• Member Since 5th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Our hero, the Marty Stu, has been sent on by the djinn's magic to yet another reality in the Equestrian Multiverse. He awakens to see that once again, he is not a human, but some combination of man and snake. A Yuan-Ti perhaps. More annoyed by this outcome more than anything else, he decides to explore where he's been sent this time.

Another addition to the universe Rust and Blackwing created.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 192 )

huh, interesting at least. Imma keep tabs.

Very interesting story you have here. i like the D&D elements thrown in. The multiverse part has me thinking did you base anything off Nathan Travelers work?

Another player to our game?

Swell!! Quite enjoyable XD :pinkiesmile:

772055 I have no idea, having never read Nathan Travelers works. This is basically me playing self-insert with consequences.
773362 Yessss

Well I hope you aren't another Marty sue char....
oh wait....

775773 I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner. (I do admit to having a bias to Yuan-Ti, though. One of my favorite webcomic characters is a yuan-ti halfblood female.)

775782 At least this guy knows that he is one. Also, all of his abilities are justified, they just happen to be backstory that hasn't been written yet. Yay in media res.

Yuan-ti used to be human and mixed their blood with snakes and magic to change. Naga, as far as I know, are just Naga. Since Naga seems to be more of a race, while Yuan-ti seems to be more of a cult, I think Naga would be more appropriate in the MLP world (No human relation). Not too late to change it if you want.

A message from Skeleton Jack:

"The fuck am I reading? Also, can I kill you? Please? I'll give you this sandwich I made!"

775811 He's (the Marty Stu) calling it a Yuan-ti. I'm going to call it something else, semi-based on the mythos that Cloud_surfer added.

Wow:twilightoops: gotta hand it to ya this is good:moustache:

Yay, Forgotten Realms references!

Also, the lack of a silver/metallic atmosphere should've been hint enough that he's not on Abeir.

So it is safe to say that Marty Stu also went to Fallout Equestria as part of the multiverse

It is also safe to say that when our characters meet Griffin, we are both gonna knock him upside the head for providing the odd chance that he may/may not bring destructive warfare to Equestria and possibly cause a nuclear holocaust right?

Because I know Cole is going to help with that :pinkiecrazy:

790924 Marty has been to the FO:E universe, and the idea a repeat of it is one of the few things that gives him nightmares, he will have a stern talk with Grif. He's also going to give a VERY stern talking to to Celestia and Luna.


Haha! Something we both can point out to all of them!

I can't wait to see that in a chapter down the line then

This turned pretty gruesome... I actually like it. You're not afraid of going into gory details, which is something some authors have problems with.
Good job.

You've read the Dragon Reborn series too? I only read fractured parts of the series because I didn't have all the books. It was still a great story, and I had the same idea for the multiverse theory.

Enough fangirling, this story was well written for the exposition and gave a lot of character detail. The idea that Marty is use to seeing things like this and is doing his best to fix it, especially since his first meeting with Equestria was on extremely bad terms (seriously, beating the hell out of Celestia and Luna like that and enslaving their ponies? How could you) it shows that Marty still wants to make up for what he did, and at the same time shows he is capable of doing evil. Also shows why he hates slavers too I think

829399 It is a precious moment, isn't it.

829697 A lot of authors don't know how to write gore well. My belief is that it's more useful for inspiring hate, sorrow, or horror (the despair type horror, not the fear type horror). Modern Hollywood, which a lot of author's take their cues from, think gore equals fear. To me, that honestly doesn't work.

830236 Glad you like the the series I've based Marty's powers on. As for the why of his absurd hatred for slavers, that's not been said yet. It also justifies his hatred of rapists and child abusers as well.


I mean, if that's okay with you...:fluttershyouch:


and I have read that series with saidin was it I got to the point where he purified the male power

Awesome chapter. I definitely like where this is going.

i just love how when i upvote something it takes off a downvote :yay:

I find myself loving this, though I get the feeling that guard is ganna start shit later.

841348 That remains to be seen :D.
840775 Woot, upvotes!
839780 839040 Glad you're enjoying it. Also, the name of the series the powers come from is called 'The Wheel of Time', just so you know.

:pinkiegasp:"The Wheel of Time" references. I like...A lot. I assume that you are channeling Saidin and that it is untainted.
So, the world of dreams, huh? I shall be there soon. (It is 5:06 A.M. and I still haven't gone to sleep yet after all.)
Also, WoT in MLP:FiM for the WIN!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay::yay:dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Bonbon_OMG_LOVE.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Fluttershy_lolface.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Fluttershy.png :moustache:

I enjoyed the chapter, but it sets Marty up as a chaotic good character, which I think you are aiming for. I also expect that guard to reappear to be another pain in the yay if you know what I mean.

I wouldn't be surprised if Marty tossed out a few one-liners for comedic value too.

848040 I hesitate to call him chaotic good. He has a protective streak for those he cares about so large that he will move heaven and earth literally to keep them safe.

Hurray for Nagas! (Still, Princess Nada Naga is Best Naga.)
More Channeling.:yay:
I continue to enjoy this great story.

Was the taint on Saidin partially responsible for Marty's madness?
I noticed that at times, Marty started thinking with the long ssssssss'ssss. Not just that, but it seemed that sometimes Violet started using them too.

"Honey, I'm certain there are thousssands of inssstancesss of Equessstria, along with thousssandsss of instancesss of Terra, of Corellia, of Nirn, and basically any universsse you can think of.

Aww. Why so few? After all, there are even infinite universes for every position and orientation of a single grain of sand on a beach.

Hurray for centaurs!:yay: I know that you only mentioned the centaur as a character in one of Marty's past lives, and that he won't be playing any other roles than that, but this is the second MLP:FiM fanfic that I've read that's mentioned centaurs.

Quite liking this. It has to be the first time I've seen centaurs mentioned in a MLP fic, which has always seemed odd to me.

It's also nice, in a way, to see an asshole guard. Proves that Celestia doesn't grow them in her back garden or something.

The Janitor walks over to some chains and shackles. "Anyone want these? How 'bout the bodies?"

Crap. This just proves that there's a high chance someone has a similar idea to you. Your multiverse theory is near identical to my theory/setting.
Oh well, at least my arrangement is different, and my characters' powers are so far still unique. Which is that every universe is a floating point in a sea of energy (borrowing Ender's Game here), hundreds of versions of each one, like yours, and that there is a space between each world that my character and his company, EM Co., can travel through. If the world has no more life, it fades away, operating on my theory that the story of this world has ended, and so does everything else. If there are still plants, the universe would still live on, but until something interesting happens, its world would become a bit dull in "color." Its extremely rare and situational, an the EM Co. goes around preventing watton destruction from external sources.

Yeah, you need to fix up your placement of the sss's. He shouldn't sss in his thoughts.

I like this chapter. I also like how Marty is making new friends.
In an unrelated topic, I wonder what Cuendillar tastes like. (Heartstone for those unfamiliar with The Wheel of Time.)

And, a certain cow is chasing him, hmm?

899010 Probably doesn't taste like anything. Cuendillar is completely indestructible, so you wouldn't be able to taste it.

Awesome! Can't wait for another chapter. Hurry please.:fluttershysad:

"Good night, Violet. Schlaefst sehr gut!" is kinda wrong. It should be "Schlaf gut" :twilightsmile:

I didn't see any other mistakes but I didn't really look either. Just kinda disliked his word choice, he didn't lose control I had the feeling he just decided to kill them and I don't think it calmed the guard down.:twilightblush:

So, is a cow going to visit you soon?

970402 That would be telling. yes

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