• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 6,730 Views, 353 Comments

Of Men and Insects - VeganSpyro97

Chrysalis has lost. The Changelings have a new leader, and all is right with the world.... Or, it was.

  • ...

Epilogue: Hope

It was over. Vancouver was a ghost town, the entire population concentrated in the largest building so that medical personnel from both worlds could work to undo the damage that had been done to the vast population of the city, and to the infrastructure itself. Dozens of buildings had been demolished, and the tower had collapsed just moments after the Elements had finally beaten Chrysalis. The floor had gone first, taking Anna’s cage with it as it hurtled down towards the floor so far below. Then the walls had caved in, forcing them all to flee.

They had only had time to pick up Allan's limp body.

As many others were celebrating the victory, or working hard to get things back into working order as swiftly as possible, a group of friends, and family, sat silently in a darkened hospital room, none of them wanting to speak, or even break the silence by moving more than a few millimeters.

There was no victory to be had. Anna was dead. Allan was…..

Even now, they couldn’t bring themselves to think the word.

Twilight was the one who was going over things one last time. She was in the morgue, the only place that suited the job she had taken upon herself to do. She hoped that, in doing this, the paperwork involved in the death of, well, anyone, she might be able to work though what she was feeling. She had so often sought solace in paperwork, researching and studying, that it was second nature now.

It wasn’t working. Not this time.

Wiping yet more tears off the page, the Princess of Magic and Friendship tried to deal with the idea of actually losing a friend. For good.

More tear stains.

She didn’t bother wiping them off.

She stared down at the death certificate in front of her, ready to put her name on the signature line, and make it official.

Instead, she put the quill down, and moved over to the cold, inert mass of stone that coated the body of her friend, and laid her head down on his chest, and started to cry again. The Princess of Friendship had never lost a friend before, not really. She’d never faced such an alien concept of death like this.

Her ear flicked, and her horn tingled, but she ignored them. Why pay them any mind at all? Guilt gnawed at her. She’d wanted to help him get home, whether that meant making him human again, or helping him to build a life on Equus. And now she couldn’t. She’d pinkie promised. Now not only was Allan….gone, but Pinkie wouldn’t talk to her.

Her horn tingled again.

Growling, she slammed her head into the table, hoping to distract herself from the annoyance.

Instead, it just grew worse.

Still angry, she turned her attention to her horn, and instinctively started to cast the spell that her element had brought to mind. It extended from her horn to encompass everything around her, lighting up the world and showing all the things that had become saturated with magic, or had that little spark of magic that all living things had, like the plants on the cabinet, the many people in the ward upstairs, both pony and human, the body in front of her, the fly on the wall and….

Twilight stopped, blinking, as she brought her eyes back to Alan's petrified form, and she cast the spell again.

A tiny, flickering light rested within his chest.

Her face broke into a grin, before she started casting other spells taking in all the details of his damaged body before she dashed off, mouth breaking into a grin.

There was still time.


Allan stopped his pacing in the white expanse, not sure if he had heard something, or if he was just imagining it.

No, there it was again. A dull, whooshing sound, like the sound of a windstorm ripping through a forest.

“Chrysanthemum? What is that?” He asked, head cocked to one side.

The Alicorn simply smiled. “I would imagine that that’s your friends, calling you home.”

“......What? Calling me home….?”

“Not quite gone, remember?” She smirked. The Alicorn climbed to her hooves, and brushed herself off, before giving him her best smile. “I think you’ll be alright now, Allan Ryder.”

“Hey…..” Allan called, as she walked away, starting to fade from view. “Hey, wait up! Don’t go! You can come back with me! You can live again!”

“No thank you, my friend. Your life is your own to lead, and I will not force you to share it.” Chryssi smiled, a bright, joyful thing that brought happiness to Allan jus by looking at it. “I am old, and I have had my time. Besides. I think I’ve kept him waiting long enough, don’t you?”

“Him?” Allan called. “Who are talking about?”

Chrysanthemum just smiled again, before walking away. A second figure, with both wings and a horn, appeared at her side, where they curled their wings around each others, and walked out of sight, their green and blue eyes meeting his one last time before they vanished.

“Oh...right.” He chuckled, sheepishly. “I almost forgot about him.”

The world pulsed again, the bright whites giving way to red and yellow lights, that swirled around his eyes, the tendrils of light reaching out to claim him, pulling him back up through the murk.

The further he climbed, the harder it became to keep going, as if his body was simply too large to hold up. So he let it go, an insect shedding it’s carapace in favour of supple muscle and skin. His wings thickened and broadened, giving him the power to rise up, faster and faster. His soul burned with new strength, pushing past that barrier with all his might, until it felt like a stone wall against his outstretched hooves.

But he kept going, fighting against the unseen hands that tried to keep him in the eternal white below, while his own hoof was outstretched for the bright, warm glow that beckoned him onward above. As he rose higher, slowly, feeling the barrier stretch and bend around him, Allan thought of his friends.

Pinkie. Rainbow. Twilight. Applejack. Rarity. Josh. Mike. Celestia. Luna. Cadence.


The body of the transforming changeling evaporated into a fine mist as he finally shattered the flimsy barrier that separated the journey beyond life, from the journey that always came before it, leaving behind only the echoing sounds of joyous laughter.


Somewhere In The World Of Dreams:

Princess Luna stared at the door in the dreamscape, her eyes tracing the metal frame and strange device fixed into the wall next to it. It was not a pony dream, nor a Gryphon, a Dragon, Changeling, or even Breezie. It was something new.

Uncertain, Luna stepped closer, before pushing the door open, and peering inside.

Something whispered in the dark beyond the door, and a strange silhouetted figure rose up from where it had been kneeling.

The voices rose higher, until she could make out the words, and her mouth fell open, aghast, as she realized what she was seeing.

“Never forget….” Said one voice, full of kindness.

“Never forgive…..” Said another, full of hatred.

Those two phrases repeated in the dream, over and over, burning her ears.

Luna stared at the figure, unable to take her eyes off of it, nor the second figure in it’s arms. The periwinkle Unicorn’s horn was gone, nothing but a cracked, bloody stump left on her forehead as she dangled limply in the strong arms that held her. Those arms ended in nailed fingers, and were a pale, almost white, creamy colour, marred by harsh red lines and symbols, that glowed fiercely in the shadows. She couldn’t see it’s face, except for the two, burning red eyes that stared back with a rage she had only witnessed once in her entire life. She stepped backwards, flank brushing the door frame as the figure rose to its full height, revealing it’s long, muscled legs, five toed feet, and it’s short, cropped mane.

The figure’s face remained in shadow, but the words he spoke, while alien, were perfectly understandable to her.

“I’ll never forgive you for this.”

Then the dream exploded into red flames.

Luna stared at the door as it faded away, eyes wide, not in fear, but in sadness.

“Oh you poor, poor thing…”


Our heroes will return….

Comments ( 33 )


Way to point out that there will be a sequel there guy

I'm already writing it. I knew I wanted to make a series from the start.


Good luck with it, this one turned out quite well.

Now I'm hyped and have to check twice a day if you have uploadet a new chapter. -.-
Youre the worst.

.......isn't that level of interest normally considered a good thing?

Thanks! I hope it'll be just as enjoyable!

Thats why you're the worst! These few days will feel like an eternety!

Yeah, you're right. I am evil.

...guess that makes sense.
Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Why would I stop reading?


Not the story. The narrating and commentary.

But the narrator here is telling me all the important details about the story and characters I need to know.

Except you don't have to read the comments, because they're just explanations for people who asked me a question. You don't have to read them because those explanations are in the story anyway.

O this is a interesting ending.
the story will solder on.

No, I mean voice actors for the normal, not-evil-clones OCs.

Oh, I actually had someone ask this question a while back, and I gave them a pretty solid answer. Can't remember what chapter it was for, or if I deleted it or not.....

Finally got around to finishing this & just wanted to say how absolutely awesome this story was :twilightsmile:
Not alot of authors can handle tone shifts (much less two) but you did it exceedingly well. It kept the story fresh & well paced where others would stagnate getting to one point. Admittedly I'd lost some interest in the 2nd act as Ryder went thru his 'training arc' and but by act 3 I was hooked to the end. From humble beginnings to the sacrificing hero it was a great journey. One that I'll definitly be reading the sequel to (once I find the time again 😣)

Awww, Thanks! That means a lot! I'm hoping you continue to enjoy my work!

Well then, could you please tell me who the voice actors/actresses you chose are?

I went back through the comments and found the original reply I gave. Here it is:
I'm not really sure. If you've ever seen Treasure Planet, then imagine main character Jim Hawkins a little older and with a soft English accent. If you've not seen it, well, look him up and have a listen. That would be Allan.
Katherine...? Um, I'm picturing someone more mature. Say, Mary Elizabeth-Winstead? Again with the soft English accent.
I'm not familiar with any actors who do a convincing Russian-American accent, so I can't really give Mike a voice so we'll just go with the late Anton Yelchin, only deeper, and more intimidating.
Josh? I think Alex Desért, in his role as this guy: http://tombraider.wikia.com/wiki/Zip_(Legend_Timeline) You can hear him talking throughout the game through Lara's earpiece. He's cool and snarky, but also serious when the situation demands, which suits Josh's planned character.
Anna I could see as voiced by this character: http://tombraider.wikia.com/wiki/Amanda_Evert (yeah, drawing on the same game as a voice source, sue me.) She did an awesome job portraying an innocent college girl before shit goes down, and that's what I see Anna as being along the lines of.
Those are the main ones I have right now, so yeah. That's what I envision them sounding like. Still undecided on the Ryder parental units."

Thorax is a douche.

?????? And what is that comment in reference to?

ICR. I hate British "Tea®©™", too.
But it is practically a crime for a Brit to not like "Tea®©™", or to even acknowledge there are teas that are not "Tea®©™". :trollestia:

Nope, not a one. Only time I drink tea is a simple mint flavour if I'm really sick, and it's not for the enjoyment value- just to help settle my stomach.

Finally finished. Pretty good read, and I like how they dealt with Chrysalis.
and from the epilogue, I'm guessing Anna will be the new villain.

Oh, BTW, why the sex tag? Click bait, maybe? :ajbemused:

The sex tag was for innuendos and references, not the actual thing. And as for Anna...time will tell I suppose. Here I thought she was dead and gone, but who am I to say so? :twilightsmile:

Unsure why you quoted me

As my second Ex-Wife once said : "What's so bad about being evil?"


Wow, this story definitely took a quick turn in pace. These last chapters were amazingly intense!

Yeah, I write organically, with an idea of where I want the story to go. It works fairly well, for the most part, and I haven't had to revise much. Still, the ending surprised me, I didn't intend for it to be so sudden, but I think it works.

This story looks very familiar to me, at least the cover art does, I swear I've read this before.... welp, I need something new to read, so why not haha

Fantastic story from start to finish. Very few writing issues, not worth mentioning.
The only issues I will say are you use too many ellipses at times and your use of asterisks to break up moments is a bit much. You split some events that don't need to be split and, too be honest, they are read in TTS each and every one. So if you have 14, that's asterisk, asterisk, asterisk, asterisk... etc read out. Even forgoing the TTS thing, a [ hr] code would do just fine.
Keep writing and I hope to catch the sequel.

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