• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


Starlight Glimmer is hanging out in the kitchen when an otherwordly entity pops in.

Naturally, she decides to befriend it.

With an avocado.

Preread by Rainedash and Mr101!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 69 )

I actually hate avocados:derpytongue2:

I actively love avocados :coolphoto:

I personally find avocados underwhelming. They just taste like green. I have never encountered any foodstuff that tastes like a color more than avocados. And it's not even an especially palatable shade of green. And the greasy texture... I'll take them in especially good guacamole, but aside from that, no thank you.

Oh, and the story was fun.

Majin Syeekoh

7640012 Well, I'll have you both know that I find avocados an absolute delight.

Majin Syeekoh

7640027 Well, a few weeks ago I had the best avocado ever and I suppose you could say that this story is my love letter to that experience.

Also I appreciate that you enjoyed the story.:twilightsmile:


See I don't Avocados for their taste, or their texture, or anything like that.

I hate them because, much like teabags, everyone leave sthe god-damned giants stones sitting in the sink, rather than putting them in the bin 2 FEET TO THE LEFT. :flutterrage:

This residual rage has ruined avocados, but not tea, for me. Curse my Britishness.

Majin Syeekoh

7640039 I try to throw the seeds into the trashcan as opposed to leaving them in the sink.

That seems rather irresponsible of avocado eaters.

7640028 My cosmic ribs. Why do they hurt so very much...

I like how this story has thumbs up, comments and zilch views on my screen right now.

Majin Syeekoh

7640061 It's a ghost story.


I'm not sure what bookshelf to save this under...

Majin Syeekoh

7640078 ...can I be under the dickwaffle one?

Avacado tastes like if you mixed coconut oil and celery.

Well I just read that. I'll give you :moustache::moustache::moustache:/5

Pretty good.

7640027 So Avocado is Green Mana in foodstuff form?

The more stories of yours that I read, the more I question your sanity.

See how many avocados it takes to attract a grizzly. We'll have a conversion ratio.

I cant eat avocado i was forced to eat it when i was little nowdays they make me sick and make me wanna throw up :pinkiesick:

but great story anyways

Well you know the old saying, when life gives you avocados...

She really is just the best at friendship.

goddammit syeekoh

What are you people talking about? Avocados are nearly devoid of flavor, being only a bland green mush with an unusually high oil content for a vegetable. That makes them nourishing, but if you want them to taste good, you mix them with something that actually has a detectable (and hopefully delectable) flavor.

Demon-Taming Avocado GGG
Creature — Plant
While Demon-Taming Avocado is on the Battlefield, all colorless mana costs are doubled, unless payed for with Green mana.
"The magic of friendship comes in many flavors. Apparently Avocado is one of them."
—Princess Twilight Sparkle

Iztx nodded. “Indeed,” he said as a smile wrapped itself around his muzzle, “and my wish is your command.”

Wait, but doesn't that mean the demon makes the wish and Starlight obeys? I honestly can't tell if this was meant to be a joke or simply an oversight.

Majin Syeekoh

7640640 That's what we call an oversight.

Thank you for catching that. :twilightsmile:


Sure, and daffodils and hays are super delicious as well. These beings are somekind of magical ponies of neighbouring dimension or something, their tastebuds can be different that ours

Furniture shopping

They bought 1 nightstand.

I think the premise is too confusing for me. Avocados are great, though. Yum.

7640006 heresy

No, but seriously... avocados are really useful, especially in get togethers.
Truly something to have in befriending arsenals.
Good story, felt really silly. Only problem was that Twilight didn't get an avocado.

Avocado smoothies are the best :pinkiehappy:

And starlight is going places. Not college, but places :pinkiecrazy:

I once ready a story that said something like a peach was the fruit of friendship because a earth pony guard couldn't peel the skin off, so a unicorn removed it for him so he cold eat it. Now, I ad avocados to the list of friendship foods. :scootangel: I hate avacados but this was cute how Starlight didn't judge. Guess her equality views came in to play?:pinkiehappy:

Great. Now I want an avocado.

“... That I can ask you to try an avocado!” Starlight finished as she stood and made her way to the refrigerator, opening the door on the way there.

Well now. You get a like for this one amazing and absurd line considering the context.

Starlight smiled. She had just received confirmation that she was the best at making friends, judging by the fact that her prowess knocked Twilight right off of her hooves.

Considering Starlight's actions in previous episodes, this conclusion doesn't surprise me at all.

Overall, a delightfully absurd story.

Starlight smiled. She had just received confirmation that she was the best at making friends, judging by the fact that her prowess knocked Twilight right off of her hooves

I just read this a second time and I think Starlight missed the point of twilight's reaction...:rainbowlaugh:

7640042 What, you don't put them in water 'til they sprout?

Even I do that, and I despise avocados.

Do you just go to grocery stores to be inspired? :trixieshiftright:

7640150 What sanity?

Majin Syeekoh

7644031 That's actually not an invalid deduction to draw, I suppose.

The absurdity of this fic automatically warrants an upvote. :derpytongue2:

I have but one thing to say:




I've never had avocados myself.

Lol. :rainbowlaugh: That was hilarious. Starlight is THE BEST friend maker in history. :rainbowlaugh:

Fun fact... never had an Avocado before :rainbowkiss: hoho

Nice job on this, this was funny to read XD

I hate avocados. This fic however I love!

Could we make them into guacamole?

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