• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
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I am a master of self-inserts and self proclaimed lover of Rainbow Dash, I'm also cringe as fu-

Comments ( 195 )

Yes... yes it will be~ You people asked... and you recieved~

Okay is there no 'memory' spell that Twilight, Luna, Celestia or anyone with half a brain cell could use? Cause seriously this is getting retarded here. I like the story don't get me wrong I'm just looked at this and thinking 'are....are they really this dumb?' oh what about Luna and her dream magic? Can't she just ask him 'I can go into a pony's dreams and figure things out, mind if I help you?' and he would be like 'Thank you! Someone that will know that I'm not making shit up'....sorry for the massive amount of hate towards the ponies but seriously.:facehoof:
Keep up the good work and I hope to see more of your work:twilightsmile:

Hahaha, trust me... I fully understand you dude, legit. And to answer your question why no one is really doing memory spells, is because Twilight doesn't want to bother Luna or Celestia with Dai, thinking she can handle it on her down without bothering the two about it. She's also taking this in a way so she can prove herself she's cabaple of doing things on her own... I guess?

As for Luna's Dreamwalking Magic, she could chance upon Dai's Dreams, but that'll be awhile as she has no idea about Dai so she probably won't be looking into him. Even with his strange alien dreams, there are plenty out there that has her attention caught.

Thanks for reading man, glad you enjoyed and I hope you stick around!

7550721 I will stay around and that's....kind of OOC for Twilight to one not tell the princess's about a Thestral foal just appearing out of nowhere, and Twilight thinking she could do things by herself is also weird cause...whenever she tries to solve problems on her own they normally fail. But alright I understand the reasoning behind Luna and I can see your reasoning for making Twilight an idiot, again keep up the good work

so is this going to be a actual story now?

Yeah, its OOC but even the best of them have to go OOC at some point. But thanks for understanding man, legitness! :yay:
All shall be resolved... at some point, hehehe.

Yep! So stick around, the fun stuff will pop up soon... maybe, hehehe.

7550871 Alright then, can't wait.

WoW, man thanks for the sequel, the previous one was a blast,now thisis what i vebeen waiting for a while, and just 10 minutes ago i forgot i was waiting, so i just remeber,anyway, sooo, your schedule of update? is this going to be daily? weekly or monthly kind of story?

Forgot to tell you that you need an image to get more public, here a good one, http://img06.deviantart.net/0ec2/i/2014/148/8/c/pokey_colt_bat_pony_by_vectorvito-d7k2ci1.png but itmay not meet the description of the main character here :twilightblush:

Hahaha, glad you approve man, and I honestly hope you enjoy what I throw up.
As for an update schedule, I'm thinking it'll be between weekly and monthly just about if I can keep the train on rolling. But I'll try and update sooner just for you guys, because holy shit I go so many upvotes for a sequel its insane.

Awww, that's an adorable pic, but I don't think I can use it :twilightsheepish: Someone owns it I'm sure.
Trust me, I would absolutely love some cool cover art for this story as well as my others that lack it, but unfortunately I will have to do without... unless whoever reads this wouldn't mind drawing fan art that I could use...

So how long will he last I wonder before he is trying to get alcohol to deal with all the crazy stuff that happens in Ponyville on a regular basis?

That gives me a funny idea to do later on :rainbowlaugh: haha. How long? Probably not very long, considering all of the shit he goes through. :rainbowkiss:

Yeah, pretty much, I mean he's an adorable little thestral colt. Who wouldn't want to snuggle the crap outta him? :rainbowlaugh: Hahaha, thanks for reading the two of ya

Indeedy dude :rainbowlaugh: hahaha.
Hope you guys continue to enjoy the stuff I throw at you~ New chapter might be out... soonish? I have no idea.
Stay tuned friends!

7552788 :rainbowkiss:
Fabulous! I am off to write!

It shall shine brighter then a thousand suns!

I've always been crazy~ :pinkiecrazy:

I bet she is going to claim she "found" his parents. Shoot I was thinking those two where going to get caught by Rarity but they lucked out I guess.

Maaaaaaybe~ :trollestia:
Hahaha yeah, they lucked out alright :rainbowkiss:

I wouldn't be surprised if the two lovebirds develop some specific fetishes after this :twilightsheepish:

Okay so apparently the 'no means no' rule in life doesn't mean jack shit for ponies. If you bugged the shit out of people you either keep saying no, finally cave and say yes, or beat them in a brutal way.
Anyways so far so good for the chapter keep up the good work

:rainbowwild: Hohoho, they just might, the sick little foals.

She just really wants to teach him how to fly :rainbowkiss: Hehehe.
Thanks for reading you two, hehehe

who was sipping a drink while her two friends ate powered donuts.


and a lok behind him showed both mares now in hot pursuit of him.


Good so far, marching onward :pinkiehappy:

Dang it, thanks for catching those! :yay:
I need to make sure my stories are of the utmost quality! :flutterrage: Evne if its cloppy! :pinkiecrazy:

Yay :raritystarry: an update, and just reading this, i remember a fic about a vampire kinaping twi-sci, chaining her and drinking her blood, when sunnet came to the rescue, the vampire proclame that he just drank the blood of a virgin, and now he is 10 times more powerful, then twilight mentioned that she is not a virgin, so sunset shoots and bam, vampire is dead XD, dont know why this came to mind, anyway, good and hot chapter, keep up the good work :pinkiecrazy:

Hehehe, how interesting.
Thanks for reading man, legitness~

taking a seat at the somewhat alrge table and staring at the alicorn.


unaware of Dai's subtle gaze beneath her tail blonde.

switch'em around

blue eyes taking in all of the stands and stalls selling good,


something that went unseen by Dai as she quickly ventured upstairs to the filly's bedroom,

Dai suddenly turned female. and I'm okay with it :rainbowlaugh:

a vanity and other filly related items that no one cared to read an entire paragraph of words of it.

Nothing is wrong here, I just find it funny :rainbowkiss:

To her, he was a delicious little colt and she was gladd she


his hind leg twitched and he jsut wanted Rarity to leave.


Dailet out a huge gasp before bucking his hips

Dai let

A chase you say?
Two million words later...

Thanks for the save once more!

Nothing is wrong here, I just find it funny :rainbowkiss:

:pinkiecrazy: Good!

Damn it! :rainbowlaugh: You know what I mean! :rainbowkiss:

:pinkiecrazy: Yep! That's the plan I have! :rainbowkiss:

I'm more interested in Dai's backstory in Equestria. You wrote he's been there for 4 years...when did he show up, in season 1 (or PRE-season 1, since appx two (or even 3) years of time has passed? And at what point?

Also, given that it currently is occurring in season 6 (since Starlight is there) and Twilight has said humans aren't real, I'm guessing "Equestria Girls" never occurred here.

If you missed it, Dai's been there since Twilight showed up in Ponyville, so he's been there roughly the same time Twilight has been in Ponyville. So a little bit Pre-Season 1.

And nope, EQG has not happened at all, as I am unsure of what I could possibly do with EQG to begin with. If anyone has any idea what, feel free to share, otherwise, ehh.

I suppose I could write a sort of... what, prequel to all of this. I don't think I can include his entire backstory in this one... maybe, anything is possible :trollestia: Would you be interested in such a story?

Comment posted by HiddenMaster deleted May 29th, 2017


I apologize if the Fourth Wall Breaks are not to your liking, and I appreciate what you;re telling me, but for as long as I've been writing I've included them. I don't use them often in some stories, I usually only throw them in because I think it might entice a giggle or two with people who doenjoy the breaks.

Again, I do apologize and I hope it doesn't disuade you from reading into the story further. I'll try not to include any next chapter, it might be a bit silly but I'll try and refrain from breaking the fourth wall.

I do enjoy "Humans turned into ponies stories", but the ones where they become fillies/colts (children essentially) are really intriguing. The struggles of going through a new childhood can be enjoyable to read, but then throw in not only being in a new land, but also a different species while retaining their adult personalities (and human mannerisms) and you have the makings for some truly interesting reads.

I'm not really expecting you to go much into his history (creating a spinoff or anything), but IF you wanted to throw in a flashback in a chapter from when he arrived to some of his more "memorable" moments in the series (if he chose to get involved in the shows canon), then I think that could make for an excellent way to have us have a better understanding of him.

Besides, if he's been under Twilight's care for as long as you say, I imagine she must have developed some kind of "big sister" attitude to him...and that must have led to numerous "squabbles" as older and younger siblings tend to have.

But, of course, this is just my 2 cents. Overall it is YOUR story and ho you choose to proceed with it is up to you. But I am intrigued to see where this goes...so I'll keep an eye out.

7557016 You bring up some delicious points, all of which I approve of~ :yay: Hahaha. But yeah, I can thrown in plenty of Flashbacks, as I did with the recent chapter. Yeah it was short but it showed a little bit of his past, not a lot but eh.

Memorible moments, brotherly/sisterly type relationship eh? Hmm... that sounds kind of funny, hehehe. I approve.

Well thank you for your two cents dude, I do hope you enjoy any updates I throw out as well as my other stories.

Stay tuned everypony! :heart:

human turned pony... seeya

I'm surprised Dai is still so grumpy. You'd think after 4 years of living in this place that he'd be more accepting. Although it is kind of interesting having all the mane six acting as his surrogate moms.

He's mostly grumpy because Twilight is trying to find his parents, who don't exist in this world, and no one believes his story of him being a Human Navy Seal Sniper. So he's just given up somewhat, and he could be accepting, but this world's ways aren't exactly his cup of tea so to speak.

It is interesting isn't it? :rainbowkiss: hoho

7556729 I wouldn't do a prequel, myself. It's like super hero origin stories, we've seen them a hundred times and there's only so much you can do with it. I'd stick to the occasional flashback.

Huh... true, true.

I was planning on the Flashbacks anyway, I can't think of how long the Prequel would be so...
Yeah, lots of Flashbacks :pinkiecrazy:

So, just so I'm confirmed here. Dai and the Crusaders are around 14 here (physically, in Dai's case)? The original story mentioned he was 10 when he arrived, and it's been 4 years according to your comments here, so that makes 14, right?

Mmhmm! You got it right, though Sweetie and Scootaloo are a bit younger then Apple Bloom and Dai. Sweetie's like... (if I didn't already write it out and forget) 9-10 years old and Scootaloo's 11-12 years old.

7556272 lol, I'll never finish that story

I like this and and on another note. I was like 69 sweet.

Excellent guy, the story is getting complex bit by bit, and it appears that he actually died, but he doesnt know it, well, just a word with celestia to tell luna, and he could prove his case, or sweety bell dreaming about him, luna checks on him by sweetys request, and bam, an alicorn impresed,mor shit scared.

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