• Member Since 10th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


Don't spend your whole youth saving up for your old age, instead spend your youth doing what you want. Deal with the rest later. You'll be forgotten in 100 years, so might as well enjoy life now.


Set in the Alternate Dimension with the war between Equestria and Sombra, three strangers from two different worlds are thrown into the middle the whole mess.

With both Celestia's and Sombra's armies after them, can the trio make it back to their respective worlds? Can Wyntir get his maiden, Kara, out of this world alive so she can continue with her duty to become a Fire Keeper? And can Loric, a Hunter, make it back to his world to continue his hunt? Or will the three be forced into something none of them thought they'd ever have to face?

A crossover between Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and MLP.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 34 )

He just pissed of Rainbow Dash.

Pretty good so far, can't wait for more!

I like it, always had a thing for hunters turning into beasts.


I have to admit, compared to when you first began, your writing has improved exponentially. I haven't been keeping track, but I I didn't notice any glaring mistakes in comparison to when Living the Dream was first released. I'm a touch impressed.

I like where this is going. One question though, I've never heard of Undead Hunters from either Bloodborne or Dark Souls so I'm confused from where Wyntir is from. In your summary you said that Kara was a fire keeper, does that mean Wyntir is from Dark Souls?


Well, the Undead Hunters are suppose to represent gankers, or players. Also, I based Kara and Wyntir on both Eygon and Irina, as far as goal goes that is.

Great story dude, looking forward to reading more.

What a lovingly strange relationship Loric and Rainbow have.

Good lord Loric just ask Dash out would you

7775443 But what about Blink Singer?

Who doesn't love a little hate-mance?

I know this chapter is probably rather boring, but don't fret! Next chapter or two should be exciting.

Just saw this, looks like it might be worth a read. Looking forward to see how your writing has improved.

The undead hunter's of Lloyd were acolytes of the way of white, their job being to slay or capture undead and send them to the asylum - presumably how the chosen undead got there in Dark Souls 1. Wyntir is from dark souls 3 in which, despite all father Lloyd being forgotten, undead hunter's of the way of white would still hunt down and slay any undead they found. Wyntir is of a particular order of knights who pledge themselves to a single maiden for their entire life, many of them revering the legend of champion Gundyr and travelling to firelink shrine in order to try and have the maidens become fire keepers, as Gundyr once attempted. His armour would be Mourne's armour, as that is the armour issued to his order, and he mostly likely scavenged the Legion blade from a dead watcher, but decided to forego the dagger.

It's nice to see historical techniques such as a fool's guard and the murder stroke, even if they are missused and the fighting is very Hollywood. The fools guard is a fencing g technique for single handed blades, whereas a longsword is designed entirely for two handed use. A one handed sword would be an Arming sword, which is only a few inches shorter than the longsword in blade length, but has a large grip with space for about two and a half to three hands in order to provide better leverage and proper blade control. Nonetheless, it was a good first chapter and I will definitely read further.

7946742 Finally another history buff. There is a fools guard for the longsword that involves the sword tip pointing towards the ground while the upper body is slightly leaned forward, giving the impression that the weilder is off balanced and unprepared.

In this story, I tried to keep the combat realistic and still entertaining. I'm wanting to write more for this story and I might eventually.

7698451 cuz shes one of the idiots of this

"This here is Maresaw, we use to be a trading town, but since the start of this forsaken war, we've been more of a refuge for ponies who have lost their homes. Those bandits you killed weren't the first ones we've had to deal with, but they were the only ones who actually took over," he looked back at them and frowned. "Two months ago, Celestia's and Sombra's armies went head to head right here in our town. A lot of innocent ponies were killed in the crossfire, and Celestia didn't seem to care. They just picked up and left as soon as the battle was over, didn't even try to help us."


7949359 Bruh the combat in this story is le spicy

You can block blows from skyscraper-sized demons but can’t bend the bars on a small cage? How the mighty have fallen. Love how you handled Celestia. In this fic, she is clearly just as wicked as Sombra, merely in a different way.

Wyntir forgot he has these amazing things called “hands”. Perfect for the mysterious and ancient art of “grab the enemy and slam it into the ground until it is dead”.

Also, Dash (or her ancestor, whichever) could not have dodged a bullet. She’s fast but her reflexes are normal. Oh, and she just sat there watching her subordinates get their asses kicked.

I get the feeling this fic is about how Equestrians became super pacifists. Sheer terror that a human would show up and slaughter them if they didn’t.

Ready for round two, boys

Not really. We just ate, care to come back later? Wouldn’t want to throw up on you. We’ll be right here when you get back. I promise.

"Stay, horsey," he said with a smug look on his face.

You cannot be telling us he didn’t simply fire instead of one-lining.

Rainbow wouldn’t have been able to even walk right with the mass and balance of her wing gone.

And watch King Sombra be the good Guy




RD: You sound SOOO sincere we shall totally do that:trollestia:

Cause it's easy and it dose alot of damage

Bloodborne bullets travel stupid slow so dodging is possible

Damn I just found this and it ended when it started to get good

Really? Seriously? Bloodborne's bullets travel too slowly to stay in the air at all and far more slowly than any bullet fired by either a muzzle-loader or needle gun (breach-loaded precursor to modern firing pin style firearms). There are only two explanations I think, A) reality is so screwed over that physics is literally a joke or B) that it is a representation of the hunter's own superhuman reflexes in a way the player can use.

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