• Published 23rd Jun 2016
  • 4,093 Views, 200 Comments

Night Skies and Butterflies - Daemon of Decay

Fluttershy knows it is her honor to have born into the Lunar Guard. She knows it with all her heart. But sometimes, there is something that doesn't feel right. Sometimes she feels like Equestria is missing a little kindness.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The light of the sun cocooned Fluttershy in warmth like a well-loved blanket as she soared through the air. Tilting her wing she turned into a gentle dive, spiraling through clouds of pure white. She reached out a hoof and scooped up some of the fluffy cloud, allowing it to slowly spill out of her grasp as she soared through the air.

Catching an updraft, she beat her wings hard, gaining altitude quickly and revealing more of the impossibly vast sky. Instead of a terrified squawk she shouted in exhilaration. There were no walls. There was nothing to keep her tethered any longer. The sky was open before her and she could go anywhere and do anything.


The voice was a whisper on the wind, almost lost in the high altitude breeze, but Fluttershy’s ears picked it up all the same. She slowed down until she was hovering in place. “Hello?”


“Who's there? I can’t really see you…”

“Fluttershy can hardly fly!”

She flinched. “What?

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can hardly fly!”

“S-stop saying that! I’m not a foal anymore. I can fly, just like any other mare,” she said with forced bravado, rotating in place to try and find her tormentor. The sun passed behind a dark cloud and cast her in shadow.

The voice grew louder as if drawing closer, but there was nothing around for miles but lazy clouds and desolate sky.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Hit the ground and then she’ll die!”

“Stop! Stop it right now!” Fluttershy shouted, her anger quickly coming to a boil. The faces of past bullies flashed through her mind, each bearing the cruel, warped visage from her nightmares. But instead of the expected fear and anxiety, she only felt herself growing more furious as the unseen speaker taunted her endlessly. “Show yourself! I’ll show you who can’t fly after I’m done with you.”

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can hardly fly!”

The voice was right behind her. Fluttershy spun around and struck hard, throwing all her weight behind the punch.

There was the meaty thunk of an impact and the crunch of breaking bone as Echo took the blow to the side of the head, a horrible accusation in her eyes before they rolled up into her skull and she went limp. A streamer of blood trailed behind her as she fell from the sky.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Hit the ground and then she’ll die!”

Fluttershy’s face went white. “Echo!” she screamed as she dived after her. The wind whistled past her ears, her eyes burning with tears. No matter how fast she pushed herself, the distance between the two of them only increased. Fluttershy called out after her in desperate futility. “Echo! Echo please! I didn’t mean it!”

She could hear voices calling to her but she ignored them, her entire being focused on reaching Echo in time. Her muscles burned as she pushed herself harder than she’d ever done in her life.

And it still wasn’t good enough.

She would never be able to protect her friends, even from herself.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can hardly fly!”

Fluttershy gave an inarticulate scream as the ground rushed up to meet them.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Hit the ground and then she’ll die!”

Everything went white.


“Fluttershy? Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy jerked up with a loud gasp, sending a startled nurse shuffling back a few steps. She glanced around with wide, unseeing eyes, her heart trying its best to claw its way up and out of her throat. “Echo?” croaked Fluttershy.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy. She’s here,” the nurse said in a soothing voice.

The clean white lines of the infirmary walls slowly revealed themselves as Fluttershy wiped the tears from her eyes. She blinked repeatedly as she tried to slow her breathing, forcing the large bed in front of her into focus. Atop the bed was a comatose figure swaddled in a sea of bandages.

Leaning out of her seat, Fluttershy reached out and ran a testing hoof along Echo’s leg. Echo’s coat was clean now, free from the dried blood she’d been caked in when Fluttershy had dragged her through the infirmary’s doors. Fluttershy wasn’t so lucky, a few crusty patches still clinging to her arms. She didn’t look at them, keeping her eyes on Echo. “Has… has she said anything yet?”

The nurse shook her head. “It’s only been a few hours. Head injuries are never easy to treat. Her humors are entirely out of balance, and if the bad vapors build up in her system… but we’re watching for that. Modern medicine is a wonder to behold. You just have to give it time.”

Fluttershy gave a tired nod, finally releasing her grip on Echo. “Um, is it okay if I stay here a little longer? She’ll probably want to see a friendly face if– when she finally wakes up.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to kick you out just yet. I just wanted to let you know that there is a pony just outside asking for you.”

“Really?” Fluttershy rubbed one of her arms as she looked at the nurse. “Who is it?”

The nurse shrugged. “They didn’t give me a name. Said it was urgent, though.”

Gnawing on her lower lip, Fluttershy eased herself out of the chair, her limbs stiff from the uncomfortable position she’d been sleeping in. Her eyes remained on the floor as she gathered up her things, donning her armor and ensuring everything was in place. She couldn’t even muster up a resigned sigh as she pushed open the door and stepped out into the hallway.

She braced herself, but after a few moments without a barked reprimand or an announcement of imminent punishment, she raised her head to look up and down the empty hallway. “Um… hello?”


Fluttershy stumbled backwards with a strangled shriek. Her leg caught on the edge of a bench, and she was sent crashing into a nearby potted plant. Soil and shards of pottery poured off of Fluttershy’s head as she slowly lifted her chin off the floor. “Owie.”

From a nearby doorway strode an all too familiar black shape, the androgynous pony swathed in robes that seemed to pull the shadows around it. The pony regarded Fluttershy for a few seconds. “Still as high-strung as ever, I see. Even this far from the main infirmary, I am sure they could prescribe some sort of sedative.”

The door to Echo’s room was flung open as the nurse stuck her head out into the hallway. The moment she spotted the supine Fluttershy amidst the remains of the potted plant she exhaled sharply through her nose. “Just… Just let the desk know there is a mess to be cleaned up before you leave.” The door made a firm click behind her, leaving Fluttershy alone with the hooded pony.

Penumbra – or was it Antumbra? – made no effort to hide his or her amusement. Fluttershy’s cheeks burned beneath her helmet as she rolled over and stood up, shaking off the last of the dirt like a dog after a bath. She kept her gaze on the floor.

“You’re in a lot of trouble,” was all the robed pony said.

“It wasn’t my fault.”


“It wasn’t my fault,” Fluttershy said, her voice just above a whisper.

“It doesn’t matter. Come with me.”

Weakly lifting a hoof, Fluttershy opened her mouth to protest, but the other pony just marched past her without another glance. Fluttershy sighed, lowering her hoof again. “Coming…”

The other pony didn’t volunteer anything else on the long walk back to General Nightshy’s office, leaving Fluttershy to stew in heavy silence. Her thoughts matched the grim, anxious expression on her face, her neck bending beneath the weight of her guilt. How could I be so stupid after everything Nightshy did for me? Abandoning my post to stay with a friend? No wonder she sent Ant… Pen… one of the twins to get me. She’s going to put me in the brig for sure.

Fluttershy’s eyes opened wide. But who will take care of my animal friends? Echo won’t be out of the hospital for weeks! They’ll starve! Fluttershy slowed as she felt herself on the verge of hyperventilating. I’ll… I’ll have to tell the General the truth about the animals. All of them. She winced. Oh, why did that stupid stallion have to be such a… a big bully!

By the time the pair reached their destination, Fluttershy felt ill enough to contemplate asking to go back to the hospital. Her escort made no effort to help her, simply joining its twin to stand quietly outside the door. Sweat dribbled off Fluttershy’s chin. Pushing open the door to the General’s office with a trembling hoof, she crept inside. “G-General Nightshy?” she squeaked.

Even seated, General Nightshy was an imposing figure. Looking up from the papers spread across her desk, her cold eyes narrowed to mere slits. Planting her hooves on the table she leaned forward. Her voice was low and dangerous, like the rumble of an imminent cave-in. “All I want from you right now is the truth.”

Fluttershy flung herself onto the floor and began to wail. “It’s alll my faaaault! I d-d-didn’t meant to s-skip my duties but Echo was really hurt and, and I had to take her to the infirmary so she didn’t die and I stayed to make sure she was okay and, and, and I’m really sorry so please don’t let my animals starve just because I messed uuuuup!”

Frozen in place, eyes wide, Nightshy stared down at the bawling mare. “I… but… huh?” She glanced at Penumbra and Antumbra as they entered silently behind Fluttershy.

The twins looked at one another. Antumbra shrugged.

“Oh for the love of…” Nightshy rubbed the bridge of her nose for a few seconds before she turned back to face the mewling bat pony. Tears poured down Fluttershy’s face as she clenched her tail tightly between her hooves. “Fluttershy.”

“... and Echo is my only f-friend and now she’s going to hate me because I got her in t-trouble…”


“... they depend on me and I f-failed them all ! Who is going to feed them and take c-care of them and read them bedtime stories now?”

Nightshy took a deep breath before letting loose with her best parade ground shout of “Atten-shun!”

Fluttershy leapt to her hooves, head upright, back straight, expression neutral, and stood at attention. It took a few heartbeats before she remembered she was supposed to be begging for forgiveness, but Nightshy had already rounded the desk and was standing just in front of her.

She fixed Fluttershy in place with her sternest glare. “Stop crying this instant. I’m not throwing you in the brig, your friend isn’t going to be punished, and I’m not going to starve any of your illegal pets, no matter how much I want to at this moment. Now, tell me the truth. What happened yesterday?”

Fluttershy wiped her nose with a sniffle. “There… was a fight. And it wasn’t Echo’s fault.”

“I know there was a fight. I need to know the details.”

Fluttershy obeyed. As she retold the story she watched as Nightshy’s expression shifted from impatience to concern to cold contemplation. She didn’t interrupt, content to digest Fluttershy’s words as they were. She continued to stand silently even after Fluttershy had finished, staring off at something only she could see.

Seconds became minutes. Fluttershy tentatively peeked over her shoulder at the twins, but they ignored her, busy whispering between themselves.

“So that’s their game.”

Fluttershy snapped back to attention. “G-General?”

Nodding as if agreeing with some unheard conversation, Nightshy slowly walked around her desk and settled down into her seat, the aged leather groaning in protest. She turned her gaze on Fluttershy, but the fire had burned away, leaving her expression stony and hard. “Earlier, Silhouette and Sky Lance told the Council that you attacked Echo and Russet unprovoked. One of Quartz’s distant relatives, Iron Pick, confirmed it all.”

“W-What? I… But they’re lying! He’s lying!”

“Of course they’re lying. Anypony who has said more than five words to you would know they’re lying.”

Fluttershy frowned. “I don’t understand. If they’re lying, then why don’t we just tell the nobles the truth?”

“Because the truth is irrelevant,” one of the twins said, soundlessly taking up position beside Fluttershy.

The other twin mirrored their sibling, flanking Fluttershy from the other side. “They don’t care what’s true, only what benefits them the most.”

“The lie is more convenient than the truth.”

Fluttershy swiveled her head back and forth between the twins. “But… but they should at least hear my side of the story, right? Maybe I could, um, convince them?” She turned back to Nightshy. “You said that anypony who talks to me would never believe that I attacked somepony else.”

“There is nopony who can corroborate your side of the story. It’s your word against those two stallions, and they’re the ones in bandages.” Nightshy narrowed her eyes. “And because you didn’t come to me with this information immediately, I was left defenseless this morning. They had almost a whole day to tell the nobles whatever they wanted. We were outmaneuvered, plain and simple.”

The barely restrained anger finally broke through Nightshy’s stoic mask. She slammed a hoof down onto her desk with a snarl. “Sun take them! How did they convince Blue Quartz to betray his own blood?”

Fluttershy’s ears flattened against her skull at her uncle’s name, but one look at Nightshy’s expression and she swallowed her questions.

Closing her eyes, Nightshy silently counted down from ten. When she opened them again, her mask was firmly back in place. “Fluttershy, it’s commendable that you risked so much to save a wounded compatriot. In fact, it speaks highly of your character as a bat pony and a Legionary,” said Nightshy with care, “but you cannot let emotional weakness hold you back from doing the right thing. You should have come to me as soon as Echo was in the hooves of the doctors and not stuck around waiting. That was empty sentimentality and a needless waste of time, and we are paying for it now.”

“Yes, General.” Fluttershy lowered her head. “Sorry…”

“Just remember that family is the only bond that truly matters. We learned in the War that friendship is fragile and weak, and today we both got a lesson on that fact,” said Nightshy with a scowl. “I thought the years we spent fighting beside one another meant something, but Blue Quartz threw in his lot with those leeches. It was a perfect ambush, and I fell right into their trap.”

Fluttershy swallowed the lump in her throat. “W-What are they going to do to me?” she whispered.

“Something to get you out of the way,” one twin said.

“Something dangerous,” the other added.

Nightshy caught Fluttershy’s panicked gaze and nodded sadly. “I’m sorry, but it’s out of my hooves now. If I had tried to fight them on this they would have taken command from me, and without it our family loses everything. I had to put the family first.”

The doubt and sadness in Nightshy’s eyes only deepened the guilty ache in Fluttershy’s heart. “Um, so, what do I do now?”

“We wait. I hate it, but right now all we can do is sit here until they’ve passed judgement. Whatever it is, you will have to face your fate bravely, for the good of the family.”

Fluttershy trembled. “I d-don’t know if I can…”

“You have to. I don’t plan on letting them send you down into the depths on some vindictive suicide attack, but until I can start regaining allies on the Council and reverse their decision, you will have to stand up for yourself.” A hint of warmth trickled into Nightshy’s expression. “Be the daughter your mother always knew you could be.”

Fluttershy bit her lip but, after a moment of consideration, nodded.

There was a knock at the door.

One of the twins spoke. “That would be the summons. Seems they finally made up their mind.”

“Took them long enough,” the other said.

“We’d better hurry, before they think we smuggled Fluttershy out of the Citadel.”

“Which was my original idea, I might add.”

“And it was a terrible one.”

Nightshy gave the twins a flat look as she strode past them. “There will be no more of that. We can’t betray the Council now. It would mean the end of the family.”

Throwing open the door, General Nightshy found herself staring up into the face of Blue Quartz. Her look of surprise was quickly replaced by scorn. “So, Silhouette has you acting as her messenger boy now as well.”

The stallion removed his helmet. “May I come inside, General? We have very important matters to discuss.”

Nightshy stood in the doorway so long that Fluttershy feared she was going to slam the door in Blue Quartz’s face. With a flick of her tail Nightshy relented. She spun around and marched back to her desk. “Yes, we do.” She gestured at Fluttershy as she passed her, her voice dripping with ice. “You remember your niece, Fluttershy.”

Blue Quartz gave Fluttershy a nod in greeting, earning a shy wave in return. “Of course I do.”

“That’s funny, because earlier today you were quick to believe all that claptrap Silhouette was selling about her ruthlessly assaulting a fellow soldier.” Her eyes narrowed. “So what did they promise you?”

Blue Quartz stiffened. “We can talk, but only after your spies have made themselves scarce. This is a family matter.”

Nightshy tapped her hoof on her desk rhythmically before finally waving it at the twins. “Go on. Make yourselves useful.”

“As you wish,” they said in perfect stereo, bowing deep.

Blue Quartz said nothing, meeting Nightshy’s burning glare with stoic silence until the door was firmly closed behind him. Only then did he speak.

“I’m sorry.”

Nightshy growled. “You’d better damn well be sorry, after you betrayed us like that! I know our families are no longer bound by marriage, but what you did… Apologies don’t even begin to make up for it! That was a despicable, honorless display that should shame your whole clan!”

He continued to stand in place like a statue weathering a powerful storm. “I am not sorry for what I did at the meeting. I stand by my actions, and would gladly go through it all over again.” His expression was hard and unyielding, only his eyes betraying his growing anger. “And you have no right to insult my honor.”

“No right? No right?” Nightshy reared up, planting two hooves on the desk as she leaned forward, her face contorted into a bestial snarl by rage, her fangs glinting in the candlelight. “You… you… you...” she stammered, too apoplectic to finish her sentence.

“What are they going to do to me?”

Fluttershy flinched when both ponies turned to face her at the sound of her soft voice. She swallowed her nervousness. “I m-mean, that’s why you’re here, right Uncle Quartz? To tell me what my… punishment… is.”

He gave a grave nod. “Yes, I am. That, and to apologize to you in person, Fluttershy. You don’t deserve any of this.”

“You don’t believe I did it?”

“Do I believe that you, the little filly who used to shuttle cave slugs from one side of the hall to the other so they wouldn’t get stepped on, viciously attacked her fellow soldiers out of sheer malice?” A faint smile passed over his face. “No, I think it’s obvious that you’re quite innocent.”

“Then why did you go along with rest of the nobles when Silhouette and Sky Lance brought up the charges?” asked Nightshy, her voice starting as a low grumble and ending in a bellowing shout. “You confirmed all their accusations when you mentioned your cousin and his ludicrous claims about Fluttershy!”

Once again his expression hardened as he returned his attention to Nightshy. “Because if I hadn’t, Fluttershy would be on a one-way mission into the depths of the mines to fight and die against the abominations down there.”

“You can’t know that.”

“Yes, I can. They came to me a few minutes before the meeting. All of them. Not just Silhouette and her cronies, but the neutral families too. Probably saving me for last due to our familial connections. Silhouette had gotten to them all, spent the night calling in favors and spreading the word that you were trying to protect Fluttershy from justice.”

He took a measured step forward. “You lost that battle before you ever set a hoof inside the Council room.”

The old chair croaked as Nightshy sat down heavily, some of the anger vanishing from her eyes. “How? How could they all believe that self-serving harpy?”

“They’re not fools, General. They know who Silhouette is. They could see the exaggeration for what it was, certainly, but that doesn’t exactly make it untrue, either. They don’t know Fluttershy like I do. Silhouette pulled strings and called in favors on any she couldn’t convince herself, until the doubters were entirely outnumbered. Taking a stand against her would have been a worthless gesture.”

“When up against a significant force on unfavorable ground, retreat, regroup, and rethink,” Nightshy said under her breath.

“Exactly. They were going to win no matter what you or I chose. My only chance to help my niece was to remain within the group and manipulate them from within.”

Fluttershy waited as an uncomfortable silence settled upon the room, none willing to voice the obvious question clinging to everypony’s tongue. It was too much. “What,” Fluttershy said in a hoarse whisper, “did they decide?”

Finally, Blue Quartz turned to face her. “You’ve been assigned to the Rangers.”

“What?” the others said together.

It was Nightshy who recovered first. “What do you mean she was assigned to the Rangers?”

“I suggested she be nominated for placement within the Rangers as a fitting punishment for her crimes, and the Council accepted.”

“It takes months of training to even qualify for the trials. Fluttershy doesn’t have any of that. She’s not Ranger material. They would be fools to take her in.” She looked at Fluttershy. “No offense.”

“I am not saying the Rangers wanted to accept her, only that they did. The Council ensured that.”

One of the twins raised a hoof, earning an annoyed glare from Nightshy. “I told you two to make yourselves useful.”

“That’s what we’re doing now, General,” the other said cheerfully.

The twin with its hoof up said, “So excuse my boldness, but how is getting Fluttershy into the Rangers the better option?”

Blue Quartz looked between the twins, not even trying to mask his displeasure, before pointing at the one that had spoken. “Which one are you?”

“Antumbra, sir,” he replied as his sister stifled a giggle behind a hoof.

“It’s a better choice because the Rangers are scouts first and warriors second. It’s better because Fluttershy will be out of the Citadel while passions cool and memories fade. And it’s better because it’s not what Silhouette was planning.”

“Out… outside the Citadel?” Fluttershy whispered.

“More importantly,” Blue Quartz continued, turning back to Nightshy, “the Council still respects the memory of your sister. It was easy to convince them that if the Rangers could turn your sister into such a great pony, then they should be able to do the same for her daughter.”

Although Nightshy was still tapping her hoof against the table, her expression had cooled, leaving her looking pensive as she pondered Blue Quartz’s words. “This… is far better than I had hoped,” she finally declared. “Fluttershy will be out of sight and out of mind while we work to fix this issue. They’ll certainly forget how upset they were in time. That’s good. Very good.”

“If she survives,” said Penumbra. She just smirked when the room glared at her. “I’m just doing my job. If you’re not already thinking it, then you should be. Being a Ranger is dangerous, and Fluttershy… Well, there is no way that she would have been accepted on her own.”

Antumbra nodded. “And the Rangers aren’t going to take kindly to the Council meddling in their affairs. Fluttershy isn’t going to be very popular in her new unit.”

“This is still far better than the alternatives,” said Blue Quartz. “Having Fluttershy in the Rangers appeals to the Council and will look good when presented to the other nobles.” There was a murmur of agreement. “Now, I must be on my way. The Council will want to hear of your acceptance sooner rather than later.”

“Yes, that sounds good, Blue. Keep me informed.”

He bowed. “Of course, General.”

Fluttershy stepped forward to embrace him but caught herself. She snapped off a clean salute instead. “Thanks, Uncle Quartz.”

He smiled. “You look out for yourself, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy watched him stride out of the room, only turning back to Nightshy once the doors were firmly shut behind him. “Oh, I hope he is okay…”

Nightshy arched an eyebrow. “You’re worried about him right now?”

“Well, he upset those nobles’ plans, so they might want revenge.” Fluttershy’s ears pulled back against her skull. “I don’t want anypony to get hurt because of me…”

“We served together long enough that I’m certain he can handle himself.” She pointed a hoof at Fluttershy. “And you can’t afford to be thinking about anypony but yourself right now. This is your last chance.”

“Last chance?” Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “W-What do you mean, last chance?”

Nightshy walked around to face Fluttershy. “This is your last chance to prove that you can be a proper Legionary. You can’t mess up this time. Out there,” she pointed at the wall, “is a whole world of ponies who worship the Sun Tyrant and will kill you, if they get the chance. That means you can’t afford distractions like caring for pets. You can’t afford to make the wrong choice in the name of friendship. You can’t afford to be clumsy or afraid or nervous or… well, you. Do you understand, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy snapped to attention. “Yes, ma’am!”

For a long time Nightshy just stared into Fluttershy’s eyes, as if searching for something. Eventually she nodded. “Good. Penumbra will escort you back to your room and help dispose of all the pets you’re hiding there.”

“D-Dispose?” Fluttershy gasped.

Nightshy sighed. “She will help you release the animals, that’s all. Do you remember what I just told you? You can’t afford any distractions. They’re wild vermin and can take care of themselves. When you’re out in the field, doing something ‘nice’ like caring for an injured animal could get you killed.” She stepped closer. “I mean it, Fluttershy. We’re in this mess because you let your emotions blind you to the practical, logical course of action. You can’t afford to be kind out there. It will get you killed.”

Fluttershy puffed out her chest with as much confidence as she could muster. “I promise, I’ll make you proud.”

Nightshy patted Fluttershy on the head before gesturing for Penumbra. “I know you will. You’ve got plenty of your mother in you. Just remember that this is your opportunity to prove who you really are. To your family, to your legion, and to yourself. Be strong. Be confident. Start off on the right hoof with the other Rangers. And don’t mess this up.

Long after Penumbra had walked her back to her room and helped her through her tearful goodbyes to all her animal friends, those words continued to ring in Fluttershy’s ears. Sleep didn’t come easily.