! I don't even know why I show up to junk like this. I hate dresses, I hate snooty Canterlot ponies, and I hate being cooped up with a bunch of ponies that wouldn't know a good time if Pinkie fired one out of a cannon and into their faces!

"Hey, Sugarcube." I didn't even hear her walk up. I guess I had a lot on the brain.

"Hey, AJ," I sighed. I glanced at her. I swear, I'll never meet another mare that could wear an apple-themed dress and not look like a lunatic. She took a seat next to me. I guess neither of us were thinking about the fit Rarity would be throwing if she knew we were sitting on bare grass in our dresses.

There were a few minutes of awkward silence before AJ decided to speak up. "So, Ah don't mean to rub it in, but when Ah told ya to do something ta prove to Twi and her parents that you two were datin' for real, Ah was thinking more along the lines of talkin' to them. Not frenchin' Twilight."

I shot a glare at her. So much for not wanting to rub it in. "Yeah, thanks for the tip." I ran a hoof through my mane. "Do you think Twilight hates me?"

Applejack chuckled. "C'mon, you think Twi could hate anypony?"

"She ran away like she could," I mumbled. I felt a hoof around my shoulder.

"Ah'll bet it was just embarrassment, not hate," she said, like that somehow made it better.

"So, she's embarrassed to be with me," I snapped. "If this is your idea of helping, you're not doing a great job." I couldn't help but think this was all entertainment to her. Maybe it was just her casual tone.

"Look, Ah can't really say for sure what you should do, but talkin' to her is probably a good place to start." That sounded like a good plan, but...

"I guess... but what if she doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Well, then, there ain't much you can do. But I'd wager if there's anypony that could make this right, it's you."

I sat for a while, tilting my head back against the wall. "Where do you think she went?" I asked.

"Couldn't help ya there." She stood up beside me. "I gotta head back to the apple stand. Good luck with Twi, darlin'."

I sighed, waving a hoof as she left. I got up and stretched my wings. The night was cool, even in this dress. If I had to guess, Twilight had run straight back to our room in the tower.

If I was lucky, she'd have left the window unlocked.

My mind was still swimming, even after I made it back to our room. I swear I saw everypony's eyes looking right at me. My parents, Celestia, Luna, Shining, Cadence! Sweet Celestia, what must my parents be thinking right now?

I can't believe Rainbow Dash would do something like that! Does she think I'd just fall into bed with her or something? That I'd be easy just because I'm her friend? Well, I could tell you that I wasn't about to let this go. She embarrassed me in front of the entire royal court by getting drunk and... doing that!

I had to calm down. I've gotten worked up over a lot less than this, and if I didn't get myself under control, well... I don't think Princess Celestia would be happy having to clean up another of my messes.

I took a deep breath, trying to lessen my feelings. It wasn't just anger, it was embarrassment, too. That was the odd part. I've never been embarrassed to be seen with any of my friends. In fact, I'd assume more often than not, it's the other way around. But something about having an act that's supposed to be private thrust into the public eye like that upset me more than I was willing to admit. Looking back on it now, it was so trivial. No one cared! I'm an Element of Harmony! If not for me, these ponies would have been slaves to Discord, King Sombra, Chrysalis, who knows? Their opinions of my romantic life should have meant nothing to me!

They don't now. But at the time, I was just young and upset. I was mad, but I should have seen what Rainbow did for what it was. An act of affection, an expression of her feelings for me. All those times I'd wished to know what being loved by another pony was like had been shoved right in my face, and what did I do? I ran away.

I wanted to get out of this stupid dress and just get into bed, lock the doors, and sleep until tomorrow. I got the gown off when I heard a flutter on the balcony. Just as the fire in me died down, the sight of her stoked it again. She opened the double doors and stepped inside. I didn't say anything at first. If she had something to say, I owed it to her to let her say it.

"Twilight?" she asked, as though she were calling for me in a dark room. "You okay?"

She better have more than that. I thought.

"Just. Fine," I spat.

Rainbow sighed. It wasn't like her. As unsettling as I found it, I kept up my silence. Maybe more of Dash's stubbornness had rubbed off on me than I like to admit.

"Look, I'm sorry I embarrassed you." Seemed like she'd been taking lessons from Rarity in the venom department. Maybe she wasn't as intoxicated as I thought. Still, in my mind at the time, I felt I was the one who had the right to be upset and angry, not her. The emphasis she put on the word 'embarrassment' was enough to tip my scales. To this day, I count this argument as one of my most heavy regrets.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I growled. "You do that in front of the princesses, the royal court, and my family and you come here to spit sarcasm at me?"

Her face hardened up. She was digging in for a fight. But this time, I wasn't going to shy away. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think me being your date was something you wanted to hide!"

"No, you didn't think! What a surprise!" By this point I was packing what few items I'd brought with me, separating our things. I was on the verge of tears, but not just tears of sadness. There were a lot of things going through my mind at the time, and I didn't have the time to sort through all of them. Rainbow and I... we were supposed to work. It was my first try at courtship, though that's probably not very hard to believe. All the novels I'd read, and magazines I'd skimmed described romances as perfect scenarios. Yes, there could be fights, disagreements, differences of opinion, but in the end, they always worked out.

But this wasn't like those stories. This was reality. In reality, some don't realize they're on a sinking ship until it's already halfway underwater.

"At least I don't over-think everything to the point where I can't even function! Oh, what will my parents say? What will the princesses think?" Dash said in her heaviest mocking imitation of me. "Who cares what they think! That's your problem, you live your whole life by what other ponies think of you! You're no better than Rarity!"

I gasped. "You take that back!"

"Hey, if the shoe fits," she jeered, turning her head away from me.

That was the last straw. "Why don't you just go to your stupid Wonderbolt party! That's probably the whole reason you're here anyway! Maybe you can talk your way in, because Celestia knows they aren't just gonna invite you." I hated myself for saying such hurtful things to her. It's not like me at all. By this point, I'd actually forgotten about the initial embarrassment. I was just focused on making sure she felt the sting of my words.

Dash's jaw fell open a bit. I don't know if she just wasn't expecting a low blow, or she didn't think I could deliver one, but either way, the look on her face and in her eyes is something I'll never forget.

The silence dragged on for what felt like hours, but it was only a few seconds, at the most. Rainbow recovered, and closed her mouth. For a moment, she looked like a boxer that just weathered a harsh hit to the face. She was blinking, glancing around the room a bit before collecting herself and glaring at me.

"Fine. I will. I knew I should have just gone alone," she grumbled angrily, stepping toward the balcony she'd come from. "Have fun wasting your life worrying." The hurt was gone. Replaced by anger. Nopony hurts Rainbow Dash. She'd built armor out of her ego, and anything anypony said to her just glanced off it. I was her friend. She trusted me, and I used that trust to hurt her, purely out of spite and anger. I felt sick.

I fell on my haunches, my stomach swirling as I contemplated how big of a deal I'd made out of something I should have been excited to receive. She was my first kiss. I should have been overjoyed. It's not like she made Princess Luna congratulate me on a job well done at that exact moment.

I sniffed as my nose started to run. I guess I wasn't as good at fighting with somepony I genuinely cared about as I thought.

Well, there you go. Now we're back to where we started.

Screw her. I don't need Twilight, I thought. That would be the last time I take AJ's advice on anything for a while. I was still pissed off. Talking only made us both more upset, and now, instead of crawling into bed with Twilight, I was headed to the Wonderbolt's after-party to get annihilated drunk. Maybe, if I had the energy, I could fly home. I knew I sure as hell wasn't staying in that room tonight.

So I did. I found the Wonderbolts, we talked stunt flying shop, and I drank cocktail after cocktail. To tell you the truth, I don't really remember much of the night after that. I guess it's true what they say. Alcohol is the cause and solution to all the world's problems. Anyway, the party was winding down at around four in the morning. I don't think I saw Soarin or Fluttershy there, but who knows where they went. I do remember Spitfire telling me they had to be in Trottingham in the morning for a show, and they'd be sleeping on the tour bus tonight.

She probably asked me where my date went. Hopefully I didn't embarrass myself answering, but who knows what I said.

This part of the story is not my proudest moment. I ended up sprawled on a bench in the palace gardens. It was as far as I could make it, though who knows where I thought I was going. And, of course, you'll never guess who found me.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard a knock at the door. My cheeks and eyes were still a bit puffy, and I was exhausted; mentally and physically. I debated answering the door. It could have been Rainbow, come to hurl more insults now that she probably had gotten good and sauced. It could have been a palace servant come to bring me fresh towels. Though, at three in the morning, that was unlikely.

They knocked again. I threw myself out of bed and trotted hotly to the door.

"Go away!" I shouted.

"Ah know you're upset Sugarcube, but Ah just mean to talk to ya."

I don't know how she did it, but Applejack had impeccable timing. I opened the door expecting to see the filly that had been following her around all night, helping to sell her apples and apple accessories.

"Where's Apple Bloom?"

"She's plum tuckered. Ordinarily, I wouldn't leave her alone, but the palace is crawlin' with guards," she replied.

"Mac couldn't watch her?" I asked before recalling he had a date this year.

Applejack blushed. "Uh, he and Rarity got their own room for tonight..."

"Oh," I added knowingly. Though, I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about him before—err, anyway...

Applejack stepped inside and marveled at the room as I lit a few candles with magic. "Sure is a nice place the princesses set ya up with!"

"Yeah, it's a little big for my tastes. I mean, when were Rainbow and I going to use a basketball court?"

Applejack sat down on a chair in the great room and turned back to me. She had changed out of her formal dress, now wearing the only piece of clothing I knew she was comfortable with. "So, Ah came ta talk to ya about Rainbow. Ah know it's none of my business, what goes on between you two—and Ah'll leave if you want—but Ah wanted to at least try."

I knew what this was about the moment she said she wanted to talk. As much as I didn't want to re-open this wound, I thought maybe a third party would help me understand what Rainbow was thinking. It was the first rational decision I'd made all night. "Okay," I mumbled in defeat, taking a seat across from her. More like a slouch, really.

Applejack adjusted her hat and took a deep breath. "Alright, well, ya may be wondering why Ah've taken an interest in the two of ya. Ah'm not tryin' ta play matchmaker or anythin' like that, but I'd be lyin' if Ah said Ah didn't have a hoof in what happened tonight."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Applejack nodded. "Rainbow came ta see me after you'd introduced her to your parents—tellin' them she was your date and all," she began. "Believe it or not, Dash was pretty upset that your parents just laughed it off, like the two of you weren't serious."

"But we aren't serious!" I interrupted. "This was our first real date!"

She smiled at me, as though she knew something I didn't. "To Rainbow, you are. Ah know you love all of us as your friends, Twi, but some of us ya don't know as well as ya might think." She sat back in her chair. "Rainbow doesn't really let anypony connect with her on the level you have very often. She was tellin' me the way you didn't insist to your parents that it was rude to laugh the way they did at the two of you here together really shook her up."

I nodded dumbly. In all my years of analytical thinking, all the time spent analyzing every possible angle of a problem, I never stopped to try and see things from Rainbow's perspective. Although, it is a bit hard for me, considering I'm nearly the exact opposite of her.

Applejack's eyes shifted around as she smiled at me sheepishly. "And, Ah may have given her some advice she took the wrong way."

I leaned forward. "Such as?"

"Ah told her she needed to prove to you and your parents that the two of you were serious. You had your way of proving it to them, and she had hers. Hers was a little more... public than yours Ah'd wager, but that wasn't all her fault."

I should have been angry at Applejack, but I wasn't. I was... relieved. It was odd that this feeling had only come after Applejack had talked to me, but a good feeling nonetheless. "I... I think I overreacted a bit."

She waved a hoof. "Nah, I wouldn't want to smooch my special somepony in front of all those strange ponies either."

"Not just there... Rainbow came back here after. We had a pretty nasty argument. She left about two hours ago." Those sickening stomach pains came rushing back. I had said such terrible things to her in my anger. I closed my eyes briefly and all I saw was that hurt look on Rainbow's face. I never wanted to see it again.

Applejack looked confused. "She ain't here?"

I shook my head. "I told her she should go to the Wonderbolt party."

Applejack looked at the antique clock in the corner of the room. "We should probably go look for her," she suggested.

"No, let me. You go back to Apple Bloom." I stood from my seat as she did the same.

Applejack nodded as she stepped toward the door. "Alright then. Ya may not like the state she's in when ya find her. Rainbow ain't a stranger to looking for answers in cocktails," she warned.

I smiled. "I know. I owe her one."

I had no idea where to start looking after I tried the Sun and Moon room. It was locked up tight, and none of the guards cleaning up had seen Rainbow for the past hour. I sat on the steps outside the building. Where could she have gone? I thought.

I sighed, setting my head on my hooves. She could have flown home for all I knew, and she had every right. The palace was closed down for the night, most buildings shuttered, and the portcullis closed. Only the night watch of Luna's guard remained awake. They always seemed colder than the daytime royal guards. I think it was their eyes. Yellow, like a cat's, and vertical pupils, too. Those bat-wings just seemed... scarier, I guess. Every now and then I'd catch their glowing eyes on me before continuing their sweep of the grounds.

I walked toward the gardens, thinking that eventually I'd see Rainbow. If not tonight, then maybe tomorrow, or some time in Ponyville. Time wouldn't make our seeing each other any less awkward, I felt sure.

Wandering around was something I didn't do very often. The gardens were peaceful, especially at this time of night. For all the times I've planned my activities down to the minute, sometimes it's nice to just waste them. Not often, but occasionally. I found a bench behind a tall hedge and sat down. My hooves ached from walking in those fancy shoes, so I'd kicked them off before going looking for Rainbow. Even without them, the ground wasn't as soft as I'd have liked.

I leaned back against the bench and stared up at the moon. It was bright and full, with only a few clouds to block its light. I sighed, running a hoof through my styled mane. It was a lot less styled by then. I closed my eyes and tried to think about how I was going to apologize to Rainbow, when I heard a sound come from the other side of the hedge.

It was a belch. Loudest and... belch-iest I'd ever heard. I stood on the bench and set my forelegs on the top of the bush. On the opposite side, Rainbow lay on a bench, the front of her dress stained by swigs of spilled drink while her elegantly braided mane had come undone in places. A low moan escaped her lips before I spied a bottle roll away from her hoof.


Author's Note:

Yes, I know the argument from the first chapter isn't exactly the same as this one. That was intentional.