• Published 5th Aug 2016
  • 5,568 Views, 19 Comments

Love Will Find You - Ekhidna

Celestia and Chrysalis enter negotiations to end the conflict between their respective nations.

  • ...

Chapter One

Love Will Find You

“What is she playing at?”

“My Queen?” A drone asked hearing his queen as to no one in particular. He looked back and forth between his glaring ruler and the pristine Equestrian tent a hundred or so meters in front of them surrounded by only eight pony guards. “Should we retreat?”

“...No. As unlikely as it seems, everything Celestia said in her letter is true.” Chrysalis sneered. “So far. Any word from our scouts?”

“They are in position and have found nothing suspicious. No magic traces, no hidden ponies, no emotion residue. Nothing.”

Chrysalis gritted her teeth for several seconds until she dropped her stealth spell. To her surprise, the pony guards didn’t flinch at her, and her one hundred drones, sudden reveal. Without issuing an order, Chrysalis began to walk towards the tent; her changelings watching her movements from all directions.

“Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis has come.” A white coated pegasus stallion said once she reached the tent. The curtain blocking the interior of the tent glowed with a golden aura moving it aside. “You may enter now.” The guard said to her directly.

Chrysalis glared at the stallion for his offence, but instead of punishing him she decided to go inside the tent. “Let’s get this over with.” She muttered to herself.

Inside the tent she was surprised to see it was covered by pillows and cushions of several colors and sizes. The only place it wasn’t covered by them was where a small table stood with tea equipment on it. On the side lay Celestia serving herself a cup of golden liquid.

“So glad you decided to come, Chrysalis. Please, have a seat.” Celestia said giving her sincere, friendly smile extending one of her wings.

Chrysalis grunted making her way to the other side of the table. Eyeing the Goddess of the Sun for several moments she found nothing was off and lay her form much like Celestia was doing.

“Care for a cup of tea?” Celestia asked offering the cup she had just filled. Upon seeing her expression of doubt Celestia giggled. “It’s not poisoned if that’s what you’re wondering. Have a try, I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“...” Chrysalis didn’t reply but her horn and the cup were then covered by her magic aura. Chrysalis looked down at the slightly steaming liquid before looking at Celestia’s expecting eyes. Her right eye twitched before she took a sip. Her eyes went wide as the pleasant flavor of the tea covered her tongue. “I’ve drank tea before, but this is the first time I’ve found it pleasing. What did you put in it?”

Celestia smiled. “Just a little love.”

“Very funny.” Chrysalis scoffed.

“It’s true. The spell is not fully complete but the tests so far are a resounding success.” Celestia said serving herself a cup of tea.

Chrysalis looked at the tea once more before taking another longer sip. “So it is. The taste is faint but I can feel the small rush of love inside me.” Chrysalis put the tea on the table. “What are you playing at, Celestia?”

“I’m not playing at anything.” Celestia said before taking a sip out of her cup.

“Oh sure, Princess Sunbutt sends me a letter telling me to meet her in the middle of nowhere to discuss peace terms. And now she offers me love infused tea. I’ll ask again, what are you playing at, Celestia? Answer me with the truth or I will have my changelings attack and take you captive.”

“Were it so easy.” Celestia answered drinking more of her tea. “The truth is I want peace between our people. And you can thank my son Spike and his friend Kevin for the tea, it was their idea.”

“Kevin?” Chrysalis asked seeing Celestia take another sip of tea. “Ah, K-V99N. The traitor.” She glared at the tea wanting to throw it away, but love, no matter the source or the amount, was precious food that couldn’t be wasted. With a low grumble she drank the rest of her tea in one go.

“Want more?” Celestia offered holding the teapot with her magic.

“Please.” Chrysalis levitated her cup towards the pot.

“You know, you’re really nice when you’re not plotting to take over Equestria or suck the love out of my little ponies.”

“It’s called being diplomatic. It’s the difference between a great ruler such as I and, well, you and your fellow alicorn princesses.”

“Perhaps you’re right. I came here with only a few of my guards and nopony else knows of this location, not even my sister. You could do as you said and kidnap me.”

“So then what’s stopping me from doing just that, hmmm?”

“My offer.” Celestia looked at the Queen straight in the eyes. “Chrysalis, I want peace between your changelings and my ponies.”

Chrysalis was stunned looking at Celestia's magenta orbs. It was the first time since the failed invasion wedding and their duel that she had seen such seriousness from her part. Chrysalis found herself unable to look away from her piercing stare. She could only stare back at her beautiful magenta colored eyes.

The changeling queen shook her head and looked down her refilled cup of tea. She then gritted her teeth. “My changelings will not become your slaves!”

“I don’t want you or your people to become slaves, Chrysalis. I want true peace between us. Please, even you must see that our respective subjects are tired of this war. Kevin has helped understand your kind more than we ever thought possible, and he wants the same thing as you do.”

“HA! And what can that treacherous grub know about what I want?”

“He wants to save his people.” Celestia said creating an eerie silence to fall between the two royal mares.

“My changelings will not accept this bribery.” Chrysalis suddenly said placing the cup back on the table.

“It’s a gift. And an invitation.” Celestia said making Chrysalis lift an eyebrow. “I want to invite you to come to Canterlot and attend as my special guest to the Grand Galloping Gala. All under the flag of truce, of course.”

“Do not insult me, Celestia. If you wish to kill me then do so now. You think I’m so blind to not realise your assassination ploy?”

“No. But I believe you’re blind enough to see my actions as mere threats and mischievous plans. Or maybe you’re just afraid to admit I speak the truth?”

“Me? Afraid!? HA, I say. HA!” Gulping down her tea she then threw the cup to the side. “Why would you waste your time, and more importantly, MY time with such a pathetic attempt?”

“So we can discuss proper terms then. Will you accept my invitation?”

Chrysalis stared into Celestia’s eyes for a few moments before replying. “I shall accept your invitation only out of respect. But I will bring my guards along with me.”

“Bring as many as you want. They shall be properly provided.” The Sun Princess said presenting her a golden ticket. Chrysalis took the ticket

Chrysalis got up and walked out of the tent, not understanding why she couldn’t get Celestia’s eyes out of her mind.

Meanwhile, Celestia watched the changeling queen leave. It was only until the queen was out of the tent that she realised she had been staring at Chrysalis’s slim yet firm looking posterior.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><>A few weeks later<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

“I have made a huge mistake.” Chrysalis grumbled as she sat next to Celestia, who herself was chatting with some rich pony of sorts.

A couple of days after their first meeting the conflict between the ponies and her changeling ceased. Her spies confirmed that pony forces had retreated back to their land and Celestia, trough following letters, made good on her promise to send love infused tea and pony food. She, for her part, decided to wait until the dreaded night were she and Celestia would continue their negotiations.

She has to know we’re not going to bow to her. Arrrrgh! This is so frustrating! I can’t figure out what she’s planning! That old hag, thinking she’s so clever and powerful and mighty and merciful and beautiful! Chrysalis thought looking at the few dozen of her changelings interact with the ponies, not in harmony but not in aggression either, it was some sort of middle ground. She could even see the traitor K-V99N dancing with that annoying pink party pony on the dance floor.

Although, I have to admit this isn’t as terrible as I thought it would be, at least it’s not wedding planning. Chrysalis glanced at Celestia in time to catch said princess looking at her offering a warm smile that made her feel relaxed for some reason. Maybe...maybe she’s telling the truth? Can ponies and changelings actually have peace?

Chrysalis shook her head at the ridiculous notion.

“Is something wrong, Chrysalis?” Celestia asked placing a wing on her back.

“N-no, I just need a little air.”

Celestia smiled. “Come, then. I have something I want to show you.” Celestia excused herself from the table leading Chrysalis outside the enormous ballroom and into one of the illuminated hallways outside.

“What do you want to show me, Sunbutt?” Chrysalis asked walking up next to Celestia.

“Nothing. I needed an excuse to get away from those nobles. I swear they are like overgrown foals bickering over the silliest of things. Sorry.”

Chrysalis giggled. “I can’t say I understand completely, but you have my sympathies.” Chrysalis looked at Celestia noticing she was staring at her intently. She suddenly felt her cheeks warm up while darting her eyes to the sides numerous times. “Do I have something on my face?”

Celestia smiled. “You giggled.” She said before her smile grew larger and her cheeks turned into an adorable shade of red. “That was adorable! Do it again!”

“I’m not an object for your amusement, Sunbutt!” Chrysalis replied making Celestia laugh. “UGGGG! If you wish to discuss the terms of your surrendering, search for me then, Sunbutt!” With that said, Chrysalis flew down the hallway muttering something about stupid alicorns.

Celestia watched her leave for a few seconds until she closed her eyes with her smile never faltering. “Is something the matter, Luna?”

Luna landed next to her sister. “No, dear sister. But We have a...concern, however.”

“Which is?”

“We think you are, shall We say, overly attentive with Chrysalis.”

“It’s my duty to see she’s having a good time, and help her see that peace can be achieved between our species.”

“Are you certain there’s nothing more going amidst? We have not missed thine blushing face or how you use your wings on her.”

“I’m just trying to be friendly to her. It’s not like I glance at her flanks or anything, or that I notice how her eyes shimmer whenever she’s embarrassed, or how her mane flows in the breeze. Honestly Luna, you must be seeing things. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go catch her before she gets lost.”

Luna saw her big sister go after the changeling queen with her mouth agape. Once Celestia was out of her sight Luna closed her mouth and sighed before returning to the Gala.

Celestia caught up to Chrysalis soon after, the mareling trying to decide what path she should take. “Can I help you?”

“I swear this place is even bigger than when I tried to take it over.” Chrysalis said in a defeated tone.

“Let me fix that.” Celestia said and a flash of light later they were in her private chambers. “I think this is the perfect time to continue our discussion, don’t you think?”

“Fine by me.” Chrysalis said sitting on her haunches. “Why do you really want peace?”

“To save our people, of course.” Celestia sat in front of Chrysalis taking one of her hooves in between her forehooves. “Chrysalis, I think you know how this fight between us will end if we let it continue, right?”

“With our victory, of course.” Chrysalis said without hesitation.

“But at what cost? How many more of our subjects must perish and suffer? If we win then your race will die out but we will take a deadly blow ourselves. If you win then your main source of nourishment will come to an end and you’ll die out anyways in a few decades.”

Chrysalis looked at the ground. “I know. But what else can I do? Your repugnant ponies see us as nothing more than monsters. You’ve been trying to exterminate us for centuries. All we do we do it to survive.”

“I know that now thanks to Kevin. Your kind is more familiar to insects, no offense, but you’re surprisingly similar to ponies, too. After all is said and done, we’re more alike than I ever thought possible.”

Chrysalis huffed.

“Look at us for example. We would do anything for our subjects, we're both taller than everypony else, we are adored by thousands, we are both beautiful and--”

“Did you just called me beautiful?” Chrysalis asked taking away her hoof.

“Oh-oh-OH! Y-yes, quite! I mean, you have a pretty mane, your wings are so elegant, the green carapace in your back glistens in the sunlight, your voice is frightening at first but it becomes cute and charming once you get used to it, your flanks are not really that big but they’re alluring and--”

“You stare at my flanks?” Chrysalis deadpanned with a cute, green blush crossing her cheeks.

“Why--I would never--I mean...sorta?” Celestia whispered. “They’re nice to look at, if that’s any consolation.”

“You ponies really are crazy.” Chrysalis said while trying to keep her beating heart from jumping out of her chest. “He-he...wow...This is...this is the first time someone says something so nice about me. The real me, I mean. Thanks...I guess.” Chrysalis scratched the back of her head. “I think your flanks look nice, too.”

Celestia shifted to the side and looked at her rump. “They’re not too fat, are they? My sister and Twilight are always saying I should stop eating so many cakes because they make my rump this big. Do you think they’re right?”

“I...don’t know? I think they fit you, if that helps. And I also like your eyes.”

“My eyes?”

“Yeah. They’re pretty.”

“Yours are quite pretty, too. I like that shade of green a lot, you see.”

“You don’t say…”

Both mares stayed silent for several minutes trying their hardest to ignore the awkward situation they had created.

“Hey, I have a bottle of hard cider and salty mountains here!” Celestia blurted out of the blue making Chrysalis jump a little. “You changelings can eat salt too, right?”

“Of course.” Chrysalis was quick to accept a glass of hard cider from Celestia. “Well then, shall we continue with the negotiations, Sunbutt?”

“Let’s then, Chrissy.”

“Don’t call me that!” Chrysalis snarled.

“You call me Sunbutt and you don’t see me making a fuzz about it, Chrissy.” Celestia giggled. “Plus, I think it fits you. It’s cute, like your giggling, Chrissy.”

“You are impossible.”

“For peace.” Celestia raised her glass.

“Whatever.” Chrysalis followed suit.

The Princess and the Queen ran through the first two bottles in less than twenty minutes.

*The following morning*

Chrysalis awoke from her slumber. Exactly two seconds later her head pounded like a drum. Refusing to open her eyes, Chrysalis took in a deep breath that was cut short as she suddenly coughed. A few seconds later, after the coughing died out, she was aware enough of her surroundings to feel something around the base of her neck. She also felt the warmth of a fuzzy but heavy blanket on top of her.

A blanket that moved on its own. And snored. And smelled like sunflowers mixed with peaches.

Sweet Hive Mother, don’t tell me…, Chrysalis thought while her eyes opened ever so slowly hoping her suspicions were wrong. It took her vision a moment or two to clear itself but when it did the first thing she saw was a snoring Celestia snuggled against her barrel. Her large pointy horn resting against her jagged dark one. She instantly noticed Celestia’s lips were stained with red lipstick while her mane was shimmering but lying still.

Chrysalis’s eyes snapped open all the way as a high pitched scream was caught in her throat. It took her some time to realise her forelegs were embracing the alicorn princess, and that the thing around her neck was Celestia’s necklace. Not knowing what to do, she licked her lips tasting the sweetness of strawberry.

“...” Chrysalis couldn’t say anything as she watched Celestia sleep peacefully on top of her. There’s even a strand of drool hanging from her mouth, Chrysalis managed to tell herself while Celestia snuggled against her. Her eyes moved from the alabaster alicorn to around the room and noticed something. They were not in Celestia’s room, but she knew they were still in Canterlot (at least she hoped they were) judging by the curtains and the white room.

Chrysalis looked around the room with what little free movement she had noticing a couch, a pair of large windows, an oversized chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a large vanity mirror that reflected her kissed form, a fireplace, a--

Her train of thought stopped abruptly as she gazed at the numerous red kiss marks covering her face, horn, snout and even her ears. She could also see some sort of bruise on her neck.

“The cake is...a lie…” Celestia mumbled.

“AAAHHHH!” Chrysalis shouted tossing Celestia back as she stumbled to the side. “Ewwww! Ewwwwwww!”

“Whu?” Celestia said coming out of her daze. She rubbed her eyes to clean out the blurriness. With her vision steady, and a slight pounding pain in her head, she saw Chrysalis trying to wipe the numerous kiss marks spread all over her face and neck.

“Chrysalis?” Celestia asked glancing at her surroundings and quickly figuring out what was going on. “Oh my me...Chrysalis I’m--”

“Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!” Chrysalis darted to the nearest door opening it with her magic and then shutting it harshly. Seconds later the sound of water running made itself present from behind the door.

“--sorry.” Celestia finished before lazily crawling up to the bed once more. She closed her eyes in an effort to remember what had led to such an event. After ten whole minutes the Sun Princess let out a heavy sigh. “The last thing I remember is ordering a few more bottles of salty mountains. This is why I never drink.” Celestia sighed again before looking at the shower door, she stared at it for a few moments trying to figure out what she should do.

Before she could make a choice, the door opened followed by the water dying down. Out came a partially wet Chrysalis with her face buried in a large towel. After a few swipes and grunts she tossed said towel away and stared at the alicorn.

“Chrysalis, I-”

“Don’t talk. I don’t want to hear your annoying voice right now.” Chrysalis cut her off dryly. “What in Tartarus happened last night? I don’t remember anything.” Chrysalis sat on her haunches as droplets of water fell to the ground from her wings and mane. “Well, I guess it doesn’t take a genius to figure out we ‘spent the night together’. Suddenly I feel relieved I can’t remember anything.”

“I want to remember.” Celestia said without thinking.

“What did I told you about shutting your foul mouth?” Chrysalis snapped. “And what do you mean ‘I want to remember’?” She asked making a terrible and overly exaggerated low pitched imitation of Celestia’s voice.

“Well--I mean--It couldn’t have been that bad, right?”

Chrysalis shivered. “Of course it was that bad! I don’t even want to think about it!”

“Don’t you feed on our love?” Celestia asked sheepily.

“That’s totally different. I need love to survive, but I DON’T like ponies! You’re so soft, and cuddly, and clingy, and...and...and crazy.” Chrysalis snarled hitting the floor with one of her forelegs. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

Celestia smirked. “Oh no reason, I just figured out that last night would be like an all you can eat buffet for you. I’m quite sappy and lovable if I’m being honest.”

“Why-! You-! As if I would-!” Chrysalis watched Celestia flutter her eyelashes a few times at her making her cheeks turn green with a heavy blush. “The nerve you have to insinuate such a thing. Have you no shame, you crazy alicorn?” Chrysalis said closing her eyes and looking away. She then heard the bed cracking. “What are you doing?”

Her answer came in the form of a kiss on her left cheek. Instead of moving away or punching Celestia in the face, Chrysalis looked at her magenta eyes.

“I...remembered something. An old way to form bonds between families or kingdoms, usually to gain power or increase the ties of those involved. But in desperate times used to...form alliances or make peace.” Celestia sat in front of Chrysalis, never tearing her gaze from hers.

“What are you suggesting, Sunbutt?” Chrysalis gulped finding herself unable to look away from her eyes. She didn’t even mind when the Sun Princess touched the ‘bruise’ on her neck with the tip of her wing.

“A political engagement.” Celestia said, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of red.

“Marriage.” Chrysalis said after a few seconds of silence between the two.

“Yes. It’s the perfect solution to put an end to the conflict. Your subjects will be welcomed into Equestria and, if you allow them, take citizenship. You will retain your status and sovereignty over them. Our people will have peace, your subjects will have to earn their love though, we can’t have them kidnapping anymore, do we?”

“I suppose you make a fair point.” Chrysalis gulped. “But it is a futile option. I have no potential heir to offer in marriage. And I doubt any of you would jump on the chance to marry a changeling.”

“It doesn’t have to be an heir, per say. I’m willing to commit any, ehem, sacrifice in order to save my subjects. Just like you are willing to do the same, don’t you?”

“...I believe so, yes. But...us? As in me marrying you?”

“Why not? It is the best solution I can think on.” Celestia said smiling tenderly at Chrysalis.

“Purely political. The marriage, I mean, right? I mean, it’s not like there’s an ulterior motive, right?”

“Yes, yes. Purely political. All in order to achieve peace. Oh! Woe is us, for we have to endure the embrace of each other every night from now on. Truly, our suffering is great.”

Chrysalis couldn’t help but giggle at her antics. “You truly are one crazy alicorn, Sunbutt.” She then leaned in to kiss her cheek for a split second. “Very well then. I agree. Just don’t be getting any weird ideas, you hear me? This is entirely political and for the benefit of my subjects.”

“I wouldn’t think of any other reason, Chrissy.” Celestia said before leaning in to return the chaste kiss with one of her own on her soon to be betrothed changeling queen.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to all who read this!

Comments ( 19 )

MAN, do I have a guilty pleasure of Celestia x Chrissy stories...

This story just released and i'm already hungry for MORE.
(Don't take my greed the wrong way, I just love this one-shot).
Being the inconsiderate person I am, I want a sequel... :raritycry:

Fick mich, dieser Geschichte ist sehr süß!

Fuck me, this story is cute! Please continue this story!

Pacing was a bit fast, but this was adorable. :twilightsmile: I can't get enough Chrysalestia

i don't care much for the ship, but this was good, wouldn't have minded seeing Twilights reaction though.

This story is very much to my liking :pinkiehappy: . I really appreciate that it is very much in character and the way the story progressed felt really natural. Also I enjoyed Chrysalis and Celestia discovered their feelings for each other. Great story with one of my favourite ships.
So again thank you for taking my request, you made my very happy with this story.


Quite straightforward for a crackship. I wouldn't have left the 'oh, we were drunk? ok' plot device as the magical solution and buildup, though.

What he said.

Needs a sequel, the marriage is going to be that sequel

Also 10/10 IGN

Just some things I noticed while reading. It's a nice story, but if the comics were canon, it would be impossible or at least much more difficult... thinking of the story that tells Chrysalis' history, where she gets pretty much blown to pieces in a battle with Celestia. Still, a good story :3

Inside the tent she was surprised to see is was covered by pillows and cushions of several colors and sizes.


but love,no matter the source or the amount,

Missing a space after the comma after "love".

were both taller than everypony else,


ran through the first two bottles in less than twenty minutes

Wow. But seriously, that's not healthy at all xD

lips were stained with red lipstick while her mane was shimmering but lying still

...the story is "E"-rated, isn't it?

“The cake is...a lie…”

You crazy-- you receive a mustache for that. :moustache:

into Equestria and, of you allow them,


7454004 :pinkiehappy:

7454070 Sorry. This is a stand alone. Glad you liked it though.

7454138 I admit Romance is not my forte. It's hard for me to create a plot around it.

7454261 I thought of including Twilight, but decided against it mainly because I couldn't find a way to make her feel natural into the story.

7454332 :pinkiesad2:

7454388 It was meant to be straightforward XD.

7454446 No sequel, sorry. Thanks for the rating though :rainbowkiss:

7454828 Glad you liked it and thanks for pointing those errors. I don't mix comics, EQG and the show together. I see them as their own universes. I love Portal and Glados.

And now I realize why I ship this. That was too cute!!

7454959 Ohh, that's an interesting take on that. It solves a great deal of problems with the series and connections to the "stuff other then the series" :yay:
And I still need to play through portal :raritydespair:

Poor tsundere Chrysalis. "I-it's not like I LIKE you or anything, Sunbutt!" :rainbowlaugh:

Snrk, that went well.

Sunbutt was no match for the perfectly perky, pump and pokable posterior of Bugbutt.

Things progress too fast to feel truly natural, plus you could have used a bit more proof-reading, but not it's not too bad, I think you just need to keep practicing writing.

I think there's a natural tendency for writers to want to rush to the ending that you have to fight.

Hmmm interesting take :) well written but feels just a bit rushed.

I like the idea you had for the naming of the changelings ^^ personally I find it way better than the one in the show itself

Nice portal reference too :)






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