• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 3,541 Views, 22 Comments

HeartBeat - Rock Slide

Afraid of how Sunset would react,Adagio knows that it's only a matter of time before she has to tell her girlfriend that she's pregnant. And she's not the sire.

  • ...


After the laughter started to die down, Aria walked over to Sunset and Adagio. "Can I steal Sunset for a second? I'll bring her back in one piece." Aria jokes lightly.

“Well alright… but bring her back before she misses the cake I think Pinkie’s already starting to cut it,” Adagio pointed to Pinkie who was in fact starting to cut the cake.

Aria nodded and pulled Sunset off to the kitchen. Once they were on the other side of the double doors and Aria was sure no one could hear them, she grinned.

Sunset didn’t know what to think. She and Aria had never really been close, only really interacting when Adagio was nearby. But she did know that Aria was a reserved person, she didn’t really talk much, and always seemed grumpy.

Now though, she had her face split by a huge grin, and she was bouncing around like a child in a Candy store.

Aria managed to calm herself down, and straightened her hair, before speaking to Sunset.

“Can I see it?”

Sunset said exactly what was on her mind. “Huh?” She stood there for a few seconds, a confused look on her face.

Aria rolled her eyes. “I saw the box before you hid it earlier.”

Sunset’s jawline hit the floor. Her eyes started to dart about in panic before Aria put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone.”

Sunset let out a breath. “Thank you.” She looked about, uneasy. “This doesn’t upset you, does it? Me asking Adagio?” She didn’t know it, but she was squeezing her hands together so hard her knuckles were white.

Suddenly, her hands were pulled apart, and Aria took one in hers. “Sunset; Adagio is like family to me, and the most important thing one family member can do for another is to make sure they are happy. Nothing in this world makes Adagio happier, than you do.

“So in my book, I can’t think of any reason to get upset by this.”

Sunset wrapped her arms around Aria, and pulled her close, her eyes slightly moist. “Thank you, Aria, that means a lot to me.”

“No problem.” She broke the embrace. “Now can I see the damn thing or not?”

Sunset chuckles and pulled the box out of her pocket. Aria stares at it with anticipation plain on her face as Sunset opens the box, revealing the ring.

Aria lets out a muffled squeak as she covers her mouth. “Oh my, that… that's beautiful!” Aria reaches for the box slowly before stopping just inches before it. “Can I?” Aria asks.

Sunset nods and watches as Aria ever so gently takes the ring out of the box and looks at it in the light. Aria continues to stare in awe for the best part of a minute before looking Sunset in the eyes. “When were you thinking about asking her?”

Sunset takes a moment to think and then shrugs. “I don't know,” Aria raised an eyebrow, “I was trying to get myself to do it sometime this week… or month.”

“This really means that much to you?” Aria asked as she put the ring back.

“More than anything.” Sunset answered, closing the box and putting back in her pocket. “And nothing else in this world would make me happier!”

Aria’s smile somehow grew bigger as she threw her arms around Sunset. “That's exactly how Adagio feels. She's crazy about you.”

The smile on Sunset’s face threatened to rip her head in two. Being told that what she had was reciprocated warmed her heart, especially if Adagio was serious enough to let others know.

“Hey, Sunset? I know it isn’t my place, but can I make a suggestion?”

Intrigued, Sunset nodded her head. “Of course you can.”

“This is also kind of personal, I mean … it does concern all three of us Sirens, but I think you deserve to know. We have been here almost two years now. Starswirl banished us hundreds of years ago, but time, fate, destiny, or whatever you choose to call it, only dumped us in this dimension’s timeline recently.

“In two Saturdays time, about six p.m., it will mark the two year anniversary. Last year, we did anything we could to avoid thinking about it; the memory of our failure still fresh. Chances were, that we would’ve done the same this year.”

Aria looked Sunset dead in the eyes. “But this year I want it to be different. This year, I want to have a reason to celebrate it, and make it so that forever more, that one of the worst days in Adagio’s life instead becomes one of her best.”

“Aria, what are you saying?” Sunset held a hand over her open mouth, already having a sense of where this conversation was going.

“What I am saying is, I want you to propose to her, not only on just the date, but also on just the spot, when we arrived here. Can you do that for me, as well as Adagio?”

Sunset didn’t trust her voice right then, instead, nodding harder than she ever had before.

‘BANG’. The kitchen door slammed open. Sonata shuffled in, her back to the others. “Hey, Pinkie,” she shouted through the door, “where did you say the cups were?”

“Second cupboard on the left, head height!” Came Pinkie’s voice through the door.

“Hmmm hm hm hmm hmmm...” Sonata hummed as she backed further into the kitchen, before turning around and finally spotted the pair. Sunset was still shaking slightly, almost going pale.

“Arriiaaaaaaaa! You said you wouldn’t break Sunset!”

“Oh huff it, she’s fine. Right?” Aria prodded Sunset hard.

Sunset coughed hard, before squeaking out, “Yes.”

“See! Totally fine.” She turned to Sunset. “I’ll get you the details at some point during the week, and don’t worry, anything you need I’m there. Now get back in there and have some cake.” Aria shoved Sunset out of the kitchen.

“What were you two talking about, Aria?”

“I’ll explain later Sonata. So…” Aria pointed at the cupboard, “cups?”

~Saturday, almost 2 weeks afterwards~

“Let’s take a walk in the park Dagi,” Sunset said as she pulled into her usual spot nearest the park.

She looked at the clock briefly, the time blinking on five twenty-five. She smiled, knowing they were right on time. “Alright,” Adagio responded with a soft smile back.

Sunset grinned inwardly, stepping out of the car and moving to the passenger side before Adagio could open the door. Adagio looked up in surprise as Sunset opened the door for her, and bowed slightly grinning cheekily, “Ladies first.”

Adagio lightly smacked Sunset on the arm, but smirked and got out of the car. She walked ahead of her for a bit, swaying her hips as she moved, before she turned around.

“Are you coming or not… oh and close your mouth; all you’re going to do like that is catch flies.”

Shaking her head, Sunset pulled herself out of her stupor. She smiled; it was a good thing Adagio thought she had the surprises tonight, it would mean she wouldn’t see it coming.

She sped up to catch Adagio, slipping her fingers into the other girls, and pulling her hand closer.

“It feels like forever since we have walked in this park.” She started to pull her in a specific direction.

“Yeah, it has. It’s hard to believe that it was in this park that we finally started talking to each other,” Adagio reminisced, “and where we started our first date.”

The sun had already begun its decent earlier that day, but where it sat now framed Adagios face as Sunset looked at her. If she had still been in Equestria, Sunset would’ve sworn Celestia was helping her out.

Glancing at her watch, she realized that the time was almost upon them, and that she needed to speed up. An idea grabbed her, so she ran with it; literally.

She started running, laughing as she spun, blew a raspberry at Adagio, and took off again. “Oh no you didn’t!” Adagio charged after her.

Sunset kept running, laughing as she slowed down, baiting her, before speeding off again. Adagio gave a good chase, forcing Sunset to do loops around trees, and jump over benches.

So wrapped up in chasing Sunset, Adagio didn’t realize where she was going. Sunset took a quick turn, and dived inside of a recess, located in a rocky outcropping.

Adagio followed suit, before finding Sunset standing in the middle facing her. Not waiting to find out if this was another trick, Adagio jumped at her, knocking her backwards onto the ground, and landing on top of her.

Adagio was now above Sunset, her legs either side of her. She was propped up, her hands either side of her head. She held herself there, breathing heavily, her face two inches from Sunsets. They both wore a grin, until Sunset lunged her head forwards and stole a kiss that seemed to last an eternity.

Adagio savored the contact, until Sunset pulled away. She tried to follow her down for more, but she found a hand in the way. “Sunset, what’s wrong?”

“Adagio; do you know where you are?”

For the first time, Adagio took stock of her surroundings. She recognized this place. Panic took hold, and she jumped up, backing away from Sunset.

“Why would you bring me here!? How did you even know about this place?”

Sunset sat up. “Adagio, calm down. Aria told me about this place, and what it means. Do you recognize the date?”

Adagio tilted her head, doing the math in her head. Then her eyes widened. “Two years. I have been here two years today.” She turned to Sunset, tears in her eyes. “Why are we at the site of my worst memory, on the day it happened!?”

“Because, Adagio, I want to change it so that this place, and this date, are forever a better memory.”

Sunset stood up, and grabbed Adagios hand, pulling the now confused girl towards the entrance. The sun had almost reached the horizon, and her watch bleeped six.

She made sure Adagio was facing outwards, and her inwards. “Adagio. You think about this cave, and you think about the darkness, like that back there.” She pointed towards the back of the cave, where the light failed to reach. Adagio turned, and looked over her shoulder.

Sunset softly took Adagios chin, and made her look forwards. “I want you to stop looking backwards. When you think of this cave, I want you to think about looking forwards. Tell me, what do you see?”

Adagio looked past over the other girl’s shoulder. “I can see a sunset.” She smiled. “But that still doesn’t explain…” She found a finger over her lips.

“Now look forwards again, but look closer.”

Adagio tried to look around her, but her eyes fell on on the girl in front of her. “Hah. I see a Sunset.” She smiled again.

“Not just any sunset, Adagio.” The flame haired girl dropped to one knee, and took one of Adagio’s hands. “If you’d have me, then from now on, when you think of this cave, and look forward, you won’t just see a sunset, you’ll see ‘your’ Sunset.”

Reaching into her pocket, she found and removed the velvet box, bringing it up between the two of them. She looked Adagio in the eyes, opened the box, and laid all to bear.

“Adagio; will you marry me?”

At this point, Adagio said nothing, and just blinked. This caused Sunset to become worried, and looking up at Adagio’s face she whispered, “A—Adagio?”

It took a few more minutes of worrying before Sunset noticed a change on Adagio’s visage. Instead of the blinking and blank stare, she was now softly smiling with tears in her eyes. “Yes! Of course I’ll marry you.” she said softly.

Sunset’s smile widened, placing the ring on Adagio’s finger, and stood up. She kissed adagio softly. This didn’t last long as they jumped back when they heard a loud, high-pitched squee.

Adagio and Sunset quickly realized they had been followed. “Girl’s stop hiding… We know you are here now…” Sunset sighed lightly with a shake of her head, then smiled, remembering Adagio had said yes.

Soon every one of the girls filed into the entrance of the cave. “Sorry,” Sonata smiled, “we couldn't resist.”

Both Adagio and Sunset giggled. “C’mon girl,” Aria spoke up. “Let's see the ring!”

Sunset looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “But you’ve already seen it,”

“I haven't.” Sonata said.

The other girls giggled as they waited.

“Here,” Adagio held out her hand, letting the light reflect the off the ruby.

“Oooh,” Sonata covered her mouth. “That's beautiful!”

“Damn right.” Rainbow chimed in.

“Why, that gem looks sweeter than a cold cider on a hot summer’s eve!” AJ whistled.

Each girl took a turn admiring the ring, before Adagio took her hand back, and grabbed on of Sunset’s. She looked down, and noticed that Sunsets fingers were still bare.

“Sunset; I want to go to the jewelers tomorrow. It isn’t fair that I get to wear something so pretty on my finger, and someone so pretty on my arm, while you have nothing. So I want to get a ring for you to.” Sunset smiled, and squeezed her hand.

“OH! OH! OH! OH! Girls! Do you know what this means?” Rarity squealed.

Quizzical looks adorned the group, staring at Rarity.

“It means I get to design and make not one, but two wedding dresses, as well as all the bridesmaids gowns. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

The group was a mixture of eye rolls and chuckles.

The laughter echoed for a few minutes before Adagio looked at Aria with a soft motion of her head. Aria knew that look meant that she needed to clear the others out so that Adagio and Sunset could have some private time.

“Alright girls I think we should let these two lovebirds have some time alone,” Aria said with a smile.

“Come on girls, you heard her. Back to the truck.” AppleJack called. As each one left, they went up to Adagio and Sunset, giving them both a hug, and well wishes, before promising to see them at Sugarcube Corner later.

Aria and Sonata were the last to leave. “Are you sure you don’t want either of us to wait outside?” Sonata asked.

Sunset placed a hand on Sonata’s shoulder. “You don’t need to worry, I promise.”

Smiling, Adagio nodded her consent, and her fellow Sirens made their way out. When Adagio was certain that the quirks had all left, she looked at where the sun began to set and then at Sunset.

“Soo…” Adagio started.

“Soo…” Sunset rested her head on Adagio's shoulder.

“So… What are we going to do? About the baby, I mean.”

“I’ve spent the past week thinking about that. When I think about our future, I can definitely see us with a few little ones running circle around our legs. And you know what? As far as I am concern, that future can start now.” She smiled, but Adagio look worried.

“That’s what you wanted right? I thought you wanted to keep it?” Sunset lifted her head up and looked Adagio in the eyes, worrying she was having second thoughts.

“I’m not saying I no longer want it, I'm just asking… What are we going to do? In Equestria, we're old enough to have families of our own, but here… we’re considered children still.” tears started filling up in Adagio's eyes. “How are we going to find jobs to support a child? What if we can't keep them? What if we can't keep her.” Adagio put her hands on her stomach. “...or him?”

“Hey!” Sunset grabbed Adagio’s head and turned it to face her. “Leave the worrying to me, OK? I'll think of something. I'll find a job. Two if I have to! And we will make this work!” Sunset wiped away the tears on Adagio's cheeks. “No one's going to take that baby away from us, you hear me? No one!”

“But if we can't support the baby? What if-”

Sunset lightly smacked Adagio. “What did I say? Leave the worrying to me. We will support this baby. Together. And if we can't do it on our own; we have plenty of wonderful friends that will help us. No matter what happens, we’ll always have us and our friends. You got that?” Adagio nodded and Sunset pressed their lips together, allowing the time to pass as the two embraced each other.

~~ Nine Months Later ~~

A bloated and uncomfortable Adagio lounged on the living room sofa. Bored out of her mind, she let her eyes wander around the main room of their house.

Their house.

Whenever she thought about the fact she now owned a house with Sunset, it brought warm feelings and fond memories. One of the best ones had been the day they redecorated. All of the girls had come over to help. ‘Help’ being used in the loosest way possible.

Each room saw help from a different party. Pinkie built their Kitchen, Rarity their lounge, Twilight built the study and supplied it with a wide assortment of books, Applejack did the garden, and Rainbow converted their basement into a band practice room. Instead of a room, Fluttershy had converted a storage closet into a cat haven, that was currently resident to two adopted cats; Malka and Lyris.

Aria and Sonata, however, had the honor of designing the baby’s room. Adagio smiled again as her thoughts drifted to the room itself. The walls were painted with scenes from Equestria; Canterlot Castle on one wall, idyllic plains and hills on another, whilst one was an entire map from the Frozen North to the Mysterious South.

And at last, as Adagio’s eyes drifted around the room again, she caught sight of the photos on the wall. Her and Sunset’s wedding day. The honeymoon. Their last trip with the girls.

“How are you feeling?” Came Sunset’s voice, as she entered in from the kitchen.

“Ugh. Like an overstuffed cow. An irritable cow to boot.” She groused back.

Sunset flounced down next to her on the sofa, before giving her a quick squeeze. As Sunset landed, however, the sofa bounced roughly, jolting Adagio.

“So, what’s on TV?” She asked Adagio. She didn’t respond. Looking over, Adagio was looking wide eyed staring ahead. Sunset waved in front of her face, making her slowly look over at her. “Adagio, are you okay?”

Adagio let out a low moan. “Sunset - get the car.”

Comments ( 13 )

7309919 fixed all of them :3

You ended it perfectly! I'm so happy they kept the baby! My question is will there be any more stories involving these two?

7311286 Yes we are in progress with a third story.:3

Baby is coming!!! :twilightoops:
i love it :raritystarry:
good work dude :pinkiesmile:

I love this story, and I cannot wait for the next one.

I have to admit.. if I were in Adagio's position, I would have aborted the baby. I hate sexual assault with a passion. I know what happened doesn't technically qualify it as sexual assault in the United States, but to me, it is. And I would've felt too violated to keep the baby. But, that's just me. Plus, I know I would be a horrible mother, and I couldn't take the pain of pregnancy. Or support the child.

Plus, I hate Blueblood. Always have.

7457384 the baby will play a bigggggggg part in the next story

Cuuute! But how did they make a baby?

"oh come on!"
-sweetie belle:unsuresweetie:

7629236 Human Blueblood Rape her.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

It doesn't truly get descriptive but it mentions rape


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