• Published 5th Feb 2017
  • 5,106 Views, 184 Comments

Unfriendly Competition - FanOfMostEverything

The Friendship Games begin, both sides having access to magic. The outcome will astonish everyone.

  • ...

Out of the Stall

To: Abacus Cinch <acinch@crystalprep.org>
From: Celestia Empyris <principalc@canterloths.k12.fs>
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Friendship Games

Dear Abacus,

It's been a few weeks now. We're both running out of school year. The secret triathlon is anything but. (And before you say anything, bear in mind the size of the track and the existence of flying students. You wouldn't have done any better.) If we're going to do this at all, we need to do it soon. Can you please offer a date when you get this e-mail?

Cordially yours,

To: Celestia Empyris <principalc@canterloths.k12.fs>
From: Abacus Cinch <acinch@crystalprep.org>
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Friendship Games

Principal Celestia:

Firstly, I must once more emphasize that our respective positions demand a certain level of decorum and professionalism even in private correspondence, and ask you to show it.

Secondly, I am fully aware of the time constraints before us. Under the circumstances, I acknowledge that I may have been excessive with regards to how much time I used to strategize given recent events. I think we can both agree that a month's delay is more than enough. The Games shall begin on Saturday, June 4th. I look forward to them, and I trust that you do as well. In the intervening time, we will have much to discuss.

Principal Abacus Cinch

"Freaking finally!"


"Sorry, Miss Cheeri—" Rainbow Dash caught herself mid-reflex and quirked an eyebrow at Twilight. "Seriously?"

Twilight crossed her arms, not a trace of shame to be seen on her scowl. "It is a library."

The others turned to them. "What is it?" said Sunset.

"Um, duh? They finally gave us a date for the Friendship Games! It feels like they've been delayed for years!"

"It's only been a month," said Twilight.

Fluttershy sighed. "Besides, we always lose."

"Yeah, but this year, we've got magic!" Dash sprang into the air and stayed there.

"As does Crystal Prep," Rarity noted.

"But we have experience on our side. And Sunset." Dash drifted over her and grinned. "You are kind of a big deal."

Sunset looked up with a rueful grin. "Too big a deal. The principals said I can't compete."

"What!?" Dash fell out of the air in her shock, only to get caught in a sea-green aura a moment later.

Sunset put her back on her feet. "Honestly, I expected that. I do represent a very unfair advantage."

"So I offered to do it in her place," said Twilight.

"Wait, really? No offe—" Dash cut herself off as golden light briefly flooded the library.

"Sorry," said Sunset. "Still not all that fond of that phrase."

Applejack scratched under her hat. "Y' have to admit, Twi, you ain't exactly th' athletic type."

"Shining told me about the Games. They're as much about brain as brawn, and I was able to get through Crystal Prep PE without too much trouble."

"Didn't you say you were able to get out of PE?" said Rarity.

"Most of the time. I still had to do it once a week, which was about all I could stand. I'm in better shape than you may think." Twilight smirked. "And no matter how much my brother might groan about it, I'd much rather represent CHS than Crystal Prep."

Dash echoed her expression. "Well, yeah. Who wouldn't?"

"Would the following students please report to the principal's office." Twelve names echoed through Crystal Prep's PA system. A dozen students made their way up to the third floor, only to find the door to Cinch's office locked. Most were content to stand and wait. A few mingled in pairs. Here Upper Crust and Jet Set, one of the school's power couples—not that it had any other kind—muttered witticisms to one another, their eyes roving about the rest of those present. There stood Sugarcoat and Moondancer, experimenting with the strange concept known as "friendship."

And then there was Lemon Zest. "Hey, Pokey."

The boy might have glared at her until his face turned blue if it weren't already there. "Royal. Pin."

"Whatever you say, Pokey. We both know what's on your birth certificate." Lemon clapped him on the shoulder and moved on. "Suri! How you doin', girl?"

"Do I even know you?"

"Heh. Classic."

"If you're trying for the whole 'endearing socialite' thing, you're a few years overdue and well out of place."

Lemon turned to the speaker and gave her biggest smile. "Just tryin' to build up some team spirit, Trend. Also, you may want to watch it with the blunt statements. Don't want to muscle in on Sugarcoat's territory, am I right?"

Trenderhoof shrugged. "I'd assumed she'd left it vacant."

"You're still an insufferable tool who thinks obscurity equals quality."

"I stand corrected."

"Seriously, Lemon, what's the deal?" said Neon Lights. "I haven't seen you this perky without phones since... Well, ever. Kinda weird."

Lemon looked around. Neon, to his credit, seemed to be showing some actual concern. Moondancer, Sugarcoat already knew what she was thinking. So did Sour Sweet, to a lesser extent. But the others were staring at her to a degree even she found uncomfortable. She sighed. "Okay, real talk? This place is a pressure cooker to begin with, but we can all handle that. We wouldn't be here if we couldn't. But right now, we have prime conditions for a whole season of psychotic episodes, and one of us breaking down would really hurt our chances of winning the Games. You know, on top of someone having a mental breakdown, which is generally high on most people's to-avoid lists. I'm just trying to make sure we don't go at this so hard that somebody breaks."

Sour Sweet looked sympathetic, but one could never really tell with her. Indigo Zap might not have even been listening, caught up as she was in her own hype. Sunny Flare seemed occupied by her "bracelets," whatever they really were. At least the others looked around and considered one another, but their appraising expressions showed no sign of actual concern. Lemon could imagine what was going through their heads: Maybe one of them might crack, but not me. It could never happen to me.

Her next words were some of the quietest she'd ever said, to the point that she wasn't even sure if she said them aloud. "And I have no idea how to do that."

Before Lemon could say anything more, the door to Principal Cinch's office opened. Everyone turned to it, falling silent. The natural lighting of the hallway made her gloomy domain a mass of impenetrable shadow, a dark corner of the world best left forgotten. "Your concern for your fellow students is laudable, Miss Zest, but in all likelihood unnecessary. Come in, everyone."

It was a tight fit among the trophy cases, but all twelve students managed it. Cinch moved to her chair, sat, and surveyed them with her fingers steepled before her. She let the moment hang a few seconds more before beginning. "According to your performance throughout your time here and this last round of evaluation, I can state with confidence that you are the best Crystal Prep has to offer for the Friendship Games. Some of you are here because of your athletic skills or academic performance. Some of you, in spite of them. But whether you are first in your class or seventy-third, that will not matter come Saturday. What will matter is that you are Shadowbolts. You represent Crystal Prep and its exceedingly well-earned reputation. No doubt your opponents believe that just because the world has changed, so have their chances of victory. You will show them how mistaken they truly are."

The silence lingered some time afterwards, the competitors glancing among themselves uncertainly. Lemon Zest hazarded a "Uh, go team?"

Cinch nodded. "Yes, you may go. Remember that the buses to Canterlot High depart at Friday after class. Accommodations have been arranged for the night." She turned back to her paperwork. The assembled Shadowbolts filtered out and, for the most part, went their separate ways.

Lemon watched as they dispersed, sighed, and started after Sugarcoat and Moondancer.

"So, question."

She came up short and turned to see a frowning Neon Lights. "Yeah?"

"You got a plan to keep Cinch sane?"

Despite the situation, Lemon snorted out a laugh. "Let's face facts, Neon. That ship has sailed."

Author's Note:

.fs refers to the Federated States of Amareica. Normally there would be a state-specific subdomain in there as well, but that would require pinning down Canterlot's location in the nation. I'm pretty sure it's in the same state as Springfield, though not the same reality. Meanwhile, .edu is reserved for college-level institutions, while .k12 is for public schools. Cinch had to make due with what she could get.

In any case, the Games have begun! Sort of! Rest assured that the other chapters will be longer than this one; I just wanted to finally get the ball rolling.

Oh, and if you're shaky on just who's on the Shadowbolt team, this blog post should help.