• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 17,777 Views, 2,508 Comments

Earth & Sky - Warren Hutch

Sequel to Windfall, set three years after. Twilight & Rarity invent artificial wings!

  • ...

Part 44 - Those Magnificent Mares and their Flying Machines

The darkening halls of Azure Manor echoed with the sounds of two sets of horseshoes on the marble floors, one a bit erratic in its steps while the other glided along, occasionally waiting for its companion to catch up. A slurred voice could be heard with the approach of a firefly lantern from the grand mansion's foyer. "...threw us out. Can you believe it, Greaves? Said they weren't gonna serve us if we didn' pay our royal tab."

The greying unicorn's eyebrow raised in a precise arc as he looked back at his employer. "The mind boggles, your highness. And by odd coincidence, that's just what the magilectric company said as well."

Prince Blueblood sniffled petulantly. "And after we told them all 'bout how we'd lost our horrible wife, and survived a changeling attack an' a blimp crash, and been frozen out of our family businessh, and how we were almost broke. No sympathy, Greaves. None at all. Bunch a' cold blooded merc'naries z' what they are. We have a mind to never go back there ever again."

The prince's valet flicked an ear as his eyebrow lowered back into place. "That will certainly show them, your highness."

He examined his employer with a flat stare. "One can't help but note that your highness has managed to... salvage the evening, as it were, despite the lack of the... wherewithal to acquire your highness' usual sort of amusements."

Blueblood's face took on a blearily cagey smile as he looked around furtively and then beckoned his coltservant closer. "Okay, this ish a secret. Don't tell anypony. Y'know that silver coffee creamer shaped like a cow?"

Greaves' ears drooped and a crease appeared in his forehead. "The one from your highness' late great, great aunt, the Archduchess Bluebell's collection? The last remaining mint condition example of Hoofany's "Pastoral" works, valued at twenty thousand bits alone and double that because it was part of a complete service set? The heirloom passed down through generations of your highness' family?"

His employer nodded with a woozy, conspiritorial grin. "Yeah, that's the one. We took it 'round to our old buddy Binky's and traded it to him for two bottles of his finest brandy and a half block of fine salt. Had a fine time of it, we did, 'til his wife said it was time for us to go home."

He paused, blinking in muddled thought as Greaves rolled his eyes. "We mean me us, not us us. Binky stayed at his house, even though he prolly wishes he hadn't, 'cos golly was Missuz Binky yelling at him. Y'd think she'd be happy, she got a new cow creamer out of it. Mares, huh?"

The valet let out a long, weary sigh. "Well, one bright spot in all this is we're both spared the indignity of me frisking your highness for a pawnshop ticket. I'll stop by Lord High Tone's manor tomorrow to see if I can negotiate a return with her ladyship."

The prince gave him a sly grin and a nudge. "Clever lad. Then we can trade it back to him for another bottle or two later on."

Greaves' lips tightened into a thin line. "Very good your highness. Now if your highness will please accompany me."

As they proceeded down the shadowy hallways, Blueblood's brow furrowed in sluggish pensiveness. "Wait a moment, Greaves old boy. This isn't the way to our chambers."

The greying unicorn cleared his throat as they approached a door that was slightly ajar, with a shaft of golden light streaming through the crack across the thick, wine colored carpeting. "Come along, your highness."

The dissolute prince paused at the doorway. "Wait a moment, this is her highness our late, lamented wife's office. Why are you bringing us here at this hour?"

Greaves politely cleared his throat. "It's only early evening, your highness. Your highness has a visitor who'd very much like to discuss the state of your highness' affairs right now."

A petulant scowl blackened Blueblood's face. "We thought we gave explicit orders not to allow Shyster or either Flywheel access our royal premises, sirrah."

The grey maned stallion clicked his heels and gave the prince a curt bow as his horn sparked to life, opening the door. "And I have followed your highness' orders to the letter." He leaned in through the door. "Prince Blueblood, your highness."

The prince gave a huff and trotted in through the doorway, glaring at Greaves with a frown on his face. "Hmph! We can see we needed to be more specific. None of our late wife's festering coven of lawyers is to be admitted. Do we make ourselves clear?"

The elder stallion merely gave a respectful bob of his horn and closed the door behind him as he departed. A female voice caused Blueblood's head to whip around and his bloodshot eyes to nearly pop out of their sockets. "Hello, hubby dearest. Did you miss me?"

Sitting at the desk was a pastel pink mare with a lavender and pearl streaked mane, casting a weary look in his direction over steepled hooves. Blueblood let out a strangled, shuddering gasp and backpedaled until he ran into the door, pressing back against it with his ears laid back and his eyes wild with terror. "Queen C-chrysalis! No! NO! Please, your majesty! I'm s-s-sorry for what happened! I didn't know what she was up to! It wasn't my fault! If... if you spare me we can still go through with our deal! Please! Don't eat my beautiful face off! "

The pink mare rolled her eyes and gave a tired sigh, leaning her chin on a forehoof. "I'm not a changeling, doofus. It's me, Diamond Tiara. Your actual wife."


Greaves paused at the far end of the hallway and cocked an ear at a sound rather like the distant, ululating screech of a steam whistle. A moment later, he realized what it was, and continued on his way with the slightest of smug grins creasing his upper lip.


A pair of eyelids opened from roiling blackness to behold a gilded ceiling adorned with frescoes of chubby pegasi foals wrapped in heraldic banners. A harrowed voice mumbled as the scene came into focus. "What a horrible nightmare..."

A hoof in the mouth cut off another shriek as a familiar, blue eyed, pastel pink face filled Blueblood's field of view. The brow of his erstwhile wife's visage furrowed as she spoke to him in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's good to see you too, darling."

As soon as she released her hold on his face, the pasty prince scuttled backward and pressed himself against the door, suddenly cockatrice kissing sober and shaking like a leaf. "B-b-b-but... but how? How did you escape those... those hideous creatures?"

Diamond Tiara shrugged and averted her eyes with a look of chagrin washing across her face. "Well... I guess even hideous creatures have standards."

With that she wheeled and stepped back over to the desk. "And on that note..."

She picked up a sheaf of papers in her teeth and carried it over to him as he recoiled from her, dropping it at his hooves then stepping back to fix him with a steady gaze. Blueblood bit his lip as his horn sputtered to life, lifting the papers and floating them up before his slack jawed face as his bloodshot eyes flicked back and forth across their contents. They fluttered to the floor a few moments later as he stared at her in shock. "This... t-these are..."

Diamond gave him a curt nod. "That's right. I want a divorce."

She turned and walked toward the windows, gazing pensively at the deepening night sky as a pale moon appeared over the ornamental trees outside. "I think I need to find somepony who loves me for me, not just because they want my money. And if I find 'em, I'm gonna try loving them back, and see how that works out. I know I don't really have a lot of practice at that, but I'm willing to learn how."

Blueblood brought a hoof to his forehead. "But... but... but our title! You won't be a princess anymore! You can't just cast off a crown like that, even if you hardly deserved it in the first place."

She shook her head ruefully and let out a chuckle. "I've got a feeling that hearing somepony call me 'sweetheart' or 'darling' and really mean it is gonna be way better than having everypony call me 'princess'."

She looked back at the tiara design on her flank with a faint, wry smile. "There are other ways to be important to ponies besides flashy titles and bossing them around."

The prince slumped back against the door as he raised his other hoof to his temple. "But... but what about us? Where does this leave us?"

She rolled her eyes impatiently. "There is no us, you booze soaked, salt crusted ponce. That's pretty much how a divorce works."

Blueblood gave a twitchy shake of his head. "No, not us us. We mean me! We... I... I mean. What will become of me?"

Diamond turned to face her soon to be ex-husband and fixed him with a level gaze. "Oh, our pre-nuptual agreement was pretty clear that if I decided to terminate the marriage you'd get nothing and you'd like it."

Her expression softened a little, but retained a bit of a smirk. "But since I'm trying to be a better pony, I stopped in at my 'festering coven of lawyers' and made a few changes to let you down easy, even if you hardly deserved it in the first place."

She nodded toward the paper. "If you read carefully, I think you'll find it details a very generous settlement that should let you keep body and soul together for quite a while, if you knock off all these nasty habits of yours and try to live a bit more modestly."

She flicked her tail as she met his eye again. "Of course, there are some conditions."

Blueblood cringed, drawing his forelegs in tight to his chest as he began to tremble. "C-conditions?"

The former princess nodded as she allowed her eyes to wander across the office's ornate scrollwork moldings. "Yeah. In the interest of keeping the split amicable and spare us both a lot of haggling, I signed the deed of this drafty rococo barn and all the ancestral bric-a-brac inside it over to the Royal Trust as an Equestrian heritage site. Seemed like a fair trade for you signing all of your family business holdings away to the Pants Group without consulting me."

She brought her gaze to bear on him again. "You'll probably have to arrange a new living space. They seemed pretty intent on converting this place into a museum. Don't worry about the help, though. I arranged a deal where they could stay on as caretakers and docents for the property, with a decent raise in pay, even."

A stunned look settled on the dissolute prince's face. "E-egads... I'll have to... I'll have to move back in with mother."

Diamond's eyes glittered. "Ah yes, I imagine her ladyship the Grand Duchess Bluenose would be quite enthusiastic at the prospect of that, from what I've heard. I bet she'd just jump at the chance to have her wayward colt back under her roof and hoof."

Blueblood flopped onto his side and curled up into a little ball with a piteous whimper, his bloodshot eyes fixed in a thousand mile stare as he began to suck on a fore hoof.

Diamond Tiara gave a toss of her pearl streaked mane and headed for the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and pack up my stuff and get out of here. I've got a train to catch to Manehattan, and from there, who knows?"

She paused, looking down on him with a wistful smirk. "Take care of yourself, Blueblood."

With that, young mare raised her snout in the air, hiked her tail, and strutted out the door and out of his life for good, the sharp click clack of her hooves receding down the moonlit hallway.


A set of dainty, red sequin festooned hooves tapped out a jaunty rhythm on the stage, as a petite earth pony filly with a mop of golden ringlets framing her rosy cheeked, powder blue face and a bouncy bouquet of a tail bound with a large blue bow smiled a wide, hopeful smile at the small assembly of ponies seated in the front row of an otherwise empty theater.

With one final, endearingly wobbly pirouette, the filly came to a stop as the music wound down. She beamed and took a deep bow as to a pony the mares and stallions watching her performance leapt to their hooves and stamped on the floor.

A skinny unicorn with a megaphone for a cutie mark reared as he cheered. "Bravo, sweetheart! Bravo! That was fantastic!"

An older pegasus mare with a clipboard tucked under her wing and a pair of stylish glasses perched on her snout nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, she's so adorable! The audiences will just love her!"

The little earth pony beamed as she spoke in a sunny voice, still a bit out of breath from her audition. "I really hope so, Miz Curtain Call. Mista Hoof Light. Thanks for watchin' me!"

The unicorn smiled back at her. "Oh no, thank you for answering our ad, Lollypop."

Curtain Call turned to her partner. "I think we've found our leading filly, don't you H. L.?"

Hoof Light nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yeah! This kid is gold! Pure gold with a side of sunshine." He turned and gave a bob of his horn to one of his assistants. "Tinsel, be a doll and go get Miss Dimples' mother, won't you?"

Lollypop Dimples gave a little hop and started skipping toward the steps leading down from the stage. "Oh! Let me! I wanna go tell my mommy about how much you liked me! I can do it!"

The director and producer shared a sidelong smile and nodded their assent, with Curtain Call giving the tiny moppet a wink. "Okay, dearie. Hurry up now."

They chuckled as she cantered up the aisle with her golden ringlets bouncing with every step. She paused at the door and looked back over her shoulder as they turned to their clipboards and discussed their notes. A look of predatory triumph washed across her formerly guileless features, a greenish light flickering in the depths of her eyes.


A unicorn mare named Marquee sat at the front reception desk of the theater idly flipping through the latest copy of "Galloping Gossip" when her attention was drawn by a sweet little voice accompanied by an earnest pair of eyes peeking over the desk's forward edge. "Excuse me, ma'am. Can I use the key to the baff room?"

Marquee gave the tiny filly a warm smile as she levitated the key to her. "Here you go, cutie."

Before Lollypop could respond, she let out a loud burp. A blush appeared on her cheeks as she dug her dainty hoof on the worn carpet. "Excuse me." She reared up, spreading her little fore legs wide for emphasis. "I just had a biiig lunch!"

The unicorn gave her an indulgent nod. "That's okay, kiddo. I hope it was yummy."

The little filly spun on her hoof and trotted toward the mare's room. "It was! Okay lady thanks I love you bye!"

Marquee chuckled after her and turned back to her tabloid, and was soon so engrossed in another article that she didn't notice a brief flaring of eerie green light under the door.

A short time later, the door opened and a mildly attractive mare who shared Lollypop Dimples' coloration stepped out. She wore her hair in a loose bun and wore a sensible sweater and skirt. With a soft clearing of her throat, she walked over and set the bathroom key on Marquee's desk.

The unicorn mare looked up with a question in her eyes, that faded into a greenish, glazed haze as she met the newcomer's piercing stare. The stranger spoke in a steady, commanding voice to the mesmerized receptionist. "We've been chatting out here in the lobby while my daughter had her audition, and we really hit it off. I'm a good sort of pony, a real salt of the earth type."

Marquee nodded dully and replied in a dazed monotone. "We've been chatting out here in the lobby while your daughter had her audition and we really hit it off. You're a good sort of pony, a real salt of the earth type."

The mare claiming to be Lollypop's mother grinned and smartly rapped her hoof on the floor. The unicorn receptionist flinched, blinked, and shook her head to clear it. When she looked up she met the earth pony's earnest smile with a mildly embarrased one of her own. "Wow. What... what were we just talking about? I guess I kinda zoned out there for a minute."

Her companion let out a nervous chuckle. "Well, I'm so nervous I hardly noticed. I'm going in now to talk to them. I just want you to know it's been a real pleasure talking to you."

Marquee waved after her as she trotted to the theater doors. "I hope your daughter knocked 'em for a loop! Take care."

The unicorn propped her chin on her hoof with a fond smile as she watched her go. "There goes a good sort of pony. A real salt of the earth type."


Hoof Lights and Curtain Call were chattering excitedly among themselves as the ordinary bordering on mildly attractive mare came trotting up with a hopeful look on her face. "Er... Hello? I'm here about my daughter's audition."

As they turned to face her she gave them a winning smile tinged with a bit of chagrin. "She was so excited I had to have her go wait outside while the grownups talked. I'm guessing she did a good job?"

The unicorn director stood and extended a hoof with a warm smile of his own. "Mrs... Dimples, I presume?"

The mare nodded. "Yes, Dolly Dimples, but you can call me Dolly if you like."

Hoof Lights nodded. "Well, Dolly, we think your little filly has it. I think we can make her into the next big sensation."

Mrs. Dimples smile widened. "Oh that's just wonderful! I'm so proud of her!"

Curtain Call rubbed her chin with a hoof. "You seem familiar, Dolly. Have you ever trotted the boards yourself?"

A cryptic smile settled on the blonde mare's face. "Er... yes, I've done a bit of acting in my day. Nothing I'd really care to talk about, though."

The pegasus mare beamed at her. "Well, I think I know where your filly got her talent from."

Dolly gave a slight roll of her eyes as the sides of her grin tweaked a bit. "Yes. We're very close. Just like two peas in a pod."

Curtain Call nodded. "So it was pretty much inevitable your daughter would get bitten by the acting bug."

The blonde mare flicked her tail, her smile becoming slightly fixed. "Yes... Bitten by the acting bug. Of course..."

Hoof Lights chuckled and beckoned one of his assistants. "I'm surprised you weren't here in the front row with us cheering her on while she did her number."

Dolly's brow furrowed as she pawed at the ground. "Well, I like to give my little Lolly her space when she's working, rather than hovering around and getting in the way. If you decide to work with her you'll hardly see me around at all." She followed with a nervous grin as her gaze darted back and forth between the unicorn and pegasus.

Curtain Call nodded with a roll of her eyes. "That is so refreshing, compared to some of the rabid stage mothers we've had to deal with."

Hoof Lights levitated a manila envelope stamped with the theater's crest. "Speaking of deals. Here's our standard contract and an assortment of other necessary forms for you to peruse. I'd suggest finding yourself an agent. We deal with most of the reputable organizations and we're fully compliant with the crown edicts on foal actors."

Mrs. Dimples took it and placed it in her saddle bag, then gave them all another bright smile. "Thank you so much for this opportunity! You have no idea how much this means to me... and my little filly." She reached up and wiped away a tear with the tip of her hoof.

The impresarios beamed back at her, as Curtain Call spoke up. "Well, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful business relationship. My card is in the packet, so please drop me a line or stop by my office anytime and we'll get everything settled."

Hoof Lights bobbed his horn to her. "I look forward to working with your daughter. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got a fair bit of casting left to do. Tinsel will show you out. It's been a pleasure meeting you and little Lolly, Miz. Dimples."

Dolly gave him a nod and turned to go. "The pleasure's all mine, Mister Hoof Lights. Miz Curtain Call. Your assistant doesn't need to trouble herself. I'll show myself out."

The director and producer turned back toward their notes and started to mull over the cast list. Hoof Lights stroked his chin as he gave a small shake of his head. "Well, I think we've found our leading filly, which is a relief, but I'm still not sure how we're going to cast all these flutter ponies for the magic forest sequence. Most of the pegasi foals in town are tied up with Metro Golden Mare's production of "The Wizard of The Emerald City"

Their ears perked up as they heard Dolly Dimples' voice calling from the doorway, and turned to face her as she pawed at the ground with a nervous smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help overhearing."

She trotted back to lean in with a conspiratorial grin on her face. "What would you say if I told you I know where to find a large swar... er... herd of midgets willing to work cheap?"

Hoof Lights and Curtain Call exchanged a quizzical glance, and the unicorn smiled at her. "I think I'd declare my undying love for you right here, Miz Dimples."

The earth pony mare gave a small burp, and a smile spread across her muzzle as she drew a hoof up to it. "Pardon. Well, my esteemed friends, I think we may have what they call a win/win situation."

She wheeled to trot away with a spring in her step. "I'll drop a few lines and see what I can turn up. It's been a pleasure, but I have to get Lolly home. Ta ta..."

Her expression darkened into a smug sneer as a faintly sinister undertone stole into her voice. "...for now."


The bright strains of a mariachi band echoed from inside the adobe walls of a cozy little cantina, as a warm, salt tanged breeze from the nearby beach rustled the palm leaves and caused the multicolored paper lanterns strung across the patio to swing lazily back and forth. A dumpy little pony crouched in one of the darker corners, clad in a drab poncho and a sombrero that was nearly as big around as the table he was sitting at. He reached across the weathered planks to a clay bowl full of bright red, green, and yellow chili peppers, scooping one up in his hoof. He peered at it from beneath the brim of his sombrero, then popped it into his mouth with a raspy chuckle. "Fire in da hole."

A voluptuous chestnut mare with a curly black mane bound back in a colorful bandana came trotting out with two fruit and umbrella festooned drinks balanced on a tray. Her cutie mark was a bundle of corn leaves in front of an orange and yellow flame. She set the drinks on the table and slid one toward the diminutive stallion. With a saucy grin she ducked beneath the brim of his sombrero and stole a kiss. She reared back with a giggle as she licked her lips. "Ooh! Caliente!"

He let out a chuckle and drew one of the margaritas toward him, taking a deep pull through its straw. "Not as hot as you, baybee."

She batted her eyes at him as she sat down beside him, then crossed her hooves on the table and rested her chin on them to look under the sombrero. "You promised me that tonight you would tell me the story of how you escaped from Los Guardias and came to live with us here in Villa Mañana, Señor Bomba."

The dwarfish pony leaned back in his seat with a smug grin on his face. "Wasn't easy. Hokay, well there I was..."

He was cut off as a bright rocket hissed skyward and popped in a burst of bright colors, followed by two more blossoms of sparks.

She leaned in to throw a foreleg across the small stallion's withers as more and more dazzling flowers lit up the night sky, making glimmering sparkles in her deep brown eyes. "Ooh, Señor, you make the most beautiful fireworks."

Otto grinned, and settled back into her embrace with a contented sigh. "I'll tell yez the story later. Lets just watch the rest of the show fer now..."


Twilight Sparkle had been on tenterhooves as she bustled about her modest villa on the outskirts of Canterlot University's campus, cleaning, organizing, and straightening every wall hanging and piece of furniture to perfect right angles. A whirling array of checklists, dust mops, damp rags, and brushes had orbited her like pegasi in a hurricane as she scoured her dwelling of every blemish and imperfection. The sprawling carpet of books, folios, and manuscripts that normally covered every horizontal surface had all been collected and shelved, revealing to her horror the layers of dust and dirt that had been concealed beneath.

The night before, as she had been poring through the choicest morsels of the vast treasure trove of lost tomes Quillina had loaned her in the magical keepstone, a flare of pink flame had brought Twilight a flowery note from the young dragoness requesting a visit to discuss something "ever so important" with her.

As soon as the lavender scholar had read those words, once again in high draconic with little hearts for the claw strikes, her own heart had sunk into the pit of her stomach. While she was a bit rusty in the language, being better versed in middle draconic and wyrmish dialects, the subtext was quite clear to her. The time she had been dreading was fast approaching, the time when she would have to give her assent for her number one assistant, her faithful companion of twenty years, her adopted little brother best friend forever, her beloved Spike moving on and moving away and leaving her with a large, dragon shaped hole in her life.

And give her assent she would. It was the only way it could be. Twilight loved Spike too much to tie him down, and as painful as it was she was determined to meet the change with a smile on her face, her head held high, and a high polish on her hardwood floors.

Spike had been in and out over the past week, between escorting Quillina on tours of the city and attending Princess Celestia at regular intervals. After Twilight had settled in from all the post Pegathalon brouhaha, she'd proceeded to bury herself in the books from Quillina's keepstone, documenting and organizing them for methodical study, and thus the times Spike had been around they'd mostly traded monosyllables. He'd been particularly scarce the past couple of days, which suited Twilight fine after she'd gotten the note and started to clean up. He would have been too much of a distraction from distracting herself.

Once she'd gotten every surface gleaming like Celestia's throne room, she'd stowed her cleaning supplies, in alphabetical order, had a last long cry in the shower and checked it off of her list, dried off, brushed off, and put on her favorite old beige dress that Rarity had made for her so long ago. As she took a last look at herself in the mirror, she noticed a streak of grey hidden among her violet bangs, sighing as she considered the roads taken and not taken in her life that led her to this point.

Twilight was busy making sure the square doily under a bowl of topaz, peridots, and Sweet Apple Acres apples was dead center and at a 45 degree angle with the edges of her coffee table when the doorbell rang. She trotted to the door, paused briefly to center herself, and opened it to find the looming form of Quillina waiting on the steps outside with an earnest smile on her golden scaled face. "Good morin', Doctor Sparkle. I'm evah so glad y'all could see me on such short notice. I hope y'all have been enjoyin' the books in my li'l ol' keepstone."

The lavender unicorn returned the dragoness' smile, hoping it didn't look as forced as it felt. "Oh immensely, Quillina. The hoofnotes on half of these books alone stand to redefine the boundaries of thaumaturgical theory and applications. It really is a treasure trove of knowledge you've so generously lent me."

She stepped back from the door and beckoned the draconic heiress inside. "Won't you please come in?"

With a smile and a nod, Quillina folded her wings tightly to her sides and eased in through the pony sized door into Twilight's house. The scholarly mare's horn sparked to life, closing the door as the last sinuous tip of her tail made it inside. She ushered the dragoness into her living room, where Quillina carefully wound through the cramped space and settled herself down on the couch, sprawling across its length like a huge feline.

Twilight hurried into the kitchen and came out with a tea tray with service for two hovering in her wake, This she settled on the table beside the bowl of gems and apples, and poured a measure of tea for her guest, proffering it to her. As Quillina took it, Twilight gave her a smile as she lifted the sugar bowl and lifted its lid. "So... How was tea with Princess Celestia?"

The dragoness accepted the cup with a genteel smile, blowing on it to raise its temperature to scalding hot before taking a dainty sip with her pinky claw extended. "Oh it was simply divine, Miss Twilight. You ponies are evah so cultured n' refined. Your manners and customs have fascinated me since I was just a li'l ol' hatchling."

Quillina's face became serious as she set her cup back on its saucer and placed it on the table before her. "I had a very serious chat with the Princess and dear, dear Spike, and that's why I'm here today. This is a fair bit more than a normal social call."

She cast the lavender unicorn an earnest, solemn gaze. "I've got a proposal for y'all."

Twilight let out a long breath through her nostrils as she held up a hoof. "Say no more, Quillina." She put on a smile as she met the dragoness' amethyst eyes. "I'm honored that you thought to consult me, even though technically Spike is Princess Celestia's ward and should be the only one you need to ask. I am more than happy to give my blessing to your marrying Spike."

Quillina's eyes bulged as a gout of pink flame exploded from her nostrils in advance of her throwing her head back and unleashing a gale of silvery laughter. The lavender mare's ears levered back as the dragoness rapidly composed herself, wiping a steaming tear from her eye. "Oh Miss Twilight, you are a caution. Who ever said anything about marryin' Spikey?"

The scholarly unicorn's eyes flared and she reared up indignantly and planted her hooves on the table. "How... how dare you? How DARE you?" Quillina shrunk back on the couch as Twilight climbed all the way up on her coffee table with her tail hiked and a piercing Stare boring into the young dragoness' eyes. "Just because you're rich, doesn't mean you get to play with Spike's heart that way."

The draconic heiress raised propitiating claws as she swallowed hard and gave Twilight a pleading look. "P-please, Miss... D-doctor Sparkle. I like Spike a whole lot! He's th' most charming, considerate, gallant, refined young drake I've had th' pleasure n' privledge t' meet."

A pained look flickered in her eyes. "And believe me, ever since I inherited grand daddy's hoard, I've met more than a few. Nasty, boorish brutes th' lot of 'em. Not one of 'em burned as bright as Spike does."

Twilight flicked an ear as her brow furrowed over her glare. "So what's the problem here?"

Quillina cleared her throat and wrung her claws nervously. "Well, it... it's just way too soon to be talkin' marriage is all. It ain't proper for a young lady dragon to jump into mixin' her gold so soon after she's met a prospective hoardmate. We have to have been dating for two hundred years, at the very least, before we could even be considered goin' steady, and another three hundred after that before we could tally one another's hoard and get engaged."

She looked away with a wistful look on her face. "Grand daddy raised me right, may his heart become a diamond, and he'd crack the continent rolling over in his grave if I didn't follow draconic courtship traditions."

The young dragoness worked up the nerve to meet Twilight's boggled gaze. "I... I wouldn't mind at all if Spike were to ask, mind you..."

A sheepish smile spread across the unicorn mare's features, as she pawed at the tabletop. "I... I think we're experiencing a bit of cultural misunderstanding here. I'm... I'm really sorry about that, Quillina." A blush spread across her face as she carefully climbed back down from the table.

She extended a tentative hoof. "I... From what little I do know about dragon cuture, I know your species has a long memory. I hope you'd do me the immense favor of forgetting about this little outburst and starting again on the right hoof... er... claw."

A shy smile spread across the reptilian heiress' brushed gold features as she carefully took Twilight's hoof and shook it. "I'd be glad to, Doct... er... Miss Twilight."

The lavender mare settled back on her haunches and proffered her a refill on her tea. "Excellent! Now, before I so rudely interrupted, you said you had a proposal."

Quillina brightened as she accepted more tea. "Yes! Well, while we were travellin' together, Spikey and I got to talkin', and he told me all about your flyin' harness and what it would mean to ponykind. While we were talkin', this li'l ol' idea popped into my li'l ol' head, and so I ran it past Princess Celestia. She said she was fine with it, as long as I kept it discreet and didn't pile so much gold on Equestria's monetary system that I caused the bit to collapse."

Twilight cocked a quizzical eyebrow. "Are... are you talking about investing in Harmony Aeronautics?"

The draconic heiress nodded earnestly. "Oh yes. Now... I know I was just talking about following dragon traditions and investing money isn't a traditional dragon thing to do, but I have a feeling that the gold I put toward your venture is gonna expand the family hoard a lot faster than just sitting on it and going raiding or suing other dragons."

Twilight beamed across the table at her. "I'm honored that you'd be willing to make that kind of exception on our behalf. How much were you thinking of?"


Rarity was deep "in the zone" in her inspiration room at the Bijou Boutique, a flurry of charcoal pencils and markers dancing across the tracing paper as idea after stylish idea for designer variants on the Harmony harness' wings came to her. So much so that she barely flicked an ear as Sweetie Belle's voice shook the floorboards beneath her hooves. "RARITY! TWILIGHT'S ON THE HORN FOR YA!"

With a genteel sigh, she set her drafting tools down and trotted from the room with a toss of her elegantly curled mane. A few moments later she was downstairs standing in the 'phone's alcove, accepting the machine's bakelite cone from her younger sister in a shimmer of light green magic fading to pale blue. She let out a faint tsk as she noted one of the mirrors in the alcove had shattered, then turned her attention to the frantically pulsing purple glow radiating across her alabaster forehead. "Hello, darling. What can I... What?"

Her face brightened with a fond smile. "Oh really? Oh, the dear thing, that's ever so generous of her. How much is she talking about investing?"

At a few beats of purple coming from the cone over her horn, she stiffened, her eyes going wide around rapidly shrinking pupils. "H-how much?"

When the pulse of color repeated, Rarity began to breathe heavily, in and out, in and out, faster and faster and faster and faster until a thick foam bubbled at the corners of her mouth. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she toppled to the polished floor with her hooves in the air, her right rear hock twitching spastically as a chaise lounge tumbled into the hall in a cloud of flickering blue magic and landed on top of her.

A few beats later Sweetie Belle poked her head out of the break room door with an earnest grin on her guileless face. "Oh yeah! Tell Twilight I said 'Hi!'."

She cocked an eyebrow and looked up and down the seemingly vacant corridor. "Rarity?"


A rousing round of applause sounded in the crisp autumn air as a large pair of scissors floated in a cloud of golden magic toward a broad swath of red ribbon strung across a pair of wide double doors at the front of a large wooden hangar at the outskirts of Ponyville.

Princess Celestia drew herself up in a regal pose and caused the shears to close with an abrupt snip. "It is with great pleasure, and no small measure of pride, that my royal sister and I declare the Harmony Aeronautics factory open under Charter of the Crown."

She smiled as a glittering fusillade of flashbulbs bathed her and the factory's gates in bursts of white light. "May this enterprise reach ever more dazzling heights for the betterment of Equestria, and for all ponykind."

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity stepped forward, both decked out sharply in business suits with large corsages adorning their lapels. The lavender unicorn stepped up with a formal bow to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who stepped forward beside her elder sister to join her in returning the gesture with a bob of their tapering horns, and then turned to the assembled crowd of press and well wishers with a smile on her face. "Thank you your highnesses. It's been a long, sometimes difficult journey, but it's thanks to a lot of dedicated ponies and a lot of hard work that we're standing here today. They say that genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety nine percent perspiration. Well, I'd like to thank everypony who sweated along with us in making the all important ninety nine percent of the process happen, and I'd especially like to thank the ponies who provided my partner and I with the inspiration that started it all."

She gave a nod to Rarity, who stepped up beside her with a scintillating smile. "And we would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our financial backers, for their boundless generosity in supporting this venture." She gave a wave to Fancy Pants and his wife, as well as Quillina, who sat toward the back with Spike at her side holding her claw, her gleaming scales and glittering jewelry shining in the afternoon sun.

Rarity tossed her luxurious mane and gestured toward the doors with a flourish. "And now, if you fillies and gentlecolts would care to accompany me to our factory showroom, I'm thrilled to present a dazzling selection of designs for our flagship product, the Harmony Aeronautics Personal Flight Harness."

At this, Twilight Stepped forward and rapped the floor for attention as the crowd began pushing forward to go inside. "And after you've seen our flying fashion show, our factory manager, Miss Bitta Luck, our chief engineer, Miss Apple Bloom, and myself will be leading guided tours of the facilities. We'll be happy to answer any technical questions you might have."

As the crowd filed past, the lavender scholar and inventor made her way over to the Princesses, who hung back with their honor guard to let the press of ponies past. Two white pegasi in golden armor stood at attention behind the sun princess, while at the moon princess' side a hulking brute of a negasus clad in blue and purple barding blinked and squinted his slitted orange eyes as dots and whirls from the flashbulbs danced in front of them.

She reared up as each of Equestria's immortal rulers inclined their neck for a brief hug.

Princess Celestia smiled down at her student, a genuine smile that lit up the depths of her rose colored eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle. Your brilliant mind and your innovative leadership have done so much for the cause of harmony. More than we probably could ever begin to know."

A wry grin tweaked the corners of Princess Luna's lips. "All told, it was a pretty bumpy ride to get here."

At this one of the pale, golden armored pegasi discreetly rolled his eyes as he muttered under his breath. "You can say that again."

His companion, whose snowy coat was tinged ever so slightly pink, nudged him with a wing as he hissed out of the side of his mouth. "Shut up, Charger."

Luna flicked an ear and continued as her smile widened. "But I think it was all more than worth it." She gave Twilight a wink. "Ya did good, kiddo. You and all your friends."

She glanced at her elder sibling and brushed one of her wingtips. "So, sis, shall we go and check out the fashion show?"

Celestia gave a small shake of her head and looked fondly down at her former student. "Well, I was actually hoping that Twilight Sparkle would give us the first guided tour of the factory."

The lavender unicorn beamed up at her mentor. "I'd love to, Princess."

Luna gave a toss of her mane. "Suit yourself. I'll take a tour when the night shift comes online. I'm gonna go see what's new in wings these days. Catch you later."

With that, she turned and headed inside, beckoning her towering negasus guard with a flick of her mane. "Come along, Junior."

The mountainous stallion clicked his pie plate wide heels and replied in a deep, grating voice. "At your command, Princess!"

A moment later the facade of the building shook as he collided with the thick timbers of the doorframe, causing some of the paint to crack.

The night princess let out a small tsk and rolled her eyes. "Just a step to the right, Junior."

The giant negasus ruffled his leathery wings and gave an apologetic bow. "I'm sorry, Princess."

Luna gave an airy wave of her wing as she trotted inside with her lumbering guardian in tow. She paused and smiled back at them as she passed the display case in the front lobby containing the battered remains of the Luna Moth.

Twilight turned to meet Princess Celestia's gaze. "Shall we?"

With that, she proceeded to show her mentor around the spacious building. She led the princess through buzzing shops full of industrious woodworker ponies carving the framework components. She escorted Celestia through large workrooms full of the click clack of sewing machines creating a wide range of wing membranes and harness configurations, from utilitarian safety and industrial models, to bright sporting models with a range of specialized wing shapes, to a dazzling array of fashionable styles in a rainbow of colors.

Finally, the tour took them to the assembly floor with a wide conveyor belt flanked by busy ponies, where the wooden frames were bolted together, tested, had the fabric membranes stretched and securely stitched on, were inspected, and then passed to an enchanting station where a staff of unicorns' horns flickered and glimmered, imbuing the newly constructed harnesses with Twilight's latest iteration of her modified flight spell. After they underwent a final battery of tests and inspections, they were taken to be packaged in large cardboard boxes stamped with the Harmony Aeronautics logo and the Royal Crest of Equestria, and loaded onto pallets to be shipped.

They stood on the loading dock and watched as a pegasi drawn wagon mounted to the sky with a shipment bound for Vanhoover. Twilight took a deep breath and smiled up to her beloved teacher as they receded to a tiny speck on the horizon. "It's an amazing feeling, seeing something you had a hoof in going out into the world, maybe changing it for the better."

Celestia laid her wing across her prize student's withers with a fond smile. "Indeed it is, my dearest one. Indeed it is."


It was getting colder, and dead leaves rustled on a dry wind that muttered among the rock piles. A tandem rhythm of metal tap tap, tap tap, tap tapping on stone rang out, echoed across the field by a more erratic rhythm of similar sounds in the background.

A pair of ragged, stubble faced unicorns huddled out of the wind behind their assigned stack of stones, each levitating a rock hammer and taking turns striking the boulder that sat between them. Their yellow coats were shaggy and unkempt, and each wore a threadbare serge jacket marked with large white arrows over their black and white striped tunics, with knit caps over their disheveled, red and white manes. They were nearly identical, save that one wore a pair of utilitarian glasses and had less pronounced facial hair than his companion. Even their cutie marks were quite similar, save that the two cards on the bespectacled stallion's flanks were the ace of clubs and the ace of diamonds, while the other had three cards, with an ace of hearts, an ace of spades, and a joker.

Flam lowered his hammer and stretched his neck, wincing as the vertebrae popped, then gave a nod toward the sky beyond the chain link fence. "Lookee there, Flim. There's a couple more of 'em."

His bespectacled sibling set down his own hammer and turned to look with a blasé expression on his face. A trio of ponies fluttered past in the distance on colorful artificial wings, laughing and chatting with a couple of pegasi who flew alongside them.

He turned back to face his brother with a shrug, floating his glasses off of his face to rub them on the lapel of his coat. "You'd think it would be getting too cold to fly in this kind of weather."

His companion shivered his scrawny frame and drew his coat tighter as he lifted his hammer again. "It's certainly getting too chilly to be sitting out here breaking apart rocks."

Flim sighed as he replaced his spectacles and took up his own hammer. "Well, chilly or not, break them we must. That's our lot, it seems."

Both brothers gave a start as a female voice addressed them. "Not necessarily."

Momentarily distracted, their hammers flew towards each other and collided with a sharp clank and a spray of sparks. The force feedback made their horns vibrate like tuning forks, and they yowled in pain and clutched at their heads. Flam shook it off first and blinked through his tears at the prim figure of a lavender unicorn mare in a sharp suit collar and cravat. An adolescent purple dragon loomed at her side, along with one of the burly, uniformed earth ponies who served on the rock farm as guards.

The mare's ears laid back as she spoke up in an apologetic tone of voice. "Oh no! I'm so sorry."

Flim got to his hooves and moved around beside his brother with a wary look on his face as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his snout. "Why look who it is, Flam. The illustrious Twilight Sparkle has deigned to come visit us."

At this Spike rustled his leathery wings and let out a growl. "That's Doctor Sparkle to you, pal."

The scrawny unicorn's eyes flared a bit, but he wilted as the young drake swelled his chest and wings menacingly. "Er... yes... Doctor Sparkle. Of... of course..."

His haggard sibling frowned, unperturbed as he took a step forward to shield his younger brother. "You'll pardon us, Doctor Sparkle, if my brother and I are somewhat at a loss. It's been several months now since the race. I understand that you're probably a very busy mare, but you're more than a little tardy if you've come by to gloat."

Twilight's left eye twitched slightly at the word "tardy", but she shook it off and assumed a businesslike expression. "Oh no. In fact I've come to compliment you on your work. Maybe the implementation left a lot to be desired, but your theories were sound, and I can't help but be impressed at your knack for improvisation and problem solving."

A wry smile tweaked the corner of her mouth. "In fact, if you hadn't resorted to such underhoofed tactics, you may well have won the challenge fair and square."

The brothers exchanged a glance and Flam let out a long, mournful sigh. "Believe us, Doctor, we have spent many a long night lamenting that exact course of action as we lay staring at the concrete ceiling of our cell."

Flim nodded gravely. "And pondering the folly of our ways as each blow of the rock hammer rattled our horns in their sockets."

Twilight flicked her tail and smiled brightly. "Well, how would you fellows like to use your horns and your minds for something more productive than rocks and regrets? My reason for coming here is to extend an offer to come work for us at Harmony Aeronautics in our research and development division."

She was met by a two sets of wide, staring green eyes and a pair of gaping, slack jawed mouths. A beat later Flam almost leapt five hooves into the air with the violence of his response. "YES! A THOUSAND TIMES Y-ACK!"

He was cut off as his brother reared up, grabbed him, and dragged him down into a headlock. "Hold on there, Flam."

Flim's eyes narrowed behind his spectacles as he met Twilight's earnest gaze. "I've been headhunted before, and all it got me was shoved in a corner on an associate researcher's salary while my brother got frozen out and suffered a psychotic breakdown. How do we know you're not just gonna do the same to us now?"

Twilight shook her head. "That's not how we operate at Harmony Aeronautics. We're all about new ideas and new ways of doing things."

She met Flim's gaze with a gentle smile. "Under the Royal Blue Line's new management, and pursuant to our partnership with them, a lot of your work has been unearthed from their vaults. It's good stuff, Mister Flim Flam. Brilliant! It's a crime that your designs weren't seeing the light of day, and if you sign on with us that will be one of your primary roles with our company."

She turned to Flam. "And your work is impressive as well. A bit eccentric, a bit bold in some of its assumptions, but anypony with a background in advanced practical thaumaturgy would be fascinated by the notes that the royal guard retrieved from your lab in Cutica. Of course, we'd demand more... controlled conditions for testing some of the technologies you've developed, but there are many that are extraordinarily promising."

The lavender scholar gave a shrug as she gestured toward the rock fields around them. "And besides, if we really wanted you out of the way, letting you languish for twenty years breaking rocks is more than adequate to accomplish that particular goal."

Flam squirmed out of his brother's headlock and met his eye. "Well, Flim?"

His bespectacled sibling nodded. "Well, Flam?"

As one they fell at Twilight's hooves and started kissing them, crying out in unison. "OH THANK YOU, MA'AM!"

The unicorn mare's ears laid back as she recoiled a little, then smiled up at her dragon assistant. "Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia asking her highness to get the ball rolling on those parole arrangements."

She winked at him after casting a glance down at the groveling stallions at her feet. "And tell her she was right."


The pegasi had arranged a gentle snowfall for Hearth's Warming, dusting the holly garlands and ribbons festooning the rustic buildings of Ponyville like powdered sugar on life sized gingerbread houses.

The heady scents of holiday baking lingered in every room of the Cake family's little bungalow at the edge of town, adding tangibility to the sugar plum dreams of the well fed ponies inside.

Pinkie and Caramel had brought their fillies over for Hearth's Warming brunch and presents, and Pinkie's parents, Maggie and Shepherd Pie, had come along as well. After the gifts had been unwrapped, the Pies intended take their leave and pick the pink mare's younger sister Blueberry up at the Ponyville train station and head back to the family rock farm for Hearth's Warming dinner with her elder sister Moonstone and her family.

While Mister Cake and Caramel busied themselves washing up in the kitchen, with the lanky older stallion patiently reminding his younger cohort where everything went at regular intervals, the mares were bustling about in the family room wrapping and setting out presents under the tree.

This left Shepherd Pie in the parlor minding the foals, a task lesser ponies might have balked at but was nothing to the taciturn, grey whiskered stallion. After having raised three daughters, one of whom was the candy colored embodiment of manic energy, nothing could phase the Pie family patriarch. In the face of the unstoppable force of a room full of colts and fillies wound up on sugar and counting down the agonizing moments until they could get at their brightly wrapped destinies in the next room, he was as stern and immobile as the rocks that were his stock and trade.

He sat on Mr. Cake's overstuffed broncolounger with his youngest granddaughter bouncing on his knee, momentarily pacified by a bottle of eggnog, while he engaged his hyperactive eldest granddaughter in a cutthroat game of pegasus cloud checkers, knowing that every hard fought success he allowed kept her whirring mind focused on the long sought after prospect of beating grandpa and off the subject of what her mom, grandma, and Auntie Cake were up to in the next room and what sort of stealthy sortie she could run to find out.

Pumpkin Cake was an easier ball to keep in the air, as he kept her talking about her dolls and showing him their various outfits and the hovering waltzes, processions, and gavottes she could make them do. She reminded him of his daughter Moon when she was a filly, so deliberate and serious, and smart as a whip. Someday she'd run the family bakery like the intricately coordinated dances she put her dolls through, just like his eldest had made the old rock farm really hum with her husband RC once Shep and his wife had retired. Carrot and Cup had a lot to be proud of.

The only foal Shep was at a loss to deal with was Pound Cake, who was set to wear a groove in the ceiling with his pacing around the lamp. The grizzled stallion tsked and called up to him as the steady beat of the colt's large hooves on plaster finally got to him. "Pound boy, come on down and settle yourself. Time ain't gonna get here any quicker by you runnin' t' meet it."

He nodded down to the board between him and his granddaughter. "Why don't ya come down n' help Toots here move her clouds over to my side."

The little frizzy maned filly pouted at him. "Grandpa! I don't need any help! I'm winning!"

Shepherd cocked an eyebrow and slid one of his clouds next to hers, jumping the pegasus shaped game piece on top of it onto its neighbor and knocking Tootsie's pegasus piece off into 'open sky'. "Not like that you ain't, sugarpuff."

His granddaughter picked her Rainbow Dash doll up in her grinding teeth and narrowed her eyes in a scowl at the board as she propped her chin on her fore hooves, growling in fierce concentration.

Pound gave the old stallion a sheepish look as he hovered down from the ceiling, rotating slowly on his long axis. "Sorry, Mister Pie. I didn't mean to bug you."

The grizzled rock farmer chuckled and shook his head as he took a sip of hot toddy. "Nothin' bugs me, boy. What's got you all fluttered up? You got somethin' you really want fer Hearth's Warmin' maybe waitin' in there?"

The burly colt shook his head, casting a furtive look at his sister, who was changing the outfits on her dolls again. "Not for me, really."

Shep's wizened face creased in a knowing grin as he met the colt's eyes. "Sounds like ya figured out the best part o' celebratin' Hearth's Warmin', son."

Pound blushed and gave him a shy smile. Before he could say anything, Cup Cake leaned her smiling face through the door with a cheery exclamation. "We're all ready!"

A shrieking pink and chocolate brown contrail shot out of the room at supersonic speed with a trailing "Youwingoodgamegrandpa!", leaving cloud and pegasi pieces flying in all directions as the Rainbow Dash doll spun in the air and dropped to the tabletop with a soft thud.

Puddin' let loose of her bottle and fluttered after her big sister, shrieking with glee. She was old enough to pick up on the excitement, even if she was too young to understand why it was happening. Shep picked it up and set it on the coffee table among the scattered game tokens, grunting and groaning as he climbed slowly to his hooves, his old bones creaking as he stood. He followed the prancing, capering Cake twins with a wry smile on his lined face.

His old grey mare Maggie Pie tapped her hoof on the carpet for attention as the families gathered in the grandly decorated living room, with the children circling avidly at the foot of the tree and its stacked bounty of gifts. "All right everypony. Who should go first?"

As one the foals raised their hooves with a chorus of "Me me me me me!"

Shepherd Pie cleared his throat and spoke up as he settled on the couch next to his son in law. "Well, I think I'd like to nominate Pound t' go first. I think he's been pretty good."

He shared a nod with his old friend Carrot Cake, who turned to his wife with a wink. "I second that motion. Any objections?"

Tootsie raised her hoof. "I'm an object! And I've been good too!"

Her grandpa gave her a wicked grin. "Beat me at Cloud Checkers and maybe we'll talk, dumplin'."

As the little filly huffed and crossed her hooves in front of her, Pinkie gave a little bounce. "I third the motion to elect Pound the first opener of his presents. All in favor say cheese!"

A slightly baffled chorus of "Cheese!" sounded around the room, and Mrs. Cake turned to her son. "All right sweetie, I guess you can start."

Pound blushed as he cast a glance at his twin sister. "Um... Actually, Mom, I'd like to give Pumpkin my turn."

Pinkie tapped her hoof and gave a definite nod. "The motion is carried. The chair recognizes Miss Pumpkin Cake. You have the floor."

The orange haired filly turned a quizzical, blue eyed gaze toward her brother, who hovered over to the base of the tree and rummaged among the presents, producing a large box that was much more crudely wrapped than the others. A tag on the unevenly tied ribbon read. "To Pumpkin, From Pound"

He set it before her with a sheepish grin. "Here ya go, sis. Hope you like 'em."

Puzzled, the unicorn filly set to tearing away the wrappings. The box swung open, and her eyes went wide as her thick glasses slid down her muzzle over a hanging jaw. The contents of the box lit up with a sparkling blue glow, and a set of butterfly like wings rose out, bright yellow with a dark blue stripe crossing a white rondel with a number one. Pumpkin's eyes welled with tears as she brought her hooves to her mouth. "You... you got me some wings."

She lunged for her brother and threw her forelegs around him in a tight hug. "Oh, you're the best brother ever!"


A short time later, the front door of the Cake's house exploded open with a thundering herd of winged foals bounding out into the snow. Pinkie galloped at the head of the charge, a stocking cap on her head, a white and red striped scarf around her neck, and a pair of bright blue wings decorated with multicolored balloon shapes strapped to her back. She launched skyward with a squeal of glee. "C'mon kids! Let's make snow princesses in the clouds!"

The Cakes and Pies bundled up and stepped out onto the porch with fond smiles on their faces as they watched them frolicking merrily among the drifting snowflakes in the sky.


The rolling hills of Sweet Apple Acres gleamed with pinkish white blossoms as they rustled in the warm spring breeze.

Applejack knelt in the grass at the foot of a large, gnarled apple tree that ruled the clearing, gazing with a wistful look in her eyes at two stones set among its deep set roots, the simple inscriptions and cutie mark carvings worn down by twenty years of sun and rain. Her blonde mane shone like burnished gold, and was braided with white ribbons beneath a flowing veil, and an antique wedding gown trimmed with lace and embroidered apples and leaves pooled around her like snow against the verdant green.

She cocked an ear and slowly turned as a deep voice called to her from the edge of the clearing. "Ya ready, sis?"

There her tower of a brother stood, a gentle smile on his ruddy face and a bright bandanna around his massive neck. He held her battered old cowpony hat in the crook of his broad hoof. Applejack rose to her hooves and walked over to greet him as he flipped it up onto his head. She cast a glance up at the plain brown stetson. "Kinda funny, seein' ya wearin' that there ol' hat, and me all gussied up in Granny's ol' dress like this."

Macintosh chuckled and nodded toward the base of the tree. "Well, the one who really oughta be leadin' ya down the aisle with this ol' thing on his head is havin' his rest in the sweet by n' by, but the one who wore that fine frock th' last time 'round is up by his side watchin' us n' smilin'. I've known it in my heart fer a long time, since ya took t' the sky with yer stallion for the first time."

Applejack nodded, and leaned forward to nuzzle his neck. "I reckon yer right. I can feel it too, through the roots and grass. Now come on, let's have this thing come to pass."

He met her loving gaze and nodded back, his voice cracking a bit as he replied. "Eeyup."


The band struck up, with mandolin, fiddle, and harpsichord, as little Windfall appeared in the archway wearing a gingham and lace pinafore and a shy smile, and proceeded to flutter down the aisle between the assembled family and guests scattering flower petals on the grass from a basket. Applejack and Big Macintosh followed on behind her at a stately pace, the blonde mare fighting back tears as she scanned the crowd.

Almost the entirety of the Apple Family had gathered from the four corners of Equestria. There was Braeburn, looking splendid in a rose colored morning coat and bolo tie. There was Cousin Babs, grown into a solidly built brick of a mare from her work at the produce markets of Manehattan, with her coltfriend Vinnie at her side. Granny Smith sat in the front, positively glowing with pride as her aged Cousin Apple Rose sat at her side dabbing her eyes with a hoofkerchief.

The majority of Ponyville's citizens had turned out as well, filling the orchard clearing with colorful ponies. Friends and families. The Cakes, the Pies, the Candys, the Silvers, the Richs, the Belles, and many more. Even the Flim Flam brothers, looking dapper in matching red jackets and straw boaters mingled respectfully among the crowd.

Here and there, a motley group of non-ponies were also in attendance. Zecora sat looking like a zebra queen in an intricately woven sarong and gleaming gold rings hung with good luck charms, flowers from the deep forest adorning her mane. Cranky and Matilda Doodle, bony and wrinkled but still feisty, craned their necks and perked up their long ears to hear as much of the ceremony as they could.

Baron Redtail sat proudly toward the back in a splendid red uniform tunic hung with ribbons and medals, with Greta at his side in a flowing silk gown of pale gold and bronze. The griffon noble clicked his talons and gave a formal bow as Applejack passed, while his betrothed griffoness gave a wave and a wink and nuzzled her mate to be's neck, ruffling his composure slightly as a blush spread across his cheeks.

Lulong the kirin had inexplicably shown up at the rehearsal with Pheng the phoenix perched on his withers, claiming to have been drawn to Ponyville by "subtle vibrations" after wandering the land meeting its ponies, doing good deeds, and getting in the occasional kung fu battle with bandits. He'd given Applejack and Soarin an auspicious prophecy of their future children's grand destinies, picked at the buffet, and then spent the rest of the evening talking obscure magical jargon with Twilight. He currently stood at the back, a garland of apple blossoms wound in his antlers and a cryptic smile on his face while Pheng preened and darted his gaze about the blossom lined bower.

Beside the mysterious kirin, Spike and Quillina sat holding claws, with the purple drake muttering explanations of what was going on into his companion's ear as she watched the proceedings with rapt interest.

A slight sob caught in her throat as Applejack turned her attention forward and saw them all standing there at the dais, her oldest and dearest friends. To the left her bridal party stood in a rainbow of gingham and lace bridlemaid dresses designed and brought into being by Rarity's impeccable hoof. Apple Bloom stood as her Maid of Honor, then Rainbow Dash, then Fluttershy, then Rarity, then Twilight, then Pinkie, all smiling and trying and failing with varying levels of success to hold in their tears of pride and joy.

To the right, Soarin stood, looking like he wanted somepony to nip him to see if he was dreaming but fully prepared to kick in the teeth of anypony who tried. He drew himself up, so handsome in his formal dress uniform jacket of deep blue.

Spitfire stood at his side in her own dress uniform, looking like she was giving Pinkie a run for her money in the volume of tears flowing from her eyes. Shootin' Star, Pip, and Rumble stood in dress uniform and tux and tails, respectively, maintaining their composure with broad grins on their faces.

At the center of it all, Princess Celestia stood with her gleaming wings spread in blessing over the proceedings. Applejack took a deep breath, and nodded in greeting to the ruler of the sun, the one who had brought its life giving glow to the groves they stood in for untold generations. She'd been quite taken aback when the princess had offered to officiate, demurring that she was a simple pony and that her highness didn't need to trouble herself. Celestia had assured her that as one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and a hero of Equestria several times over, it was her right and privilege.

Big Macintosh presented his sister, doffing his pappy's hat and giving a deep bow before giving Applejack a hug and heading over to join Granny Smith in the front. Soarin stepped up beside her with a smile and a gleam in his eye, and they both turned to bow to the Princess.

Celestia drew herself up and gave a bob of her horn, silencing the music and stilling the crowd. "Stallions and gentle mares, we are gathered here to witness and celebrate the union of Applejacquiline Anne Apple and Soarin Jetsamuel Farrenwide in blessed matrimony."

She turned to the groom with a benign smile. "Soarin, in the tradition of the earth ponies, I bid you present the seed for planting."

The sky blue pegasus turned and fished under his wing, and then produced a small jewelry box, which opened to reveal a large, gleaming apple seed in the green velvet cushion. He placed it on his upturned hoof and turned to Applejack. "I bring this seed to plant and nurture. May it germinate and grow, branch and prosper, sheltering us and our offspring, feeding us with its fruit. May its roots dig deep and hold strong like our love, and may we sleep among them and nourish them when our time has passed."

Celestia turned to the bride and gave a nod. "Applejack, do you accept this offering into the earth your ancestors blessed with their tread, so that it may grow, and so that you both may nurture it and flourish, and so shall your descendants through the ages ahead?"

Only a slight hitch broke the blonde mare's voice as she nodded solemnly. "I do."

With that, she dug back a patch of dark, rich earth with her hoof. Soarin plucked the seed from its velvet cushion and gingerly placed it in the divot. As one, they rolled the turf back into place and pressed it down with their hooves, their gazes meeting with blushing smiles. A seedling popped out of the ground in a glimmer of green sparkles, a tiny pink flower opening at it's tip.

The princess turned to the bride and flared her wings. "Applejack, in the tradition of the pegasi, I bid you give of your heart's breath to thy husband."

The earth pony mare turned and blew a long, gentle breath into Soarin's outstretched wing, causing the feathers to rustle and glimmer with tiny motes of light. "My breath is as th' wind, may it always 'n forever bear my beloved over clouds n' clear skies."

The pegasus stallion turned and blew a breath in response across her back. Glistening sparkles of blue white magic whirled and spiraled from his lips, tracing a ghost of a wing where none had been visible. In a gossamer moment it faded as he met her smiling eyes. "So too shall my breath be as the wind, and carry my beloved until we are as one beyond the highest height, where wind and wing have fallen away but our souls fly on forever. So do I swear on my honor."

Princess Celestia smiled at them both and then drew herself up, flaring her wings as her whole body began to gleam like the sun. "So do you both swear, and so do I witness in my immortal sight, in honor of the one above who made us all. And thus, by the authority granted me by the proud nation of Equestria, and in the spirit of Harmony, before all those in attendance who bear witness as well, do I pronounce this mare, and this stallion, as husband and wife, now and forevermore, as long as you both shall live."

She dimmed her glow with a wry grin as she nodded to the couple before her. "You may now kiss the bride."

Applejack and Soarin turned to one another and kissed, as a cheer rose up from the crowd, along with a virtual explosion of exuberantly thrown hats and flowers.

Earth and Sky were joined together in love, joy, and harmony.

The End.

Author's Note:

Aaaand that's a wrap! After a year's furious writing, I've brought this spruce goose of a tale in for a landing.

Thanks to everypony who was kind enough to read and react. Your comments, corrections, and critiques are most appreciated. Thanks to the lovely souls who mentioned Earth & Sky favorably in various fora, and to the tireless tropers who did me the immense honor of documenting this story on TV Tropes. It all spurred me on to see my way through this Great Race to the finish.

Stay pony, folks, and stay tuned for more.

Comments ( 284 )

Brilliant ending. Absolutely fantastic.
For some reason I especially enjoyed that Otto got his happy ending.
"sprawling across it's length like a huge feline."
Looking forward to whatever else you have for us after this!

........Story ending........I have so many mixed feels.....

That end...

It has been quite a journey, great work! :twilightsmile:

And so it ends.

"applause" :pinkiesad2:


Oh, wow, I can't believe it's over. It's been a great ride, and let's see what happens next!

That was beautiful. Seriously beautiful. I found myself tearing up. This has been a wonderful ride.

I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! This has been such an incredible story from beginning to end. It's one of the best fanfics I have ever read. I love how you have tied everything up. I especially love the wedding. I know I will come back and read several more times. I am sorry that it is over. I do hope you consider writing more stories set in this universe.

What a beautiful way to end it, all I had to say is ITS BEEN A YEAR? Wow I'm glad I was here for the ride, wish you luck in you future indeavers.

The dialogue between Chrysalis and Curtain damn near killed me. Well done. :moustache:



was mighty cryptic.

The Changling race set to take Broadway by storm... stupendous.

THAT WAS FANTASTIC. I'd go and gush about it, but there are simply no words to do it justice.

Fixed the cryptic brackets. :trixieshiftright:
Long story short, my writing machine isn't hooked up to the 'net, so I bracket words or phrases I want to double check on my final editing pass on my 'net capable machine using wiki or google translate or what have you. Of course it helps if I remember to edit out the brackets. :twilightblush:

At the current moment, I cry like Rarity at her most dramatic.

Wondering why all good things must come to their ends.

Bravo, sir. Bravo. Keep up the great work, for I certainly look forward to the sequel.

The wedding almost brought me to tears.

Although it is sad that this story is over, I for one am better for having followed along on this remarkable journey. I look forward to the next.

Edit: On a lighter note, coming this Spring to the Equestrian Broadcasting Network. Queen Chrysalis stars in Smash! (She plays all the lead and supporting roles!)

2001019 Heh, I figured.

That or the reader was supposed to sing that part... :derpytongue2:

Oh dear Queen Chrysalis as a Shirley Temple expy. She will get tons of love as long as she keeps in character and her swarm to :)

Aha! I knew there was a reason I'm still awake! It's just the fanfiction I wanted to see... But seriously, I was just thinking earlier today that some Earth & Sky would hit the spot.
The awkward between Twilight and Quillina... I couldn't handle it. Just, I couldn't.
Chrysalis... You be mighteh plottin', girl:
Aww, look at Diamond Tiara being awesome and reformed and stuff. Forget Fluttershy, Warren Hutch for best Villain Reformer!
Yeah, pretty much once I got to the factory scene I realized this was the last chapter (got here from email).
I love your Luna.
Pinkie's dad was great. Also, I totally want to do presents like Pinkie when I am an adult. "You have the floor, Miss Pumpkin!*"
*exact quotes not guaranteed, posting from phone
Have I mentioned that this could totally pull off PG-rated MLP movie? Because it totally %100 could.
And so here we are. At the end of a truly great piece of story. This isn't something that happens every day. And I'm kinda sad I'll never get another email saying "Earth & Sky had updated!**"
**me at the end of the story: "Ahh! He said it! He said it!"
But it was a great ending, even if Twilight and Quillina generated entirely too much awkward for me to handle.
You've written a classic here, Mr. Hutch. And I do so look forward to seeing your future work, especially anything more in this 'verse...

Here for the last time (though you haven't seen the last of me!),
Journcy Out.

Sad that it's over. Such a shame that i did not read this sooner. This chapter was the only one i had to wait for... Oh well!:pinkiehappy:

Wow, I am curious, Pound was an initial investor in the company, what is his stake in the company since it has grown so much?

You're thinking of the HMS Pinafore in that case. :raritywink:

Very nice, thanks for all your hard work in writing and sharing this with us.:twilightsmile:

Time for a re-read!

Also, am I the only one who decided that Babs' coltfriend's name is Vigneto D'Uve, Vinnie for short, and given her location that this is absolutely appropriate? Also, his mom's name is Martha.

Correction, he was an initial "customer" which is a fair bit different then an investor. He got what he paid for, which was a pair of magical wings for his sister. :pinkiehappy:

Well.... it's now over, sad to say, but all things inevitably end, they merely make us appreciate the ride we had along the way.

I have so many feels right now I can't really put down what I really feel about this, except that it was of course phenomenal.

Wonderful work! :moustache:

Yay for Lulong!

Blueblood gave a twitchy shake of his head. "No, not us us. We mean me! We... I... I mean. What will become of me?

You're missing a quote mark at the end of this paragraph.

I've been afraid of this day for a while, but... this was a darn beautiful, suitably happy end for my positively, unquestionably absolute favorite mlp story, ever.

All of my kudos to you, Warren. Beautiful. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

And now, I'm off to reread the whole story. Ta-ta! :twilightsmile:

Amazing story! Thank you so much!

Earth and Sky were joined together in love, joy, and harmony.

Earth and Sky were joined together

Earth and Sky were

Earth and Sky

Earth and Sky


Mr. Hutch I would just like to say thank you for writing the best fanfic I've read and followed since I first joined the brony community and Fimfiction. I am excited for the future (especially the loose end with "Lollypop Dimples" which, to me, hints a sequel).

A trio of ponies fluttered past in the distance on colorful artificial wings, laughing and chatting with a couple of pegasus who flew alongside them.

The plural of "pegasus" is "pegasi". You wouldn't say "a couple of human" or "a couple of bear", so the plural should be used in this case.

"If fact, if hadn't resorted to such underhoofed tactics, you may well have won the challenge fair and square."

"If fact" should probably be "in fact", and the part in between the two commas should read "if you hadn't..." to be grammatically correct.

"Applejacquiline"? :ajbemused: Seriously? I'm sorry, but that does not seem at all necessary or befitting the Apple clan.
Other than that, stupendous chapter.
Even Chrysalis seems to be in good shape, but I have to wonder how much that Lollypop Dimple role is making her gag internally.

Fixed, thanks. :twilightsmile:
And spare me the grammar lesson, it was a typo, not a misunderstanding of English syntax. :trixieshiftright:

The ending of an epic story is always a bittersweet moment. Regardless of if it's a good, or bad ending.

I am very sad to see Earth & Sky end, but it was a wonderful ride while it lasted... now where can I get myself a set of those wings?!?

So. Much. Win. Still would have preferred the monkey ending for Otto, but what the hey, it worked.

stay tuned for more.


2001145 - He got the first production pair too right?

...wait, did the Flim Flam Brothers' cutie marks change? :rainbowhuh:

Meh. If Pinkie can be Pinkamina, then I can have my fun compacting extravagant proper names into pony monikers. :ajsmug:
Thanks for reading. :pinkiesmile:

I've posited that as con artists, the bros Flim Flam have a spell to alter their cutie marks to appear expert in whatever field they choose to run their scams in. Reference Chapter 22 for when they change their cutie marks using "Uncle Mountebanks' Falsified Flanks". :trixieshiftright:

I always had trouble reconciling their apple based cutie marks with them A: Not being in the Apple Family and B: Swindling said Apple Family. :ajbemused:

The cards are their natural cutie marks. :twilightsmile:

Wonderful work, sir.:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:
A brilliant peice of writing, and should be read by everyone.
Very much looking foward to whatever you decide to write next!

had been on tenterhooves as she

Shouldn't this be "tenderhooves"?

How much were you thinking of ?

Extra space.

His haggard sibling frowned, unperturbed as he took a step forward to shield his younger sibling.

This is more stylistic, but the later "sibling" could be replaced with "brother to be less repetitive.

Flam almost leapt five hooves

Extra space.

"All right everyone.

There aren't any non-ponies here, shouldn't this be "everypony"?

but stll feisty


The Tigger reference, I saw it.
I can't wait for the next one. I want to see more of what you have planned with Chrysalis.
Great way to have this story come full circle. Great job on the wedding. Great job all around!
Top notch story!


Sorry about that. I'll try to be more sensitive in the future.

Lets make snow princesses in the clouds!"

"Lets" should be "Let's".

"I reckon your right. I can feel it too, through the roots and grass. Now come on, lets have this thing come to pass."

"Your" should be "you're" unless you're purposely doing it that way for the accent, and "lets" should be "let's".

There was Cousin Babs, grown into a solidly built brick of a mare from her work at the produce markets of Manehattan, with her coltfriend Vinnie at her side.

Nice, I like it. This feels right.

Earth and Sky were joined together in love, joy, and harmony.

Aaand done. Thanks again for a wonderful, satisfying end to a great story!

Made corrections.
"Tenterhooves" is a play on "tenterhooks". :twilightoops:

"Stay tuned for more."

Yes. Yes, please.

Learn something new every day.

Rarity was deep "in the zone" in her inspiration room at the Bijou Boutique, a flurry of charcoal pencils and markers dancing across the vellum as idea after stylish idea for designer variants on the Harmony harness' wings came to her.


Unless that is what you mean, in which case



It's an amazing feeling, seeing something you had a hoof in going out into the world, maybe changing it for the better."

Celestia laid her wing across her prize student's withers with a fond smile. "Indeed it is, my dearest one. Indeed it is."

Awwwwaaa :rainbowkiss::heart:

Cranky and Matilda Doodle, bony and wrinkled but stll fiesty, craned their necks and perked up their long ears to hear as much of the ceremony as they could.

I had to read that four times before I didn't read brony instead of bony.

Finally, the wedding scene made me :raritycry: This story has been full of :raritystarry: and :pinkiehappy: Thank you for writing it :twilightsmile:

I swore I would never fall in love again.

...So much for that.

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