• Member Since 30th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Shadow Hero

I am but a nobody that likes ponys. Sunset is best human/pony. Profile Picture was drawn by a Streamer StephOfanime


Hi, you can call me Zidane, you know the main character of Final Fantasy 9, anyway I was not always Zidane...you all heard the story's of a guy buying something from a vender, but that did not happaned to me. Oh no! I had to have the bright idea to do what Zidane does best and stole it from him and now I am here on Equis with a real working tail and little to no idea of my past beyond what happened.

Disc 1- Pre Elements of Harmony
Disc 2- Post Elements of Harmony

Don't hate me, I am just testing the water with this. MLPxFinal Fantasy Dissidia
Edited by Azure5555'
Hit Popular Story's on 08/22/16- On the first day published

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 38 )

Huh this looks like it'll be fun. And I take it it's a mix of many FF games since we have an Auron and Squall in addition to the Displaced Zidane.

When you end up making your token you definitely need to have him meet Gilgamesh, Cloud Strife (Assuming he makes one and understands exactly what happened to him), Tifa, Female humanoid Bahamut and Bahamut VIII. That'll really start up this Final Fantasy story later.

7502938 Yes it is. I think of it as Final Fantasy Dissidia type of story.

7504167 Oh then it's gonna really be fun then. I pity any villain should BFA be summoned and Tidus is nearby.

Do you need an editor? Because I would be more than happy to help.

Poor Zidane he can't get away with nothing.

I didn't think this would be up till monday!

7511081 Ya, but I just wanted to get this chaper out . Starteing next week it is update every Monday.

Is that Auron from Final Fantasy X?! Run Zidane just run he is more dangerous then you will ever know.

7521608 Indeed it is. Seems to be a Dissidia based Equestria.

Let me guess the gem that is supposed to go in there is her Element of Harmony. Nice chapter and just how many famous people is Zidane going to come across I wonder? Hopefully not the villain from VI or VII.

7540476 Well Applejack is the age shown in the episode The Cutie Mark Chronicles, so she is not famous yet. I should really put the time this takes place?


My bad. What I should have said was Zidane is not only meeting other people possibly displaced who are famous (even if he is suffering from memory loss and cannot tell that) and people who will be famous in the future. So no need to point out when this story takes place.

Interesting so possible changeling attack that doesn't seem like their King is behind? Either we have traitors in the Kingdom, another set of changelings from a different ruler or some other kind of shapeshifting species impersonating the changelings to start a war between 2 possible ally nations. Classic villain plot if so.

Since all these guys are here, I wonder if Sora will show up as well? He is friends with Selphie, Tidus and Wakka plus a few other FF characters when he travelled the different worlds. Would make sense seeing how KH is part of the FF multiverse as a spinoff. Wonder if anyone from Brave Exvius and Tactics will show up too?

So now we have Jecht and Titus. So how long till he joins up with Sunset and Zidane?

Yo, dudes in the comment section. How's my editing?

love the description and the fact your guy had the guts to steal his prop from the sucker. Good for you to shake up the style

Interesting, so I'm guessing Chrysalis is an ally and friend of Celestia in this universe and darn Kuja is her royal chancellor? That's not good seeing how crazed he is.

Needs some major proofreading.

Not only is the proofreading bad, but unlike the previous chapters, the writing itself for this chapter was horrible. Horrible enough that I'm questioning whether I'll continue reading or not... and I'm usually open minded on things. The previous chapters were so, so much better than this one.o_O Scarily so. It's almost like someone else wrote this chapter.:\

Is it either the "Dark Knight: Cecil" Or The "Dragoon: Kain"?

Despite being a Short Chapter, It was Alright. That was A-bit fast for Sunset to change her mind though. Completely against the Idea of Fighting for Her Former Teacher as a new "Hero of Light", Wants Nothing to do anything with her and tells Yuna that it's almost impossible to Defeat Chaos.

That's my opinion, but keep on writing.

Gold Plated Gauntlets? Is that a Reference to Ember Celia, Yang Xiao Long's weapons?!:pinkiegasp: Love the Forshadowing on AJ's Element. Rainboom's already happened, so that means Zidane's missed it.

I was going to say is this supposed to be final fantasy? Which one?

7653176 Final Fantasy Dissidia, a fighting game on PSP and arcades in Japan. Has many charecters from around franchise like Cloud, Kain, Cecil, Lighting, and so on.

Is this story still going or is it dead?

Nope just had IRL think vs and have the new chapter out like now

Just asking as I've been debating crossing-over ever since I came across your story, I haven't asked yet as I didn't want to be a bother.

So which Esper in the series was a light purple furry? I don't seem to recall that one.

His talking about Terra, she is half esper and half human

Ah her, I knew she was half Esper and had that purple form but it didn't look furry to me in all the times I've seen it on Record Keeper, more like those androdites or whatever they were called from Ben 10, the cosmic mana beings that Gwen and her grandmother happen to be. So I was wondering if it was something else that you summoned instead of playing as. XD


Well, it looked furry to me, what with her hair being wild and her body being covered in furr or same colored skin as her hair, but its an easy mistake to make if you've been a displaced for years.

Who would voice Zindane?

I liked FF9, it had everything.
Great charaters, awesome plot that's not confusing, and one of the better ability systems, right up there with 10.

Crap, I just realized I missed a few errors... I really should not edit while half asleep.

You edit this mess? I'm Sorry but this entire story is super fast, messed up, and confusing. I read the first couple chapters and I'm done.

I can't take it, so much good story is ruined by how fast it is. The first two chapters hurt.

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