• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,921 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Five - A Pony Earns his Keep

Chapter Five - A Pony Earns his Keep.

Flare Blitz stared at the cart being pulled by one of the Guards. It was overflowing with a massive pile of scrolls and books that Twilight had ‘liberated’ from the Royal Archives. Said unicorn was humming happily to herself, her saddlebags filled with the books that wouldn’t fit in the cart.

“Uh, Twilight?” Flare continued to eye the swaying library on wheels. “Are there even any books left in the Archive?”

“Don’t be silly, of course there are!” Twilight scoffed. Though she did have almost the entire section on dimensional space/time magicks. “And nopony else was using them so what’s the harm?”

As they arrived at the train station, there was a single pony waiting on the platform. She turned around to face them and Flare recognised who it was.

“Hey there Miss Selene!” He ran up to greet her. When Twilight saw this, her left eye gave an involuntary twitch. Just who was this mare? And how did Flare know her?

“Hello again Flare Blitz.” Selene gave a courteous bow. “I heard you were leaving today and thought that I might bid you farewell.”

“So who is this?” Twilight suddenly spoke up, her voice had a hint of irritation. “A friend of yours?”

Flare nodded as he turned back to the group. “Everyone, this is Miss Selene, Selene these are my friends.” Flare’s friends were all quite confused, just when did he met this mare?

“This is Twilight Sparkle, she’s an amazing mare and the personal protégé of Princess Celestia.” Twilight suddenly went from irritated to embarrassed in an instant.

“Tis a pleasure to meet you,” Selene said with a demure tone. “I have heard about you actually, you and your friends are quite famous.”

“This is Sparkler, Twilight’s student and daughter of Ditzy over there. The dragon over there is Spike and that’s Rarity, a fashion designer, and probably one of the best from what I’ve seen.”

“And you sir are quite the charmer!” Rarity blushed.

“That’s Ditzy Doo and her younger daughter Dinky,” Flare finished up his introductions. Then he saw somepony else, “And that’s one of Celestia’s Guardsmen… uh, I don’t know his name.”

“Damascus Sword.” The Guard curtly replied.

“Well I am glad that I got to meet everypony.” Selene smiled, “You never told me you had such wonderful friends.”

“Speaking of meeting ponies…” Twilight asked curiously. “How did you meet Miss Selene?”

Flare realised that Twilight seemed a little grumpy this morning. Well they were up late last night and Twilight didn’t seem like a morning pony. “I met her yesterday, when I was out, thinking.”

Twilight’s mouth made a little ‘o’ shape and she said no more on the subject. Even when he had returned after running out, he still looked a little upset and Twilight didn’t want to bring that back up so soon.

“Well t’was lovely to meet all of you,” Selene said. “But you have a train to catch and I shan't keep you any longer.”

As everypony boarded the train, Twilight noticed that Selene’s odd way of speaking seemed familiar, but it was something she couldn’t quite place her hoof on.


Once they were aboard the train, Flare noticed the considerable increase in their luggage. On top of the massive stack of research material that Twilight and Sparkler obtained, Rarity had also been busy procuring dresses, fabrics and other items that Flare didn’t recognise.

“It seems that I’m the only one that didn’t buy anything in Canterlot.” Flare laughed and received various looks from everypony.

“That’s right, I forgot to show you around the city.” Twilight facehooved at her own forgetfulness and her expression changed to an apologetic one. “I can bring you back here sometime soon if you like?”

Flare shook his head in response. “Nah, don’t worry about it. “It’s not like I have any money anyway.” The thought then occurred to him, he had been living off of Twilight’s generosity since he arrived here and it probably cost more money for her to have an extra mouth to feed. Maybe Flare should find a way to earn some extra cash to pay her back.

“What time will we arrive back?” Flare inquired. “There are a few things that I want to look into around town.”

“We should get back a little before noon if there are no complications.” Twilight replied, checking the train schedule. “What is it that you want to check out?”

“Just things, for reasons.” Flare replied cryptically and Twilight frowned. Just what in the hay was he up to?


As the group stepped off of the train, Twilight’s friends were waiting for them. Pinkie was the first to bounce up to and greet them.

“Hey, how did it go in Canterlot? Did you meet the Princesses? Did you get to eat royal cake?” Twilight raised a hoof and placed it atop Pinkies’ head and her perpetual bouncing ceased.

“Everything in Canterlot went, well?” Twilight wasn’t sure how to answer that just yet.
They had found out that Flare was from another world, but no sure-fire way to send him home safely. “I have some research to do, to see if there is a way to send Flare home without incident, but everything else was wonderful.” Twilight’s thoughts suddenly shifted to last night when she and Flare had spent hours under the stars, just looking at them and studying them. Twilight sighed happily as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Well yes, that dinner had been lovely, but…” Rarity noticed Twilights’ blush and her romantic instincts kicked into top gear. “Perhaps something happened after dinner that you didn’t tell anypony about no?”

Twilight was suddenly snapped out of her daydream as she flailed her hooves about. “What? No!, wait I mean yes? No?” Twilight’s horn suddenly flashed and she teleported from the station, leaving behind several confused mares and one Pokémon who had a faint smile on his face. Twilight was adorable when flustered.

“Guess I’d better haul all of this to the library…” Sparkler groaned, looking at all of the books that Twilight had left behind.

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie suddenly stepped forward to help.

“We’ll give you a hoof, c’mon girls!” Rainbow said as they all grabbed a hoof-full of books. Applejack was about to step forward and lend her own assistance when Rarity grabbed her hoof.

“Oh Applejack dear? Could you help me take my luggage back to the Boutique?” the alabaster unicorn fluttered her eyes. “I cannot ask Spikey-Wikey to carry all of it.”
Applejack saw the massive pile of boxes, suitcases and rolls of fabric and her face fell. No wonder the others had been so quick to help carry a few measly books.

“Yeah, sure Rare.” Applejack said as Rarity wasted no time in loading the earth pony up. Applejack grunted slightly at the load but didn’t complain, it wasn’t in her nature to and she really did like helping her friend out.

“Well I’m gonna get started,” Flare turned to run into town. “I’ll see you all later.”
Rainbow watched him go and turned to Ditzy. “What was that all about?” She asked her fellow pegasus but Ditzy just shrugged in response.

This had seemed like a brilliant idea at first, but Flare Blitz had no idea how one earned money in this world. He seriously doubted he could pick a random fight and earn some prize based cash, so how?

He wandered into the marketplace and saw ponies of all kinds buying, selling and socialising. Maybe he could ask someone for a solution to this problem. He picked a stand that sold some fragment and beautiful flowers along with three equally as beautiful mares running it.

As he approached, the pale yellow earth pony with the raspberry coloured mane was in the middle of laughing with the other two mares when she spotted Flare from the corner of her eye.

“Hi, welcome to The Flower Bed, how can I-GAH!” Rose’s expression changed when she saw exactly who she was addressing. The other two turned to see what their sister was screaming at when they saw the fiery horse Pokémon.

“C-can we help y-you?” Daisy stammered, hoping the stallion wasn’t going to set fire to their store.

Though he expected it, Flare was beginning to get tired of this reaction. He sighed and nodded his head, “Yes, I’d like to know something.”

“W-what do you want to know?” Lily asked, they seemed to be calming down a bit.

“Well, I was wondering if there was any place that I could earn some money.” This was something the mares had not expected. He wanted to earn some bits?

“Um, what for, if I may ask?” Rose said.

Flare fidgeted for a bit, but figured that honesty was the best policy. “Well I’ve been staying with Twilight Sparkle since I arrived here in Equestria and I’ll be here for a while yet so it seems, so I want to help out by earning some money to pay for food and whatnot.”
All three mares smiled at the response, he seemed like he really was a nice pony despite appearances. They suddenly huddled together and whispered for a moment before turning back to Flare.

“Well unfortunately, we don’t have any work available right now.” Rose explained.” But if you’re just after some spare bits then try asking Carrot or Applejack, they usually have a lot of work to do on their farms so I bet you they’ll have something for you to do.”

“Thank you very much, I’ll ask them right now!” Flare smiled and offered a polite bow to the sisters before heading to find the farmponies. Rose watched him go as her sisters giggled.

“For somepony so scary-looking, he has a nice flank huh?” Daisy smirked and Rose nodded.

“Yeah he kinda does…” She stopped when she noticed Daisy and Lily giggling. “Wait, that’s not what I was… oh forget it.” Rose pouted as her sisters dropped to the ground, laughing hysterically.

Flare had struck out with Carrot too, seems that her farm was only small and she didn’t need any extra hooves right now. “Man, this sucks…” He muttered, kicking a small pebble along the road. “And I wanna surprise Twilight, so if I go to Applejack she’ll probably tell her.”

He had yet to find any other leads and it was getting late into the afternoon now. He had gone to a store that sold Quills and Sofas, but no luck there. A bar called the Sun’s Flank had wanted wait staff, but they needed to be a mare for some reason. Nopony was running away from him anymore, but his height and flaming mane and tail still seemed to put everypony on edge. The friends that he had made seemed to be the only one’s comfortable around him.

“Maybe I was kidding myself when I thought that I could fit in around here?” Flare said irritably. He kicked another stone again, this time with a little more force as it sailed through the air and nailed somepony right on the head.

“Ouch!” The mare exclaimed and rubbed her head where the stone had struck.

“I’m so sorry,” Flare apologised once he ran up to her. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

The mare turned to face him and smiled, “It’s alright, y’all are lucky ah got a hard head.”

That accent was unmistakable, “Sorry about that Applejack, I really didn’t mean too-“

“And ah said it was fine,” AJ smiled, “But ya mind tellin’ me why y’all are kickin rocks at innocent mares?”

Flare sighed and he looked at the setting sun, “You promise not to tell Twilight?”

Now what did not telling Twilight have to do with all of this? Was Flare up to something suspicious? “Y’all better not be doin anything that’ll hurt Twahlight!”

“What? No!” Flare stomped his hoof in response. “I’d never do anything to hurt Twilight, it’s just…”

“Okay Sugarcube, Ah promise not to tell Twah,” Applejack said, she knew he wouldn’t but she felt like teasing him a little for the whole rock thing. “So whut are you up to?”

Flare sighed, but it’s not like he had any luck so far today. “I want to earn some bits to help Twilight out for taking me in, but everywhere I’ve gone everyone’s either had no work or has been too scared of me to trust me.”

Applejack was quite shocked, how could the rest of the town treat him like that!? Aside from the destruction of a tacky fountain, he had done nothing wrong other than being different. Crap, now AJ was getting pissed and that wasn’t going to get them anywhere.

“So y’all need a job where nopony’s gonna fear ya an’ ya need the bits to help Twahlight?” She racked her brain for a moment before deciding that she needed more information. “Whut can y’all do exactly? What sorts’a skills do you possess?”

“Well I’m taller than most of you,” Flare pointed out. “And I’m pretty strong, physically I mean.” He thought for a bit and wondered if his Pokémon skills could be used in anyway. “Well I can also breathe fire and trample stone into powder.”

AJ gave him an incredulous look. “Y’all can breathe fire?” She questioned and Flare responded by opening his mouth and a small stream of flame shot out, causing Applejack to jump back in surprise.

“Okay, so ya can breathe fire,” Applejack thought for a moment, she had a few jobs around the farm that with Flare’s help, could probably be done a lot faster. “Ah have an idea, so why don’t ya meet me at Sweet Apple Acres at sunrise tomorrow?”

Flare's original apprehension to ask any of Twilight’s friends for help was that he was worried that they’d tell Twilight, but AJ promised so…

“Alright then, thank you very much Applejack.”

AJ put a hoof on his shoulder, “Don’t mention it, but y’all better be prepared for some hard work. Yer gonna earn those Bits with blood, sweat n tears.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Flare grinned, “I really appreciate this.”

“An ah said don’t mention it, now quit thankin’ me fore ah start blushin’” Applejack adjusted her Stetson and turned to head home. “Don’t ferget now, get on over the farm as early as ya can alright?”

“Yes Ma’am!” Flare saluted and AJ headed off, leaving the Pokémon alone with his thoughts.

“Well that was interesting,” He mused to himself and headed back home. As he turned he paused, did he just call Twilight’s library home? He figured that it was best not to delve too deep into that right now he headed back.


Once he returned, there was a flash of magenta light and Twilight was standing right in front of him, her head craned up and her muzzle pressed against his.

“And just where have you been, mister?” She exclaimed, “I’ve been worried about you.”

“As I said, just looking into a few things, which was a tad more difficult than I expected, but I think it turned out okay.”

Twilight really wanted to know what he was doing all afternoon, but when she asked him, Flare just brushed her off like he did before.

Spike walked into the room, wearing a frilly pink apron and carrying a wooden spoon. “Dinner’s ready!” He announced. “Oh, hey Flare when did you get back?”

“Just now,” He replied, brushing past Twilight and into the centre of the room. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Flare Blitz!” The stallion turned and saw Twilight looking at him, a worried look on her face. “I know you won’t tell me, but whatever you’re looking into, it isn’t dangerous is it?”

Now here did she get an idea like that? He shook his head, “No, at least I don’t think so.” He had no idea what Applejack had planned, but he doubted that it was dangerous.

“Okay, I’ll trust you then,” Twilight said. “But promise me that you won’t put yourself in harm’s way okay? Pinkie Promise?”

What was a Pinkie Promise? But if it made Twilight feel better, “Okay then Twi, I Pinkie Promise that I won’t get into trouble.”

“And nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie erupted from a bookshelf and the startled Pokémon once again found himself latched firmly to the rafters of the library.

“Pinkie! I just organised that shelf!” Twilight scolded her pink friend who just disappeared back into the shelf. Twilight began to levitate the fallen books back into place as Flare dropped back down from the ceiling with a loud thud.

“That pony is gonna give someone a heart attack one day, namely me.” Flare grouched, wondering just how Pinkie could appear like that. “So yeah, I promise that I’ll do nothing dangerous so don’t worry, okay?”

Twilight put the last book back into place and nodded. “Alright then, shall we go eat now?” Flare’s stomach rumbled loudly in response and Twilight giggled. “I guess that answers that then.”


After dinner, Twilight headed down to the basement to start on her research while Flare decided that he would read some books about Equestria. “Might as well get to know the land I’m staying in.”

He was still amazed that not only did the spell that Twilight used to enable him to talk also gave him the ability to read Equestrian script. It was after midnight when he let out a loud yawn and decided that it was bedtime. He looked down at the basement and wondered if Twilight was still awake down there. “Maybe just a peek,” He said to himself and opened the door as quietly as he could. There was a wooden staircase that curved along the wall and led to a massive room underground.

“This tree is seriously strange,” He muttered as he peered over the edge of the balcony and saw Twilight fast asleep amongst a massive pile of books that sorta looked like a pillow fort, only made of hardcover books.

“Twilight asleep inside a bookfort huh?” the whole scene was too cute for words and Flare found himself just staring at her for a moment. After dismantling the fort, he moved Twilight onto his back and carried her up to her room. Once she was tucked into bed and snoring cutely, Flare absentmindedly kissed her on the forehead, eliciting a smile from the unicorn and was halfway to his room before he realised what he did.

“What the hell am I doing?” He asked himself quietly


The next morning Flare awoke to find that Twilight and Sparkler were already hard at work. Sparkler was idly chewing some hay bacon with her nose stuck in a thick tome of Gravimetric Theory, whilst Twilight had some mathematical equation written up that made Flare’s brain want to abandon ship just by glancing at it.

Checking the clock to make sure he hadn’t overslept, the hands showed that it was still early enough that half of Ponyville was probably still asleep.

“You two sure are at it early,” He said as he made himself known. “Is it really going to be that difficult?”

“I won’t lie to you, this is a longshot at best,” Twilight said. “But it’s our best shot at the moment, so we’ll try our best, right Sparkler?”

“Mhm,” Sparkler was trying to wrap her head around Starswirls’ 5th Dimensional Theory, but by the moon it was confusing. That stallion was either a genius or a complete whack job.

“Just don’t burn yourself out on my account okay?” Flare said. “Take as long as you need.”

“Don’t worry about us, we’ll get you home in no time okay?” Twilight patted her chest with her hoof confidently.

“Alright then, good luck.” Flare decided that it was best to let them study in peace and headed out for an early morning walk. He had barely gotten ten feet from the library when Ditzy made an awkward landing in front of him. After helping her to her hooves from the indentation she made in the ground, Flare greeted his friend.

“Good morning Ditzy, having a rough morning?”

Ditzy looked a little sheepish and shook her head. “No… I do that a lot,” She seemed disheartened by it so Flare dropped the issue.

“So what’s with the big bags?” He asked. “Delivering something?”

Ditzy dusted off her cap and placed it back on her head. It was a bright blue colour and had a gleaming silver badge on the front of it. “I work for Ponyville Postal Services!” She declared proudly. “Rain, hail or shine I get your mail to you on time!”

“That’s cool,” Flare said. “Actually, since you’re here, do you know how to get to Sweet Apple Acres?”

“I know Ponyville like the bottom of my hoof, if you give me five minutes then I can show you the way myself.” Flare nodded and Ditzy soared off into the sky and Flare saw that she seemed a little wobbly. Did it have something to do with her eyes? He had noticed them the moment he first met the mare at his welcome party but didn’t bring them up in conversation.

He stood around for a bit and greeted a few ponies that walked past. Some of them he recognised and waved back whilst other just gave a forced, polite smile and walked away, their steps a tad hastier than necessary. Flare knew that there was no malicious intent behind their actions, but having them practically run away from him was still a little hurtful. A whistling sound caught his attention and Ditzy Doo dropped out of the sky with a thud, causing the mare’s ears to ring slightly from the sudden impact.

“You okay there Ditzy?” Flare asked, concerned that his friend was going to wind up in hospital by the end of the day. “That landing looked a little painful.”

“Yeah, I’m okay. No problems at all.” Ditzy said quickly, shaking her legs. “How about I show you where that farm is now?”

“Alright,” Flare replied and followed her. As they walked, Flare tried to make some small talk. “So where’s Dinky?” He asked, I didn’t see her at the library with Sparkler.”

“At school,” Ditzy replied. “That’s what I was doing earlier, dropping her off.” Ditzy suddenly looked a bit panicked, “Not that I literally dropped her, just a figure of speech…”

“I got it,” Flare replied. “I never assumed that you dropped Dinky, why would you think that?”

Ditzy just mumbled a response that Flare couldn’t make out and then pointed down a path. “If you follow that path, you’ll find the farm a bit further on. I’ll see you later maybe so bye-“

As Ditzy tried to fly off, she topped in mid-air and turned her head to see Flare holding her tail in his mouth. Once she landed again, he let go and gave her a stern look.

“Care to explain what’s going on?” He said, his voice calm, but showing a hint of fierceness. “You were all smiles and bubbles yesterday and now you can’t seem to wait to get away from me!” He knew that ponies were still apprehensive of him, but Ditzy… “I thought you were my friend.”

Ditzy put a hoof to her mouth in shock. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings, quite the opposite actually. “I-I didn’t mean it like that.” Her eyes were beginning to water and she sat down on the dusty path. “You’ve seen my eyes, and how clumsy I can be right?” Flare didn’t respond, but
Ditzy could tell that he knew, it was kind of hard to miss.

“Everypony that I try and be friends with usually gets hurt when I’m around.” Ditzy was on the verge of crying now as memories resurfaced. “Did Twilight ever tell you that I once dropped a piano on her…? A piano!” Tears began to drop to the ground as the faces of everypony that teased and mocked her danced in her head. “I bet she still hasn’t forgiven me for that.”

Flare put a hoof on her shoulder but she knocked it away with one of her wings. “I don’t want to hurt you too,” She said. “So I think it might be best to not hang out a whole lot okay?”

Flare snorted indignantly and stamped his hoof, causing Ditzy to jump. He looked her squarely in the eye as he loomed over her. “I am about to say a few things so pay attention okay?” Ditzy nodded and Flare took a deep breath.

“One, I have absolutely no intention of staying away from you for such a stupid reason.”

“Two, I personally think that there is nothing wrong with your eyes. They’re kinda cute actually.” Derpy turned a delightful shade of red at this one.

“And three, even if I do get involved in an accident that is by no means any of your fault, well I’m a damn tough Pokémon and it’ll take a lot more that a piano to stop me!”

The grey pegasus stared at him, both of her eyes wide and focused squarely on the stallion in front of her. They began to water again and she burst out into tears as she leapt forward and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you,” She whispered in between sobs. “Thank you so very much!”

Flare closed his eyes and smiled, returning the embrace. “That’s alright, but from now on there will be no more pity parties from either of us okay?”

Ditzy nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. “It’s a deal.”

“Good, now how about you continue showing me the way to Applejacks’ farm?”

“Sure!” Ditzy beamed and the two of them cantered down the road together.

Once they arrived, Applejack was waiting for him by the front gate. “Well howdy Flare, ah was hopin’ you’d show up alright. Ah plum forgot that ya didn’t know where mah farm was.”

“It’s okay, my friend Ditzy here showed me.” He had put a little extra emphasis on the word friend, which caused the pegasus to smile bashfully.

“Well you seem like you have work to do, so I’ll let you go. Wanna hang out sometime soon though?” Ditzy inquired and Flare nodded.

“Sure thing, later then?”
Ditzy soared into the sky with a surprising amount of grace and waved before heading off to Ponyville. Applejack watched the two of them and smiled.

“So ah take it that y’all had a good morning?”

“You could say that.” Flare replied and smiled fondly, knowing that he had at least made a real, true friend today. “Now what work do you have for me?”