• Published 25th Nov 2016
  • 346 Views, 5 Comments

Melody of Darkness - Brickbrock24

Galaxy Nebula's troubles are far from over; as a new, much more sinister evil arises to destroy him once and for all.

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Chapter One: The Kidnapping

Melody of Darkness
Chapter 1

The next night…

It was a quiet and tranquil night in Ponyville. The stars in the sky twinkled as the full moon shone its light down upon Equestria. Most of the ponies in the town hd either gone to bed or were getting ready to turn in for the night. One of those ponies was a kind and gentle unicorn named Vanilla Mocha. She was a snow white unicorn with eyes the color of shamrocks and a luscious mane and tail as brown as chocolate. On her flank was a yellow star cutie mark.

She sat comfortably in a chair, reading a bedtime story to her beautiful daughter Frostbyte. The filly had the same white coat as her mother, had a mane as black as coal and had two bright scarlet eyes. She also has vampire blood in her veins, but that didn’t come from Vanilla Mocha’s current husband, a pegasus named Scythea.

“The monster chased the poor filly through the forest, snarling and drooling as it got closer inch by inch!” said Mocha to her daughter in a dramatic fashion. Frostbyte felt apprehensive of what was going to happen to the filly in the story and began to cower under her blankets. “But then-” Little Frosty leaned closer. The suspense was killing her. “-Then the filly heard a bang, followed by a thud! The great wizard Eldinor had come to save the day! He waved his staff and launched a great ball of fire towards the hideous monster! The monster managed the to dodge the blast and roared ferociously at Eldinor! Eldinor told the filly to run and leave him and the monster alone to battle!”

“And then what happened?” asked Frostbyte with a strong sense of excitement and enthusiasm that twinkled in her eyes as she stared longingly at her mother.

“I wish I could tell you, dear,” said Mocha as she shut the book and let out a drowsy yawn. “But it’s getting late. Time for you to go to sleep.”

“Aaaaww! But I want to know what happens next!” complained Frosty, sounding as if she were about to throw a tantrum.

“I’ll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow, honey. I promise,” said Mocha in a soothing voice as she tucked in her daughter and gave a kiss on the forehead. She then turned off the lamp on the desk beside Frostbyte’s bed, stood up and walked over to the door. Mocha turned her head, smiled at her daughter and said, “Good night, Frosty!”

“Good night, Mom,” Frostbyte said as she laid her head down on her soft pillow and slowly closed her eyes.

Meanwhile outside the house, Fernus and two of his Fenron were positioned on the roof, waiting and listening patiently.

“Are the two of them in the bedroom?” asked Fernus to one of his companions, who was peeking into the bedroom with his head upside-down.

“Heh heh heh, yeah they’re in the bedroom alright!” snickered the Fenron has he watched watched Vanilla Mocha and Scythea snuggled and kissed each other fiercely on their queen-sized bed. “I think the two are gonna canoodle pretty soon! Heh heh heh! I would have brought some popcorn with me if I knew this mission would come with a show!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” asked Fernus in a reprimanding manner, shaking his head in disapproval.

“What other choice do I have?!” asked the Fenron soldier as he stood up and turned his attention on Fernus, “Master Falsum forbids me, and all of his followers, from being in a relationship! Watching stuff like what’s going on right below us is the only way I can fill that void in my life!”

“You have a sick sense of pleasure, soldier,” said Fernus, “But I must not waste any more time scolding your disturbing fetishes. Master Falsum has given me his orders and now is the time to carry them out.” Fernus pointed to the Fenron staring into Mocha’s and Scythea’s bedroom. “You! Alert us if those two suspect something and leave their bedroom.”

“Will do, boss!” said the Fenron, giving Fernus a thumbs up. Fernus turned to the other Fenron with him on the rooftop.

“You! Keep a lookout for pegasi in the sky and ponies on the ground! Master Falsum ordered us to remain in the shadows and not draw attention from the enemy!”

“You can count on me, sir!” said the Fenron, giving Fernus a salute before turning his eyes to the sky.

“Alright, it is time for me to receive Falsum’s requested item!” Fernus cracked his neck and proceeded to slowly and silently climb down the wall to Frostbyte’s window. Fernus pushed up on the window and found that the owners of the house had foolishly left it unlocked. Fernus chuckled to himself that life had thrown him a bone and climbed inside.

The room itself was almost completely dead with silence, save for the soft snoring of the little filly tucked away in her bed. Fernus skulked across the room towards the bed like a panther on the hunt, being ever so careful as to not make a sound. Fernus soon found himself looming over Vanilla Mocha’s daughter. Fernus maliciously grinned at the thought of the fun he was about to have with the filly.

Then, with great swiftness, Fernus reached down and savagely yanked Frostbyte out of her bed by her neck. He quickly put his other hand over her mouth before she could scream in terror. Frostbyte was beyond terrified. She kicked and flailed her legs fiercely, trying to break away from the monster that was abducting her. She tried to cry for help, but it was no use. Her screams could not get through Fernus’s large hands. Fernus decided that he didn’t want to deal with the struggling filly anymore and, with one swift blow to her Frostbyte’s head, knocked her out cold. Fernus laid the filly down on the hardwood floor and took out one of the bottles of Falsum’s blood he had taken before he left the secret cave. He poured the blood on the floor and watched as its magic took effect.

It was almost as if the blood were alive. The goop bubbled and oozed as it began to take the shape of Fernus’s victim. Within a few seconds, the blood became a perfect clone of Frostbyte. Fernus signaled to the blood clone to lay itself in Frostbyte’s bed. The clone nodded and followed Fernus’s orders, tucking itself into the bed and falling asleep.

And so begins my master’s game begins, Fernus thought to himself as he picked the real Frostbyte and carried her out of the window and raced off to deliver the filly to the heart of Falsum.