• Published 15th Feb 2017
  • 7,239 Views, 104 Comments

The Bridge: Building Bridges - Tarbtano

Cutesy Bridge fluff for some of the stories couples

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The Quiet: Aria Blaze - X

During latter part of Chapter 29 just after Enjin was destroyed

Aria Blaze slowly reached out and let her sore hands slide over the dark gray skin on X’s scarred face, the latter closing his eyes and sighing at her touch. Tension sloughed off the two in waves as they sat alone and together in the crater a much larger Monster X had made while breaking his and the then-unconscious siren’s fall. Heartbeats for both slowed, no longer needing to drown in adrenaline for fear the nightmarish being they’d been fighting, Enjin, would get back up again. After an internal attack by the siren and an external obliteration by the kaiju, the Aspect of Land finally seemed to be dead for good. But even as the beat in her chest slowed, Aria could feel each throb growing in strength.

Steadied hands touched and slid across X’s face, tenderly running a fingertip across the small divots his old scars etched into his skin, burrowing into his hairline; and oh so gently moving some stray dirt and snow away from the more recent wounds. It was a thought process difficult to put to words but the increasing hardness in her lungs and thumping inside her torso made the siren completely ignore the fact he was also in the form of a naked monkey. Ignore the detail that this entity was her enemy when they first met with as much a threat he posed to her family and their precious siren hearts. And she completely blocked out the fact he wasn’t anything notably attractive by human standards even without the old and new wounds, she’d seen and could easily charm better. If Aria Blaze was anything however, it was decisive and decisive about what she didn’t ignore. And right now that decisiveness was being honed on the unavoidable fact that just looking at X’s face and it’s injuries, aged ones in the form of scars and new ones in the form of the bleeding cut across his brow he got protecting her, was making both her actual heart and siren heart glow.

Monster X needed a moment to mentally reboot due to the enormous amounts of déjà vu he was getting. Flashes of sensations from experiences or memory was hardly a new concept to him, but this context certainly was. For decades, for as long as his memory could travel, life was isolation, training, and combat occasionally broken up by seeing those he called friend in joint missions or a stroll through a familiar yet alien city in military parades through the capital city. Those times were different though and now he knew why. He had a life once, one his other side remembered and sought revenge for. X himself still couldn’t remember much of it, but the fleeting glimpses of what he’d seen in the depths of his fractured subconscious told him the feelings he had forming over the last weeks and experienced at their peak when Aria was captured, when he struggled to revive her, and now sat alone with her now; were not new. This was something he had once and that other side of him, Kaizer Ghidorah, craved to have back or to avenge. X went still for a fleeting second when he felt Aria’s thumb draw across his nasal bridge down to his cheek in the trail of a scar. A smile, tiny at first but growing, formed across the tired kaiju’s face.

Hiding a frown spurred by a rare moment of visible sympathy, Aria Blaze felt at a damp spot on X’s face just below his eyes.

“You look like you’ve been crying...”

X shrugged at the siren’s blunt tone, knowing full well she was showing concern but masking it. He forcefully shoved the none to pleasant memories of his absolute panic while trying to revive her and the relief he’d gotten upon restarting her heart.

-Don’t you dare scare me like that again, witch.-

“Fight was painful.”

Aria knew the real reason before she even got the stoic answer.

-He was scared he hadn’t gotten to me in time.-

The siren grunted, feigning disbelief.

“Humph, I’d bet.”

The siren muttered with a tiny chuckle, bundling up some of X’s scarf to dab across his face. Noting each wound and tear stain she went to work attempting to clean them all out. While she gently pressed the cloth to an open cut bleeding across X’s face, Aria could feel her cheeks warming up when one strong arm reached across her back to support her up while the other put the other end of the scarf to her own scuffed-up face. Monster X said nothing, merely looking down at the purple siren with a slight, but beaming smile both on his maw and in his eyes that soon infected Aria. They kept tending to each other for a minute or two, until they ran out of cuts to stem, dampness to dry, or dirt to clean off and just looked at each other. Cast in the hovering moon’s silvery radiance, the eyes of a grouch and a stoic, violet and cinnabar, stared through one another with happiness visible across the board.

Aria Blaze felt her breath grow hitched slightly, a sentiment returned by the kaiju given both of them were wreathing each other in their exhaling mist. The presence of the red magical haze coming off of X and flowing into her gem was proof of what she was experiencing and Aria wasn’t keen to ignore it. This was different and it was just a start, but a restart she enjoyed. She certainly wasn’t about to do the typical mermare response of what to do with a suitable male, even if she did ever find herself being a typical mermare. But the more she looked at the face before her, the more it almost felt like the unmasking wasn’t even needed. He might have terrified, aggravated, and antagonized her before; but her mind couldn’t help but trail back to when those same red eyes stopped to show her mercy when they were foes. How they’d study her and patiently listen when they were allies. And how they looked when filled with fear for her regard as their owner tried to save her life as a friend. It was just a new starting point but she had made up her mind, she really liked his eyes. And she really liked him.

Though they didn’t mutter another word between them, body language and X’s eyes were word enough her sentiments weren’t isolated. Recalling the motion from a lost memory, X tightened his hold around her back and middle, putting his forehead to her’s and closing his eyes. It was an old Xillian motion, one Aria was a bit perplexed at. But for whatever information was lost, context was more than made up for by the heat settling over her and the noticeable increase in red haze pouring into her siren heart. The reddening on both their faces was growing in spite of the surrounding cold and their dark skin tones. X knew what he was doing however and didn’t regret it.

-Purpose without a mission. First for me, but I like it.-

X sighed, feeling a rare moment of complete content and holding onto it. His mind briefly recalled the memory from his other half, namely how said half was so completely focused upon it that nothing else would matter. In some weird way it made him pity Kaizer Ghidorah. So caught in the past it couldn’t live for the present. Not like X had when he befriended his teammates, new and old; and not to ever feel like he did when Aria saw him face to face. Monster X had friends and had found love, something Kaizer Ghidorah never did. It was probably the reason X managed to defeat him with Aria's help.

The small smile on X’s face momentarily spread onto Aria before fading. There was still a dozen problems pressing down on her mind but the violet siren wasn’t about to let them crush her anymore. Stuck in a new world outside of her proper body? She’d make do with this one. Weird new power source and song? She figured out already she liked it more. Worry with having burned bridges with her cousins in her quest to overpower Adagio? She’d find a way to patch it back up, probably show them to song to help. To quote one of the pieces Adagio had written for future use, nothing could stop her now.

Confidence brewing and her revitalized siren heart banishing tiredness, Aria reached up and put her left hand on X’s cheek and jaw while snaking the other to the back of his head. Straddling him to take some pressure off his legs and equal their height, she pulled back from the forehead press and tilted X’s face down and sideways to put her lips to his. Eyes closing, Aria held them in place to feel his presence while her gemstone glowed brighter than it had before. Had she still had one, the siren’s tail probably would have been wagging. X was momentarily confused at the action, not knowing what a kiss was, as Aria had been confused at his forehead bump, but the admittedly adorable cooing sound coming out of the siren told him not to pay it any heed. It was an strange action, but one he soon returned.

They stayed like that for a long time before getting up to head towards a road in hopes of getting out of the falling snow, hopefully to be picked up by the other sirens. Having a fractured leg, X was forced to put an arm around Aria’s shoulders and have her support him despite assurance he could manage. The banter between them wouldn’t sound quite as loving as their previous actions had been, but siren and xillian could easily tell what the other was actually saying.

“I can try to levitate some to take pressure off. I’ll be fine.”

-You care too much.-

“You’re The Worst. Lied to me once this evening, not fooling me twice.”

-I’m too stubborn to let go.-

“Stubborn sea-witch…”

-Who'd gotten me to consider things beyond following orders. Thank you.-

“Worst alien...”

-Who'd forced me to see what was important and to make do. Thank you.-

Aria’s hand that held X’s arm shifted, weaving her sore fingers between his gloved ones while they walked towards the road and towards a pair of headlights they'd soon find their respective parties behind.

Author's Note:

Proofed by Faith-Wolff and Lance-Omikron

Next Fluff! -
Blade Dancer and Xenilla, 2/18