• Published 19th Nov 2016
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This War of Ours - JDPrime22

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

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Chapter 45 - The Raft

Unknown location, Atlantic Ocean

8:39 p.m.

Twilight Sparkle was continually surprised day in and day out by what Earth had to offer, and when she saw the massive structure rising out of the ocean depths, she could only wonder what else Earth had hiding under its sleeves.

Both she and Tony Stark sat in the body of an AI-piloted helicopter, one of Stark’s many. Homer was in the driver’s seat, naturally, but he was also aiding both her and Tony with their current predicament. It had been about twenty or so minutes since her and Stark’s last discussion, that being on Doctor Theo Broussard and the man that framed him. Apparently, a man named Helmut Zemo had murdered the actual psychiatrist the Task Force had called for to evaluate Barnes. He took his place, and as Berlin police raided the hotel where the doctor’s body was found, they had also found a mask.

A mask replicating the facial features of James Barnes.

After hearing those words from Homer, Twilight’s heart began to sink, choosing to remain drowning in her growing guilt. With this news, it meant that Barnes was intentionally framed by Helmut Zemo for the UN bombing, and that it was also Zemo who had broken Barnes out of his captivity back at the Terrorist Centre. And it also meant he was headed somewhere to, as the Captain and his crew said, release the “other Winter Soldiers”.

But it also meant that Steve was right. Sort of.

Barnes was, in fact, innocent for the UN bombing. Twilight mentioned such, her heart aching when the possible realization came to her that she had fought her best friends for nothing. Those fears were dashed away when Stark told her he was still responsible for all of his other past crimes, so what they did wasn’t for nothing. He would inform Ross of the information they gathered, they would tell the prisoners what had they would do, and everything would be fine.

Everything would be fine. Still, Twilight couldn’t shake off the haunting feeling that what they did, what she did, was something that could ultimately wound their friendship with the ponies she knew and loved. Yes, Rainbow was still helping a wanted criminal. Yes, she and Steve have both broken the law. And yes, the mission still made sense to Twilight.

For Tony, however, something didn’t seem right with him.

After seeing the footage of the murdered doctor and hearing the news that Barnes was framed, a new look emerged in those haunted eyes of his. They did not hold the same intensity as they had earlier. Instead, a fresh wave of guilt, pain, and something else flowed through his burning eyes, and Twilight had managed to catch a glimpse of such. Ponies had the same look in their eyes. Starlight had the same look in her eyes the day she turned away from evil and accepted Twilight’s hoof in friendship. Since that day, Starlight held a new face, one that would appreciate friendship for what it was and what it had to offer.

So, what was Stark, then?

Her thoughts were interrupted when the massive structure, now known as the “Raft” by Tony informing her, had opened up to accommodate their helicopter. Homer hovered inside the massive prison, descending within the confines of the metal walls. Twilight looked out the rain-soaked window to see that entrance close above them, sealing any more water from entering. A sudden jolt later, and they had arrived.

Tony got up, pressing down on his wristwatch. He sighed with relief, not even looking at her when he said, “Just got word from Parker. He made it home safe and sound. No worries.”

Sighing as well, Twilight smiled, joining Stark near the chopper’s doors. “That’s good.”

“He’s a tough kid,” Stark muttered, watching as the doors opened in front of him.

Twilight nodded, stepping outside with Stark. “Yes, he…” she began to say, her words instantly breaking off once her eyes caught the interior design of the super structure she set hoof upon. The walls climbed up possibly a hundred feet in the air, possibly higher. Soldiers with large assault rifles guarded the landing pad, their eyes forward despite Secretary Thaddeus Ross walking right past them. He approached Tony and Twilight, his expression anything but relieved to see them.

“You got the files?” Tony asked, Twilight swiveling her gaze up to him. “I mean, it’s solid evidence that Barnes is innocent for the UN bombing, so…”

“Yeah, I got them,” Ross replied, his voice weary. He stopped just in front of them both, staring only at Stark, barely acknowledging he princess’ presence. “But Barnes still ain’t free to go. You know that, Stark.”

Stark sighed, looking elsewhere. “Yeah, I do,” he mumbled, turning back to Ross. His left arm swiveled slightly in its tight sling. He held out his other hand to Ross, saying, “But hear me out with this ‘Zemo’ character…”

“After that fiasco in Leipzig?” Ross scoffed. “I’ll listen to the Berlin police, but I’ve drawn the line at you.”

And just before he turned away, he eyed Stark cautiously, maliciously, saying, “You’re lucky you’re not in one of these cells.”

He walked off, obviously expecting the two to follow him. A quick exchange of glances between Stark and Twilight later and the two were on his heels. As they traversed the massive prison, Twilight took the moment of silence to observe her surroundings. Aside from the towering walls, almost every edge and corner and hallway was filled with American soldiers, assault rifles in their hands. As Twilight and Stark walked past them, they offered a bone-chilling stare her way. Twilight questioned the large showing of force, then remembered who exactly the prisoners were.

“We got all of the Avengers and ponies who thought it would be a good idea to aid a wanted criminal last night,” Ross said, not even turning to look at them as he strode down the hall. Stark and Twilight followed behind, remaining silent as he continued. “There was also Scott Lang, a prominent cat burglar in his home town, as well as your little dragon friend.”

Ross actually turned back to look at Twilight, but she didn’t meet his stare. She couldn’t.

He continued, a door sliding open in front of him. “Then there’s the Daredevil… who still won’t reveal his identity to us. And, of course, Frank Castle. How asinine do you have to be to let that killer loose in an airport brawl?”

Stark just shrugged. “Don’t blame me.”

Ross followed Stark’s gaze, meeting Twilight’s. The Alicorn sighed. “Starlight trusted him.”

Ross just scoffed, facing forward once more. “Of course she did.”

After entering a control room filled with possibly even more computers than the Terrorist Centre, Twilight and Stark paused for a brief moment, their eyes shifting over to a computer displaying a live feed of Wanda Maximoff locked away in high security. Stark looked away quickly, hurrying to the next room. Twilight, on the other hand, stayed for a brief moment, a short pinch of pain striking her heart to see Wanda stare at the camera. So miserable. So lost.

So angry.

Twilight could have sworn she looked right at her with that look.

She hurried out of the control room, past Ross and joined Stark through the separating doors to the next room. The door closed behind them. This room gave the real “prison” vibe that the rest of the structure didn’t really do other than the appearance of the armed guards. It was a circular-like room, jail cells lining the walls, surrounding both Stark and Twilight. Almost all of the cells were occupied, said occupants turning their attention to the approaching duo.

And then there was clapping. Of all things.

Twilight turned in the direction of the clapping, watching as Clint Barton arose from his seat. He wore bright blue attire, gray sleeves from a shirt underneath. He stood in front of the large glass and steel wall that separated him from them, slapping his hands together in a condescending way.

“Well, well, well!” he shouted, clapping even harder. “Look who decided to show their faces! The Princess of ‘Friendship’ and the Futurist himself! They know what’s best, even if you don’t like it!”

Twilight frowned at that, her ears falling flat against her skull. The multitude of eyes, especially the ones from her closest friends, buried deep into her. She could feel their cold stares even when she didn’t look at them. She could also feel Stark’s hand tap her head, her attention shifting up. He pointed to the specific cells that held her friends. “Go talk to them. I got some business to take care of.”

Nodding, Twilight watched as Tony approached Clint, leaving her to deal with her friends. She followed the line of cells, her eyes casting across each unfriendly glare sent her way. First from Sam, not one from Daredevil, an especially evil one from Frank, and three that didn’t even exist. Her closest friends.

Fluttershy sat on the only bench in her prison cells, her cheeks damp from the recent tears and her eyes red. The Pegasus whimpered lightly, using her foreleg to wipe her nose. In the cell to her right was Pinkie Pie, the pink mare far from crying and instead just looking quite bored. A poster sat in the back of the cell, a kitten holding on to a tree limb with the phrase “Hang in there!” lying beneath it. Other decorations, most likely placed by the pony, sat in the cell, the mare tossing a bright blue ball against the wall in front of her. She blew down on the party horn between her lips, lazily looking to Twilight and waving. Twilight weakly waved back.

Then… there was the last occupied cell.

Spike. He sat at the very back at the cell, his back to the wall, his arms crossed over one another. He watched as Twilight came to his cell, her jaw falling and a short gasp escaping her. Spike just sighed, closing his eyes. He couldn’t stand to see Twilight as she was, staring at him through the jail cell that separated them. Normally, he would have run to embrace her, give her the strongest hug he could. He would have had it not been for the glass between them, so he closed his eyes so he didn’t have to see the loss of life in Twilight’s eyes. That, and he was trying to hold in the tears.

“Why can’t we go to the facility, Twilight?” a meek voice asked. Twilight blinked, her eyes hot, as she looked back to the first cell with Fluttershy looking to her. Quickly, Twilight approached it, listened as Fluttershy sniffed rather loudly and asked, “Why did you have to bring us here?”

“This wasn’t my intention, Fluttershy! Honest!” Twilight said, hoof pressed against her heart. “I… I-I didn’t know they would send you here, and neither did Tony!”

“Well, here we are!” Pinkie announced, her hooves shooting off in the air, the ball bouncing to a rest in front of her. Pinkie spun around, her face mushed against the glass. “Where did you think they were gonna send us, to the moon? Oh, that actually sounds like a really cool idea! Hey, Twilight, we should totally go to the moon after we get out of here!”

Twilight just shook her head, sighing, “No, Pinkie, we’re not going to the moon.”

“Then what?” Spike asked, all of their eyes shifting to him. He approached the glass, placing his claw against it. Twilight had to contain herself from doing the same. “Where do we go after this? We’re wanted criminals! We can’t just leave!”

“Actually, you can. I convinced Ross that we’re leaving Earth after I get you all out of here. Unfortunately… that’s not the case for Rainbow.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ross doesn’t want Rainbow to leave Earth. He wants her to pay for her crimes.” Twilight looked around cautiously, then whispered, “But…” Stopping, she turned to Tony and nodded to him, who nodded back and pressed down on his watch. Turning back to her friends, she continued. “I’m not gonna let that happen. When we get to Rainbow, we’re leaving Earth and heading back home. All of us.”

“Twilight,” Spike whispered back, the Alicorn coming up to him, “you gotta be quiet! They’ve got cameras everywhere!”

Twilight managed a little smile. “Well, Stark just knocked ‘em out, so we’ll be fine.”

Surprised, Spike shifted his attention to Tony, who stepped away from Clint’s cell. The Hawk snarled, stepping forward to the glass. “You gotta watch your back with this guy!” he shouted, slamming his palms against the hard glass. “There’s a chance he’s gonna stab it!”

Ignoring that last comment from Barton, Stark approached the next cell, which held Scott Lang. The man had his hands pressed against the cell’s glass wall, his disapproving eyes held on Stark. He shook his head, mumbling, “Hank Pym always said you never can trust a Stark.”

“Since when has he ever been right?” Tony asked, seeing the dull expression emerge on Scott’s features. Tony pointed to him, making his retreat as he said, “Don’t answer that.”

Moving on, he walked right past Sam who was busy staring at the back of the cell. Casting him a glance, Stark stopped right in front of the cell containing their little Hell’s Kitchen vigilante. The Daredevil, but with no devil mask to conceal the man beneath. And that’s all he was. Just a man. Large, fresh scars remained on his face, obviously having made the mistake of standing against T’Challa. He was seemingly engrossed by flipping a coin out in front of him, not staring at it, and catching it.

Tony watched him do it three other times perfectly before he finally scoffed. “All right, the fact that you held your own against the Avengers is impressive enough, so can you not do that, please? Making us all look bad here.”

Stopping, Daredevil turned to Stark’s direction, staring straight ahead, not making eye contact. Stark had gotten the news that the Daredevil was brought in earlier that morning when Ross and his troopers brought him in to the Raft for evaluation. He may not have given his name, but they tried their hand at facial recognition. No word so far from Ross. He held out the coin he was flipping, turning it to reveal the silver dollar. “I’ve been saving it for you,” he said to Stark, his voice chilling.

Tony stared at the silver dollar between the devil’s fingers. Rolling his eyes, he sighed, saying, “I don’t understand.”

“Guess that’ll be thirty-one pieces of silver you’ll have now, huh?”

His brow furrowed at that, staring at the blank gaze of the Daredevil. Walking away, Tony heard one last thing escape Daredevil’s cell. And for some reason, it chilled Stark to the bone. Just for a second, though.

“Sleep well, Judas.”

Another voice snapped Stark out of his daze, the chill in his bones replaced by a hardness he had grown accustomed to, especially when he heard the next voice emerge from the cell over. It spoke in a rough, heavy tone, saying, “There’s the man of the hour.”

Tony came to the cell, his eyes rolling when he saw who it was. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?” Stark said, stopping in front of the cell that belonged to Frank Castle. The man just smirked, lying back on the bench and staring up at Stark. “After that little stunt you pulled at the airport, that concealed weapon, even after we let you go to ‘help’ us…”

Tony exhaled, spewing exasperated breath through his lips. “God, why did Starlight trust you?”

Frank’s upper lip shot upwards. His hands shot behind his head, his feet crossing over one another. He grunted as he moved, saying, “Said she was taught to give people a second chance.”

Tony just shook his head. “Not murderers,” he spat.

Frank just chuckled, watching as Stark turned and walked away. “Damn straight,” he muttered. Stretching out on the bench, Frank stared at the ceiling, heard the sound of the coin being flicked upwards and caught to the cell next to him. He suddenly remembered a thought he had pushed behind him. “Hey, Red,” Castle called. He heard the coin stop flipping. “How’s Karen doing?”

Matt just stared at the wall in front of him, where Castle’s cell remained. “She’s fine, Frank.” He heard a grunt as a response, a short silence following before Matt followed it up by asking, “Did you know?”

“Know what?”

“Know about me… In Hell’s Kitchen, when you covered me on the roof. I didn’t have the mask then,” Matt explained, remembering the corpse of Elektra lying beneath his feet. He remembered seeing more than red after that, more than the world on fire. He just saw the people who murdered his beloved, and he charged right at them. And even then, even when Frank had a clean shot at him, he shot at the men Matt faced and killed them, leaving Nobu for Matt.

He could hear Castle chuckle. “I didn’t get a good sight of you back then. Just a bit. I didn’t want to believe it. But somehow… I felt I always did after that night.”

Matt pursed his lips, barely nodding. “For all its worth… thanks for not telling them my name.”

Frank looked to the wall opposite of him, nodding to it. “Don’t worry about it. Hell, it’s one of the last things you got left. Might as well keep it for yourself.”

“They’re gonna lock you away, Frank.”

“Doesn’t this already count?”

“They’re never gonna let you out.”

“Guess you’re in the same boat,” Frank told him, hearing nothing but silence on the other side of the wall. He stared at the ceiling and sighed heavily. “Welcome to my world, Red.”

As the two conversed, Tony made his way back to Sam’s cell. Just the man he wanted to talk to. Especially the man he wanted to talk to last. Hearing Stark’s approaching footsteps, Sam barely twisted his neck to him. “I heard about Rhodes,” Sam said, watching Stark approach his cell. “How’s he doing?”

“They’re flying him to Colombia Medical tomorrow. He’ll be in safe hands.” Sam nodded to that, watching as Tony leaned in even closer. The two eyed each other, one carefully and the other absentmindedly. Until, of course, Stark asked, “So, where’s Steve headed exactly?”

Sam turned all the way around to face him. “If you think for a goddamn second that I’m gonna tell you—” he began to say while approaching the cell’s glass wall.

“Whoa, whoa! Hold up…” Stark said, holding out his hands and then directing towards his watch. Sam watched him, listened as he said, “I knocked out their cameras for a bit, so you won’t have to worry about them knowing. Also, this…”

He tapped on a small image on his watch, that image growing large enough for Sam to see a bloodied man lying dead in a bathtub. Stark said, “This is the doctor that was supposed to interrogate Barnes. This guy named ‘Zemo’ killed him, took his place interrogating Barnes, and there was a mask that shared a few similarities to a certain Winter Soldier found in his hotel room. Which means…”

“Barnes is innocent,” Sam said, his glare intensifying.

“Well, for the UN bombing.” Sam’s glare only worsened, Stark holding out his hand. “But I did make a mistake, I’ll admit that. None of us would even be after Barnes had it not been for this Zemo guy who’s this close to releasing the other Winter Soldiers that Cap warned about.”

Sam sneered. “So now you believe him?”

“Now?” Stark repeated, lowering his wrist. “With all of this info, then yes, definitely. But the fact of the matter is that Steve is gonna need all the help he can get. If there are others even more dangerous than Barnes…”

That seemed to do the trick, Sam’s eyes falling as he contemplated the actually repercussions that would follow if they didn’t stop the doctor. Stark didn’t have to wait long for Sam to give in. “All right… fine, I’ll tell you. But only you…” he looked across the room, spotted the Alicorn and thought for a brief second. “… only you and Twilight can go. If Steve can’t trust you, then maybe he can trust her. Vice versa.”

“I like the sound of it so far.”

Leaning in, Stark listened in as Sam whispered the location and coordinates to where Steve, Barnes, and Rainbow flew off to. As Sam leaned back, Tony nodded and did the same, turning around to Twilight. He whistled, the Alicorn looking back to see him nod towards the door. She nodded back, returning to meet the uncertain stares of each of her friends.

Offering a comforting smile, she said, “Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon. Rarity, Applejack, and Starlight are already back at the facility waiting for us. And when we all get back… we’ll have a lot to discuss back on Equus. We’ve… really overstayed our welcome.”

Though uncertain at first, those same expressions holding for quite some time, Fluttershy eventually nodded. Pinkie did the same, Spike reluctantly joining them. Twilight smiled to see their much-appreciated cooperation. She returned back to Stark’s side, the man holding out his hand to the mares and dragon in their cages.

“All right, girls? We’re going to come back for you and Spike, so just sit tight. Oh, and would you look at that,” he said, lowering his hand to tap on his wristwatch. “Their cameras suddenly came back online. Let’s go, Twi.”

With that, Twilight followed Stark out of the cell room, through the control room, and out to the hall. Ross was behind them after they entered the control room. He asked, “Stark, we lost camera feed for a bit, you know anything about that?”

“Cameras seemed to be working fine when I was in there,” Tony called, hurrying to the landing pad where his helicopter was waiting for them.

Frowning, Ross asked, “Did they give either of you anything on Rogers?”

“Told me to go to hell,” Tony answered, pressing down on his watch. The door to the chopper opened up, Twilight hopping inside. Tony did the same, leaning out to say, “We’ll be back later to pick up Spike and the girls, if you don’t mind.”

Ross nodded. “That’s fine. Keep an eye out for Rainbow, would you? She doesn’t get the same treatment.”

He looked to Twilight when he said that, to which the Alicorn smiled and nodded his way. “I understand, Secretary Ross!” Twilight shouted, the door of the helicopter closing.

“Call us if you need us!” Stark said just before the door closed.

Stark’s helicopter came to life shortly, the rotors spinning and lifting the machine off the ground quickly. Ross watched them leave, the Raft’s roof opening up to allow the chopper to escape. As they did and the Raft sunk back under the sea, Stark’s helicopter tore through the raging winds and falling rain. Stark, looking out the window, suddenly stared towards the pilot’s seat, where no one sat.

“All right, Homer. You got the coordinates?” Stark asked, taking off his sling, much to Twilight’s surprise.

“Locked and ready to go, sir,” the AI replied.

Tony nodded rubbing his healing arm lightly. Looking to the Alicorn who appeared to be ready to send twenty questions his way, Stark nodded to her, asking, “You ready, Twi?”

Despite his odd behavior earlier, Twilight eventually nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she sighed, tightening her seat belt.

“Try to keep up.”

That’s when she stopped, turning to Stark’s smirking face. “Wait, what do you—?”

She never got to finish when Stark pressed down on the arm rest right next to him, and what followed kept the Alicorn frozen in her seat. As he pressed the button lying on the arm rest, it appeared to be his suit eating away at any part of his body that was free of metal, but really it was covering him. Twilight watched in shocked silence as Tony’s seat leaned back, his suit now covering his entire body. And then he was gone, his seat returning back to its normal position but without the playboy.

Trying to contemplate what she just witnessed, Twilight gasped and lit up her horn. A flash later, and she was no longer within the warm, dry interior of Stark’s helicopter. Instead, she was managing to fly outside in the cold, pouring wet rain, the wind pushing hard against her face. Despite the lack of visibility, she still managed to see the trail of light flying in the opposite direction. “Tony!” she screamed, taking off to catch up. He turned his neck back, spotting the Alicorn struggle his way. “Warn me next time?!”

Tony nodded. “I might.” Facing forward, he pressed his palms down, managing to say, “Don’t get wet!” And then he was gone, already blasting off across the ocean below him.

Her wet mane nearly covered her eyes, but she could still see him. Mumbling a grunt of disapproval under her breath, Twilight flapped her wings and picked up her speed, following close behind Tony’s trail of fire and smoke. In the shroud of the storm, however, neither of the two managed to notice a slick, Wakandan jet that emerged through the clouds and followed them.

And King T’Challa stared out into the fires of Stark’s feet, no goodwill behind his gaze.

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