• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 4,873 Views, 71 Comments

Who Wants Seconds? - Nico-Stone Rupan

Second Person tells Button Mash the story of how well bringing Sour Sweet to meet his parents went.

  • ...

Sour Sweet Does!

Author's Note:

So this is more of an experiment than anything. Over time, interest in Sour Sweet’s boyfriend has gained a lot so I attempted a story to give him more of a background. Naturally, he can’t be a self-insert if that’s done, so he’s going to be labelled his fan name, “Second Person”. Due to this, you guys can choose for yourselves whether to consider this canon with the rest of the series or not. [EDIT: MADE CANON ON JULY 20, 2017]

Somewhat contains suggestions by Kul and K Nielson. Also, due to a certain statement about children, the events of the flashback take place sometime before Sour Sweet Motherhood.

As always, when Sour Sweet’s dialogue is presented in italics she’s sweet, in bold she’s sour, and in plain type she’s normal.

Second Person checked his cellphone for the time. Sour Sweet was running late for their meetup at Sugarcube Corner. Second smiled as he wondered what could be keeping his girlfriend. Overdoing some archery practice? The Crusaders suddenly got an idea for another video? Got pissed at some poor soul and started going after them? She was always unpredictable. That was what was so special about her.

While he waited for her to show up, he decided to glance around to see if anything interesting was going on. He watched as Mr. Cake wiped off some tables. He observed a blue-haired girl with sunglasses in her own little world as her head nodded to the beat coming in through her headphones.

He then noticed Sweetie Belle and Button Mash across the room. He remembered Sour telling him about those two getting together. Sweetie had finally gotten sick of being friendzoned by the oblivious gamer boy. To remedy the situation, she went right on up to Button one day and gave him a biggest smack on the lips that she could muster. Needless to say, Button had been wrapped around Sweetie’s finger ever since.

The scene of those two knocked one idea out, at least. If Sweetie Belle was here, then Sour must not be with the Crusaders.

“So what are you doing next Friday night?” Second overheard Sweetie Belle ask.

“I dunno,” Button Mash lazily replied. “Playing Minecraft and eating some Cheetos?”

Sweetie giggled. “Well, I have a better idea. How about you get all nice and cleaned up and join my family for dinner?”

Button shrugged. “Eh, alright.”

Sweetie’s brow furrowed. “Button, you do know that’s a big deal, right?”

“It is?” Button asked, piqued by his girlfriend’s shift of tone.

“Of course it is, Button!” Sweetie declared. “Formally meeting each others’ parents is the next big step in our relationship!”

Button scratched his head in confusion. “But we’ve only been a couple for a week...”

Just then, Sweetie’s phone buzzed. She checked it and quickly got up.

“Sorry, Button. Rarity needs some help at the Boutique right away. See you tomorrow.”

Sweetie kissed Button on the cheek and left. With his girlfriend gone, Button let out one of his childish groans and let his head bang down on the table. Concerned, Second got up from his table and strolled over.

“Hey, something wrong?”

Button glanced up. “Oh, hey. You're Sour Sweet’s boyfriend, right? It’s nothing.”

“Doesn’t seem like nothing. May I sit? Maybe I can help.”

“Aw, sure, whatever,” Button sighed.

Second took his seat across from the depressed freshman. “So, what’s on your mind?”

“I’m just worried about dating Sweetie Belle. This whole relationship thing is so complicated. Even more so than one of Cheerliee’s math tests!”

“I bet Sweetie’s just overly excited to be in a relationship with you, Button,” Second assured. “I’m sure if you just tell her your feelings, she’ll start to cool it down.”

“I guess you’re right,” Button pondered. “Sometimes I wonder why she even wants to date me for anyway, you know? What if I embarrass myself when I go have dinner with her family?” His eyes bugged. “Or what if she comes to my house and my parents totally embarrass me?! She could come to her senses and decide she’s wasting her time with me!” With that, he started to wail exaggeratedly and uncontrollably.

Second smiled and nodded with complete understanding. “Hey, look. I was in the same position as you once. Suddenly finding yourself in a relationship with a girl who’s way too good for you, worried about parents embarrassing the hell out of you, thinking that you’re a complete and utter loser…”

Button abruptly stopped wailing and shot Second an annoyed look. “I didn’t call myself a ‘complete and utter loser’.”

Second grinned and chuckled nervously. “Heh, heh… uh, let me tell you what happened with me, okay?”



Sour Sweet pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Alright, let’s try this again.

Second Person sighed. “Come on, Sour. This is hopeless.”

I am NOT giving up on this! Now get your sorry behind over to Jet Set over there!

Second nodded obediently as Sour started the stopwatch app on her phone. He inched nervously over to Jet Set. He gulped and tapped him on the shoulder.


“Uhhhh, h-hey.” Second cleared his throat. “How ya doin’?”

Jet Set raised an eyebrow. “Fine, I guess.”

Second’s eyes shifted frantically as he tried to think up something to say before blurting with an awkward smile, “I have a dog! Do you have a dog?”

“I’m a cat person,” Jet Set said flatly.

“Oh… well, nice talking to you!” Second shouted before quickly scrambling back over to the emotional safety of his girlfriend’s side.

Sour tapped her screen. “Twenty-four seconds. Longer than the last attempt, at least.

Second’s shoulders slumped. “I’m trying my best.”

Second, what’s going to befall you if these communication issues aren’t resolved? End up a poster of subpar fanfiction starring some self-insert MARY SUE living a life you WISH you had?!

“Come on, don’t even joke about that!” Second gasped. “That would be a fate worse than death!”

Then step it up, mister!” Sour growled before looking around at the rest of the students in the hall. “Now, who to try next?

“Wait, Sour. We’ve been at this for long enough. Can’t we call it a day and change the subject?”

Fine,” Sour grumbled as she put her phone away.

“So, what do you want to do after school?”

What’s your family having for dinner tonight?

Second titled his head in thought. “Chicken alfredo, I think. Why do you ask?”

Well, I’m your girlfriend now, right? Isn’t taking me to meet your parents part of the game? You’ve met mine.

Second suddenly froze stiff and muttered, “Oh, um, yeah. I-I guess I can take you to meet them…”

A big, flirty smile came across Sour’s face as she leaned in closer to her boyfriend’s face. “I sense reluctance in your voice.” She abruptly grew furious, grabbed his collar, and snarled, “Is there a particular REASON you don’t want them to meet me, hm?!

“No, no, no, Sour! It’s more like I don’t want you to meet them, actually…”

Why? They can’t be that bad.

Second sighed. “Look just… don’t mention that you aren’t interested in ever having kids, okay?”

Sour’s eyes squinted with annoyance. “And why would I not mention THAT exactly?

“They’re sort of… old-fashioned…”

Sour rolled her eyes. “Okay, whatever.

“Thanks, Sour,” Second expressed before taking advantage of their closeness and giving her lips a quick peck.

Sour’s face glowed scarlet and immediately shoved Second away from her. He slammed into the lockers, but the severe back pain was worth it, though. Second just loved how cute his bashful girlfriend was. The only way she could get more tsundere was if she muttered, “Baka” right then.


Second Person escorted Sour Sweet to his house right after CPA let out. Second opened the front door and a small canine instantly shot out to jump up and yap at his feet.

“Hey there, boy!” Second greeted, bending down to pick the puppy up. “Sour, meet Bailey.” Second held him out and the Shih Tzu immediately began licking Sour’s cheek.

Bailey’s light brown fur wasn’t in the stereotypical, long and flowing style usually seen in dog shows. It was short cut, making him actually resemble a teddy bear. It took all of Sour Sweet’s pride and will power not to just break down in girlish squealing over the precious thing.

The two stepped in.

“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” Second called out. “I, uh, brought someone to join us for dinner.”

Mrs. Person rounded the corner from the kitchen, still wearing a frilly, pink apron. “Welcome home, son. And who’s your – ” She suddenly halted and gaped in what seemed to be utter disbelief. “ – friend? Girl? Girlfriend? Is that a girlfriend?”

“Yes, mom, that is,” Second confirmed awkwardly. “Meet Sour Sweet.”

How do you do, Mrs. Person?” Sour Sweet warmly greeted.

Mrs. Person just continued staring until an excited gasp abruptly escaped her lips. “YES!!! YES!!! OH, FINALLY!!!” She then suddenly ran off up the stairs to find her husband. “HONEY, HONEY!!! HELL FROZE OVER AND SECOND’S NOT GAY!!!”

Second face palmed. “And so it begins…”

On the way to the dining room, Sour’s attention was caught by a wall full of framed pictures. Virtually all of them had as their focus one particular figure of which resembled Second, only not nearly as humble-looking. Most of the pictures presented the boy posing with a football, lifting dumbbells, or showing off his six pack abs for no particular reason. For crying out loud, he was even pulling his shirt up in a formal family portrait!

Sour’s nose crinkled. “Ugh, it’s like I can already SMELL the Axe Body Spray and douchiness. Who is this?

“That’s my big brother, First Person,” Second informed. “He’s away at college right now.”

Second and Sour sat down at the table. Mrs. Person entered carrying the dish of chicken alfredo, all the while still displaying her ear-to-ear grin over her son finally having female companionship. Not too soon afterward, Mr. Person came in. He was wearing a blue cardigan over a shirt and tie, dress pants, impeccably shined shoes, with horn-rimmed glasses over his eyes and a pipe sticking from his mouth. He eyed the couple but instead of the over-excitement which his wife exhibited, his expression was more of amusement.

“So this is Second’s girlfriend?” Mr. Person asked before giving Sour a small poke in the shoulder. “You sure she’s not a mirage?”

“Dad, come on,” Second pleaded.

Mr. Person chuckled. “I’m only kidding.” He lifted his hand up. “Nice score, son!”

Second was compelled to high five his father without a single thought. He immediately regretted it as he noticed the death glare his girlfriend was giving him.

So, I’m a ‘score’, am I?” Sour muttered under her breath.

Second gulped. Her tone was sweet but her eyes were screaming, “This is SO going into my next feminist blog!

The meal started, but so did the questions. Mr. and Mrs. Person bombarded Sour with queries about every little detail about her. Thankfully, though, she managed to skirt around every instance where a mention of “schizophrenia” could rear up. After a while, Sour began to be visibly exhausted by the interrogation.

“You have to excuse our excitement, Sour,” Mrs. Person apologized. “You don’t know how hard we’ve tried to get Second to start being more of a man! Always asking him when he’s going to get a girlfriend. Reminding constantly how many girls his big brother was dating at his age. We even bought him a subscription to Maxim magazine to help encourage him!”

“Oh God, please kill me now,” Second groaned, shaking his head and slumping down his chair. “Just strike me down.”

“Well, sorry honey, but as much as I love Bailey, I would much rather being rocking a grandbaby to sleep than a dog,” Mrs. Person chuckled as she took a last piece of chicken off her plate and lowered it so Bailey could snap it up. “At least our hard work seems to have finally paid off!”

Mr. Person nodded with a satisfied chuckle. “That’s right, honey. Now he just needs to get on one of the sports teams, muscle up, and he’ll be just like his brother!”

A pain shot through Second’s heart. It was a pain which he had felt so many times before. One that he wished he could be numb to by now. However, he wasn’t.

“So true,” Mrs. Person agreed. “Surely then he’ll be the man Sour Sweet would be proud to cook and clean for!”

Sour suddenly began to choke on her food upon hearing that last statement.

“Are you okay, honey?” Mrs. Person asked with concern.

Sour cleared her throat. “Oh, yes, just fine. Alfredo’s really good, by the way…

“That it is,” Mr. Person agreed, nodding. He then picked up the dish. “Who wants seconds?”

“Yeah, who would want Seconds…?” Second uttered to himself under his breath, glancing miserably over to Sour.

After dinner, Second took Sour to seek refuge in his room.

Geez, when you said your parents were old-fashioned, I didn’t think you meant NINETEEN-FIFTIES old-fashioned.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about tonight.”

No, no, I found it to be fascinating actually. Simply fascinating.” Sour began to pace back and forth in thought. “With my own eyes and ears, I got to witness the first-hand shaming of the cisgender male into patriarchal submission. Just wait until my blogger group hears about this!

“Glad one of us enjoyed ourselves,” Second sighed as he plopped down on his bed.

At least I now know why you lack so much confidence. Living in your brother’s shadow must suck.

“First Person was the big man on campus back in the day. He and Shining Armor were pretty much the heroes of the Friendship Games four years ago. I didn’t hear the end of it when my parents learned that I wasn’t qualified to compete in this year’s Games. I could never live up to my brother.”

Sour sat down next to him. “So what if you’re not First? Being Second isn’t so bad.” Her hand took his. “It’s how you ‘scored’ me.”

“You know that I don’t see you in that way, right? I’m sorry that I high fived my dad like I did. I only did it because… well, I’m not used to being the one getting the praise around here, you know?”

Second glanced over to his nightstand. Sour followed his gaze to where a framed photo of both him and First was displayed. In the photo, First was holding up a huge, long, and not-so-subtly phallic-looking trophy with the words engraved upon it, “FIRST PLACE PRESENTED TO FIRST PERSON”. Second was glumly slumping next to him holding up a teeny, tiny, and insignificant trophy. Sour had to squint hard to make out the single word engraved upon it, “PARTISIPANT”. The trophy makers couldn't even be bothered to spell his correctly...

Sour frowned. “Do you really want to be like your brother?”

Second was silent for a moment, until he finally shook his head. “No. I want to be me… even though sometimes I don’t even know who that is…”

“I have a pretty good idea of who you are. You’re Second Person and whatever toxic masculinity your parents successfully pumped into your brother’s head, I’m glad it didn’t reach you because I love your kind and sensitive self just the way it is.”

“You really don’t care that I’m not a studly sports star with a six pack?”

Sour shrugged. “Why should I when you don’t care that I’m a mentally-broken bitch?”

“Sour, come on, don’t describe yourself in that kind of way. I can’t stand it when you put yourself down like that.”

Irritated, Sour flicked her clueless boyfriend hard in the forehead. “How do you think I feel when you put YOURSELF down, idiot?!

Second couldn’t help but to chuckle at that. “We really work well together, don’t we? Usually it’s been me having to reassure you of your self-worth.”

Sour leaned in and gave him an Eskimo kiss. “Just returning the favor, babe.”

They hugged.

By the way, do you still have those Maxim magazines?” Sour asked as they parted, her eyelashes batting quite suspiciously.

“Uh, yeah? I keep them in that drawer over there.”

Not anymore you don’t!” Sour barked, shooting up to locate the nearest trash can.


“See, Button?” Second concluded his story. “We may not understand why our girlfriends choose to waste their time with us, but as long as everyone’s happy who are we to question their judgment?”

“Thanks, Second,” Button expressed, already feeling better. “I really appreciate you talking to me like this.”

“No problem, buddy.”

Button got up. “Well, I’ve got to get going. Have a good night.”

“You too.”

The two shared a high five as Button left.

Just then, Second heard a voice behind him, “Hey, sorry I’m late!

Second beamed with his girlfriend’s arrival, but that quickly turned into a gape as Sour Sweet came into view and sat down across from him. Her hair was a mess, her right eye was black, and her lip was busted with a small stream of blood trickling down. Despite this, her face was lit by a smile as though nothing was the matter.

“Uh, Sour?”


“Care to explain?”

Oh, the blood and the bruises?” Sour asked nonchalantly. “Got into a fight with some purple emo. She kicked my ass. Mentioned something about ‘a thousand years of fighting experience’. Pretty RANDOM experience, if I do say so.” She picked up the menu. “So what’s looking good tonight, hm?

Second opened his mouth to press further, but Mrs. Cake then came over.

“What can I get – ” she cheerfully said before cutting herself off as she noticed Sour’s state.

Automatically, Mrs. Cake’s eyes wandered over to Second. Second flinched at the suspicious glare and was about to explain. That was, until he spotted the crack of a smile from his girlfriend.

Don’t be too hard on him, Mrs. Cake,” Sour Sweet pleaded in her sarcastic tone. “I’ll learn not to talk back someday.” Thankfully, Sour made sure to give Mrs. Cake a telltale wink at the end.

Second couldn’t help but to smile. Sour Sweet was deeply flawed, unpredictable, and may very well get him arrested one day. Damn it did he love her, though.


Comments ( 70 )

*Haven't read anything yet and sees the description* So his real name is really Second Person now?

*After reading* I'd like to think this is canon. And that Second Person really is his name. Now that brings up a thought of First Person hitting on Sour Sweet, and she ends up beating him. Badly.

No issue with this being canon. Opens up some new story paths I would think.

I sense reluctance in your voice.

And now I'm picturing Sour Sweet as a Sith Lord. It's a frankly terrifying image.

This seems like it fits seamlessly into the established story. Characterization is never a bad thing, and no audience self-insert survives contact with the audience for long. (Female readers, for example.) Letting Second Person be his own... well, person is definitely the right choice. (And it's a good thing he isn't a middle child, given how many people prefer Third Person. That's the last thing his ego needs...)

In all, a very enjoyable spotlight on a character who's stuck to the shadows until now. Thank you for it.

“You have to excuse our excitement, Sour,” Mrs. Person apologized. “You don’t know how hard we’ve tried to get Second to start being more of a man! Always asking him when he’s going to get a girlfriend. Reminding constantly how many girls his big brother was dating at his age. We even bought him a subscription to Maxim magazine to help encourage him!”
Meanwhile Second person slowly lifted a gun to his head

I think most people would prefer Second to have more character. Or at the very least I would, I never read this series as a self-insert. Any entry in this series is good though, I just love the comfortable familiarity both characters have with one another in subsequent entries.

Second person, huh? Oh the creativey -_-
Better than aeon I suppose

7435343 You can blame us for giving him that name

Second was glumly slumping next to him holding up a teeny, tiny, and insignificant trophy. Sour had to squint hard to make out the single word engraved upon it, “PARTISIPANT”.

You gotta feel sorry when the trophy has so little thought put into it that the word "PARTICIPANT" couldn't be bothered to be spelled correctly.

Got into a fight with some purple emo. She kicked my ass. Mentioned something about ‘a thousand years of fighting experience’. Pretty RANDOM experience, if I do say so.

Let's see, assuming this mysterious character is canon to the show, we I can try to figure out who it is...

Characters who lived for at least 1000 years:




It just occurred to me that you were talking about Aria... :twilightsheepish:
Well I'm embarrassed with myself.

Could we expect the dazzling so in any future editions of this series?

Sour’s nose crinkled. “Ugh, it’s like I can already SMELL the Axe Body Spray and douchiness. Who is this?”
“That’s my big brother, First Person,”

I have never before heard First Person described so perfectly, :rainbowlaugh:

“Got into a fight with some purple emo. She kicked my ass. Mentioned something about ‘a thousand years of fighting experience’.

God dammit, Aria, :facehoof:

Nice concept, but I don't like the character being called second person. I prefer the original style. Good story though.

I must consider this canon. I wanted see what happened when they went back down! Please make more for this!

Also, seeing the name Mrs. Person made me crack up

And Second Person's brother......First Person :rainbowlaugh:

I am always happy for character development. I'm taking this story as canon.


You gotta feel sorry when the trophy has so little thought put into it that the word "PARTICIPANT" couldn't be bothered to be spelled correctly.

I'll be completely honest, that was just a simple error on my part, but your comment is such a brilliantly hilarious idea that I added a new line to make it part of the story. That's a happy accident if I ever saw one :rainbowlaugh:

7435161 I very much want to read this.
7435721 And here I was thinking his Mom's name would be Mrs. Sue. First name Mary.

Good filler is good! Jokes land as always. And of course thank you for that organic integration.

Now, you absolutely must write a story about Sour Sweet's feminist blog. I'd take her on in the comments section.

I wish this was canon in the Sour Stories.

Sour... Don't pick fights with a Dazzling; they really aren't nice people.

That's what I call a fine character development. Great story as always. :yay:

Yes definitely.

Aria: she will beat you within an inch of your life.
Adagio: she will beat you, and then sexually abuse you.
Sonata: you would be surprised how many ways a taco can be used to torture people...

One thing that struck me (ha) was the domestic violence quip at the end. Morbid yes, but I think it does contribute quite a bit to Sour's characterization and sense of humor.

I'm actually surprised she was able to make it through the dinner.

Personally I prefer the self insert. When it comes to reading, i don't really feel for the main character and the side characters like Sour unless I am the main character. I actually felt scared when i read the first story and I did feel some anger when her father said he was emotionally distancing himself. I know its all fiction but self inserts are the best way to really get my attention. I loved just about every story previous, and when it changes, my attention and support for the series just dropped. A little more than i would prefer. Sorry but that's my rant. :twilightblush:

Keep everything else, toss the Second Person name. That's my vote

7437543 Thank you for that perspective. It's expecting reactions such as that which made me allow readers to decide for themselves whether it was canon or not ( notice I didn't even tag it as a sequel ). I may do another story like this, but I won't do all future ones like it. There's still going to be proper 2nd Person perspective tales to come as long as I can keep coming up with ideas.

7437558 I really enjoy this series! Schizophrenic girlfriend, character with very little to her name fanfic wise, surprises at every turn, this is the stuff that gets my attention and it sure did! Its the disruption of the flow that does it. Here we have 14 short stories where the reader is the main character and suddenly it changes. Something this long, not many people like change. But, if this was an alternate universe or just side stories, it adds a new perspective and the reader knows the back story, its just a simple name change. Its creative writing in my eyes! :pinkiehappy:

Please continue what you do! :rainbowkiss:

I accept this as cannon.

Okay this one hurt a bit to read. Why? Because of this:

Her tone was sweet but her eyes were screaming, “This is SO going into my next feminist blog!

A feminist!? Really!? Well Sour just a whole lot of cool points there.

With my own eyes and ears, I got to witness the first-hand shaming of the cisgender male into patriarchal submission. Just wait until my blogger group hears about this!

Gah!!! And there goes the rest of them. Sorry but I just lost all respect for Sour here.

Overall though, a neat story, even if it did destroy most of the appeal of Sour Sweet.


You've missed the point entirely. Right there, in the author's note, it says that this took place before Motherhood. So at this point in the series, she is still supposed to be aggressive, prickly and insecure. In fact, in the first stories, she is not that likable at all -- you gotta learn to look past the flaws to see the potential. And if you read through all the entries, it gets clear how this combatant attitude of hers gets debunked and she step by step she learns to let go of it.

Also, if you drop all the obnoxious terms like "cisgender," what she says here is not wrong at all -- parents shaming their son to be one particular type of man is a no-no.


“That’s my big brother, First Person,” Second informed. “He’s away at college right now.”

Im going to descibe my reaction with the sound of my laughter when I heard that boy's name
"Akh-HhHaahaHahahahaHaHA*muffled ahaha's* AHahahaaa"
You absolute madman, you done did it

I agree with some comments here, namely the 7435252 as it had said everything it needs to be said about this chapter IMO. Sorry if I came off as pushy about my ideas about Second Person and his family shenanigans, but looks like you managed to find your own, best-tailored, standing over the whole thing.

Its a bit of a weird question, but did you happened to be tempted to wrote this after the Sunny Sides of Crystal Prep was published?

7438039 Firstly, you act as if this is the first time I've brought up Sour Sweet being a feminist. It's been said before, or at least strongly hinted. Secondly, the feminism is mainly just there for humor's sake as Sour needs stuff to gripe about. Thirdly, I find it ironic that you seem to be so against feminism yet you are on a fan site for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, a series that is very feminist in its ideals. Spoiler alert: Lauren Faust is a feminist.


Sorry if I came off as pushy about my ideas about Second Person and his family shenanigans, but looks like you managed to find your own, best-tailored, standing over the whole thing.

Happy to include your great ideas, my friend :raritywink:

Its a bit of a weird question, but did you happened to be tempted to wrote this after the Sunny Sides of Crystal Prep was published?

I was already writing it when it was put up.

Yo. It's been a while ^-^ Man, it feels nice to be commenting on your stories again!
This experiment is brilliant! Seriously, it's brilliant! I love it! We get to see more into the life of Second Person and have some background for his character, I love it. Excellent choice for your 'lull period', and I do hope to see more awesome stuff come out soon!
So, now here comes the criticism.

Until she showed up, he glanced around to see if anything interesting was going on.

This implies that she showed up at the end of the action. I would use "While he waited for her to show up," or something similar.
And that's about it. I don't have much criticism for this. I love it. Off to go update my Best Author's page and mark your story size at 15!


Excellent choice for your 'lull period', and I do hope to see more awesome stuff come out soon!

Yeah, my inspiration has started to increase again. Got another drama-heavy story being cooked up as we speak... or type... or whatever :derpytongue2: Plus, the "Second Person" experiment will continue to defy the laws of nature :pinkiecrazy:

Also, thanks for the grammar correction :twilightsmile:

More stories coming soon?! :pinkiehappy: Yes!!
And, of course :twilightsmile: As a hypercritical smart-alec Grammar Nazi, I couldn't leave it alone :pinkiesmile:
Can't wait for the new stuff! How soon should I expect it?


How soon should I expect it?

*Shrugs lazily* Can't rush insanity, man :raritywink:

:derpytongue2: As someone who's also insane, I know just what you mean! :twilightsmile: Good luck!

7438730 Yeah, I suppose it was hinted at before, but this was more blatant. Why wouldn't I be against feminism, it's a toxic subculture that promotes female superiority, it is not about equality no matter how much they say that. I was not aware that Lauren Faust is a feminist, that is disappointing, but it changes nothing. I am a fan of the show, because I haven't seen any of that toxicity in the show itself. Sure it is very female heavy but it's a show for girls so that's to be expected.

7438458 I did read that authors note, and you are right, I had not taken that into consideration, fair point. Also, yes, what she said was right, I just hate words like cisgender *cringe*.

7439854 Speaking as someone who has had feminist studies in college, it sounds as you may be listening to the more radical voices of the feminist movement and generalizing the entire group. Remember that all groups have their bad eggs ( such as Sour Sweet to an extent ). If you think men and women should be equal in society, then you're a feminist. It's as simple as that.

If you want to know about Faust's MLP feminism then here's an article she wrote on it: http://msmagazine.com/blog/2010/12/24/my-little-non-homophobic-non-racist-non-smart-shaming-pony-a-rebuttal/

Something else I find ironic is that both you and K Nielson have agreed with Sour since "toxic masculinity" where parents/society pressure males to act a certain way actually is a genuine feminist concept. I simply borrowed it for comedy purposes :rainbowlaugh:

Of course, at the end of the day, everyone has their own beliefs and opinions. I'm not advocating anything, just trying to entertain and hope you stick around for more "non-feminist" stories :twilightsmile:

7440021 Yes, perhaps I am generalizing a bit. Maybe I have only seen the radicals, but boy are there a lot of them. Also, isn't 'If you think men and women should be equal in society, then you're a feminist. It's as simple as that.' also a generalization? If anything I just see myself as supporting equality, I do not focus on female issues therefore I don't consider myself a feminist. Then again perhaps I'm just against the word because of those radicals.

Not to start a debate but Egalitarianism is equal rights for everyone/every thing. Fiminisim is mostly for women's rights.

7447164 Both feminism and egalitarianism are essentially the same as far as I'm concerned. While it's true feminism is more vocal about women's rights because of the larger history of oppression, it does deal with men's issues, just as I portray in the story.

7447164 I agree completely.

7447228 Nope, modern feninism may be trying to spread into other causes but that makes no sense. The vey word implies female rights activist. And the only time that a modern feminist seems to care about men's rights is when they are trying to figure out how to take them away.

Can u do me a favor :raritywink:and make the book where Sour Sweet gets pregnant for me because I don't think I'll get time to finish:ajsleepy: it and can u mention me in it actually PM me to get the idea of what the idea of it is:twilightblush:

From what I've read and the way it's presented. I think his name should be 'Second Place' instead of second person (and First person should be First place

Hi I just got an idea for a future story that I thought you might what if there was some sort of couples obstacle course or other compation where sour sweet and her boyfriend compete against other couples it would be a great chance to add in a bunch of shipping jokes, just an idea I had rattling around my head that I thought you'd might like

Blop. Blippity blip blooop beep.

Did I beep a bit too much? Sorry.But I'm a jeep.


Thanks to Nico-Stone Rupan for making these stories, and SoDF's best authors list for telling me that there was a new chapter.

I'm not that great at being descriptive in how I liked something or didn't like it, so I can just say that this chapter was really good, and *Monologue Monologue, incomprehensible rambling, Evil curse, Beeps and Bloops, End monologue.*

What? Evil curse? Of course not! Me? Never! *Looks around nervously.*

And oubviously I'm late to the comment section, and the big comment rush on this story was weeks ago.

Well, Nico, keep making great stories, and SoDF, keep updating your user page so I stay updated on this series.
What's that? Following a user, you say? Interesting...


:rainbowlaugh: No problem! I'm happy to keep updating it~
Now we just gotta get him to drop some new content! :pinkiehappy:

All right everyone, get ready...

Poke poke poke poke poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Pokemon! Gotta catch 'em all! Poke P0k3

Ow! Gah! Stop with the pokies already! It's submitted! The new story has been submitted! :derpytongue2:

and yet another story stabbed right to the feels, you should consider doing one of those things to get them published into a single volume or something, i'd put money to that, your 'sour sweet tales' are amazing.

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