• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 6,916 Views, 994 Comments

Friendly Fire - Starscribe

Jacob was just an ordinary student the year the whole world changed. It started with the powers, powers that seemed to be spreading. Can he get to the bottom of this mystery and take back his life before there's nothing left to save?

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Chapter 36

Jacob felt less confident the closer he came to the recording studio. He could hear distant voices, see studio lights shining down the hall, but that didn’t make things easier. What do I think I’m gonna do, tell an Alicorn she’s wrong to her face? Sunset Shimmer felt an enormous debt to him, and to the others who had rescued the imprisoned ponies. That gratitude was infused anew every time his magic saved one of her ponies. But that wasn’t the same thing as having the confidence to tell a pony as powerful as she was that she was wrong.

He kept walking anyway. He needed nothing more than the image of Michelle's face in his mind, legs propped up on her couch after another bad-movie marathon. Attacking at random was going to target people like her. People who should be allowed to keep living their lives.

What would Twilight have said about Sunset’s plan? Pity she wasn’t alive to consult. For all his doubts, there was another voice, a voice of shame. The voice that whispered to him that maybe Sunset was making the right choice. They were fighting for survival, and she was an Alicorn. Who better to know what they should do?

He found the door hanging open, ponies and humans in various states of ponification moving about in the usual patterns of video production. He was unfamiliar with most of it, though he recognized enough to know that Sunset had recreated a semi-professional level of production at least. It would’ve been adorable to see ponies moving about with makeup trays or levitating microphones, were it not for what Sunset was filming.

It was a mostly empty set. Sunset stood beside a green-screen, hovering in the air with flaming wings and flashing eyes. There was nothing of special effects in the way even her clothes started to sizzle, and one of the lights near her exploded in a shower of glass.

“Those you trust to protect you sent soldiers to slaughter my friends. They captured and imprisoned your families, and left them to rot like carcasses.” He saw from a display facing him what Sunset must be seeing, images superimposed on the green-screen beside her. The siege of Unity, apparently taken from some of its many security cameras. Humans bleeding and dying. Containment, though there were only a handful of photos, probably taken from Sunset’s own cell-phone. He had wondered who she had been texting three hundred meters underground. Then fresh images, from that very day. The dragon, ruined buildings, and the corpses. It was enough to make him recoil, though he stuffed a fist in his mouth to keep from gagging.

“We will find those responsible, and deal justice to them. What you are experiencing now is not vengeance for their actions.She landed, approaching one of the other cameras more calmly. Jacob was just glad she wasn’t pointed at him or the open door anymore. “You suffer because it is the only way to protect the ponies of this planet. When there were a few of us, we were hunted and slaughtered though we only asked for peace. Now there are millions. Don’t let them subjugate you as they did your missing families.”

“If you are watching this video, then with it we have published two lists. The first is the names of every pony we have managed to save—your loved ones taken for as long as two years. One day soon, you will be able to see them again, and hear their witness that we have treated them well.

“The other is a longer list—the name of every person we know of we couldn’t save. The murdered.

“We will not abandon you as your own planet has done. You will be found, and taught your new powers. Flight for the wings, magic for the horns, and strength for ponies with neither.

“You are not insane, and you are not alone. Equestria thanks you for your role in protecting the lives of its citizens.” She held still, staring directly into the lens. Then someone shouted, and several of the stage lights went out.

Ponies rushed around with renewed production fervor, many of them looking as disturbed as he felt. Sunset Shimmer had sounded every bit as passionate as when she was back in Containment. Not a person at all, but a force.

She was walking right towards him. All the military sternness was gone from her face, and she smiled down at him. “Jacob! I understand you preserved a good friend of mine the doctors had given up for dead.” She clasped him on the shoulder, her hand burning with heat. “Your service is as valuable as ever.”

He nodded, trying to find the words he had been searching for. When he stormed from their little barracks, he had been so confident. Katie had smiled at him as he left, looking so proud. He couldn’t let her down. Couldn’t let Michelle down. “This video you’re making, is it about something that already happened?”

Sunset stopped, glancing once down the hall before answering. “Not until tomorrow morning. It’s the dead of night in the US and very early morning in the parts of Europe we’re focusing on. It happens tomorrow, then we give another day before we make our statement. No more letting the Light Tenders silence us before anyone can even hear our story.”

“Couldn’t we…” He looked away. “Just tell the story? If you have a way of getting videos out you think people will watch before they’re taken down, we could just use that. Skip whatever you have planned.”

The Alicorn straightened, then looked him over with those dark, confident eyes. “You didn’t see the whole thing, did you?” He shook his head, and she continued. “It’s twenty full minutes long. We explain everything, and use real ponies as proof.”

“Sounds perfect.” He relaxed a little, grinning in spite of himself. “That’s exactly what we need to do. Even the parts you thought were hard for us.”

“If we thought it would work.” Sunset sighed. “You’ve seen how good humans are with movie production and special effects. If you saw a video of a pony a year ago, before you joined us, would you think that everything you understood about the universe was a lie, or that you were watching some kind of film trickery.”

He didn’t really have to consider. Of course he wouldn’t have believed anything that absurd, video “evidence” or not. He had seen video evidence of hauntings and bigfoot, but that hadn’t convinced him either. “Jackie said you were giving a lot of it away… Some kind of transformation…” he shook his head. “Whatever. Couldn’t you at least keep the attack limited? Get a military base, maybe. Instead of civilians who don’t even know we’re at war.”

Sunset pulled him around towards the studio, wrapping one arm around his shoulders. He didn’t squirm, though his flesh recoiled at her touch. This person wanted to attack innocent people. It didn’t feel right. “No matter how big a single attack was, they’d make it go away. With Containment gone, I don’t expect our enemy to be capturing ponies anymore. They’ll slaughter us.”

“Two attacks might be the same way, or three, or ten. I don’t know what resources they control.” Film people hurried around them, tending to Sunset’s makeup, straightening her collar. They ignored Jacob completely. “So we attack everywhere. We free a million ponies, or two, or five. Maybe our virus spreads over the whole planet, and the problem disappears…” She shook her head. “I don’t think that’s likely. Humans are too versatile for that, or you’d already be extinct. They will stop it, eventually. Our only hope is, by then, there are too many people for the Light Tenders to kill.”

“When that happens, the surface will be safe again. We won’t have to hide in caves, because there will be so many more ponies. We can recover the shards of the mirror in safety, and bring Celestia here to greet her new subjects.”

Your masters taught me: supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. This way might be… unconventional, but it also won’t cost lives. When we’re done, the Light Tenders won’t be able to kill us. We will win the war without fighting.”

“I don’t like it.” He pulled away from her, shivering at how cold he felt despite the spotlights shining all around him. “It’s brilliant, it might even work, I dunno. But the way we win matters. If you do this… even if we win, and ponies are safe… you’re going to make people hate us. Maybe forever.”

Sunset tensed. All around them, the crew’s conversation faded to silence, and many eyes watched them. Sunset folded her arms. “If the way you win matters, is it right to save the lives of the dying? You’re making the decisions of an Alicorn, rewriting their fates and using necromancy on their bodies. Is the magic evil when the result is a pony who doesn’t have to leave the ones they love?”

He tried to come up with an answer, but his lips only stumbled uselessly over the words. Necromancy? Rewriting fates? What was Sunset Shimmer even talking about?

The princess advanced towards him, resting one hand on his shoulder. He tried to pull away, but her grip was too strong. He was no earth pony, to resist the will of an Alicorn. “Lifeline, I know you aren’t the only one who is uncomfortable about this. I haven’t asked for your help—I only ask for your trust. Princess Celestia gave me this planet, and I intend to honor her trust. I will take the responsibility, I will take the guilt, and you can keep up the good work saving ponies. Alright?”

“Yeah.” He bowed, lowering his head. “I understand, princess.”

She didn’t correct him.

Jacob got out as quick as he could, hurrying downstairs. He met Eric and Danielle in the lobby, Eric carrying Danielle in his arms. She didn’t look very awake.

Eric was. “You look like you saw a ghost,” he said, stopping in the hall. The pony he was carrying didn’t even twitch.

“You could say that.” Jacob stopped, glancing around them. There were other ponies here, a steady flow of traffic into and out of the capital. Few of them went downstairs though, considering how little housing was down there. “Is Danni doing better?”

He nodded. “She wasn’t hurt to begin with, just exhausted. Earth pony magic is usually just being able to do physical stuff well, so it’s hard to tell.

“Walk with me.”

Eric followed without objection, down the stairs and into a supply closet on their floor. It had held emergency food rations once, but they had eaten all that. Jacob shut the door behind them, resting his back against it. So far as he knew, no one had seen them go in. “What’s wrong?”

Jacob explained as quick as he could.

Eric’s confusion quickly changed to horror, as his grip on Danielle got tighter. He was shaking by the time Jacob finished. “What… what the hell are we supposed to do? We could try the Internet cafe, but they screen everything people post… probably no one would believe us…”

“I don’t know.” Jacob rested against the empty shelves, but he was still nearly two feet shorter than his friend. “Even if we can’t stop this, we have to do something.”

“That’s why we’re hiding in the cupboard.”

He nodded. “I’m not sure about Harley. I’ll talk to her. Katie will agree with me, we can get her help. Jackie looked pretty upset too. Not sure about the others…” He started pacing back and forth. “You have Harley’s identification, right?”

Eric nodded. “Maybe she’s a good spy, but she hasn’t changed her password in four months.”

“I want you to go over the database. Look for anything unusual, anything we can use…” He stamped one foot in frustration. “Damnit, I’m not sure what you can even look for! We can’t give the ponies away, or we’ll all be slaughtered. But I can’t stand by and do nothing while Sunset Shimmer ‘greater goods’ one or both of our species into the ground.”

“I’ll see what I can find,” Eric eventually said. “Maybe there’s something we can use. But… there might not be anything useful.”

“Examine the political stuff too.” He stopped pacing. “Maybe if we can’t stop her, we can get her deposed or something. Celestia wouldn’t be happy with her attacking innocent people, would she?”

“Not the one from the show.” Eric reached down, stroking Danni’s mane. She didn’t notice, though she did seem quite relaxed in his arms. “But the show wasn’t the whole truth.”

“We might be able to learn from Harley. She didn’t seem to like Equestria much—I bet she’ll be as negative as possible.”

“But that might not be the truth either.”

“Yeah.” Jacob slumped back against the wall, burying his head in his hands. Somewhere far away, terrorists were transporting poison. What he wanted to do was warn the president, and have his warning be taken seriously. But there was no time, no way, and no chance he would be believed.

They were helpless.

Author's Note:

Having trouble with the importer again, so watch out for stray italics. It wasn't me I swear!