• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )


The Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace is an amazing toy that the entire family can enjoy! Now all of your belongings can be thrown into the fire and burnt just like you always wanted! Don't want to burn your things? No worries, each Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace comes with a free catalog filled with fun burnable toys!

Not a pony who wants to play with fire? That's okay! The Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace can be used as a great source of warmth for a home, a great accent to tie any room together, or even a helpful experimentation tool! There's something for everyone!

Everyone always told you playing with fire was dangerous - now for the first time ever you can say they were wrong!

Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace is a product of Soot Inc.

((Based on the game Little Inferno. The story will differ heavily from that of the game.))

-GM, master of this way down.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 35 )

This could work. I like the premise.

So, it's like Pyromania the Playset?

I'm tracking.

Pretty much exactly what it is. Burn things, have fun.

Totally safe and not likely to have any psychological effects whatsoever.

At all.

-GM, master of mites.

This shows promise. Instantaneous Follow.

Good chapter. I presume that the cold of winter will pick up dramatically?


Well yes, but maybe not quite in the way you are expecting.

-GM, master of mork.

This story, short though it is, really deserves a lot more attention than it's getting.

Nothing can go wrong, until it does

7798252 I dunno, it hit the front page already, XD

I do agree though that this is a great story.

Wanderlost hit the front page.

This one's still a relative unknown.

-GM, master of pork.

Well, I see a twist in the future

Ah, there's that conflict


Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.

-GM, master of ice.

This is a surprising, but most interesting twist.

This is a comment.

XD But seriously, I loved this story, it was great, and didn't linger longer than it needed to.

Whoa... did not see that coming.


Guess I'm good at my job then huh?

Thanks for reading all this time!

-GM, master of icons.

A bit dark but what could you expect from a Little Inferno.

7798391 this is gonna end like with Sugar Plums
(Go to 21:15 in the video)

YouTube Video Name: THINGS ARE GETTING WEIRD | Little Inferno # 5

YouTube Channel: JackSepticEye

...you did finish the game, didn't you? :unsuresweetie:


Yes I did, there's a reason this says "the story will differ heavily from that of the game." I wanted to tell my own story.

:unsuresweetie: Sorry if that wasn't what you were looking for.

-GM, master of furs.

So you live off of comments, eh? Will you become a wrathful comment monster if we discard all of our negative comments in your various comment boards?



-GM, master of backfeed.

This is exedingly odd. WELP! More noise juice!

Ash and Oak, that's sad.

I like this because FIRE. :pinkiecrazy:

In response Twilight picked up a neon red cube and tossed it into the fire - it exploded. “It burns things.”

Pretty sure that Twilight is gone and this is Starlight.

P.S. from 2023:
Wow. I am so glad I started leaving actual comments along with the proofreading. All by themselves they just feel so... Clinical? Heartless? (In the unfeeling way, not the malicious way.)
Not me at all.

I enjoyed the Crusader shenanigans, a lovely point of levity before what is surely going to be even more levity. After all, I'm sure the Entertainment Fireplace was tested thoroughly before being sold to innocent ponies. :pinkiecrazy:

“Insane rabbit plushie, more than a few bombs, mushrooms, a human doll, video game systems, gravity charms, a chainsaw-thing, a camera, and…” She blinked. “A cup of coffee…?”

Huh, not only does Starlight know what a human is, but the Soot Corporation makes dolls of them? How strange.

Spike left the room, nervous. “Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?”
Outside, the first snowfall of winter began - mixed with the upward drafts of smoke from a couple chimneys, the trails stretching far into the sky…

Because if these things get popular, Ponyville's gonna get as sooty as Industrial Revolution era London. AND NO OTHER REASONS.

I figured I'll leave comments covering multiple chapters, since they're so short.

Chapter I:

“Lemme see here…”She said, looking over Applebloom’s shoulder.

Missing space.

Chapter II:

Then Twilight shut the doors, her grun unfaltering as she examined the package.


“Wait. It burn stuff?”

Okay, since it's spoken, not narration, this could be on purpose. But it feels like an oddity.

She looked at spike and cleared her throat.


SHe sparked a flame and touched it to the neutron ruby.

Go for it Twilight! One more capital letter and you ascend to divinity!

I wish this was my first time through, so I could speculate, but I don't know how much my thoughts are colored by foreknowledge.

“Wo-oah! Looks like you’ve seen a ghost!” Pinkie giggled. “Don’t worry, I’m not dead yet!”

Noo... :ajsleepy:

She ran to the sink in a blind panic, trying to wash the soot off. But it clung to her coat, only coming off in minuscule amounts.
“Get off! Get off! Get off! GET OFF!” She yelled, throwing the soap into the sink and scrubbing viciously.

Off dammed spot!

Chapter 3:

it . Was. Awesome.


“Why not just burn tuff?”


Chapter 4:

You still have a weeks, and I have plenty of ideas we can talk about later.

There’s a lot of ways for this one to go. A few weeks, a week, weeks, but not a weeks.

This cannot last forever!

The next day, Twilight stood at the end of her balcony. Once more winter had been wrapped up, and the snow was gone.
The view of the smokestacks was largely unchanged - still grey and smoky. And cold.
Something at the back of Twilight’s mind told her this was weird. That this was not how things were supposed to be.
She ignored this urge, continuing to stare at the trails of smoke coalescing into the cloud above them…

Yeah, I think by now I definitely noticed the signs of compulsion magic.

Everything just looked sickly… Like the world has lost the will to live…
Fluttershy shook her head. Don’t think like that. She continued her way through town - still trying her best to be welcoming and kind to all she saw. It was getting harder with each passing return - the sticky soot multiplying in quantity every time she did so. And whenever she looked up, she felt uneasy.
Everything just felt wrong.

That it does. It's progressed past the initial stage. It's not even really hiding anymore, just telling everypony not to care.

“Twilight are you-” Twilight threw Spike into the enclosure, though the flames were harmless as usual. He crawled out just in time to avoid getting beaned by a centrifuge. “Twilight, calm down!”
“Spike…” Twilight growled, eyes flashing. “Shut. Up.”

:rainbowderp: That ain't right. Twi, I know you get mad sometimes, but you're starting to scare me.

Well, they've finally found it. That's good.

Chapter V:

The ricks were made of compressed ash, given color by an illusion spell.


Most impressive, however, were the spells that instantly reduced the temperature of anything leaving the fireplace drastically - many many safeguards were in place to keep any libs from being burnt.

I could be mistaken, but I believe you mean limbs.

“Are those the blueprints?”
“Yep! The inventor was kind enough to provide me with them!”
Sunset grinned, rolling the blueprints out. She looked at them closely, running a finger over all the points. Several minutes later she spoke up. “This is genius.”
“I know! Who knew how long it took him to make it?”


Chapter VI:

Dozens of ponies had gathered, staring at the wreckage. None moved for the longest time.
Fluttershy flapped into the air finest, drawing herself closer to the charcoal.


While the ponies scrambled in panic, the heat of the wreckage billowing into the air, cutting through the smoke cloud.

I think this should be billowed. That, or was billowing.

What coudl Pinkie had done?


Twilight confidently strode up to the giant doors and rang the bell. It gonged loudly enough to shake the very ground beneath their hooves. A yellow dragon’s head stuck out of a slit in the giant doors. “What do you want?” He asked.
“I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria, and these are my friends Spike and Fluttershy. We are here to see mister Soot.”
“Soot’s busy.” The dragon said, looking annoyed.

None can see the great Oz!

The receptionist gulped, shiftily looking left and right. “Uh… Look nobody’s supposed to know this but Soot isn’t here. He’s on vacation.”

I've never even seen him!

Well, that could've gone a lot worse.

“What.” fluttershy said.

Fluttershy should be capital. And what is usually used with a question mark.

AsI ordered it to congeal, larger conglomerations of the smoke would behave… erratically.

As I

The world shook as the cloud asserted itself over the sky, solidifying into one amorphous shape. It contorted, twisted, rolled, and roared.

THen she looked up, her gaze piercing the cloud.


There are a lot of extra line breaks. Is that on purpose, or a typo?

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