• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Horseword maintenance and installation specialist. Mareschizo extraordinaire.


Florina Harshwhinny's life story told through hotel reviews.

Loosely inspired by Rick Moody's novel 'Hotels of North America.'

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 39 )

Great fun. I look forward to some kinky hotel sex more.

Poor Mrs. Harshwhinny.
I just want to give her a big hug, even if she seems the type to jump on a restraining order.
Despite each chapter basically being one big complaint, it never gets tiresome and is in fact quite endearing.


>looks at rating
>realizes I unintentionally left it at Everyone

Ooooooh hell no that crap is going to be hard to keep there.

Thanks for reading, and glad you're enjoying :twilightsheepish:

my blame onto The Paramount Hotel

Is it usual to capitalize 'the' in this situation?

rather the original canvass


I was finally was led to my room

too many was.

I recommend an angry leader

I'd send an angry letter, myself.

enjoy eachother's presence.

I still maintain that each other are two separate words. Call me old-fashioned like that.

Lesson learned: Harshwhinny is best pony, until she turns on you. Then she's a more terrifying antagonist than the average fantasy we have about a G4 Grogar.

I look forward to more.

This is a lovely Harshwhinny voice. Looking forward to more.

My favorite part is that the also liked section thus far is crammed with many of my stories even though none* of them are relevant to this one. Harshwhinny's voice was captured well and I'm looking forward to the possibility of her encountering a hotel where she gets food poisoning during Hearth's Warming Eve or something unpleasant and ironic.

*Okay maybe one of them is now that I took a closer look.

This is something I can relate to: the blinking lights on smoke alarms. There’s a particularly evil one in the hallway of my house, installed a month ago after the previous one reached its end of life. It blinks once every minute or so; heck, I have no idea when, precisely. All I know is that it doesn’t blink, until…

Exhausted from reading fanfiction, I pass through the hallway at the stroke of midnight. I shiver a bit beneath my pyjamas as I tread on the firm carpet. Hastily, I fold my arms together and quicken my pace.

Suddenly, at the corner of my vision, tiny speck of red light is emitted from the ceiling. I swiftly cock my head towards it, performing a double take. There’s nothing there. Just the deep, foreboding darkness that consumes every nook and cranny of my surroundings.

I stare at where I swear the light was for minutes, possibly hours without end, waiting for it to return. It doesn’t. Slowly, I creep the remaining distance to my bedroom, my eyes still fixated at the ceiling and my body giving another slight shiver.

And I push the door shut, though not before the bloody cυnt blinks again.

Thank Celestia the smoke alarm’s not in my bedroom as well. Godspeed, Ms. Harshwhinny.

Nice going. I can relate. Write on.

fuck the smoke detector light.

Something tells me this is one of the best reviews she's ever given to a hotel :pinkiehappy:

This sounds like the best hotel she's stayed at so far.

Reading this from a hotel room made it way too relatable. Great work so far, hope to see more.

I know hockey teams in hotels sound bad. Soccer is worse. The mom's constantly screaming because the coach's throat went out long ago, the kids being amped on sugar and the extra siblings joining them because the father is away at work. At least hockey kids are too busy worrying about their gear versus the soccer kids who kick the walls.

-True Story

7959839 I dunno what it is about being a kid but for some reason staying in hotels were the biggest jolt of adrenaline imaginable. Especially when you were with friends instead of family.

I vividly remember playing hide-and-seek with a bunch of friends on a school trip. In retrospect I realize we were assholes, but Christ was it fun.


I suppose it's a matter of perspective on what people found fun as a kid. Growing up I had to sleep in motels with bullet holes, porn on every channel blaring and then the unmistakable stench of someone having thrown up in the bed. As an adult, the motels were worse when the drug dealers came out and the hookers called at 4 in the morning.

We stayed in some of the nicer hotels too. That's the sad thing.

I like how in the previous chapter she gives a two-star rating all because she found someone to be irritating, yet here she likes the hotel all because it's mediocre.

Also, it took me a moment to realize that she published this issue herself.

It's been almost a year! Are we going to see any more of this?

whose primarily denizens

primary denizens

Also, do I detect a trace of the Grand Budapest Hotel?

motels are pretty shady sometimes.

I wonder what strange trails will lead her back there.
8489747 See this.

It simply didn't have enough Harshwhinny.


It simply didn't have enough Harshwhinny.

A statement true in all places, all times, and relevant for all conceivable situations. Well Done.

An AU where everypony is Harshwhinny and everyharshwhinny is ruled by the majestic Harshwhinnylestia and Harshwhinnuna, her younger harshwhinny who was banished for one thousand years for being... unprofessional in most treasonous ways. I apologize in a totally professional way if that image was too graphic.

Glad to see this back in action!

But is it more graphic than the thought of Disharshwhinnycord, that most undignified Spirit of Unprofessionalism, escaping her imprisonment to spread her impropriety across the land?

edit: I forgot we don't speak of that.

We don't speak of that.

It was nice to see she'd gotten a good stay at least once in her life.

That ending was extremely bittersweet. I hope the people from that little motel did read it, and felt good about it. Too sad if they didn't :applecry:

On the other hand, yay, it's back :yay:

A poignant note to reopen on. I look forward to seeing further reviews, though I don't expect any will lay Ms. Harshwhinny's soul quite as bare as this one.

It’s funny because she’s not wrong even if she’s a grouch.

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