• Published 12th Jun 2017
  • 5,322 Views, 290 Comments

Once a Time Lord... Well, actually still that, but now a Pony as well... - The Bricklayer

The Doctor once again finds himself in the middle of a... situation. Mind you, situations for him never involved getting turned into a talking horse. Well, pretend you have a plan and just go for your trusty Sonic I suppose. ONCE A TIME LORD REWRITE

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Prologue: Time Crash

A pair of furrowed, rather fierce eyebrows scribbled away on a piece of paper, bound in a dark blue book. With this, ponies would hopefully know his story and understand what exactly he and his friends had to do to save all of time and space and their reasonings behind their actions. Not just for their big moments in the lives, when they saved Equestria many times over, but for other things as well. There were dark moments that needed to be told, and he couldn’t beat around the bush about them. The pony let out a sigh as a pair of white feathered wings wrapped around him in support.

“Now… Let’s get started.”

An unknown area in Time and Space...

The Doctor was lonely. He'd had this feeling before, and it was never a nice feeling. More like the feeling of despair, at least for him. It was really not a good thing for him to travel alone, as he lost sight of his morals, things becoming blended. The Racnoss had shown him that. He’d become a monster when faced with them.

“Oh, but I’m not from Mars.” The Doctor remarked. He was below the Thames, with spiderwebs above him and a facing a red skinned arachnoid like creature with the body of a human and very sharp claws. Nasty temperament too at that.

“Then where?” The Empress had asked him.

“My home planet is far away and long since forgotten, but its name lives on. Gallifrey.” He stated, in an almost arrogant tone of voice.

“THEY MURDERED THE RACNOSS!” The Empress had screeched at him in pure rage and fury at hearing that hated name, and in a cold tone of voice the Doctor simply replied:

“I warned you.” He growled out as he held small red baubles in his hand and then tossed them to the winds...

The Doctor sighed to himself, he had turned completely cold and inhuman then. He’d crossed a line that never should be crossed. He committed Genocide, for the third time in his life. First, it was the Daleks and the Time Lords, and then the Racnoss. How many… How many more races did he have to kill before he became HIM? How many before he became that which he feared the most, the Time Lord only known in myth as the Valeyard. He simply watched as the Empress screamed in rage as he let the Thames flood in her home, washing away her children like filth down a drain. Then there was her, watching in horror as he committed this act watching over the destruction of a species like some vengeful god. She stopped him, stopped him from getting both himself and her killed.

“MY CHILDREN!” She screeched in rage as flames burned like Hellfire around the Doctor. The dying screeches of her babies filled the room as water rushed down a large hole. A red haired woman, in a bridal gown, looked on in horror. She had seen the wondrous, charming side of the Doctor’s life, now she was seeing him in pure cold fury. Unrestrained and almost nobody to stop him. And it had all happened in a single day.

“Doctor, you can stop now!”

His companions, they kept him on the right track. Kept him human, made sure he never got too full of himself. Kept him to the line. Not even a while ago, he thought he'd met someone who'd fix his problem. There was this woman aboard a ship, a flying clone… Well, knock off really if he was to he honest, of the infamous Titanic. But it was not to be. She sacrificed herself to help stop her boss from dropping the replica over London. It was a long story, not worth reliving.

“At least… Not right now.”

And then there were the others, Rose, Martha, Donna and Ace to name just a few. He could make a list of all the people he’d lost or let go over the years. But it was needed for him in most cases. The Doctor, if he traveled with them all throughout his natural lifespan, he’d be forced to watch them grow old while he stayed as young as ever. Never changing, never aging. In the end, it was best he left them behind. Honestly, at times, he wondered if his only true companion was the TARDIS herself.

"Well Old Girl, where should we go next? Telos? I hear it's changed a bit. Or maybe Midnight, got great reviews about that place. Nary an incident. Heard their shuttle tours are the best really. Mind you, the rather lethal galvanic radiation could be a bit of a turn off but that’s a minor niggle in the grand scheme of things. Or what about the Bank of Karabraxos? Always wanted to see that… Heard about their devilishly clever security system." The Doctor thought to himself as he paced back and forth around his TARDIS.

The Doctor was so focused on his musings he failed to notice the alarm going off in the background. He did notice, however, when it progressed and changed into the Cloister Bell.

"Hold on... Sensors are picking up... Wait a moment, that's not possible! It's like a crack in space and time itself! Like something exploded,” The Doctor muttered before he realized something. “And I'm being sucked into it! Gotta try something..."

He flipped a few switches on his console, but to no avail. His expression grew frantic.

“Nothing I can do to stop it!” The Doctor muttered to himself as his eyes widened considerably before a manic grin reached his face. A new experience, a new adventure! “Not now... So, only one thing to say then. Allons-Y!”

With that, the Doctor laughed in glee like a madman as he was sucked in and catapulted from one side of the galaxy to the next…

The planet of Equus: Canterlot Castle:

In her private quarters in Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia herself detected the arrival of the Doctor and his newfound presence in her kingdom. She looked up from her book, and walked out onto the balcony and looked towards the night sky. Stars glittered and gleamed in the dark blue oceans of the heavens above. The moon shown down. Oddly enough, it's cratered surface seemed to form a figure. The figure in question was a tall unicorn-like creature that seemed to be staring down at the Princess of the Sun almost as if it was judging her for some crime long since forgotten.

"Somepony has arrived. Somepony very powerful, and very old indeed. Somepony very wise, and somepony very dangerous. And yet… Somepony very sad. He’s lost somepony, perhaps more than a few times." Celestia mused as she got a brief flash of a golden energy changing a strange being’s form as he breached time and space. He now stood on four legs instead of two, and wore a pony’s face. Yet, it was plainly obvious that he was never a pony nor was he that something else she briefly witnessed. He was something… More. Something far much older then perhaps even her.

Celestia didn’t know how she could detect this breach in the dimensional barrier. A temporary flare-up in her magic, perhaps? However, before she could question it any further, something happened. Suddenly, she staggered, new memories flooding into her head. A strange stallion with a strange device often accompanied by varying ponies some with faces she recognized, others she did not. She found herself too stunned to speak when she saw her personal student. She wasn’t alone. Her current captain of the Royal Guard amongst the images as well. Sometimes the two stood together, other times not. He, this strange stallion from worlds beyond just kept popping up all over her timeline, from her very childhood right up into the Equestria/Griffin Kingdom war. Regaining her footing, Celestia sighed to herself. As much as she’d like to ponder these questions, she’d have to shelve them for a later date. Right now, it seemed she would be relegated to a glorified observer as it were. She would just have to wait and watch and see what happened.

“I can only just hope this new arrival brings glad tidings, and not ill intent,” Celestia mused. “I cannot make any more mistakes of trusting ponies I shouldn’t have. I’ve made mistakes, far too many to count. Never again, never again.” Celestia repeated to herself as she briefly gazed upon a picture of her with a red and yellow maned filly with a unicorn’s horn. Putting on her Princess of Equestria face, Celestia tossed off her bathrobe and reached for her regalia…

Elsewhere in Canterlot:

A flying blue box flew through the early morning skies, moon and sun raising and lowering in the background, spinning wildly out of control as the front doors hung open with the Doctor hanging on literally by the skin of his teeth. His coat flew away unseen flying way to parts unknown as the Doctor’s TARDIS just barely missed a clocktower and the weather vane atop it. The Doctor himself just barely managed to pull himself up and flip into the TARDIS interior not even noticing his change in appearance.

“Well, that was a close one. Barely protected the important bits there.” He muttered as he fought with the controls. “Just gotta land this baby somewhere… Hopefully without much incident.”

The Doctor sighed. Oh, who was he kidding? He never managed to land the TARDIS properly did he?

“Oh well, just gotta hope for the best eh?”

Coughing, the Doctor stepped out of his TARDIS smoke coming out of the interior encompassing the area around him. As it had happened, it'd crashed through the window of a small little café. Perhaps it was needless to say, but the cafe's patrons were beginning to stare at this strange sight in their midst.

"Well, what are you looking at?" The Doctor asked, not noticing his change in form at all. A brown coated stallion, wearing a tie with the dollar sign on it and bags of money on his flank walked up and struggled for words. Finally, he found some.

"You... You just crash landed through a cafe window!" Filthy Rich said in shock as his wife and daughter stared gobsmacked expressions on their muzzles.

"So what? I crash land though a lot of café windows! There was this one time... Oh look, you're all horses. Isn't that nice?” The Doctor began, starting to ramble. “Well, I suppose ponies would be a better term given your miniature state. Oh look, I'm one now too! Isn't that nice?" The Doctor commented on his newfound state before fainting dead away, his regeneration into his newest body catching up with him. Filthy shook his head.

"He's completely insane..." He thought to himself.

Filthy sighed to himself. It was probably in his, and possibly the rest of Equestria’s best interests that he alerted the Royal Guard of this… incident.

“Why do I get the feeling life in Equestria is about to become that much weirder?” He asked himself. “And why do I get the feeling this newcomer will be a part of it?”

Author's Note:

Well, here we go, the official rewrite of my story Once a Time Lord, Now a Pony is underway. When I came to this site a little over a year ago, I was full of ambition and the first thing I did was write a Doctor Who crossover. It had some good ideas, but most weren't properly executed and a certain Time Lord wasn't done the proper justice he/she deserves.I say it's high time to fix that. I'm going to apply what I've learned here and hopefully give this story due justice. For my old fans, don't worry, still the same in basic principal but given a fresh start. As for any new fans, hello! Now, for those of you who have read Once a Time Lord's sequels, no worries. No Supernatural style antics here. No demons, no angels. Just Doctor Who style levels of insanity. Now sit back and enjoy the ride. As Eleven always said... Geronimo!