• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Hi, name's XenoPony. I'm an avid pony writer and fan fiction author with a wide range of stories.


Comments ( 66 )

Okay, incest? I may have my kinks, but there are some things I'm not willing to read. That being one of them. Sorry Draconic.

8021080 It's more of a case of the fact that I just don't like the southern stereotype of all hicks are banging each other.

8021084 Princest has nothing to do with southern stereotypes. Princesses are basically the exact opposite of anything southern-hick related.

8021101 But still, I don't like incest stories just because of that one stereotype. I just find the whole thing... unnatural. Sisters shouldn't be in love with each other. Eh, second cousins or further relations I can stand, but direct blood relations... No, just no.

8021066 You can just skip most of chapter two. It's very telling when things are getting...intimate. The second chapter isn't subtle at all. Just read chap one, two before it gets to the incest, then stop when it gets too weird for you in three. Simple.

I wrote chapter one entirely, so I should know that it's as vanilla M/F as vanilla gets. I like it that way.

8021117 Nope, still not reading it. I would get into the entire story just by reading the first chapter and I don't like reading incest stories, plain and simple. The only incest story I made a exception for was Tangled Roots by Badseed I believe, and that was because it was just so darn good, and the rest of the plot (Not what you think, get your mind out of the gutter) overshadowed the incest, plus the couple in question weren't direct blood relations anyhow.

8021169 Well, I wrote all of chapter one personally, and there's no blood relations in the two there. I personally like some nice vanilla breeding myself. But, whatever. I'm not gonna twist your arm if you want to not read it. Just leave your dislike and be on your merry way I suppose.

8021193 Who said I was the one to dislike it? Wasn't me.

8021084 Dude. Get off your high horse and Go fuck yourself.

8021229 Now, is that really needed? Honestly, just expressing my opinion and I get blasted for it.

8021235 You hate incest, fine. Using a tired old stereotype to justify it? That's stupid. I like the idea and taboo nature of it for fantasy, but if you have ever seen pictures of incest children, (which is pretty common in orthodox Muslim communities too) you would be horrified and properly justified in advocating against incest. However, this is a fanfiction website. It's okay here to write. Getting on this high horse and using a very old stereotype, especially about my people and region, people are justifiably angry at you.

its pretty good, fix the italics.

8021264 Just noticed them a few moments before you posted this, should be fixed now.


Lucky stud. Certainly got a better deal than Luna's baby daddy.

8021258 Eh, hate to break it to you, but it's my region of America as well. I'm from the south as well, so I generally don't like this stereotype.

8021272 Take note that's never addressed, having sex with a pony then removing his memories, comes across a little too much like rape if you ask me.

The hell you talking about? Projection much?

Why ruin such a beautiful story with incest, it was fine as is.

>doesn't like the kink or the story
>responsible for half the comments

Why are you still here? I don't fault you for your tastes, but if this isn't your thing, why are you sticking around to argue with those who do like it? That's just asking for trouble. Just say your piece and leave. No need to justify yourself to people who disagree or are looking for a fight. Go find a story you do like and enjoy your time reading fanfiction.


well why are people even responding to him? just downvote and move on, its not that hard!

8021633 Because people feel the need to justify themselves, even though there's no need for it. Although this justification is sorely lacking to be taken seriously.


yeah but the issue is that he made a comment and people decided to keep responding. you never feed the trolls man, cmon!

8021642 But what better way to enjoy a show? Troll a troll and you have more lovely stuff.

This is some good shit. Keep it up Draconic and Legion!

8021287 Major thing I hated about the first story.

Oh my YES this is good! Nothing hotter than preg on preg, especially if at least one of the parties is full term. Something is just extremely good about pleasuring a mother to be in the last moments of her pregnancy.

Not gonna lie it was pretty damn hot having Celestia pleasure Luna right in the middle of labor. Even better that Luna's waters broke right in the middle of it in an orgasm fueled splash all over her sister's face.

Also the way you described Luna's pregnant state along with the clothing scene was just divine. Would not mind you doing more preg stuff at all.

8022539 To be honest, all of my clop stories have had preg stuff in them so far, so I will defiantly have more stories with it in, it all depends on how popular certain stories are at the end of the day.

Although, I'm glad you enjoyed it!:twilightsmile:


Seen the preg in those, good stuff. Although the stuff I love the most is loving times when the mother is already heavily pregnant. There's just something about a pony in the last hours before her waters break that's insanely hot. Belly is at max size, constant braxton hicks and foaling instincts kicking in, and the anxiety as she realizes that birth is *very* close. All that along with Luna ripping clothes due to her sheer size was just beautiful. Only thing that would have made it better was some last belly worship on that lunar mass before the big pop (kissing, teasing around the navel, feeling kicks and contractions firsthoof).

I eagerly await more preg stories from you. It's hard as hell in general (not just pone fics) to find stories that have that perfect combo.

8021601 Thank you, someone who agrees with me. The story was fine as it was. Luna and Celestia having sex with each other was not needed.

I like how most of the comments are arguing with or admonishing a Guy/girl/person/sentient toaster who doesn't like the idea of siblings fucking and has decided to give this story a miss because of it. And very few are about the actual story.

Before you start on me I don't care either way, I just find it somewhat amusing. Haven't got to that particular chapter yet, but it's like, they're both female, literally no genetic repercussions possible from them doing the horizontal mambo, which is why our society discourages incest in the first place. Ask yourself, if two hot sisters started making out in front of you irl, would you look away? I know I wouldn't, I'd be recording that shit.

Yes I would, at best I think it is boring. It is also not needed due to the fact that Celestia had a boy toy.

8021258 Okay, firstly, an apology. Probably shouldn't have said a word and went on my merry way. Would have been the smart thing to do. But temper got the better of me, and... Well...

8022609 Now, what I should have criticized. Like the last story, this one fails to address the problem of the sisters reasoning behind wanting a child. Is it out of truly love and want for a little one, or just to continue the bloodline? A child is something you have to care for all your life, not something you can just great and ignore.

8023243 Nah I can understand where you're coming from, I was joking but took it too far and I'm sorry about that.

8023243 As far as I can tell, both. They both want to continue their bloodline and have foals to raise. In Chapter 3, it's shown that Luna very much loves her foals, and Celestia loves them just as much and helps care for them.

What ensures

Haha, well done. Who needs proofreading anyway?

I actually agree with you that it would have been better and more true to the original without the incest, but chapter 2 and part of 3 were the author's original vision and storyline for this. I entirely wrote and added the first chapter with the straight conception as well as heavily editing the second and third to incorporate Sun, but I'm not going to come along and tell the author what they can or can't add in their story.

8023479 I was the proofreader and exclusive editor, as well as cowriter, so it's unsurprising a few things slipped through. Thanks for pointing it out though.

8024045 Yeah, I changed it, plus found a few other things in there. All corrected now though, at least the ones I found that is.

I feel incredible amounts of sympathy for Luna's children if she's sticking with her stupid plan.

Especially the girl since she's an alicorn. Really the plan is just asking for a Nightmare Moon 2.0.

I know that I, at least, would be... eh....

I'm not even sure how to put it, but considering how I take responsibilities and my thoughts about the integrity of my mind and free will, I would be... angry doesn't cover it. Wrathful, livid, enraged- none of them really fit it, because all would be understatements.

Still, I have to disagree with Luna's actions in that regard. Sure, at first glance it seems to make sense, but then you realize that unless the twins are going to be sealed in a room in stasis for their entire existences until they are needed- which would be exceedingly cruel by any standards- somepony is going to have to take care of them. Luna is busy with matters relating to the governance of Equestria, and she cannot be around twenty-four seven (or whatever they decide the day-night cycle is that day), and the pony to take care of the twins in question might as well be their father.

So, it was a stupid mistake to begin with anyway, mostly because she didn't even think ahead. So, really, in retrospect it was about as emotionally affecting as a guy making the "difficult decision" to toss his dog off a bridge for no god-damn reason, something that I realized while I was writing this. Look, I still love the story, but that was a stupidly contrived thing to do.

With a great have, she then pulled herself up to standing, before looking back at her sister.


It feels so warm and nice that I think I'll almost miss having them inside me when they're instead here beside me instead

"Oh, dear sister I know exactly how you feel! Going for too long without having sex is just too hard now I've experienced what being bred really feels like!" Celestia exclaimed, then lifted herself slightly.

now that I've experienced?

The second and third chapter could have been a story of their own, might have been better that way.

Poor Sun, his mate rutting with her sister behind his back. For all the moral dillemas Celestia has with Luna keeping her children secret from the father ,she has secrets of her own she keeps from Sun. :pinkiecrazy:

Also, Lunas secret heirs plan kind of becomes redundant when a actual public heir is going to exist, plus the whole secrecy thing being a obstacle and probably creating more issues then it could solve, considering one is a regular bat pony the other you would imagine is a villain if you saw them and like most judge them by their looks. :trollestia:

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