• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 1,697 Views, 33 Comments

Black Bloom 2 - Bronycommander

Black Mesa was only the beginning. While Apple Bloom survived, Black Mesa still haunts her in her dreams.

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Chapter 4 Water Hazard

Chapter 4: Water Hazard

The woman had an idea. “You could get on Gordon's lap thanks to your small size.”

“This could work.” Apple Bloom let Gordon climb on first then she climbed on. It worked. She was comfortable in Gordon's lap.

The woman opened the gate. “You better get going now.”

Mia was on the couch. She was sad and depressed. Someone knocked gently on the door. “Come in.”

Barney walked in. “Hello, Mia. I am sorry to hear that they took Apple Bloom.” Mia broke down. Barney hugged her and patted her back.

“Thanks, I needed that.”

“That’s what friends are for. Listen, Apple Bloom appears to be safe and sound.”

“Why?” “Doctor Kleiner's teleporter had a malfunction. According to the data he received, a small creature was teleported. It is most likely that it was Apple Bloom.”

This gave Mia hope. "Thank you for bringing this information.”

“Nothing to thanks. I’ve gotta get back on my shift.” Then Barney leaved. Mia took a walk to feel better and to catch some fresh air.

Apple Bloom enjoyed the ride. The wind in her mane was wonderful.
She saw the barn in the distance “There’s Station 7! Reminds me of mah home.”

“You can wait here.” Gordon stopped the boat and turned the engine off.

“If you don’t mind, Ah would come with you.”

“You’re sure about your wound?”

“Yes.” She was able to walk again. She heard moaning inside the barn and a disgusting smell. “Zombies.”

“No problem.” Gordon killed them. They were the resistance members that manned the Station. A third dead rebel was next to the Radio.

Apple Bloom waited for Gordon as he got some supplies in the crane basket. “Station 7, come in! Station 7, do you read?” the radio buzzed then static.

As Gordon operated the crane, a Hunter-Chopper flew by. After he passed, they started the boat again.

Mia walked on a bridge as she heard something. She saw an Airboat. On it were Freeman and Apple Bloom. Mia wanted to call out for her but realized: the only way to get Apple Bloom back was to report Freeman to the next Civil Protection team. She knew it was wrong, but she had no other choice.

Apple Bloom dozed as Gordon raised a ramp to jump over a pile of rubble. Gordon let her sleep. She dreamed that she was in the Everfree Forest and a zombie pony got her.

However, she woke up by a noise. “What’s that noise?” She looked up.

A giant living creature was carrying a container. “Any idea what that is?”

“Some kind of dropship I think.” Gordon was right as the ship landed. The container opened and Metro Cops jumped out.

They opened fire but missed. Along the way, Gordon evaded barnacles and rammed wooden structures where CP’s were standing on.
“Attention all ground protection teams, judgment waiver is now in effect. Capital prosecution is discretionary.”

The way was blocked by a closed floodgate. “You stay here, I handle this.” Apple Bloom obeyed. She heard how Gordon was fighting his way through.

An officer shouted, “Wilson!” The gate opened and an alarm was sounded. A dropship brought in reinforcements but by the sounds, Apple Bloom knew that Gordon was successful.

“I hope I didn’t take too long.” Gordon joked as he came back. After the floodgate an APC fired rockets at the Airboat but Gordon dodged them as good as he could.

CP’s were rappelling down from bridges; some throw themselves in the path of the Airboat which was their death.

2 officers created a barrier of fire but overlooked a ramp. Gordon used it to jump over it.

Dodging another APC and officers, the Airboat was now in a tunnel save from them.

Gordon stopped to get some supplies as the rockets had drained his health to 30% and his suit to 0%. Apple Bloom was unharmed but was painting. “We made it.” She was out of breath.

“I must admit you are very brave for a filly of your age,” Gordon complimented her as his health was now at 90% and his suit at 30% after he found some supplies.

Exiting the tunnel, another floodgate was closed. A lone CP opened fire. Gordon shot him in the head with his pistol. “Wait here.” Apple Bloom watched how Gordon was battling his way through the warehouse.

A Hunter-Chopper arrived. He fired at Gordon but even that did not stop him as the Chopper flew back and forth to get a clear shot on Gordon. Suddenly the Chopper was attacked by a pulse turret on the control tower. The Chopper, now burning, flew off for repairs.
Gordon returned. The gate closed after they drove through. Another Chopper flew by.

He was dropping mines in front of the boat. Gordon evaded them. Failing that, the Chopper used his pulse cannon. He used this tactic until Gordon came to a warehouse with an elevator. The Chopper waited for Gordon to come out.

Gordon used the elevator after using a health and suit charger. He took some fall damage but told Apple Bloom that he was alright.
Now in the open again, Headcrab shells were used as conventional artillery to stop them. A shell destroyed a massive brick factory chimney. Apple Bloom screamed in fear that she would be crushed.

Gordon putted the boat to full speed. He made it. Another APC fired rockets at them before a tunnel. Gordon evaded all.

The Chopper wasn’t able to follow them. In safety Gordon stopped to raise a springboard with a counterweight. Apple Bloom took a deep breath. Her heart was racing from the adrenaline. She jumped into the air as a hand touched her back but calmed down as it was Gordon. “Ready?”


At another resistance base, Gordon was instructed about his next move. Apple Bloom watched curious, as the Vortigaunt, mounted a pulse cannon with his ‘magic’.

The Chopper intercepted them at the end of the tunnel. Gordon damaged it so heavy, that a warning sound could be heard while flying off.

More CP’s ambushed them but the pulse cannon took care of them all.

With the pulse cannon, Gordon was capable of destroying an APC and shooting down its rockets. He even managed to destroy the container of a dropship.

After fighting APC’s and CP’s, they reached the dam. An alarm sounded and a Hunter-Chopper took off. “Not again! Ah thought we lost him!” Apple Bloom complained.

Gordon evaded the pulse cannon and mines and fired when the Chopper could not shoot back. As a last resort, the Chopper released its entire payload of mines to kill them. The mines however were dropped in in large intervals, giving Gordon enough space to avoid them.

After a hard battle, the Chopper crashed in flames into the water. “We did it! Finally!” Apple Bloom cheered.

“Indeed. And we’re almost at Black Mesa East.”

At a warehouse, Gordon defeated two officers. Inside were another 2. Gordon killed one. The other one went to cover behind a turned table. Apple Bloom noticed that he fired from the shoulder. “11-99! Officer needs assistance!” He shouted in his Radio.

Apple Bloom knew instantly from this action and voice who that officer was. “Gordon, wait!” Gordon did not listen and threw a grenade.

“Crap!” the officer shouted before it exploded.

He was thrown by the blast into an interface. It had a short circuit, electrifying him.

“Daddy! No!” Apple Bloom shouted and ran to him as his radio emitted the flat lining tone. She cried, “You killed him!” Gordon felt sorry and guilty.

“Apple Bloom?” the officer asked weakened.

“Daddy? You’re alive!” she hugged him. “Yeah, the electric shock wasn’t fatal. It only destroyed my radio.” Gordon helped him up.

“Sorry about that.”

“None taken. How did you get here, Apple Bloom?”

“Long story short, your colleagues tried to take me away; Gordon saved me and took me with him.”

“Okay, I come with you. Where are you heading?” He used a health charger.

“Black Mesa East Jacob. It’s not far from here.”

“But the boat has only one seat.”

Author's Note:

Another problem that needs to be solved.

If you're wondering, the part where the offiver shouts "Wilson!" was inspired from this video.