• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 6,827 Views, 373 Comments

The Secret of Motherhood. - EclipseSight

A secret Starlight would have prefered to hide even from herself is out in the open. Will the truth drive a wedge between her and her new friends? Or will it draw them closer?

  • ...

Just a Little More.

Eternity could have passed around them and neither Starlight or Scootaloo would have noticed, locked in each other's embrace. Too many years had led up to this day, Scootaloo had been waiting her entire life for this moment. Time was powerless to put a damper on the raw, unrestrained happiness that filled the quiet clubhouse.

Reservoirs of tears already dry, and her spirit battered and drained, Starlight found herself emerging first. Even so, she was content to stay completely still, hooves still tightly wrapped around Scootaloo's quivering form. She deserved that much at least, growing up alone was not the life Starlight had envisioned for her missing daughter. A bubble of loathing rose within her, but she forced it down. Now was not the time to deal with it.

Watching the scene had left Rainbow a little misty eyed, and for once she did not feel the need to explain it away. Instead, as she watched, she felt proud. The kid who had pushed herself on, despite the odds, was finally in her mother's hooves. A lifetime of wondering, and searching, had finally paid off.

As her eyes began to dry, Scootaloo slowly slackened her iron grip. Feeling the slight change in pressure, Starlight smiled and let her hooves fall limp. Cramp had began to set in, not that it would have stopped her holding on all night, if she had to. Pulling away, Scootaloo started to fumble around for words. Her feeble attempts were stopped abruptly as two blurs bowled her over. Tumbling mane over hoof, the three crusaders rolled and rolled, before coming to rest, pressed against the wooden wall of their clubhouse.

Three peals of laughter rose from the bundle of colour. Overwhelmed by the moment, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were hugging Scootaloo tightly. Her victory, was their victory and they could not be happier for her. Scootaloo, was just glad to have such amazing friends, who had allowed her to get up to this moment. With as much vigour as she could muster, the young pegasus returned her friends' heartfelt embrace.

Quite unable to stand the mushiness any longer, everyone had their limits, Rainbow Dash clapped her hooves and rubbed them together. “Right! Let's hustle everyone! We better get back to the castle before they send out a search party!”

Standing, Starlight gave herself a stretch. A thin smirk played across her lips and she cocked her head. “Usually the search party is you. Though you are right, everyone is probably waiting on us.” Igniting the magic in her horn, she created several loud pops in the air. Turning to the three crusaders, she winked and flashed them all a knowing smile. “Last one to the castle has to be the guinea pig for whatever scheme you come to me with next.”

All three fillies turned to each other and gulped. Starlight always kept her promises, and none of them liked to try and cross her. They always lost, always. As one, they sped off, running as fast as their hooves would carry them. Despite the desperate battle she had been thrust headlong into, Scootaloo was laughing, her steps so light she felt she might fly.

With an easy smile on her face, Starlight closed her eyes. She could feel two pairs of eyes burning into the back of her head, to which she shrugged.“Just something I always do. Otherwise it can take all day for them to decide.” A quiet pause followed, as she started to make her way down the steps. “I...I kind of wanted to make sure things didn't become...weird.”

Rainbow chuckled and lightly batted the back of Starlight's head, causing the unicorn to pitch forward slightly. “With you around, everything is weird.” Luckily, Starlight was unable to react immediately so Rainbow was able to retreat to the air to avoid retaliation. “Anyway. Let's get going! You need to see who the winner is right?”

“Oh! Right!” Starlight's face fell, she had completely forgotten about that particular detail. Frantic, she vanished with a burst of light, leaving Rainbow and Spike alone in the clubhouse.

The latter trudged forward, hoisting the heavy cauldron up off the grass. “I'll get this back to Zecora and catch you up.” So saying he began the slow walk towards the forest. The heavy cauldron buckled his knees slightly, but years with Twilight's book collection had foisted plenty of experience carrying loads larger than himself upon his shoulders. Rainbow just gave him a nod and sped towards the castle. On the way she passed the three crusaders, still locked in their competition. A smile touched at her lips, Scootaloo looked so happy.

Starlight gave a small nod when Rainbow landed neatly beside her. Her breathing was slightly laboured, the last teleportation spell having wrenched any wind she still had in her sails. As much as she hated to admit it, she had pushed past her limit long ago. She felt Rainbow's wing gently touch her shoulder, the pegasi's concern obvious. Before either of them could speak, the thundering of hooves caught their attention.

Sweetie Belle crossed the threshold first, with Apple Bloom barely a hair's breadth behind her. Bringing up the rear was a dejected looking Scootaloo. The ironic twist of fate was not lost on Starlight, as she pushed herself off the railing that was bearing her weight. “Okay, that settles that then, Scootaloo...” She allowed her words to hang in the air, holding them for dramatic effect. “I'll make sure I go easy.”

Scootaloo beamed brightly from ear to ear, her wings buzzing rapidly. “Thanks!” A shyness then enveloped the young filly, and she shuffled awkwardly.. Her grin never wavered, and she finally got to say what she had wanted to all these years. “...Mum.”

Everything stalled for Starlight just then, and everything really hit home. Biting her lip proved futile against the hot salty water that blurred her vision. Determined that she would not waste her remaining strength on crying, Starlight roughly shoved away her tears and pushed the heavy doors open. “No problem,” she murmured huskily, her lips tugging upwards into what she could only describe as an expression of pure joy.

As they walked through the cavernous hallway, Scootaloo kept close to Starlight, both trying to enjoy each other's presence as much as possible. Rainbow stayed on Starlight's other side, ready to intervene if the need arose.

Worried faces gave way to relief when they entered the throne room. Whatever tension that had been building quickly dissipated through the open doors. It was clear to everyone that all had went well. A loud bang suddenly echoed through the quiet castle, echoing several times off the crystalline walls. Everyone soon glared at Pinkie Pie, confetti clinging to their mane. The party mare just bobbed her head happily, mane bouncing as she patted her party cannon fondly. “I couldn't resist.”

Twilight, shaking clinging confetti from her mane and fur, said softly. “I'm glad everything worked out.” Giving up on fighting the colourful strands of paper, she added warmly. “I'm proud of you.”

In an attempt to hide the blush that spread across her cheeks, Starlight set about testing her own luck against Pinkie's confetti explosion. In the end her grooming proved comically ineffective, something Scootaloo's titters made abundantly clear.

Having been fit to burst, no one could bring it within themselves to deny Pinkie Pie her chance to throw a party. Three quick blasts of her party cannon took care of the decoration, while the food was transported from Sugarcube corner. For now it was a small private affair, a pseudo party, everyone just being content to talk and relax in a friendly atmosphere. The real event would happen tomorrow, after everyone had gotten a good night's sleep. Tomorrow was saturday after all, which Apple Bloom pointed out, meant no school. However, Applejack was quick to remind her that did not mean she did not have a bedtime.

That small exchange tugged uncomfortably at Starlight. It made her realise just how little she knew of parenting. The thought had always been at the back of her mind, but now that her first ordeal was behind her, another was just around the corner. As her heart thumped uncomfortably within its cage, her bottom lip suffered another chewing. To try and distract herself from that avenue of thought and the negativity it heralded, she tiredly picked at a large, bright red cupcake.

A small hoof touched her elbow, pulling her from her thoughts. Still buzzing with excitement, laced with a large dose of disbelief, Scootaloo found herself wanting to stay close to her mother's side. Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom stayed with her, sharing in their friend's elation. Turning to see her daughter staring up at her with questioning eyes, Starlight offered a weary smile. “Sorry, just thinking about well... ahead...”

Sharing a look with her two friends helped Scootaloo feel at ease. With an air of confidence, she tossed back her head and grinned. There was a hint of Rainbow's assured arrogance clearly present in her tone. “I think it'll be fine. Nothing really changes does it. You're still awesome, now you're just my awesome mum.” Taking a bit out of her own cupcake, she pointed to Rainbow Dash. The pegasus was quietly discussing something with Twilight, who Starlight still felt a pang of worry for. “When Rainbow became my big sister, nothing really changed. She just became more awesome.”

“I thought that wasn't possible?” Starlight teased, bringing her cupcake to her mouth. Before she could take a bite, she paused and sighed, saying softly, more to herself than anyone else. “I was trying to do that, but I still can't help but feel like I shouldn't. I just, have no idea... I was gone for eleven years...I can't just pretend like that didn't happen, but I don't even have a grip on my own life right now...”

Realising she was trembling slightly, Starlight took a bite into the cupcake, hoping to steady herself. Instead, her mouth was suddenly engulfed in hot fire. In her sleep deprived state she had accidentally picked one of Pinkie Pie's special chilli sauce cupcakes. Coughing and spluttering, the unicorn made an undignified dash to the nearest bathroom, amidst a spattering of amused laughing. Having been tuned in to the conversation leading up to her mishap, one pony quietly got up to follow her.

Shaking uncontrollably, Starlight sagged against the wall, her throat still burning. Whatever Pinkie Pie put in those cupcakes really did not agree with her, how anyone could eat them truly baffled her. Stumbling towards the bathroom, she turned the tap and let water stream into the sink. Fully aware that every movement was causing her to fade faster and faster, she started splashing water onto her face. What little boost that gave her was inconsequential to the huge deficit of strength she had built up. Holding onto the sink tightly, she stared into the rippling water, just trying to stay upright. When the liquid settled, she became aware of the two red eyes reflected behind her.

The pony at her back slipped their hooves under Starlight's armpits, gently pulling her backwards. Rainbow's voice tickled her ear, quiet and inviting “Easy. I got you. Just let go.”

Taking the advice, Starlight let herself flop against the pegasus' athletic form. She felt Rainbow shift into a more comfortable position underneath her but made no move to resist. Now that she had finally stopped, she was going nowhere. Eyes half closed, Starlight mumbled out. “Thanks.”

“No worries.” Rainbow chuckled. “Can't have my adopted mum hurting herself can I?”

If the strength had been within her, Starlight would have leapt skyward at that. As it was, she contented herself with letting out a quiet snort. “I think you're a bigger hooffull than I can handle.”

Rainbow tightened her grip slightly and Starlight felt herself jostled as she shook her head. “I doubt it. Scootaloo got her awesomeness from somewhere, and it sure wasn't her father.”

Possessing no desire to enter into that particular discussion, Starlight remained silent.“You've done the hard part, and now we can just take it easy for a bit. Like Scootaloo said, when we became sisters everything just fell into place. It doesn't have to be something scary.”

“I'm not scared...” Starlight mumbled, eyelids fluttering as she slumped even lower. She had guessed that Rainbow had been listening, since she had shown up here. “I'm too tired to be scared, too tired for anything, yet I still keep thinking...still keep doing.” Not wanting to remain helpless, she pushed herself to try and rise. “I just... can't fail again.”

Briefly, she struggled against Rainbow's hold, trying to get back to her hooves. Rather than stop her, as Twilight would, Rainbow helped her make the climb. Several times her legs threatened to betray her but Rainbow's support prevented her from falling. Now looking directly into Starlight's eyes, Rainbow said softly. “You won't fail. I know you, and I know Scootaloo, but running yourself into the ground is not going to help. Hmmph, you and Twilight are a lot alike, you know that? Besides both being eggheads I mean.”

“Don't tell her you said that.” Starlight laughed breathlessly, but Rainbow's face remained serious.

“I mean it, and it's not an insult. Why do you think I pushed you to tell Scootaloo tonight?” Without giving Starlight time to even begin to answer, she pressed on. “I knew you could do it, and I knew it would be better for everyone. That's done now, and everything else can wait until tomorrow.”

With Starlight leaning heavily on Rainbow, they walked out of the bathroom. Then with a firm, dominating nudge, Rainbow steered Starlight away from the ongoing party and deeper into the castle. This time, Starlight did resist, digging her hooves into the crystal beneath her. Throwing her own well being to the winds for one last act, she somehow found the strength to override Rainbow's pull. “W-wait... I...just want to say goodnight to Scootaloo.”

Without a word, Rainbow changed direction once again. At her insistence, Starlight waited outside and Rainbow entered the party alone. She emerged with Scootaloo in tow and Starlight could almost sense Twilight's presence hovering at the very edge of her haze. Reaching out, Starlight gently pulled Scootaloo into a hug, which was quickly returned. She leaned down and brushed her snout through the scruffy magenta mane. “Just wanted to say goodnight. I'll see you in the morning. Promise.”

“I know.” Scootaloo whispered, face buried in Starlight's chest fur. It was so soft and comforting, something she had not really noticed before. In all her time with them, Starlight had never really been one for hugs, until now. Scootaloo decided that she rather liked this little change.

Never one to extend mushy stuff, and knowing that Starlight really needed sleep, Scootaloo backed away. Tomorrow would be a lot more fun for both of them, with all of this behind them. They both had a long time to catch up, tonight was only the beginning. Turning on heel, Scootaloo went to rejoin her friends, as Rainbow led Starlight towards her bedroom.

Pushing open Starlight's door, Rainbow led the unicorn inside and over towards the small bed pressed against the far left wall. Taking the not so subtle hint, Starlight clambered into it, sinking into the soft mattress. The moment her head hit her pillow, the her limbs seemed to glue themselves to the sheets and the last thing she felt was a blanket being draped over her. Rainbow pulled away, as Starlight was claimed by sleep. A peaceful look passed across her face, before everything around her faded into black. Satisfied, Rainbow left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

By the time Rainbow returned, the party had been all but packed away. Everyone had begun to say their goodbyes, saving their strength for the real deal tomorrow. Taking Scootaloo under her wing, Rainbow waited until she had the filly's attention, then asked lightly. “How about you come stay at my place tonight?”

It was a thinly veiled offer that Scootaloo saw straight through. She knew Rainbow was just trying to look out for her, in case she suddenly became overwhelmed. Even if the reasoning was transparent, Scootaloo was grateful, and gladly agreed. It was essentially a sleepover with Rainbow Dash after all. “Sure! That'd be awesome.”

Rainbow dropped to her knees, allowing Scootaloo to quickly take up a perch on her back. Bidding Twilight and Spike a good night, the pair took to the air and left for the open skies. Twilight let a smile form on her face, watching them leave. Tomorrow was looking to be a much better day than the past two already, and Twilight was going to make sure that was the case. With Spike's assurance that he would deal with the washing up, Twilight stole towards Starlight's room.

As quietly as possible, she slipped inside and crept over to the sleeping mare. Though spells had been ineffective in the past, Twilight felt it was worth it to at least try. Weaving the most powerful sleeping spell she could think of, and laid it over Starlight. The unicorn's body glowed briefly, then returned to normal, as the spell took effect. Now came part two of Twilight's plan. Squeezing herself into the remaining space, Twilight laid down next to her student, wings gently hugging her close. After a while, both were sound asleep, sleeping away the stresses of the last two days. Tomorrow would definitely be better, it just had to be...

Author's Note:

And there's Chapter 9. Now that everything is settled, the next arc will start. Hopefully this one will be won't be quite as heavy on the emotional side, though with how things go it probably won't be light either. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'll try and get the next one out soon. Thanks for your continued support, have a nice day everyone!