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Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pony procreation...

Comments ( 55 )

Brony culture has become a very strange thing indeed...

7951545 You tend to become jaded towards all the weird stuff after a while :trixieshiftright:

7951553 I have, but...you know, it's still here.

I must sound like an old man :p "Back in my daaaay, as a Brony in 2011..." x3

Oh, wow. 'Anon' is a tag, now. That's funny

good character and interesting plot i approve of this :moustache:

This was fun and enjoyable read. /)

Welp that got a little dark but ive read far worse stuff on here that left me straight out disgusted :derpytongue2:

Pretty good... Who's the faggot with the tuba?

Did Pusspuss really make you do this story?

7951864 He kept me in his basement and whipped me until I did :rainbowlaugh:

I imagine that Twilight in this story is a Yandere who has to track him down because he took her first. Being raised by a Princess of love has twisted her into believing that he is her destined one. And st the moment he leasts expects it she swoops in to capture him.

non-consensual sex

So. Who is "giving" and who is "reciving" in this fic?

If you know what I am talking about

I really have problems with the idea of Twilight Sparkle as a mad experimenter willing to abuse unknown aliens just because they were unknown. Twilight has a lot of scientific curiosity, yes, but she also has a strong moral code, and Equestria is used to the concept of sapient non-equines. In several canon episodes she is willing to treat non-Ponies, non-Equines, and non-ungulates as "people."

I also don't think she'd be so easy to escape if she was a mad experimenter. She's an Alicorn, and I doubt that a random Human could kick her in the head hard enough to more than daze her a little, even if he caught her by surprise. Observe her fight with Tirek. Yes, she had the combined power of three other Alicorns as well as her own, but then the Narrator is far weaker than was Tirek during that fight.

Merely suppressing Trixie's magic wouldn't render her helpless; you forget her natural weapons. Putting one's face anywhere near her hindquarters would also put oneself in position to receive a strong kick -- to one's head. One would have to subdue and bind her first.

If he raped Twilight Sparkle, he's a fool to be going out in public anywhere in Equestria. The number of powerful magic-using or otherwise meta-equine beings looking for him would be fairly large, starting with Twilight herself and her six other super-powered friends. Twilight Sparkle herself could probably track him and deal with him any number of ways, given that he would no longer have the element of surprise. His smartest plan would be to get the heck out of Equestria.

Only Twilight is looking for me ...

... and her armored, fire-breathing adoptive baby brother.

... and her Unicorn friend with the telekinetic ablity to handle half a dozen sharp objects at once, and martial arts training.

... and her Earth Pony friend who could run circles around me and kick my balls through my spine.

... and her other Earth Pony friend who could warp reality out from under me, and if we're in the world where Twilight is Mad Scientist Twilight, what does that make Pinkie?

... and her Pegasus friend who can create small tactical nuclear scale explosions from her flightfield.

... and her other Pegasus friend who can control minds.

But yeah, nothing to worry about! :rainbowlaugh:

7952560 I think you overlooked that Anon had Twilight drink the elixir, thus rendering her abilities useless.

On another note, though it's not explicitly said as opposed to implied, Twilight got too comfortable with Anon's restraints, so the lack of caution allowed him to escape.

Twilight does get rather overzealous. Just look at Lesson Zero.

Also remember that Anon has no idea if Twilight can track him.

7952721 poor you. I didn't know pusspuss could be so creative


OK, you bring up one or two things, but most of what you're saying could have been avoided if you'd read more into what was going on. I'll break down your comment.

(From the first comment)

doubt that a random Human could kick her in the head hard enough to more than daze her a little

Anon fed her the same elixir she was giving him: the magic-supressor.

she also has a strong moral code

Just remember Lesson Zero. She literally broke into Canterlot Castle's library to steal a book. That's a questionable moral code.
In Bats!, by now an alicorn, she joined in on Applejack's "Stop the Bats" song, whereas Fluttershy was right all along. Sounds like peer pressure to me. Who's to say she develops an over-zealous attitude about a strange bipedal creature, and whose experiments keep becoming increasingly questionable.

Merely suppressing Trixie's magic wouldn't render her helpless; you forget her natural weapons. Putting one's face anywhere near her hindquarters would also put oneself in position to receive a strong kick -- to one's head. One would have to subdue and bind her first.

Part of the reason why her legs were left untied is due to the fact that you don't get anywhere near as much availability and maneuverability between one's thighs if their legs were tied together.

Trixie was in a position where it was made clear that if she tried anything, things will go from bad to worse. How? I don't know, but from a standpoint of self-preservation, there's always a distinct possibility that people would comply from fear of what would happen should things get worse.

If he raped Twilight Sparkle, he's a fool to be going out in public anywhere in Equestria. The number of powerful magic-using or otherwise meta-equine beings looking for him would be fairly large, starting with Twilight herself and her six other super-powered friends. Twilight Sparkle herself could probably track him and deal with him any number of ways, given that he would no longer have the element of surprise. His smartest plan would be to get the heck out of Equestria.

OK, if you didn't notice, his paranoia about leaving Trottingham was because he feared getting too comfortable. He has absolutely no idea if Twilight is tracking him or not, but he's playing off the probability she is.

Only Twilight is looking for me ...

... and her armored, fire-breathing adoptive baby brother.

He was asleep

... and her Unicorn friend with the telekinetic ability to handle half a dozen sharp objects at once, and martial arts training.

I doubt the worst she could do is accidentally prick me. I don't recall martial arts training.

... and her Earth Pony friend who could run circles around me and kick my balls through my spine.

That one is just funny.

... and her other Earth Pony friend who could warp reality out from under me, and if we're in the world where Twilight is Mad Scientist Twilight, what does that make Pinkie?


... and her Pegasus friend who can create small tactical nuclear scale explosions from her flightfield.

The speed of sound, aka, Mach 1, is 1225km at sea level. And if the air is moist enough, you get what's called a vapor cone. If one were to break the sound barrier, and I base this on absolutely nothing, the rapidly expanding cone of moist water could potentially reflect light similarly to how a rainbow does. Nothing nuclear in nature at all.

Oh yeah, if you saw a rainbow from the air, they're actually circular.

... and her other Pegasus friend who can control minds.

This creepy bitch can stay away from me!

But yeah, nothing to worry about!

Your arguments are wholly hinged on the idea that Twilight knows where Anon is, and is going after him with her friends in tow. If she was subject to that experience, wouldn't you think she'd be a bit too traumatised to chase after her attacker?

Consider this. Since, in the story, there is absolutely no indication of whether or not Celestia knows about Anonymous. Going off that, would she tell Celestia and ruin her chance to study an alien life form to her heart's content, or keep him to herself and learn as much as she can?

Following the escape, since Twilight full-well knows that Anon is out, does she tell Celestia? Or anypony for that matter? You have to realise that if she did say what he did to her, then everyone will know what she's been doing, and that won't go well either.

There are only two things I didn't account for, the first of which I do hint at if you really pay attention.

The time frame. The events of this would have to have taken place after "Magic Duel" (S3E5), and "Magical Mystery Cure" (S3E13). Given how Trixie is still depressed and word has already begun to spread, the events of Magic Duel would have happened recently, so that puts the events before Twilight was an Alicorn.

OK, literally the only thing I didn't account for was whether or not Celestia knew about Anon, and I did that on purpose. I could not find a way to write into the story Twilight getting around the situation with Celestia, but if she were to write her, then it comes with a whole other host of issues that now stem from the fact that Celestia knows, then I have to write in a reason why Celestia would approve of experimentation on him and so on and so forth.

TL;DR, I thought of every aspect of this story in planning and writing.

7952860 I'd share some of the conversations we've had, but they'd more than likely traumatise you.

7952885 I've had my fair share. I'd hate to traumatized each other tho

The title is terribly deceptive.


She's meant to be an antagonist for this story, so she is. That's basically how it goes. Sometimes it's Twilight. I don't see people complaining (except me) when writers make Celestia into the story's antagonist, which they do far, far too often. So Twilight-fans can handle it one of the few times it happens to be her.


Yeah, but if Twilight's that nasty, I would all the more pity the fool who raped her. Furthermore, why is Trixie being so extremely nerfed here?


Speaking of which, wouldn't he now have a pissed-off Trixie on his tail, too? And this was downright stupid of him to do, as before he actually raped her, he was winning her affection and trust. This is stupidity on the Too Dumb To Live level.


Okay, I was going to agree with you, but.

In Bats!, by now an alicorn, she joined in on Applejack's "Stop the Bats" song, whereas Fluttershy was right all along. Sounds like peer pressure to me.

No, stop right there. You're going to say 'of course' to this, but Fluttershy, like all other Fluttershy-centric episodes, was only right because the plot called for her to be right in the end. Now, look back over the course of the episode. To AJ, the expert on apple trees, Fluttershy was wrong. Vermin were attacking her life's work, passed down to her from her mother and father, deceased. Despite being apparently a prime supplier to Ponyville they barely scrape by (Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy), and losing crop to vile, ill-tempered bats sure wasn't doing her any good. The other girls, including Twilight, either agree with AJ because of this VERY reasonable viewpoint (like, literally common sense viewpoint) or because they've not heard anything about these bats being beneficial for AJ's orchard.

Granny used to run the orchard. She didn't tell AJ anything about 'vampire fruit bats are our friends', even though she's told AJ the complicated ridiculous process for making Zap Apple Jam so you'd think that if three generations of Apples who've worked that land didn't know, Fluttershy being right about this would have to be a total asspull. And it was.

Twilight and the others going along with AJ is what made the most sense. Fluttershy trying to interfere with them getting the bats to go away required that she be pacified, because, again, otherwise she's interfering with removing an infestation simply because she thinks they're cute and cuddly, and so apparently they should sacrifice AJ's harvest to the little fiends even though she doesn't have a horse in that race and nothing to lose. Contextually speaking that's a very selfish, self-serving thing to do, taking the side of rude, ill-tempered animals over AJ is not something new for her.

Keep Calm and Flutter On, when a beaver is flooding Sweet Apple Acres (which can destroy the entire orchard due to root-rot), Fluttershy arrives to mediate. She forces AJ to apologize instead of kicking out the little rodent as it's destroying AJ's livelihood, what she uses to keep her family alive and healthy, and thus threatening her family. For, of all things, calling it a 'varmint', which as a rodent, it is actually considered 'vermin' and thus her countryism of 'varmint (meaning vermin)' is utterly correct. The beaver then cusses AJ out apparently, and leaves. During this whole exchange, Fluttershy forces AJ onto the back foot/hoof, effectively making her the submissive party to a fucking beaver. She cared more about the beaver's feelings than AJ's trees and family. So here we have easily-seen precedent.

So when it happens again in the next season, why would anyone see it as 'them being mean to Fluttershy' when she has a history of caring less about Sweet Apple Acres and AJ than whatever animal happens to be trying to destroy either? Twilight joining in with the others was, to anyone without script-vision, the writers, those who don't see the ending for the obvious asspull it was, and Fluttershy-cultists, completely sensible, as the infestation had to be relocated away from Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy was trying to interfere with that.

7953339 I never looked at it like that interesting


To AJ, the expert on apple trees, Fluttershy was wrong.

To Fluttershy, the animal expert, Applejack was wrong. Period.

Despite being apparently a prime supplier to Ponyville they barely scrape by (Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy), and losing crop to vile, ill-tempered bats sure wasn't doing her any good

A friendly reminder that we have seen Aj putting apples in her apple cellar. They would have stock stored they can fall back on if something happens to the trees

The other girls, including Twilight, either agree with AJ because of this VERY reasonable viewpoint (like, literally common sense viewpoint) or because they've not heard anything about these bats being beneficial for AJ's orchard.

. They never gave Fluttershy any sort of credibility, when it's supposed to be Twilight's professional judgement as a princess and alicorn that avoids those kinds of scenarios! Instead of giving Fluttershy the benefit of the doubt, Twilight started singing! That's what annoys me!

Granny used to run the orchard. She didn't tell AJ anything about 'vampire fruit bats are our friends', even though she's told AJ the complicated ridiculous process for making Zap Apple Jam so you'd think that if three generations of Apples who've worked that land didn't know, Fluttershy being right about this would have to be a total asspull. And it was.

I suppose that much is inconsistent within the show itself.

Twilight and the others going along with AJ is what made the most sense

Twilight joined in on the bat prejudice. Explain why Twilight didn't give Fluttershy the benefit of the doubt.

beaver is flooding Sweet Apple Acres (which can destroy the entire orchard due to root-rot)

When you over-water a plant, it drowns. It won't die of 'root rot'.

. For, of all things, calling it a 'varmint', which as a rodent, it is actually considered 'vermin' and thus her countryism of 'varmint (meaning vermin)' is utterly correct

A 'varmint', by definition, is a troublesome/annoying animal or mischievous person. So to correlate 'varmint' and 'vermin' is wholly incorrect.

So, regardless, every character has gone through debatable moral events to test them. They're not as perfect as you think, so it's not unreasonable that certain aspects of their personality can become grossly skewed.

Welp. This exists

The title kind of got me confused as to the plot of the story.. i don't see how anon raping Trixie and leaving her in her state supposed to relate to concubine... is it because he treated her as such when she was in her current state?

7954437 That was the idea behind the title.


Poor Twilight her Caring nature can sometimes be smothering she probably was was trying to study his biology to make sure he would survive the world he's in alien germs can be deathly harmful after all. but that's just my theory


if Twilight finds this guy Oh Mama, but his location could very well be a moot point as Luna can see dreams and Celestia has eyes everywhere, he may not be found yet, but that's only a matter of time Twilight is well connected to the most powerful ponies in equestria were talking guards, Wonderbolts, Bounty Hunters, even animals can be on her side, I hope he's got a plan I mean if Twilight did "like it" then I guess he will be fine unless he run into anything dangerous he's not exactly native to equestria a simple plant may be enough to do him in and magic has adverse effects on the weak minded Nightmare moon is proof of that, oh dear he's not going to last long is he?
but hey thats just my theory A FIC THEORY! :trollestia:

seriously though; great job it's written well

7954992 You assume Luna can locate Anon by using the dream realm, but the real question is if Luna can access the dreams of a human, as opposed to ponies


7955007 and you assumed I was talking about HIS dreams Luna can speak directly with her people to get locations he doesn't exactly hide very well seeming him would be quite memorable. he he I'm smarter than that though I applaud the attempt bravo, bravo encore and all that good stuff have a good night Traz.

7953142 But the description isn't.

So will she have rape styr baby? :trixieshiftright:

7951879 Would you be open to writing a sequel? Or would you need some convincing?

7957301 What did you have in mind?

7956302 Either way you get the same problem :rainbowlaugh:

Horses can walk right after being birthed, whereas human babies need to be taught.

7957474 Maybe he holes up in the slums of Manehattan for a few weeks, finds a certain cream-and-blue boutique manager... I dunno. I can't remember when you said Concubine was set or when Coco was hired.

And the waitresses are practicing politics as the bisnessmen slowly get stoned, see they're sharing a drink called loneliness but it's better than drinkin alone...

7968695 I'm so happy somebody noticed!!!

7968731 glad I found someone who knew the song...
Lemme find the link...

7968738 It's nice to know there's still appreciation for older songs :pinkiehappy:

7968767 only the memories can make me happy nowadays...

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