• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 3,987 Views, 126 Comments

Power Struggle - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Can Queen Ember bring her kindgom back from Anarchal Collapse?

  • ...

5. Priorities

Spike sat on a bed, wincing every so often. Fluttershy was meticulously stitching him up as if he were a delicate quilt. Those assassins did one heck of a number on him. He didn't realize how deep that knife went until Applejack had to pry it out.“Sorry Spike. I'm almost done.” Fluttershy was steady.

“Please, take your ti-aieem!” She pricked a nerve, a bone, or something. He felt that one in his toes, and they were still twitching. It stung about at much as getting a flu shot. The needle moving through his skin was an unsettling feeling to say the least.

“Okay, don't try to move too much. The stitching might come loo-” she looked down at her bloody gloves, “The stitches might come loose,” she said confidently before removing the latex coverings and placing them in a plastic bag.

Heat throbbed and radiated through his chest and back. Fluttershy came back with some isopropyl alcohol, gauze, medical tape, and medical wrapping. She dabbed his wounds with the alcohol. Spike gritted his teeth at the burning sensation. Then she placed the gauze on his gashes, and held them in place with the tape. Finally, she wrapped his entire torso to keep everything in place.

“There.” Fluttershy gave him a soft smile.

He gave her one back. Fluttershy went to open the door. Twilight stood with her back to them talking with the others. “You can come in now,” Fluttershy said meekly. Twilight turned instantly and was by Spike’s side in a flash.

“Gah!” Spike jumped.

“Are you okay?” Twilight inspected him, annoying Fluttershy. It’s not like she spent the last three hours on her feet patching him up… No one else got Twilight back on her feet.

“I’m fine, just sore,” Spike dismissively chuckled.

“Are you sure? That knife was in ya pretty deep.” Applejack looked at the dagger resting on an end table.

“Yep, it does burn a little. How about all of you?” They all looked at each other as if passing around an invisible answer. The metaphorical hot potato landed upon Rarity.

“We’ll… I can't speak for everyone, but I'm still rather shaken.”

“Good thing Smog was watching us sleep, or we’d be gone for sure!” Pinkie Pie chirped.

“I wasn't watching anyone sleep…” Smog growled as he entered the room.

“There's no way you heard that,” Rainbow scoffed.

“My hearing is better than yours. Besides, this one isn't exactly subtle.” Pinkie grinned from ear to ear, sending shivers down Smog’s spine.

“What do you need Mr. Smog?” Fluttershy asked kindly.

“I came to see how Spike was doing.” He looked over the bandages.


“He’s fine,” Twilight interrupted. “He should get some rest, and so should all of us.”

“Yeah, I'm not sleeping tonight.” Rainbow shook her head. “I don't wanna get snatched up again…”

“They won't get past me,” Smog spoke proudly.

“How’d they get past ya the first time?” Applejack sneered, making Pinkie and Rainbow giggle.

“I was in my quarters!”


“Do all of you purposefully antagonize everyone you meet?”

“We kid Smog. Don't take it so seriously,” Rarity giggled. “We’re all grateful you showed up when you did.”

Smog cracked an appreciative smirk. “No need to thank me. It’s what I'm here for,” He bowed modestly. “Now, if that's all, then I best be on my way…” Rainbow watched until he left, an important question burning in her mind. She began to follow him out.

“Where ya going Dashie?” Pinkie asked.

“I have to talk to the grouch about something.” She took off. “Hey Smog!” He stopped and turned with a curious raise of his brow.

“Yes Rainbow?” He spoke formally.

“I saw how you we're kicking that guy’s face in. I was wondering if you could teach me a few moves?”

Smog’s eyes went wide.“You can't be serious…”

“I'm dead serious!” Rainbow stated proudly.

“Like, you're serious…?” Smog stared at her. Her fiery spirit was worthy of note.

“Yes… Why is that so hard to believe?” Rainbow crossed her arms.

“I thought ponies were pacifists. You all usually try to stay out of conflict as much as possible.”

“You've got a lot to learn about us Equestrians; I like kicking some ass now and then.” She cracked her knuckles with a cool action star grin.

“Alright then,” Smog chuckled. She had no idea what she was getting herself in to. “Meet me at the rooftop garden if you’re still awake by daybreak.” He turned and continued to wherever he was headed.

“It’s a date then big guy.” Smog snorted with a smile and continued until he was out of sight. Rainbow went back to the room while the other’s we're in the middle of a conversation.

“Some help would be a good idea. Who would we bring in?” Rarity asked.

“How about one of the Princesses?” Fluttershy suggested.

“What are you guys talking about?”

“Tryin to see who can help us out. And to answer your question Fluttershy; The Princesses could help. I'm pretty sure that if any one of em got hurt or worse, it’d be detrimental to our efforts.”
Fluttershy sunk into her shirt.

“How about we ask why things are so bad?” Pinkie suggested while she played with her mane curl.

“I don't think it’s that simple dear.”

“Why not? All we have to do is find out why things are so sad so we can make them glad!” She said with a hop. They all joined in silent speculation.

“Hey Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy looked up from her hands.

“Remember that old guy told us about a library not far from here?” Rainbow leaned against the door frame.

“Yes. He said there was an old Library not too far, but he also said that it might be home to those horrible raiders…” She whimpered some.

“Of course! How did it slip my mind??” Twilight had an eureka moment. “We need to go there!”

“How? If I remember correctly he said it was a day’s flight away from here. Celestia knows how long that is by foot.” Rainbow whined.

Applejack mumbled while counting on her fingers. “Should be about... ten to twelve days… If I did my math right. How fast do y’all fly?”

“Are you kidding?” Spike spoke up. “It took us three days just to walk here!”

“I say we do it!”

“We know you're for it Twilight,” Rarity said with a smirk. “But an undertaking like that isn't just done on a whim.”

“We’ll come up with something, but all of this hostage taking has burned me out,” Pinkie yawned. “Nighty night gals…” And with that she slipped out of the room.

“Well, I usually wake up around this time anyway…” Applejack sighed. “Guess I’ll read or somethin.”

“I’ll come with you. I have a chapter to finish in this Daring Do book.”

“Which one is it?”

“The End of a Treasure Hunter,” Rainbow stated theatrically. “A.K. finds out that her sister has a price on her head after she was released from prison by a crime lord…” Soon their conversation became too faint to hear. Spike sighed and flopped back onto the bed with a pained gasp.

“What's the matter dear?” Rarity asked.

“I'm thinking…” Spike groaned.

“About what?” Fluttershy asked.

“What happened earlier.”

“Spike I told you that you are a dragon. You should-”

“No, not that.” Spike sat up. “I mean with the scepter. You all saw it too right?”

“I was looking away…” Fluttershy responded plainly.

“I don't understand what you're trying to say.”

“The Scepter worked when I was holding it!” Spike tossed his arms up. Rarity, Twilight,and Fluttershy continued to look at him with growing confusion. Spike let out a frustrated sigh. “Remember when we first came here, I mean, back when I was twelve, and we saw how Torch would make the dragons do what he wanted with the scepter? I think I did the same…”

“So… you're implying that you might be the Dragon Lord?” Rarity asked. Spike nodded.

“I don't understand how he could be,” Twilight scoffed in disbelief.

“Think about it, during the triathlon I believe it was?” She fished for the name of the event.

“The Gauntlet of Fire,” Twilight corrected her.

“Right, during the gauntlet, Spike reached the end and took the Scepter, correct?”

“Yeah…” Spike answered.

“So maybe the scepter accepted him, or something along those lines.” Twilight tried to dismiss it, but she knew Rarity was right. This place was already changing him. She couldn't imagine what prolonged exposure to the scepter's magic would do to him.

“Spike?” Twilight started. “Do you want to be the Dragon Lord?”

“No! I'm no leader! If being the Dragon Lord means I'm choking people out, and forcing them to do what I want then I don't want it…”

“What…” she cursed herself for what she was about to say. “What if you were meant to be?” Twilight suggested, swallowing a knot forming in her throat. Spike looked at her with wide darting eyes.

“Fluttershy, let's give them a moment.” Rarity took hold of Fluttershy’s shoulders and escorted her out. Twilight saw how his breathing grew more spastic and erratic.

“Twilight… I'm not the Dragon Lord. I can't be!” Spike's voice wavered and cracked.

“What if you are? Unless you can call for another Gauntlet, you just might be the Dragon Lord.”

“Then I'll call for one!”

“Spike…” Twilight placed her hand on his cheek.

“No!” Spike swiped her hand away. “I don't care if I am! I’ll find a way to pass it on.”

“What if you can't?” Twilight's voice fell soft and somber.

“I'll find a way!” Spike looked her directly in the eyes as tears welled up in his. This was the first time she's seen him cry in years, and it was heartbreaking.

“You have to understand. You've grown, and you'll have to take certain responsibilities,” Twilight whined, holding back her tears.

“No…” Spike sobbed. The dam burst. “I don't care if I am. I'm not leaving your side, ever!”

“Spike please…” Twilight sniffled while wiping her cheeks.

“I'm not leaving you.”

“What if you don't have a choice, Spike?” Twilight exploded, her emotions plastered on her sleeves. “You're already in some kind of relationship with Ember. This could be what you were meant to do. You can't change your destiny. We both saw what happened the last time someone tried.” She didn't even attempt to hold back the deluge staining her fur. “You've been with me through everything, Spike. But I can't hold you back. I'm not even sure if I'll live to be as old as you. Eventually we’ll have to part ways…” Spike hugged her.

“No matter how long you or I live, I'm never leaving you. Not for anyone…” He hugged her tighter. Twilight cried harder and held her assistant, no… She held her Dragon close, not wanting to ever let him go. “I love you Twilight…”

He didn't tell her that he loved her every day. “I love you too.” She held him tight, basking in his warm embrace. As much as she didn't want to. It took some incredible will power. She let him go. “I'm going to try and get some sleep.” Twilight turned to leave. Maybe she was sparing herself from even more emotional discharge. Before she could get to far, she felt a soft tug on her tail.

“Don't go, I'd rather not be alone right now,” he said quietly. Twilight mentally cheered, but she kept her composure.


Ember stared daggers at the staff clutched tightly in her claws. How in the hell did he do that? Seven years and she couldn't even get the damn thing to glow! The conclusion she fell upon pissed her off to no avail. It wasn't who was the dragon lord that pushed her beyond the limits of her anger, but that she spent all of this time doing absolutely nothing and she had no idea. “Damnit!” She threw the staff across the room. Throwing a fit wouldn't solve anything. Right now. Nothing would.

“Your highness?” Smog knocked at her door.

“Go away, and don't call me that anymore. I'm no one's queen…” She sighed, defeated by her revelation.

“Are you alright your highness?” Smog asked again.

“I said go away!” She yelled furiously. Out the corner of her eye she caught sight of a letter rolled neatly on the floor. She picked it up and stormed towards her door. Smog was still there, just as she expected him to be. “Can you give this to Spike…” she handed him the letter.

“Ember…” Smog adopted a serious fatherly tone.

“What is it?” Ember was obviously annoyed.

“What is the matter?” He was not moving until he got to the bottom of this.

“You know what it is! I'm not the Dragon Lord, I mean, no wonder why I couldn't do anything! I wasn't even the leader to begin with.”

“Can I say something?”

“Sure, I don't care…”

“You may not be the Dragon Lord, but you are a leader. Ever since I arrived in this village I've seen you work tirelessly to improve everyone's lives. You May not have the scepter’s magic, but you are a true leader.”

“But without the scepter’s magic, I can't get anyone to listen to me.”

“Do you want to be a leader, or a ruler?” Ember stayed her tongue. “That staff is used to impose one's will, not to unify the people.” He was right. The last thing she wanted was to become what her father was. Dragons deserve the right to live free and without subjugation, the scepter undermines everything she worked for.

“Thank you Smog…” Ember gave him a smile.

“Anytime your- Ember.” Smog left without another word, as he usually does. Ember felt empty though. She still had questions that needed to be answered, and sulking in her room wouldn't yield anything other than frustration. There was only one person she could talk to. She threw on something quick, and took to the air from her balcony.


Smog was standing on the rooftop garden watching the sun peek over the Smokey Mountains in the distance. Memories of the time he spent traversing those ragged peaks rushed in on a wave of nostalgia. How did he ever settle down here? There was one time where you couldn't keep him tied down, now he’s sitting here getting old. “Hey Grumpy Gus!” Rainbow hovered in, shrouded by the glare of the rising sun.

“So you made it.” Smog shielded his eyes from the light. Rainbow landed next to him.

“Of course I did, wasn't gonna miss this for anything.” She began to stretch. Smog didn't know what to expect. She didn't wear her usual t-shirt and jeans attire. She had on a crop top that stopped just below her chest with a cloud that had rainbow lighting striking beneath it. Her hands were wrapped in some kind of cloth that extended down her forearms topped off with black and blue leggings that looked at tad too tight. “So, what are we doing today?” She asked as she stretched.

“Right now. I want you to attack me.”

“Really?” Rainbow groaned, stretching her left dorsal and deltoid. Smog nodded and stood at the ready.

Rainbow loosened up and assumed a fighting stance. “Alright buddy, I hope you're ready!”

Smog inspected her. She put pressure on her left leg, assuming a stance leading with her right. She lunged and spread her wings while coiling her right arm back.

“Predictable…” Smog mumbled as he effortlessly dodged her attack. She stopped on her right pivot leaving two attack possibilities: a mid gut kick, or another punch. She chose the kick. Smog stopped the attack by taking hold of her thin ankle. He let her go causing Rainbow to stumble. With a determined frown she lunged again with the same form of her previous attempt. Smog again dodged the punch, but he wasn’t prepared for a wing colliding with his jaw.

He stumbled backwards giving Rainbow an opening to take him down. She tried a leg sweep, but Smog blocked her with his shin. He stood precariously balanced on one leg. Rainbow tried to come up with another plan of attack, but was cut short by the dragon’s fist making contact with her snout.

“Ah!” She cried.

“Are you okay?” Smog asked with concern.

“Yeah…” Rainbow sounded nasally, “I can take a hit.” She sniffed some, noting a metallic odor before assuming her fighting stance again. Smog was good, but was he fast? In a burst of speed Rainbow landed three solid blows on the stoic dragon with all of her strength. Just as she was about to deliver a nice one across his jaw he caught her punch.

“Not bad. You have some power in that small frame,” Smog chuckled.

“Thanks,” Rainbow panted heavily.

“But power alone won't win a fight.” He pushed rainbow back with enough force to send her flying. Rainbow rolled and tumbled before correcting herself. Smog donned a more serious and competitive look. “You’re better than I expected. I suppose ponies are more refined than I previously thought. Let’s step this up a level!”

“So, you were taking it easy on little ol’ me? Good. That means we can really get down to business!” She donned a competitive smirk.

“You had better be ready because I won’t pull any punches,” He growled with passion.

“Come at me ya windbag.” Smog smiled deviously as he charged at Rainbow. He grew closer and closer steaming towards her like an angry locomotive. He wound up a punch but rainbow evaded by taking to the air. She dove at him trying yet another power move to knock him off guard, but this male was as sturdy as a mountain. She landed and charged at him with a battle cry. She punched and kicked furiously. Her stamina was draining by the second, but Smog showed no signs of fatigue. Every one of her punches that he blocked seemed to fuel him.

Rainbow continued to go on the offensive unloading everything she had on the dragon, but it wasn’t enough. He absorbed every hit like it was nothing. She thought to gain some distance and try to use a dive to knock him down. She jumped and pushed off his chest as she began to gain altitude.

“Where are you going?” Smog sounded driven and hungry. Rainbow flew above the hazy grey and orange clouds that accompanied the sunrise. Smog grew increasingly frustrated. “Where the hell did she go!” Then his ears picked up on something. A high pitched whistling coming from the sky. He scanned for the sound and found that it belonged to the Rainbow pegasus coming at him in a steep dive. He’s seen dragon’s use this tactic before. She pushed her wings harder and Smog clenched his hand in a tight fist.

“Big mistake…” he chuckled maliciously. She approached faster and faster, confident that this would be the be all end all of their sparring session. Just as she was about to kick him a sickening feeling exploded through her belly. She didn’t hit her target, or rather. Her target hit her. Smog jumped at the second she was about to kick him. His fist connected with tremendous force directly in her stomach sending her flying again.

“Ha! You thought that would get me? Maybe next time you shou-” Rainbow laid on the ground unmoving. “Rainbow?” She curled into the fetal position. “Rainbow!” Smog rushed over to her. She was clutching her gut with tears streaming down her cheeks. Smog looked over her with horror. “Damnit! What have I done? I-I’ll go get help!”

“Nuh… Nooo…” Rainbow groaned in agony.

“Rainbow! Are you okay?” She gave him a weak thumbs up. “Are you sure?”

“I… told you. I c-can take a hit…”

“I apologise with every fiber of my being. I didn’t mean to take things so far.”

“Shut up… Smog… Stuff like this happens when you t-train.” She was beginning to sound less strained. “Maybe you went a little overboard,” She chuckled weakly. Smog sighed in relief. The disk of the sun was above the horizon as it rose over the land. Rainbow sat up and leaned against Smog breathing heavily.

“That was fun,” she gasped.

“It was…” Smog blankly agreed. “You are an okay fighter, but with the proper help you may become a great fighter.”

“An okay fighter?” She didn’t attempt to mask her offense.

“Yes, an okay fighter,” Smog mocked. “You don’t think, you’re sloppy, and you’re uncoordinated. And I don’t understand why you focus on brute strength when you have none.”

“Gee, thanks…” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“I’m not insulting you. Critiques are the only way we improve. Right now, you’re just above the standard raider.”

“So what? That’s it?”

Smog Raised a brow,“What do you mean?”

“Am I too ‘sucky’ for you to train?”

“I never said that, I was merely pointing out what you did wrong. You’re not strong; get that Idea out of your head. However, what you lack in strength you more than make up in speed and agility. I’ll admit I didn’t catch you until the last second on some of those attacks.”

Rainbow chuckled smugly.

“You can use that to your advantage. Dragons evolved in a much harsher land as compared to you ponies. Our senses are better, we’re stronger, and we have higher tolerances to pain and damage.”

“Pretentious much…?” Rainbow sighed.

“And I believe that is your advantage. With our scales and muscles-” Smog flexed, “-we tend to be slower than other sentience.”

“What are you getting at?” Rainbow asked impatiently.

“Instead of attacking someone with brute strength, use that strength against them.”

“You’re basically saying ‘the bigger they are the harder they fall’.”

“Precisely,” Smog grinned. “I mainly rely on my size and strength, but I can train you partially in how to intelligently attack your opponent.”

“I like the sound of that,” Rainbow fell back on the soft grass. She watched the sky transition from hazy purple to light blue. “Hey Smog?”


“Where do you come from?” Rainbow rubbed her throbbing belly.

“Somewhere far away from here,” Smog sighed.


“I mean, actually far away. I was born on the other side of the continent.”

“How the heck did you end up over here?”

“I was wandering from village to village looking for a home, and I happened to stumble upon this place,” Smog answered simply. Rainbow shrugged and continues to rub her stomach.. “Are you ready to continue?”

“Oh no big guy… I’m done for today. I think I might be sterile after that punch.” Smog shot her a worried glance. “Kidding! Kidding!” Smog shook his head and looked back at the rising sun.


Ember landed in front of a mid sized earthen hut. She was on the outskirts of the village, and the person she needed to speak with resided inside. She knocked on the flimsy door. “I am busy at the moment.”

“Spinious, it’s Ember.” There was shuffling behind the door.

“Ember, what brings you out here?” He looked around.

“I needed to have a world with you regarding the scepter and the Dragon Lord.”

“I thought you’d become curious sooner. Nonetheless, I am more than glad to offer any assistance.” He welcomed her in. She hadn’t been to his adobe in years. The same books, scrolls, and tools hung where they always had been. “Have a seat…” Ember obeyed. “What are you curious about young one?” He returned to whatever he was writing.

“A few hours ago we we’re attacked by a band of assassins but-”

“Are you unharmed?” Spinious sprang up.

“Yes, but that’s not the issue. We were able to subdue them, and in doing so I found out that I am not the Dragon Lord…”

Spinious frowned, “How are you certain of this?”

“Spike, the dragon who came with the ponies. He took hold of the scepter and was able to control the attackers.”

“I see…” Spinious scratched his chin.

“I wanted to know how the scepter works so that I may have full control over it.” Ember said with determination.

“Heh, that staff does not yield to anyone’s control. It controls you.” Ember looked on in confusion. “I have been studying the history of that scepter since the Couponia War. Before then there used to be libraries full of knowledge, but when Dragon Lord Nissauran rose to power she destroyed them all.”

“Why?” Ember asked.

“Knowledge is power. If someone found out how to counter the magic within the scepter she would have lost her control over everything. Older writings that I’ve uncovered say that the bloodstone came from the fiery heart of this world. Unfortunately that’s all I could find.”

“The others spoke of the library in Tennith.” Spinious’s eyes bucked wide.

“What do they know about that place?” He asked with a foreboding tone.

“Nothing other than its location. I do remember you mentioning it a few times.”

“I used to visit there regularly,” he motioned to all of his books, “Until a beast took up residence about thirty years ago.”

“A beast?” Ember asked with intrigue.

“Yes, but this isn’t your top priority.”

“Then what is?”

“Whoever sent those assassins to end you and your friends lives. I’ll call for an execution immediately…” he said with a cold growl.

“Hold on Spinious. How about we find out where they came from before we start tagging bodies?” Spinious rolled his eyes and agreed.

“I’ll gather the council. You gather the ponies.” Ember nodded and prepared to leave.

“Ember…” She looked back at Spinious. “Be certain that you do not let that boy fall to the magic of the scepter. I’ve already seen it corrupt one good male…” Ember nodded and took of towards the palace.