• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 24,200 Views, 551 Comments

Affection Therapy - Blazewing

Affection therapy: a new and innovative practice in Equestria, involving displays of platonic affection, such as ear scratches, nose boops, and belly rubs.

  • ...

Starlight Glimmer

How can you even describe the jumbled mishmash of feelings dancing about inside you? Excitement, anxiety, nervousness, plus a little puzzlement...Yes, that sounded about right. Maybe there was more, but they were clashing together so much that it was hard to accurately dissect one from another. Why shouldn’t you have such mixed feelings, however?

On the one hand, you’ve been invited to Princess Twilight’s castle. On the other hand, you’ve been invited to Princess Twilight’s castle. The summons itself didn’t say anything bad; all it said was that your services were in need at the castle, and that it would greatly benefit someone near and dear to Her Highness. Well, who were you to refuse a request from a princess? Still, this was a request from a princess, something not to be treated so lightly.

At last, after what felt like hours, you stand before the polished doors of Twilight’s castle, easily the most recognizable building in all of Ponyville. Raising a slightly trembling hand, you knock. You can hear those knocks echoing inside. Then, you wait, your heart thudding rather hard, anticipation running high.

Finally, the doors open, and there stands Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. You can still vaguely remember the days when she had been a simple unicorn. Now, as an alicorn, she seems much more regal, and has a kind of ‘aura’ to her that you can’t quite define. She still looks much as she used to: lavender coat, bluish-purple mane and tail (streaked with purple and pink), amethyst-colored eyes, cutie mark of a six-pointed star surrounded by tiny white stars. However, what stands out are the obvious wings tucked at her side, as well as the fact that she’s a bit taller and slimmer than she was as a unicorn. Nonetheless, her face is still as kind and friendly as ever.

“Hello!” she says, brightly. “Welcome!”

“Good day, Your Highness,” you say, giving her a polite bow.

“Oh, no need to be so formal,” she says. “Just call me Twilight. Come in, come in! I’m so glad you agreed to come!”

“Well, I can’t exactly say no to a request from the princess, but even as a friend, I’m always willing.”

Twilight smiles warmly at this. She steps aside so you can enter, and the doors close behind the pair of you. Even though you’d visited the castle before, you still can’t help gazing around at the impressive architecture.

“So, what is it that you need me to do?” you ask.

“I figured that was obvious,” says Twilight. “I need your ‘special talent’.”

You raise an eyebrow at her.

“Twilight, I wouldn’t go so far as to call it that.”

“Oh, don’t be so modest,” says Twilight, waving an airy hoof. “Before you came along, I’d never even considered anything like affection therapy before.”

You can’t help but grin, in a slightly embarrassed way.

“Heh. To be honest, I’m glad you didn’t find it creepy or insulting,” you say.

Twilight looks mildly surprised.

“Creepy? Insulting? Don’t be ridiculous. You haven’t done anything wrong at all. You have a lot of love to give, and a unique way to give it. Besides, your friend had nothing to complain about, right?” she asks, with a wry smile.

“Well, true,” you concede.

To think that you would be appointed Ponyville’s first-ever ‘affection therapist’, something that had never happened before. What was even stranger was that it had all started by accident, and by such a simple one, too.

You had been hanging out with a good pony friend of yours, a sweet-tempered and patient Earth pony mare, not very talkative, but excellent at listening. In giving her mane a friendly ruffle, your fingers brushed the base of her ear. The effect was instantaneous. The sensation had melted her to your touch like putty, almost exactly like a cat. Well, to say that you were surprised would be an understatement. Surprise gave way to worry, though. You were worried about how she might react to being treated like a common animal or pet. After all, even if she still had the instincts of a regular pony, she was still a civilized Equestrian.

However, she seemed to like it, and even asked you to keep going, so you did. Eventually, by experimentation, it went further than simple ear scratches: chin scratches, tickling, belly rubbing; she loved it all. She was the happiest you’d seen her in a long time, and that made you happy.

That’s when you got to thinking: maybe there are other ponies out there in need of this kind of treatment. Perhaps other ponies out there wanted a little love, a little affection, to help them loosen up, forget their troubles, to know that someone cared for them. So, you talked it over with Twilight, and, after she discussed it with Princess Celestia (who seemed quite keen on the idea, surprisingly), you were appointed Ponyville’s first official affection therapist. This was your first real ‘assignment’ since being appointed.

“So, who exactly is in need of my help?” you ask, as the pair of you start walking down the hall.

“Starlight Glimmer,” says Twilight.

Starlight Glimmer. The name seems familiar to you.

“I vaguely remember seeing her before,” you say, thoughtfully, “but I don’t think we’ve actually been acquainted. She’s your, uh, protege, right?”

“Student, actually,” Twilight amends. “I took her under my wing to teach her a thing or two about friendship.”

“Is that so?” you ask. “Has she had problems with it before?”

“Something like that,” says Twilight, after a pause.

You feel troubled by the hesitation, as well as the slight change in Twilight’s expression and tone. She seems to sense that you want to question it, but she says,

“I’d rather not say it myself. It’s not my place. It’s her choice to if she wants to say it herself.”

“Oh. All right, then.”

“What I will say,” she continues, “is that she’s been feeling down lately. She’s having trouble adjusting to Ponyville and making new friends. She made one not too long ago, but that friend had to leave Ponyville for her job. They’d really started bonding, too.”

Whoa. That sounded like a harsh blow. You can’t admit to never having that happen to you before, either.

“That’s sad,” you say, sympathetically.

“It is,” says Twilight, nodding sadly. “That’s why I think she needs something to give her a little boost, something to show that there are ponies who care for her, even if you’re not exactly a pony yourself,” she adds, lightly.

You smile down at Twilight, feeling warm in the chest at this.

“You’re very compassionate, Twilight,” you say, “to care so much for her well-being. I'll do whatever I can to help her.”

Twilight merely smiles back in response, then she stops, bringing you up short before a door.

“This is her room,” she says. “Last I checked, she was reading, so you can head on in and tell her I sent for you. She shouldn't ask too many questions, then. Oh! And take this with you.”

Her horn flares up, and a bright flash of light nearly blinds you. Once you blink the spots out of your eyes, you feel something heavy in your hands. You can now see that Twilight has magicked a large, fully-laden tea tray in your hands, with a teapot, cups, saucers and plates of cakes and cookies. You give Twilight a quizzical look.

“Trust me,” she says. “Sharing a meal with a friend is a good way to build trust and familiarity. Besides, she loves sweets. Well, I’ll leave you to it. Good luck.”

Giving you a confident smile, she knocks on the door as a preliminary, magicks it open, and ushers you inside. You stagger in, under the weight of the tea tray and perplexed by the suddenness, and she swiftly closes it behind you. Feeling befuddled, you still look about you.

The room is rather simple compared to the rest of the castle, though you do like the cloud motif running along the walls. Plus, it’s comfortably furnished. You see a large bed beneath a window, with a nightstand and a bookshelf on either side. A potted plant and an hourglass sit atop the bookshelf, while a framed photo sits on the nightstand. A writing desk, bearing an open book and an inkstand with a quill in it, occupies the space to the right of the door. Framed photos of scenic landscapes, a smiling mare wearing a wizard’s hat, and an equal sign with a ‘No’ symbol superimposed over it line the walls. A jumble of miscellany, including more books, a pair of kites, and a jar full of large scrolls sits beside it, while a sextant rests on the nearby windowsill. A taller and fully packed bookshelf stands to the other side of the window. A more ornate black table bearing a curious blue orb stands beside a chest beside the next window. A globe of the world sits beneath the last window, on the sill of which is another potted plant.

That was the layout of the room, but what should have been mentioned first and foremost, and what your eyes should have encountered first, was the sleeping unicorn mare lying on the bed, a book lying discarded on the floor beside it.

So this is Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle’s pupil.

She’s light pink, and her mane is purple, broken up with a streak of light blue, same as her tail. It’s styled in a way that drapes silkily down her neck and over her shoulder, with one large bang that curls right beside one of her eyes. It’s quite cute, you think. Her cutie mark looks like a purple diamond, with four white star points extending from behind it, and a pair of two-toned blue wisps that seemed to fly away from them. You already find her pleasant to look at, but the cuteness seems only heightened by little details you note in her physique. While certainly not fat, she has a noticeable little belly to her, a sign of good living or, as Twilight mentioned, a fondness for sweets. Even her cheeks, one pillowed on her hooves, look soft and squishy. Your heart swells at the sight of her, and for the life of you, you can’t understand how anyone so sweet-looking could be so friendless.

The seconds tick by as you just stand there, looking awkwardly at her. How would she react, waking up and seeing a perfect stranger in her bedroom? Why didn’t you bring this up with Twilight? Why didn’t she check to see if she really was still awake? This could go south quickly; you have to tread carefully.

You set the tea tray carefully on the bookshelf near the bed, then, gingerly dragging over the stool from the writing desk, you sit down beside her. Her face looks so peaceful, so calm. You really hate having to wake her up, but this is what Twilight wants. Very softly, you place a hand to her shoulder and give it a little shake.

She mumbles drowsily. She stretches and gives off a big yawn, just missing bumping you with her hooves. Smacking her lips sleepily, she opens her eyes. They’re a pretty shade of purple. She catches sight of you, and snaps awake instantly, looking startled.

“Don’t be scared,” you say, holding up a placating hand. “I’m here on Twilight’s request. She sent for me.”

It looks like you made the right call. Knowing that this was in relation to Twilight seems to relax her apprehensions. Perhaps she’s learned to trust her judgement. In any case, she sits up, no longer fearful, but curious.

“Hi,” you say, kindly.

“Hello,” she says, her voice very pleasant to listen to. “Who are you? I feel like I’ve seen you before.”

“You might have, and I know I’ve seen you, Starlight Glimmer,” you say. “I’m Ponyville’s first resident affection therapist, here on behalf of Twilight.”

Starlight raises a confused eyebrow.

“Affection therapist? What’s that?”

“It means I comfort and ease ponies’ worries and woes through platonic interactions,” you say, remembering how Twilight phrased it to Princess Celestia. “If a pony’s feeling down, I show them a little love. Platonically, of course,” you add, to ensure no mistake on the matter.

Starlight still looks unconvinced. You’d been expecting this.

“Here, take a look at this.”

You dig around in your jeans pocket until you pull out a folded-up piece of paper, unfurling it for her to see. It’s your occupational contract, written up and approved by Twilight herself. This thing’s served you like a kind of talisman for the skeptical or disbelieving, as there have been on occasion when you brought up the matter. You direct Starlight’s attention to one paragraph in particular.

By order of Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, and in accordance with my position as an officially-appointed Affection Therapist, I, the undersigned, have been granted full permission to perform the following therapeutic actions, and variations thereof, with the willing consent of the recipient:
Ear scratches
Chin scratches
Nose boops
Cheek squishes
Belly pokes
Belly rubs
The choice of said recipient to reciprocate any of the actions listed on the initiator is in accordance with the willing consent of both parties.

Starlight stares from the contract to you, seemingly at a loss for words. You can’t tell whether she’s impressed or dumbfounded. Finally, she says,

“Wow. All of this has actually worked?”

Well, that’s a good sign. She sounds more impressed than disbelieving.

“That’s right,” you say. “Well, I’ve only ever tested it out once. Still, it was enough corroboration for Twilight to approve it.”

Starlight says nothing at first. She seems to be thinking something over. Then, she asks, in a quiet voice,

“Is that why you’re here? Because Twilight thinks I need therapy?”

Oh dear…

“It’s not like she thinks you’re crazy!” you say, hastily. “Twilight just said you’ve been feeling down lately, something about a friend who left. She thought you might want someone to talk to about it.”

At the mention of this friend, something in Starlight’s eyes flickers, and you see her briefly glance at the picture of the wizard hatted mare on the wall. Was that the aforementioned friend? She doesn’t say a word, but you can see a tremulous light in those eyes. Was she about to cry? If so, then she really must be in need. You cast your eyes around for some way to continue the conversation, or divert to another topic, and you spy the heavily-laden tea tray. That gives you an idea.

“Are you hungry?” you ask, and she perks up. “Why don’t we have some tea and something to eat? Twilight left us some, after all. Maybe you can tell me a little about yourself over it.”

The warning sign of potential tears fades from Starlight’s eyes. Almost at that same instant, a loud, deep gurgling fills your ears. Startled, both of you look down at her belly, which appears to be the source. She grins sheepishly at you.

“I guess I am a little hungry,” she says. “Um, sure, we can do that. I’m willing.”

Good. She’s starting to trust you. She really must need this, or she might not have been so willing. She even shifts over so you can sit on the bed with her. Another good sign. You take her up on this offer and sit next to her, making the mattress creak a bit.

Her horn flares with a bluish aura of magic, and the tray is levitated onto the bed beside the pair of you. She pours out two cups of hot tea, then, with a rather guilty smile, loads up a plate with a little heap of cookies. You say nothing, but just smile and sip your tea. It’s a nice, soothing blend, one of those berry-flavor types. You watch as Starlight starts popping the little cookies into her mouth, her cheeks bulging adorably.

“Twilight wasn’t kidding. You like your sweet stuff, don’t you?”

Starlight swallows, then says, smiling,

“Yeah, I suppose I do. I think I’ve actually been putting on weight since I came to live here. Spike’s just too good a cook, and Pinkie Pie and Applejack bake better than anypony I’ve ever met, except maybe Sugar Belle. So, between the three of them, it’s hard to keep a trim figure when you’re not an athlete.”

“How does Twilight stay so fit, then?” you ask, helping yourself to a cookie.

“Alicorn metabolism, I guess,” says Starlight, then adds, poutily, “Lucky mare. She eats whatever she wants and hardly ever gains a pound.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” you say. “You look fine the way you are.”

Starlight blushes, though she looks pleased.

“Thank you,” she says, before helping herself to a cake.

The two of you sit there, working your way through the tea and sweets. All the while, you’re waiting for Starlight to start talking about why she was having problems. The longer you wait, however, the more it becomes clear that she’s not actually ready to start talking. You don’t want to interrupt or upset her, but you have a job to do, and Twilight’s counting on you.

Finally, you set down your empty teacup and clear your throat. Starlight, her face smeared with crumbs and icing, looks up at you.

“Starlight,” you say, “this is really pleasant, it honestly is, but we’re avoiding the main reason I’m here. I want to help you feel better, and to do that, I’d like to know more about what it is that’s troubling you. I'm a certified therapist, after all.”

Starlight bites her lip, then levitates a napkin to clean her face. That done, she says, in a gentle but hesitant manner,

“Listen. You’re very kind, and I appreciate you wanting to help me, but I’m just not sure. I know this might sound...well, a bit extreme, but if I told you about what was really wrong with me… Well, you might not believe me. Or else, you might think worse of me for it.”

Her tone worries you. You reach across and place a hand on her hoof.

“Don’t talk like that,” you say, gently. “Whatever happened, I won’t judge you for it. Twilight trusts you enough to take you under her wing. You can’t have done anything really bad.”

You smile at her.

She does not smile back.

On the contrary, at your words, her face becomes stony, her eyes flinty. You feel a bit intimidated, and you remove your hand.

“You think so?” she asks, in a quiet, yet nonetheless deadly, voice. “You think what I’ve done couldn’t be really bad?”

You have no answer. You don’t like where this is leading. Then again, if she has something to get off her chest, it might prove beneficial for the therapy session. Even so…

As Starlight speaks, her voice starts low, but gets more and more heated as she continues.

“You have no idea. You have absolutely no idea what I’ve been through. How could you know? You’re not even a pony. You don’t have to deal with your best foalhood friend getting his cutie mark before you! Sunburst and I had done everything together, but him getting his cutie mark changed all that! He got sent off to Celestia’s magic school, leaving me behind!

“I grew bitter. I started to hate cutie marks. To me, different cutie marks only meant tearing apart old friends. I wanted to make sure it never happened again! So, I started my own village, and filled it with ponies seeking to distance themselves from the lives they’d forged with their old marks. Well, I soon got rid of those for them. I started them afresh, all of them with a blank slate, all of them...equal!”

She pauses for breath; she’s panting heavily. For your part, words fail you, but it looks like she isn’t done, because she continues, even more vehemently than before.

“And then, when everything was all hunky-dory for me, Twilight and her friends came along and stopped me! They broke up my Town of Equality, and I had to go on the run! Well, I wasn't going to let them get away with that. I wanted revenge, so I studied a spell to go back in time and destroy Twilight’s little band of friends! I was close to winning, but she stopped me again, and...and…”

She falters, the anger receding from her face, replacing itself with a look of grief and pain. Real tears spring to her eyes.

“She showed me how wrong I’d been, what I was leading Equestria into with my actions...She could have punished me severely for it. I deserved it, after what I did, but she took me as her pupil instead, and she’s been teaching me about friendship ever since…”

You simply sit there, mouth hanging open. She had really done all that? She took cutie marks from an entire village? She went back in time? You had no idea she could’ve had such a dark and...troubled past.

However, Starlight still isn’t finished. The tears begin to build up.

“I was...evil,” she said, her voice very choked. “Completely, utterly, evil. And even now, when Twilight’s done so much for me, I still feel like I don’t deserve it. What if ponies find out what I did? What if they shun me, drive me away? I’m scared that’s going to happen, one of these days. Even the one friend I did manage to make on my own isn’t around to talk me through it. She was the first pony to really understand what I'd been through, because she'd been down a similar road herself. But she's not here anymore. She left only a week after we’d met. She’s a traveling magician, and she had to go on tour. She said she’d be back to see me, and I’m happy for her, but...but it’s just...just so...”

And before you know what’s happening, she collapses against your chest, and begins to cry. The stunned feeling from her narrative fades away, leaving you with a heart aching with sadness for the poor mare weeping into your shirt. You put your arms about her and hold her close, stroking her mane with one hand.

“Shh…” you whisper. “It’s ok. It’s all right. Just let it all out. I'm here for you.”

She sniffles and hiccups for a little while, then pulls back, wiping her eyes and muzzle.

“Thank you,” she mutters. “I’m...I’m sorry.”

“No, no, it’s all right,” you say. “You had to get it off your chest. I understand.”

“I’m not trying to sound ungrateful,” she said. “Twilight and Spike are such good friends to me, and so are Twilight’s other friends. I just wish it was easier for me to make friends myself...and for them to stick around…”

“I know what you’re saying,” you say, nodding. “It's tough, but the fact that you're so willing to make amends for what you did is very admirable.”

She says nothing, but she nestles a little deeper against you. You both sit there, Starlight still leaning against you, as though still hoping for comfort from you. You continue to oblige, keeping your arms about her, stroking her mane gently. Finally, she looks up at you and says,

“Um...so that therapy that you do.”

That perks you up instantly. Could she really…?

“Yes?” you ask.

“Do you think...Well...I think I’d like to see how it works,” she says.

You feel your heart give a leap. She’s giving you her consent! She’s even smiling! A small smile, sure, but still a smile.

“I’d be happy to show you,” you say, grinning. “There’s really nothing complicated to it. Sometimes, it’s as simple as being a little playful.”

You punctuate this word by gently booping her nose with your forefinger. Her muzzle scrunches up adorably, and she has to fight back a giggle. As though it were required by the sacred laws of boopage, she boops you back with her hoof, making you chuckle. Then, you reach up and give her a little scritching behind the ear. Her eyes widen at first, and then, her expression goes dreamily slack, her eyes closing in utter bliss. You do one ear, then the next, then both at the same time. After that, you scratch under her chin. Her head tilts up, eyes still rapturously closed. If she could purr like a cat, you’re sure she would.

“You like that?” you ask.

“Oh, yes…” she murmurs.

With a sigh, she lays herself down on her back, across your lap. You wonder if she meant to do that. She opens her eyes, gazing up at you cutely, her hooves curled over her chest. You can’t help but chuckle.

“You’re just a little filly at heart, aren’t you?” you say.

You cup her chin in your hand, and with your thumb and fingers, squeeze her cheeks. They’re very chubby and squishy, indeed. Now she giggles in earnest, and what a cute giggle it is, but you’re just getting started. With her hooves guarding her chest, she’s left her belly wide open. You boop it with your finger. It sinks in noticeably; she’s got a nice bit of tummy pudge there. She lets out a snort, her eyes popping wide as her mouth tightens, trying to keep from laughing. A lost cause, as you initiate a tickle attack. She bursts into a paroxysm of giggling laughter, her legs kicking, her eyes watering. You ease off eventually, letting her regain herself. She just lays there, across your knees, panting, but smiling.

“How do you feel?” you ask.

“A lot better,” she says. “But you’re not done yet, are you?”

She asks this in a hopeful sort of tone, as though she wants more.

“Not if you don’t want me to be,” you say. “This is your session, after all.”

Starlight smiles rather guiltily again.

“Because,” she says, hesitating, “I saw that one of your techniques is, um...belly rubbing.”

Her cheeks go bright red as she says it. She is just being so adorable right now.

“Yeah, it is,” you say. “My friend really liked it.”

“Well, um...do you think you could…?”

She doesn’t finish, but she doesn’t need to.

“Of course,” you say.

You lay a hand on her soft belly, and slowly begin rubbing it up and down, back and forth. Starlight’s eyelids droop, her face relaxing into another blissful smile, murmuring a dreamy ‘Mmmmmm’ of contentment. You wonder if maybe you’re easing some bit of stomach ache she’d gotten from binging on those tea treats. All you know is that she is clearly loving it, and it’s not bad for you, either. Ponies’ coats were so soft, so smooth.

You don’t know how much time passes. You don’t bother checking your watch. It’s enough to sit there, Starlight lying across your lap, rubbing her belly, now with one hand, now with two. As long as it makes her happy, you could go on for hours.

At last, however, she opens her eyes, and you pause. She sits up. She looks the happiest you’d seen her yet.

“How do you feel now?” you ask, smiling back.

“Wonderful,” she breathes. “I’ve never felt so relaxed in my life, not since I was a filly. That affection therapy stuff really does work.”

“You’re too kind,” you say, modestly. “You’re only the second pony I’ve ever performed it on.”

“Well, I can honestly say anypony would be lucky to have a session with you,” she says, glowingly.

“Thank you,” you mumble, feeling yourself blush.

“No,” she says, in a quieter tone. “Thank you. Not just for the session, but, well, for hearing me out.”

“But of course,” you say. “I’m glad to have been here for you.”

She smiles warmly at you. She seems to hesitate for a second, then, leaning forward, she gives you a peck on the cheek. This catches you quite off guard. You weren’t expecting that. You don’t have time to react to that, however, as next second, she throws her forelegs around you, gripping you in a tight hug, nuzzling her cheek against yours. The bewilderment slowly fades away. You smile and return the hug, rubbing her back as you do.

“If you ever feel like you need to talk again,” you say, as you pull apart, “all you have to do is send for me. All right?”

She nods, still smiling.

“Well, good day, then, Starlight,” you say.

“Good day.”

You stand up and walk for the door. As you open it, you turn to look at her one more time. That warm, glowing smile is still on her face. You tip her a wink, then exit the room...

...and nearly have a heart attack. Twilight’s standing just outside, an expectant grin on her face.

“T-Twilight!” you splutter. “You startled me!”

“Sorry,” she says. “I just couldn’t wait to hear how it went! So?”

“It went very well,” you say, feeling your heart rate return to normal. “We had a good talk, and she accepted therapy right after. She’s in a wonderful mood.”

“Oh, good!” says Twilight, delighted. “I knew calling you was a good idea! Thank you so much!”

“Happy to help, Your Highness,” you say, bowing graciously.

“Two successful cases,” Twilight goes on, as you start down the hallway. “This’ll really help your therapy business now!”

“I’d imagine so,” you say. “You don’t know anypony else who needs it, do you?”

“Not at the moment,” says Twilight, “but if something comes up, I’ll let you know right away.”

“Great,” you say, smiling.

You approach the front doors, but Twilight doesn’t open them. She looks like she just had an idea, an idea that might be embarrassing her, as her cheeks are growing steadily pink.

“Actually,” she says, rubbing her forehoof awkwardly, “I know this might sound like an extraordinary thing to ask, but...do you think you could, um...schedule a session for...me?”

Your jaw falls open at this. Did you really hear that right?”

“Y-You?” you splutter. “You mean, you want me to...For a princess? A-Are you sure?”

Twilight nods, her blush deepening.

“I-I mean, if it really did lift Starlight’s mood so well, I’d like to know what it’s like for myself,” she says. “The ear scratchings and the belly rubs.” She then blurts out, rather loudly, “For research!”

Ahh, so that’s what it was. She was trying to hide her want for affection therapy by making an excuse for needing it. You grin at this.

“Sure, Twilight,” you say. “I can pencil you in. Strictly for research, though,” you add, playing along.

“Of course!” says Twilight, eagerly. “How about tomorrow? Does that sound all right?”

“It sounds perfect,” you say. “Same time?”

“Yes, same time. That sounds fine.”

“All right, then. See you tomorrow.”

“See you!”

She opens up the doors, rather hastily, and with a rather big smile, but as you step out and start on your way, you turn to look back at her. Her smile becomes much more sincere, and you see her mouth ‘thank you’. You smile back, give her a small salute, and continue on your way. Today had been quite a day, and it was looking like tomorrow was going to be the same. All in a day’s work for Ponyville's resident affection therapist.

Author's Note:
