• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 11,770 Views, 616 Comments

A new chance at one HP - Emeraldleafeon

Coming off of the genocide run, Sans will get a new shot at having one HP

  • ...

8 Future Plans

Author's Note:

And we are back!
Hope you enjoy this chapter of A new chance at one HP. This one was a joy to write and watch being edited.
Once again a big thanks to my editor Zum1UDontNo!

Canterlot Castle, Medical Wing

Heart Savior looked down at the clipboard held in his magic, checking them over one last time. Yep, everything seemed to be in order. "Well, Mr. Sans, you appear to be healing up nicely. You are officially healthy enough to leave the hospital! All you have to do is print your name here and sign it here, and you will be free to go!"

Sans looked at Heart Savior in confusion, patting himself. "I'm not fully healed yet, doc,” he said, "but you're saying I'm cleared to leave?"

The unicorn glanced at his boney patient and then went back to the clipboard. "Yes, the hospital will be releasing you today. We have not dealt with any of your species, but we believe that you are healed enough that you will be able to function without the supervision of the hospital. As long as you keep eating and don’t push your magic too far. you will be fine."

Sans just smiled, more than he naturally did at least. "don’t worry, doc, I get it. I'm just giving you a good ribbing."

Heart Savior just smiled and shook his head. "You know,” he told Sans, “if anyone else were here, I do not think they would be patient enough to deal with you.”

“yeah,” Sans chuckled, “that’s kind of what I figured too.” At the doctor’s blank expression, he shook his head. “never mind. you wouldn’t get it.”

“Well, regardless, you will certainly be a patient I will never forget. You always seemed to keep a good outlook, even when you were almost, well... cut in half."

Sans continued to smile and grabbed the pen and clipboard from the doctors magic using his own. For once, it didn’t sting. "guess I have been feeling stronger lately, I actually managed to walk around the castle yesterday. it was an... interesting... experience. yeah, let’s go with that for now."

Yesterday morning, Canterlot Castle, Royal Bedroom hallway

Sans wandered about the massive castle in the early morning hours, before the sun had risen. Not out of any particular desire to explore, but simply because he was bored and couldn’t sleep. Pretty unusual for him. ‘the nurses have been complaining that they’re hearing noises from my hospital room,’ he thought idly . ‘what do they mean? i’m pretty sure i’m the only one here. ...yep, just me and paps’ scarf with me. ...maybe…’ Sans thought for a moment, before shaking his head. “no way,” he said out loud, loudly. “there’s no possible way papyrus is coming back to life somehow. it’s completely impossible and makes no sense. there’s no way that’s happening. literally impossible.” Pleased with his attempts to trigger narrative causality to make what he wanted to happen, happen, he continued on his way, only to be stopped as two doors opened. Two very large doors, decorated with a picture of the sun in exquisite watercolour.

“Sans?” Princess Celestia asked, one eyebrow raised. “What are you doing up so early, speaking suspiciously loudly?”

The skeleton jumped, rattling guiltily. “oh, uh… I didn’t wake you up, did I? I was just walking, ‘cuz I couldn't sleep. weird, I know.”

Celestia considered his answer, before smiling. “It is of no concern, Sans. You didn’t wake me, I was just curious. Say… would you like to see something cool?”

Sans nodded and walked into her room at the alicorn's beckon. Celestia walked over to her balcony, opening the curtains with a simple flare of her horn. As the skeleton followed closely behind, Celestia looked up at the sky and smiled speaking to Sans as she did so. "This is a privilege that very few get see other than for yearly events, I hope you enjoy the show."

Sans just looked up at the alicorn in confusion. "what are you talkin' about? what kind of priv-" The healing skeleton fell silent as Celestia's magic lit up the dim sky. The solar princess's horn grabbed hold of the sun and began to drag it into the sky leaving the skeleton in awe of the feat of power before him.

‘holy…’ was all Sans could manage at first. 'is that natural control over the sun or long-range telekinesis on a grand scale? either way, that’s… wow.’ Realizing the princess was waiting for a response, he cleared his throat. "well, that was sunexpected," Sans chuckled out nervously. "kinda interesting that I have that kinda magic flowing through me right now. makes me wonder what my potential will be when I finally heal up."

Celestia looked back down at Sans and giggled, rather uncharacteristically. "Many ponies are blinded in awe of what I do, I'm glad to see that you are able to keep your head on when seeing my powers in action. Calling you in here to witness me raising the sun was not my only goal today, I also wished to speak to you about the future of your time here. My sister and I have been discussing what will happen to you after you leave the hospital. Under normal circumstances, ponies are sent back to their home after an injury. You are a special case though, seeing as your previous home is... suffice to say, inaccessible at the moment."

Sans nodded wisely. He had told Celestia what had actually happened in the underground two weeks ago, while he was still bedridden, about how the human had come and destroyed all the life in the underground. Celestia was taken aback at the story and had asked if there was any way for her to help. He has simply shook his head and said there was nothing that she could do, everyone was already dead. Rather blunt, but he felt it got his point across.

"I would like for you to stay in the castle once you have been released from the hospital,” Celestia continued. “My sister and I have set up a room for you if you would like to stay here, as well as a counselor to help you get through all of the trials you’ve been in. Surely after what you’ve been through, you would appreciate it. My sister and student are also interested in studying the effects that my magic has had on you, with your permission of course. I, on the other hoof, would simply to have another friend around that doesn't just bow at the sight of me and will act an actual friend."

Sans blinked owlishly, deciding to ignore the run-on sentence that she had clearly been holding for quite a while. "well then, princess... I guess I'll stay then. not like I have anything better to do."

Present, Canterlot Castle, Royal Bedroom Hallway.

Sans walked up to the two massive doors for the second time this week and knocked.

"Come in!"

Sans opened the door and walked in to see Celestia reading something on her desk. The alicorn looked up and smiled when she saw the skeleton. "Ahh, Sans! How nice of you to visit, I was just finishing reading a friendship report that my student, Twilight Sparkle, sent me. How are you today?"

"I'm doing pretty good, actually got signed out of the hospital today. doc came up and told me I was free to go. I came here to talk to you about where I could hole up, because right now I’m pretty much without a single shingle over my head."

Celestia stood up, "Good! I'm glad that you have been released from the hospital. Now I am able to show you where you will be staying, come and follow me." Celestia walked out into the hallway with Sans in tow. "Your room will be in the foreign dignitaries wing, my sister and I have set up a room that we think that you might like."

Sans grinned, thinking about it. “dignitary, eh? that would be a fun title to have. heya, the name’s Sans. Sans the dignitary.”

Celestia grinned as well. “We could make that your official title if you want, but be aware that there is a certain amount of work that comes with being a dignitary.”

Sans thought for a moment, before asking, “how many individual jobs?”


“what number of individual occupations would this dignitary title consist of?”

“No, I heard what you said, but… I don’t follow...”

“what amount of occupations that stand by themselves would I be responsible for partaking in when I receive the title of dignitary to Equestria?”


“work number.”

Celestia, after a moment of silence, realized what he was asking. “Well, it’s really only considered one job, so… that’s what you were looking for, right?”

“shoot,” Sans muttered. “I was hoping to get more legally required breaks out of it. more jobs, more breaks.”

Celestia chuckled at how much apparent work he put into avoiding work. “Well, here we are,” she said as they came to a set of two closed doors. “Go ahead and check it out.”

Sans opened and entered into a room that had a queen sized bed, a large, ornate bookshelf, and a door that presumably led to a bathroom. There was another door with a large closet, and a desk with copious amount of paper, ink and quills, set next to a comfy chair in the corner. Around the room several lamps decorated the wall casting bright light onto the surfaces of the room, reflecting through a set of glass doors that led out onto a balcony. That balcony overlooked a courtyard shared by the dignitaries of other nations.

“certainly bigger than my old room,” Sans commented in disbelief. ‘I could probably fit my entire room in one corner alone. heck, I could fit my room on the balcony.’

“I thought you might like it. Now I have to go to day court, so I’ll be away for a while. I will warn you to be watchful of other dignitaries that may come and go; the griffon diplomat is currently in town on business with a couple of companies here in Canterlot. I will tell you that he can get a bit… overwhelming at times. Also look out for my nephew, he has a disagreeable temperament.” With that Celestia walked out of the room.

Sans looked around the room before going over to the desk, setting the scarf he was wearing on the bed on the way there. He opened the closet with his magic and pulled out a pair of socks the closet had offered, casually throwing them in a corner. He then sat down in the chair, wadded up several pieces of paper and tossed them in a pile on the ground, spinning them up into a small, self sustaining, tornado. This picked up the paper and began to slowly spin, as Sans leaned back into his chair and looked at the tornado. “just like home…”

Underground, True Lab

The elevator to the true lab opened, allowing Chara to walk in holding a small sack. "Hey lizard!" The child called out, "I got you food for today! Come and get it!"

Alphys walked down the hall to the elevator, rubbing the scar that ran over her eye. She grabbed the sack and looked in it. "Glamburgers huh? Are you just trying to add insult to injury? What's the occasion?"

The child grinned dangerously. "Well, I know that you are doing good on your project to find the comedian, sooo a little celebration is in order! With this celebration come an ultimatum... I'm going to give you one more week for you to do work to finish the portal. If the portal isn't done in one week I'm going to kill Monster Kid and make you and Flowey watch."

“Question,” Flowey interrupted. “Why do you think I care? I’ve literally killed him myself thousands of times. Seeing him die isn’t going to affect me.”

Monster Kid, who had chosen to remain quiet, suddenly found something very interesting in the floor’s tiles.

“Self-preservation,” Chara chuckled. “If he’s dead, the only one I have left is you.”

“I’ll admit, that’s a good point,” Flowey responded. “But how do you know my death will influence her at all? She literally MADE me this way; why do you think she cares about if I live or die?”

“Um,” Alphys interjected awkwardly, “I DO care. I don’t want you to die.”

Flowey looked at her, before slapping himself in the face with a vine. “You were supposed to go along with it,” he sighed. “You were supposed to say yes, I don’t care if you kill him, it won’t bother me at all, all that crap. Your SUCCESSFUL creation was right- you are TERRIBLE at acting.” Alphys averted her gaze, both at his accusation of her making him the way he was and the memory of Mettaton.

“While this is all very amusing and adorable,” Chara told them, “I really must be off. I wonder if I can get that old turtle, he’s still in that stupid shop…” The child then turned around and went back into the elevator. “Good bye! See ya next week!” She said with an ominous chuckle. “Hey, Kid, you better hope she finishes it soon!”

Alphys went back into the true lab, and looked over at Flowey, who was still in the pot. “Well?”

Flowey looked back her, “Just give me a second… OK. Yup, that confirms it, she just saved. We got a track record, she WILL save right after checking on us. That gives us a window of about a minute where we can get out and arm the bomb.”

“Good, now we have six days to do this. Chara wants this done by next week, we’re gonna get done a little bit earlier.”

“Yeah,” Flowey muttered, looking at Monster Kid, who was still staring intently at the floor. “Earlier…”