• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015
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Imagine Nancy Drew with a thermonuclear capacity and you've pretty much got the idea.



Peter Trotter, the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Pony. Tropical "Johnnycake" Storm, the high flying Horseshoe Torch. Two of Manehattan's most infamous super ponies and their most terrifying adventure yet: moving in together.

Marvelfied Equestria AU, contains cameos from any and all franchises, Twilight 'n' Spidey ship, ego, neurosis and the magic of friendship. Will eventually contain a teleporting dog.

Chapters (39)
Comments ( 141 )

Will eventually contain a teleporting dog.


7710764 Thanks.

7711936 Hope you enjoy the latest instalment!

7713523 You heard me.

I like the spider X twi ship and I hope for more soon
I got my own pairing mcu Peter and sci twi if you want to take a look please

7983119 Didn't know there was enough material on MCU Spidey to start fics, but sure.

7983439 thanks and woudl you mind if I wrote a similar story of Peter trotter as spider pony in equestria

Before I read this, I must know: What's a "Johnnycake," and why is Tropical Storm called that?

8083217 A johnnycake (also known as a journey cake) is a cake made of cornmeal flatbread. Without passing the buck (assuming you don't like that reasoning...?) it wasn't my idea, but a friend came up with it back in a Marvel MLP RP and it let us keep the Human Torch's name of Johnny Storm in there somewhere.

If you think that's bad, my justification for why Spidey is Peter Trotter is that "Peter" is a modern Equestrian corruption of the word peat. As in the stuff made from vegetation and soil dying off.

Comment posted by TheManehattanite deleted Apr 12th, 2017

We need Spider-Pinkie in this! :D :pinkiegasp:

It was Hart once upon a time. I go back and forth on whether he's a stag or the armour just has antlers and he's being ethnically insensitive.

That was hilarious, and I really liked how the Torch out-smarted Foom. The world building felt a little weird, but it wasn't the focus so it's not a big deal.

I liked Doc Savage's cameo.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed.

Also that the world building didn't put you off, but would you mind if I asked what that meant? Like Rescue Bots just showing up or Twi rambling about how this entire universe is probably Discord's fault or?

“Indeed, fools!” the villain bellowed as he whipped his wrecking ball around for another swing “A PhDin pain!”

I think you meant horribleness. *winks

It's not that the worldbuilding put me off, it was just so... haphazard. Like the name The Horseshoe Torch. His powers don't have anything to do with horseshoes and the name just sounds awkward. It only makes sense in relation to the name Human Torch, which the characters wouldn't know. On the other side, so things are ponified that don't need to be. Like the Baxter Barn. Why is a lab in a barn? And while Poison Pony isn't any less awkward than the name Venom, it's also not immediately obvious who it's supposed to be.

I don't mind the Rescue Bots or the presence of DC characters, but it's a little weird that all of the Marvel and DC universes are here and we don't get to see any of it. We just hear that Batcolt and Darksied exist, but nothing appears to be done with them.

There are some clever things, like the name Gloom Golems, and of course Mr. Imperios Rex, but there's also a lot of stuff that's distracting. It draws focus away from the story and dialogue and makes it harder to get invested. That said, The world building isn't meant super important to the story; this is clearly a comedy and we aren't supposed to think about background stuff any more than we're supposed to point out how terrible the romance in How I Met Your Mother is written.

As a whole, the story just needs to be a little more focused on Spider-Colt and Torch and their relationships. it's still really good.

That'll come, yeah.

As for the bigger universe stuff...this is gonna sound like some stream of consciousness shit so please bear with me, but I'm actually not into big shared superhero universes. Or rather, what they became post Infinite Crisis/Civil War, where everyone and everything has a distinctive place that's all supposed to compliment each other but...can't because none of this is designed to. Like one of the things that DOES help the Marvel silver age feel real word(ish) is that shit just happens, because they honestly were making so much of this up as they went so it feels as disorganized as anything a human being would actually do. It works if you squint. Marvel's real big connection shit was really just Roy Thomas running around trying to make it work like that.

But then the companies got bigger and bigger, and there were multiple style changes and attempts to make things way more organized and...yeah? I don't give a fuck what the rules of magic or whatever are (and not to make this even longer than it already is, but for real, watch Gargoyles and Buffy, two of the biggest shows that turned people on to magic physics shit and the entire point is just so the story can cheat. So it's not rules, it's brinkmanship and it's great), and no, it does not make sense for Peter Parker to live in a world where he gets his ass beaten every day and just now thought to join the Avengers or that he can just look up Dr. Strange whenever he wants, except when you have to bend over backwards to explain WHY they can't just solve all his problems...but I dig the idea that he and Johnny can just chill out on top of the Statue of Liberty, or that there's this giant game of poker going on between All Superheroes. I really prefer that kind of thing as a more abstract, character driven thing than a "universe" where everyone's a player.

Hence the DC and any other franchise references. That's just shop talk between two buddies who've had this weird ass job since they were 15. It's like Grant Morrison described the Batman references in All Star. These other guys are just sort of Over There(tm) and they're like your dad's best friends from college, plenty of emotional investment but they aren't really important to his life NOW.

Also, y'know, part of this premise is New York is home to both candyland magic AND an entire vigilante culture, so doing this crossover kiiiiiiinda put me in that position anyway, so why NOT go all in? And honestly as much I've been dragging my heels on the next episode (EDIT: Ah, yeah, I...kinda think of this as more of a sitcom you tune into the odd episode of instead of binging rather than a big ongoing series) the possibility of everything and anything just existing means I can just drop complimentary characters like Doc Greene in there without sweating it too much. Because this is yet another fic that proposes Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle would be the best awkward soul mates (and I'd like to think it sets itself apart by not suggesting they are Great and Special all the time or that it'd be a smooth ride because have youseen these people?) and I feel the only way you can get that to make sense is the real secret rule of crossovers no one really thinks about: you should be SURPRISED by how well something fits together even if there's a million reasons it shouldn't.

This is all messy enough as it is and I think imposing hard "Universe" rules on it would just make it worse. And boring. But yeah, if I do the work there probably is a way to work all that in and not distract people.

TLDR: Thanks for the criticism, I'll try to keep all that blather in but also work on tightening things up. Also I stand by those names because my fic, my lame ass horse puns. Nyah nyah.

(It's also funny you brought up How I Met Your Mother because another part of this IS the fact that we went from funny bros in apartments to "No, own up to your bullshit" and I love Spidey and to a lesser extent Johnny, but you seriously cannot say that to them enough.)

I agree about how 89% of the connections marvel's made are accidental. All the information the Hulk gives about the Super Soldier Serum contradicts the first Captain America, and when the heck is Homecoming set?

The comedy here was great, especially the new skrulls. Johnny cake is a goldmine. Not enough crossovers focus b on comedy.

“Speakin’ of size,” the Thing growled, pointing “, radar’s pickin’ up somethin’ bigger than the chip on Namor’s shoulder comin’ up trough the water! There!”

Someone finally said it!

The bit where they were asking for directions was inspired.

Thanks! A lot of my writing is patterned on scripts, so it took a lot to trim that back and forth down and not let it run on for 100 pages.

You got blown off by Nightmare Moon right in front of me.”

Did Johnny try to stop Nightmare Moon by hitting on her? Because that is fantastic.

Ahaha, that does sound like him! But no, Johnny's just saying he doesn't believe this famous model exists let alone that Peter knows her, and Peter's just listing all the way crazier shit they know is real, including the legendary moon princess who saw through his bullshit bow in the last chapter.

So since I'm making decent progress on the opening scenes of the next chapter, how'd this do when it was all together? I find I make more actual progress when I just put out what I have instead of waiting to publish it in one big chapter. Some scenes seem to also just work better when they're isolated.

I agree, they work better divided up.

So a complete inability to keep ones family updated is a Sparkle Family trait?

Also like that you allude to Twilight freaking out like Peter does, usually in a rom-com just the main character is screwing up. The two of them have really good chemistry, I hope they have more scenes together.

Pffft. Absolutely.

In canon Shining's defence, he was brainwashed for a bit there.

As for Pete and Twi, again, absolutely. The second chapter has that bit where Twilight unloads about Celestia asking to meet him. Part of this is that I'm channeling an RP I was in for a few years (I was Spidey, the guy betaing a lot of this for me was Twi!) and the dynamic was mostly "Look, I know I rag on myself a lot so since you're always going to try and stop me you should expect me to do the same for you."

The rest is that I skimmed a lot of Spiders and Magic stuff and maybe this is unfair, but it feels like an isekai thing. Guy goes to a fantasy land and starts winning all the time, and it's like, no, Peter and Twilight are both very loving but also very neurotic, self critical people. This would in no way be a fantasy life. There'd be a lot of stupid pressure they'd put on themselves.

I don't think Ben is going to enjoy playing Wingman...

Johnny's plan is so much more evil than that.

I was on board with Johnny's terrible, terrible plan, but the fact that everyone around him immediately figured it out and had no reason to care made it soooooooooo much better.

Yeah, him and Rarity together is going to be too much fun.

“You were expecting maybe the Grundle King?” She smoothed her mane back into shape, not that it needed it, rising from behind the counter like a kaiju who thought it had missed its cue. “No wonder there’s so many Starbits in this city if this is what homebrewing gets you!”

That's not unreasonable, Rarity; maybe don't sneak up on people who set themselves on fire.

“It wasn’t like that before.” He couldn’t stop himself. “After the crash we just woke up with these cool rings around our Marks. Reed thinks it’s our bodies way of coping with the change. Making it more…ours. You have to squint to see Sue’s. Her ring I mean, not her Mark. That’s fine. Grimm’s is on one of his plates. What’s left of it anyway.”

That is so cool.

“Don’t think so, how are their facials?”

They're... probably interesting.

Great chapter, but you might want to be careful how many times you re-submit a chapter. At least finish the whole thing before you re-jigger things.

I've gotta keep an eye on that, yeah. The ring idea came from a friend because it is a cool idea!

Why the "Horseshoe" Torch? Why not the Equine or Pony Torch?

Equine sounds awkward, pony is kinda basic. Horseshoe both fit Equestria, sounded closer to the name it's based on and is a symbol of good fortune, which is the kind of thing a cocky punk who survived a rocket crash would like to announce. Think of it like "the lucky Torch".

Also briefly considered "Horsepower Torch" but since there's two Human Torches I gave it to the older guy to better tell them apart. Johnny is luck, old man Torch is power.

Not bad and if that'd been the comic name I'd have stuck with it, but I'm attached to Horseshoe at this point.

“Man,” Snappy tried to rally “, when was the last time Princess Celestia--!”

“1952.” Rocky said as promptly as a bullet to the head.

Oh, that's a damn good line.

And after he did how could she possibly love him? How would the sight of him not make her sick?

Okay Toby Maguire, lets reign it in.

Also, is that a Cadance with a real personality? I'd heard legends but I ever expected to see one.

And just like that I have even more begrudging respect for the forces of Harmony.”

“Watch it Skrull! The Warlock-”

“Isn’t here.”

oh, I thought that was She-Go for a while.

“I wanna go for a balloon ride…”

“Me too.” Twilight smiled slightly, levitating the boxes.

“Uh, not gonna be much of a ride if he’s still talking about it every ten seconds.” Spike pointed out.

“We need some kind of stimulus to bring him out of-” Cadence began.

Twilight did something with her hoof that made Peter yelp, spirals shooting out of his eyes like dissolving fireworks trails as Spike and Cadence blushed. Zecora toppled into the seat next to her, clutching herself from the laughter that threatened to punch her ribs to splinters.

“Hello dear.” Twilight beamed, waving the pizza boxes. “We’re going for a balloon ride.”

“Can I kill you sister in law first?” Peter asked sourly.

“She was only trying to help.” Twilight said gently.

“Yeah, and you owe me twenty gems for all those pizzas!” Cadence called after them.

“Besides, she’s family I have first dibs.”

“Can I watch?” Peter muttered, shooting Cadence a look as they clambered into the gondola.

“You’ll thank me for this someday!” Cadence called then realized she was shaking her hoof at them like an old mare and hid it behind her back. “And I’m serious about that pizza, you shouldn’t eat so much anyway!”

“♪Can’t hear you! ♪” Twilight sang, suffusing the balloon with some magic to send it higher faster. “♪We’re going on a balloon ride!♪”

i'm not exactly sure what happened here? I know Peter was hypnotized, but how did Twilight snap him out of it and why are they leaving?

Peter and Cadence originally had a whole scene where she accidentally hypnotised him but this is a huge, talky story as is and I just wasn't feeling any of the drafts so I cut it all together. As for why they're leaving well, he clearly wants to go on a balloon ride and Twilight knows something's up, so why not.

As for how she woke him up she probably pinched his ass or something else PG 13ish little ponies are not supposed to do.


oh, I thought that was She-Go for a while.

also is it sad that I found that flattering?

“Surprised?” Dash glanced between them, smirking. “I came straight from an adventure with a buncha superheroes and then I had to go looking for you two in who knows how many Manehattan tunnels!”

She's a skrull

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