• Published 31st Oct 2017
  • 8,612 Views, 662 Comments

Secrets of the Mane Six - Starscribe

Everypony has their secrets. Twilight never imagined those her own best friends might be hiding from her, until one of her new duties as a princess brought her stumbling headlong into a side of Equestria she never even knew existed.

  • ...

Chapter 2.1: Sanguine Express

Twilight Sparkle hadn't intended to sleep so long. But considering what she had endured—more than anypony she knew who wasn't an alicorn—she hadn't bothered to set her alarm. Her mission to see Rarity was important, but surely whatever Charon had meant could wait a few hours.

By the time she finally woke up, the light streaming in through her blinds was already stained orange. A quick glance at her calendar on the wall told her it was Friday, which didn't bode well. Rarity spent her Friday evenings attending fashion conferences all over Equestria. They were fancy parties, the sort that wouldn't start until quite late, but even so. Twilight shoved herself out of the blankets, spent a few seconds grooming her hair, then vanished with a brief pop.

I'm sorry Spike. I wanted to bring you. Twilight was loathe to break a promise, but she couldn't risk missing Rarity. What if the dangerous thing she was about to do was related to her conference somehow?

She appeared outside the Carousel Boutique, moments later. It was already closed, the sign turned, and the lights inside dimmed, but Twilight didn't worry about that. She pushed the doors open. Or tried. They were locked.

Had this warning been any less serious, she probably would've given up, and waited for Rarity to return come late tomorrow. But considering where she'd received the warning, and from whom... she didn't want to make it wait. Twilight Sparkle was not the sort of pony to just wait and hope that things would work out. Her neuroticism could get her into trouble, like the time she'd been desperate to prevent a world-ending disaster by traveling backward in time. The disaster had only really been to her own sanity.

But this might be different. She couldn't just walk away.

Twilight kept banging on the door for a few more minutes, until she finally heard a voice from inside. Annoyance, maybe a little fear. "Rarity says I'm not supposed to open it for anypony. You'll have to come back tomorrow."

That was Sweetie Belle's voice from inside.

"Sweetie Belle, it's Twilight. I need to see your big sister—it's very important."

She heard a few seconds of rustling as Sweetie Belle unlocked the door. It swung open seconds later, revealing a Sweetie Belle that was wearing pajamas and looking worried. Twilight could smell something coming from the kitchen, something that didn't smell very edible. How much garlic did you use?

"Princess," Sweetie Belle squeaked, lowering her head in a slightly confused bow. Ponies were doing that a lot lately. "I'm sorry, you won't be able to tell my sister anything. She's already gone."

Twilight winced, gesturing with a wing for Sweetie to stand up properly. This bowing thing was uncomfortable, particularly when she knew the ponies involved. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to this. She couldn't imagine doing that, but Celestia and Luna didn't seem to mind it. "When did she leave? Where is she? Maybe I can catch her before she makes it out of Ponyville."

Sweetie Belle looked away, her ears flattening. The filly looked like she'd just been asked to tattle on one of her friends. "Well, I... I'm not really supposed to tell anypony..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "You think there's something Rarity wouldn't want me to know?"

The child stared at her wings for a few seconds. "Well, uh... I guess probably not?" She stepped to the side, gesturing urgently for Twilight to come in. She checked the street with a nervous glance, and locked the door after Twilight had followed her in.

"I'm not supposed to tell anypony. Rarity named you and your other friends specifically. It's just too dangerous for you to get involved, and that you'd reeeeeaaallly want to if you found out."

Twilight tensed. The more of this she heard, the more it sounded exactly like something that might put her friend in danger of a premature death. How long have you been keeping secrets from us, Rarity? It wasn't as though she was the only one. None of them knew that Applejack was working for the Pale Mare. Maybe they never would. "Well, I'm a princess now. Whatever it is, it can't be too dangerous for me. Please, Sweetie Belle. Your sister is in danger, and I might be the only pony in Equestria who can help."

That did it. The foal winced, looking away from her. "Well, uh... she's on her way to Canterlot. She's taking the nine-o'clock express. In one of her fancy disguises. Also, it's... got a dress code. They'll never let you on looking like that." She blushed, looking away. "S-sorry, Princess. Please don't send me to the moon."

Twilight's expression darkened, though not because she was upset with the filly. Twilight was the sort of pony who always knew the train schedules, so that she could know how long it would take her to get anywhere in Equestria, no matter the hour. The problem was—there was no nine-o'clock train. The last train left at eight, which had probably already passed. "Are you sure? I thought the Appleloosa mail carrier was the last train on Wednesdays."

"Uh..." Sweetie Belle met her eyes again. She seemed confident, if intimidated by Twilight's reaction. "Pretty sure. I only went the one time, but... I'm pretty sure." She advanced, looking desperate. "Please don't tell her I told you! If she finds out, she'll kill me for sure!"

"I'll make sure she doesn't," Twilight said. She would've liked to make that promise, but there was just no way Rarity wouldn't figure it out. Twilight needed a change of clothes, and she needed one quickly. "I, uh... I'd like to buy a dress." She walked past her, to the glittering display case. She could see the gown there, the one Rarity put into her window to advertise to passing ponies. It was the kind of evening gown that might be worn by the finest mares, the kind who could tell different wines apart and spoke with exotic accents.

"I need to buy that dress." She saw the price tag, then quickly looked away again. Three months librarian's salary. Good thing I'm a princess now, right Celestia? Hopefully the princess saw things the same way.

The dress didn't fit well. Twilight had always had a slim build, but now she was also just a tiny bit taller, which made things difficult with a garment so form-fitting. Particularly since the dress didn't have openings for her wings. Twilight had been forced to cast an awkward illusion spell on herself, concealing the huge bulges in the fabric that would've made her look as crass as Applejack attempting to board this train in muddy boots and her stetson.

She hadn't walked across Ponyville once she bought the dress, but teleported right outside the train station. As she had expected, she saw the train for Appleloosa chugging its way down the tracks, leaving them behind. The lights had been trimmed to a dull orange glow, and the barricades had already been put up. Twilight muttered a quiet curse, regretting that she had thought to trust a pony as unreliable as Sweetie Belle... until she saw the train parked quietly on the other side of the station, on the maintenance track. It was indeed an express, with every single one of its windows darkened with blinds.

She stumbled towards it, conjuring a little glow to help light her way through the gloom. But she didn't get very far.

Just a few steps in, a burly stallion emerged from the shadows to block her path. He wore something like a night-guard uniform, except that there was no metal, and no insignia. Just dark fabric to conceal his appearance in the gloom. "Excuse me," he said, not sounding like he particularly cared about being excused. "You're lost. This train station is closed."

"I'm..." She straightened, biting back her fear. "I'm going to get on the nine-o'clock express." She pointed with one hoof. "Right there."

"Is that so?" The stallion looked her up and down, eyes lingering appreciatively on the dress. This was not the dignified Ponyville citizen—whoever this was had no shame about staring at her. She shivered, but didn't try to stop him. "Who sent you? Blood, court, pact? I don't know your face. Though... I think I saw that cutie mark in the paper."

Twilight could see the intensity in his face, and knew she wouldn't have much time to think about her answer. This was apparently the sort of question she was supposed to answer easily, like asking who her family was. "I, uh... Charon sent me." It was a silly answer, and she knew it. But what else was she supposed to say? Sweetie Belle hadn't known what Rarity was doing here, or who had sent her. Otherwise she could just claim to belong to the same group of ponies and be done.

The thug seemed taken-aback by her response. "Up from the Styx, you?" He looked her up and down. "What's your name, deadwalker?"

"It's Twi—" She swallowed. "Twinkle Pine"

The stallion raised an eyebrow, then jotted something down on a pad of paper. "We'll be leaving in ten minutes, 'Twinkle Pine.' Board through the caboose. Unless you're not sure about being able to pay when we arrive." He tucked his paper away, then stalked off back into the gloom, leaving Twilight alone on the platform again.

Twilight had to climb off the platform to make it to the caboose. She lifted the dress as best she could, making sure not to drag it behind her as she went. It was worth more than anything else she owned, and she wasn't sure Sweetie Belle had been allowed to sell it. At least I know Rarity will recognize me when I find her.

That still left one significant question unanswered. What in Celestia's name was her friend up to that she'd been noticed by some spirit of the dead? How long had she been riding secret trains at night, guarded by angry-looking thugs? At least it can't be any weirder than Applejack, whatever it is.

Twilight teleported the brief distance from the ground to the back of the caboose, unwilling to try and climb wearing a dress made of so many layers of fragile lace and flowing silk. The door wasn't locked.

The train's interior was even more opulent than Twilight had first been expecting. Fancy new electric lamps instead of gas lined the walls of cars covered in elegant scrollwork and exotic wood. There aren't any express trains that look like this.

And it wasn't just the trains themselves. There were a handful of ponies in sharp suits, wearing polished metal crossbows and watching her skeptically as she entered. Neither actually tried to stop her from getting on, though—apparently the dress had worked.

I made it after all. Now I just have to find Rarity. There were only three cars on this train, so it wouldn't be hard.

She passed into the next car, nodding politely to a half-dozen or so sharply dressed ponies. She could feel their eyes on her as she passed, and she didn't linger on the strange-smelling tray of refreshments. Rich ponies had weird tastes, and these had been sitting out long enough for the ice to melt.

Finally she was through the last car, where she could see a single pony in a trench coat facing away from her, hat covering their mane. This better be her.

If Sweetie Belle had been wrong after all, she was going to have an awkward time getting off the train before—the ground jerked just a little, as the engine began to roar, pulling them slowly out of the station. Last chance to teleport. There were no other ponies in the car to overhear, just a tray of more conventional refreshments and half a dozen comfortable private seats.

"Excuse me," Twilight asked, when she had gotten closer. Close enough to see the large case resting beside the pony, currently closed. I wonder how she got on the train dressed like that.

The pony turned, and Twilight caught sight of her friend's familiar blue eyes, behind a pair of slightly tinted glasses. Her mane had been tied in a tight, distinctly non-Rarity sort of way. "Yes, dar—" She froze momentarily, taking in Twilight's appearance in a single shocked instant. The train began to accelerate, rocking slightly to one side as they took the turn back onto the main track out of Ponyville. There were no other stops before Canterlot.

Rarity rose instantly to her hooves, staring at the connecting door behind Twilight, then looking back to her. Her voice dropped to an angry, terrified hiss. "What in Celestia's name are you doing here, Twilight?" She reached out, jerking Twilight into her private box, and slamming the wood shut. There was still a large glass window to the rest of the car, though there was nopony outside to hide from.

She shoved Twilight back with surprising force, glancing back at the entrance every few moments. But so far, nopony new had entered.

Twilight herself was staggered by the sudden forcefulness. She collected herself a moment later, settling down into the seat across from Rarity. That way, she would be able to easily glance at the door into the car without needing to look over her shoulder. "I have an important message for you," she said. "I, uh... I'm sorry if it's not convenient. I can teleport home as soon as I'm done. Though... maybe I shouldn't. You're not in trouble, are you?"

Rarity removed her hat, briefly adjusting her mane underneath. It was all woven tightly together, an intricate braid that would've kept it out of the way even if she were standing on the deck of an airship. "I’m not in trouble, Twilight. But that might be about to change. How did you..." Then she saw the dress. Her face passed through a rapid series of emotions, not settling on any one long enough for Twilight to get a good idea. "Oh. Sweetie Belle. She told you, didn't she?"

Twilight nodded. "She did. But just because this was important! I should've visited you earlier, but I couldn't let it wait."

Rarity sighed, glancing over her shoulder again. She leaned down, briefly unlatching the case she carried, though she left it closed. Ready to kick open and reveal whatever was inside. "You really should have. It isn't that I don't love an evening out with my friends, dear... but this isn't an evening out. You've wandered into one of the most dangerous parts of Equestria. Possibly blown my cover, too..." She sighed deeply, removing her glasses for a second and looking away. "Regardless, I suppose the damage is done. You might as well tell me whatever it is you've come to say. Then you can pop off home and I can deal with the pieces you leave behind."

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "I'm here to help, Rarity. I'm sure whatever this is... if you're in danger because of me, I should fix it. That's part of why I'm here to begin with."

Rarity shook her head, expression dark. "Believe you me, Twilight, I would like nothing more than to 'fix' this troublesome situation as quickly as possible. Sadly there is nothing you can do... perhaps nothing anypony can do..." She trailed off, looking briefly away. "Regardless, might as well deliver your message. Be quick about it, we could have visitors at any moment. Best if you're gone before that happens."

Twilight had no intention of leaving before anything happened, but there was no reason to waste time arguing the point yet. "I just... well, I'm not allowed to say. I recently came back from a mission for the princesses. They sent me..." How much could she even say about it? How convincing will I be if I don't tell her any of the details? “I spent some of yesterday with one of the wisest ponies alive." Neither “alive” nor “pony” was strictly true, but it was as close as she could think of. "They admired your work, actually. They'd seen some of it."

"A fan," Rarity repeated, settling back into her seat. She did still glance back every now and then, even though Twilight was obviously doing it herself. "Clearly they were one of the wisest ponies. But... what could they have possibly told you that was urgent enough to follow me here? Why not just send me a telegram?"

Twilight ignored the question. "This 'pony', he... he's one of the wisest ponies alive, like I said. And he has access to information that nopony else has, not even the princesses. He asked me to warn you about something. Because... you were about to do something dangerous. He didn't say what it was, but he did say that if you did it, you would certainly die. He wanted you to change your mind about it and try something else."

Twilight felt as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Even if she hadn't owed Charon the favor, it was still good to have it gone, and the important news revealed. Unfortunately, she couldn't just walk away and wash her hooves of whatever happened next. Rarity was her friend, so she had to make sure Charon's advice was listened to. He'd been only helpful with her, after all.

Rarity did not look worried, or frightened, or even mildly convinced. "That, uh... dear, you realize how, well... how vague that sounds, don't you? All ponies are mortal—I could trip on my way out of the Boutique. I could be standing under Miss Derpy during a piano delivery. I could eat some of my sister's cooking without realizing it.”

Twilight's eyes narrowed. She thought she could hear something from down the hall, though she couldn't be sure. Trains weren't exactly quiet, after all. Based on her judgement of their speed, they ought to be about halfway to Canterlot by now, though she wouldn't be able to tell for sure without opening the windows. "Rarity, come on. You just told me how dangerous it was to be here, how I needed to leave. Obviously this is what he meant."

Her friend looked thoughtful. "Twilight. There are... a great many ponies who would see me give up. Many of them... aren't as honest and thoughtful as they seem. I don't know how much I'm permitted to say... but you're a princess now, and anyway you're here. I'm here undercover, acting as an agent of the Crown. I don't know how likely it is that I'm still undercover after you just waltzed onto the Sanguine Express like this, but even so." She stiffened a little. "You know better than most that Equestria isn't always as safe as ponies think it is, Twilight. Princess Celestia requires many hooves to keep it that way. I am four of those.

"And anypony who tried to stop me—some of them well-meaning, others only wishing to insulate themselves from what a pony like me might discover. This... wise pony of yours. Where did you meet him? Celestia's school, perhaps?"

"The River Styx," Twilight answered, before she'd had the chance to think. "He was the boatman."

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but Twilight never heard what she said.

The door at the other end of the hall banged open, and several ponies rushed in. Not grizzled thugs, as she would've expected, but the fancy ponies she had passed on her way in. Except—they didn't look much like ponies anymore. Their eyes seemed to glow red, their features twisted and distorted. The pegasus ponies all had batlike wings, but not like Luna's thestrals. Their fangs were sharp, and their hunger as intense as their anger.

Rarity moved lightning-quick, smacking the case so it opened and removing what was within. Twilight's eyes widened as she saw it—a folded crossbow, made of metal instead of wood, with Rarity's characteristic grace worked into every inch of it. By the time the four intruders had made it halfway across the car, she already had it up and a dark wooden bolt loaded into place.

"What are those?" Twilight asked, her voice weak as she stared through the window. Their attackers hesitated as they saw the crossbow, clumping up near the doorway. They seemed to be glancing between one another, as though deciding who would be forced to open it first.

Rarity brandished the weapon at them, far more aggressively than Twilight had ever seen her act before. "Begone, demons! You will not lay a hoof on my friend!"

"We aren't here for her," one of them hissed, forcing Twilight to see those long teeth, dripping with something red. The same metallic-smelling liquid she'd seen on their food trays? The stallion stood in front of the door, apparently the bravest of these monsters. "Come out to us, Assassin, and we will spare her life. It is your blood the Prince wants, not hers."

What in Celestia's name is anypony talking about? Twilight found herself thinking, increasingly frustrated. Her horn sparked weakly, as she thought through a few defensive spells. Teleporting while riding a moving train was extremely dangerous, considering her momentum would be conserved. More than that, she'd learned in her last few years serving Celestia that just because something was scary didn't mean it was bad. But Rarity seems to think so. That crossbow isn't a toy. The bolt sitting there, ready to fire at any moment, was certainly sharp enough to kill.

She tried to remember anything in mythology that this might correspond to, but nothing came to mind. Twilight Sparkle had always looked on books like that as a waste of her time. Magic was real, obviously, but ponies sometimes took that as an excuse to write about anything, no matter how absurd that something might be.

Rarity shrugged off her coat with a twist of her neck. Underneath, she was wearing something a little like armor and cloth woven together—chain mail, an elegant purple and silver as fine as anything Rarity might've sold her customers. There was also a glittering rapier hanging from her shoulder, always within reach. Many non-unicorns mistakenly assumed that unicorns could only focus on one item at a time. Would these strange ponies do likewise? "I suggest you leave and tell that leech that Princess Celestia is coming for him. Advise him to get his will in order, send his farewells. Die with the dignity you abandoned when you were still ponies."

It was Twilight's turn to gape. She'd never heard anything so unkind from her generous friend, not even that time her mind had been controlled by Discord's evil magic. She just threatened to kill someone!

"Get behind me, Twilight," Rarity whispered.

There wasn't enough time for that. The stallion slammed the door open, and Rarity's crossbow-bolt smashed into his chest. He fell, even as his three companions came in behind, one unarmed while two others wielded rapiers just like Rarity's.

Twilight was an alicorn—her magic was unmatched by almost any creature in Equestria. Yet she found herself utterly stunned, unable to act. She had just seen one of her good friends kill right in front of her eyes! This didn't happen! Equestria was a safe place!

She felt only dimly as Rarity shoved her backward, out of the way, before raising her sword so quickly that it slashed into the lead attacker's neck. Twilight couldn't even look at what happened next, though the wet sound was confirmation enough.

She heard steel smashing against steel, grunts of pain, and she forced herself to look up. Rarity had advanced out through the open doorway, battling with the remaining two attackers. She didn't seem to be winning, either. She had only the one sword, though she used the crossbow's metal frame to stop swings as well.

These ponies struck with enough force that Rarity was driven back with every swing. She fought as skillfully as she crafted, but it wouldn't be enough.

The pony whose throat she had cut started to rise. Twilight shivered, feeling her blood go cold in her chest as she saw it. A pony that had been limp in a pool of putrid blood now turned on her.

That was as much watching as Twilight could do. Frightened or not, in over her head or not, Twilight had to do something! She focused on the one who should've been dead, smacking her with a teleportation spell. Not a powerful one, just a dozen feet backwards. Outside the train. The other two realized Twilight was up, and the unicorn broke away from his pegasus companion, stepping over his fallen comrade.

Twilight backed away, whimpering as she found herself suddenly unable to concentrate. What was going on? Twilight couldn't be here, she was going to die! Can I? Did Death promise me I wouldn't age, or am I actually immortal? In a way that might be worse. If bad ponies captured her...

The pony bent down, yanking the stake out from the chest of the stallion. Black blood was visible beneath, seeping and gurgling from the opening. At least, for a few seconds. It sealed, and the pony who had fallen rose to his hooves again.

He took in the situation in a glance—Rarity facing off with a pegasus, now about evenly-matched. Twilight fearfully backing away, and the other unicorn nowhere in sight. "Who are you?" he asked Twilight, remarkably calm for someone who had just suffered a mortal wound. "No thrall. Not even attempting to conceal it." He inhaled sharply, eyes narrowing as he leered at her. There was bestial hunger visible there, more barbaric than any dragon. "So much power. But how could a pony with magic like yours have stumbled accidentally onto this train?"

"Y-you should be dead..." Twilight said, shivering all over. "You're still bleeding..."

"Not for much longer," he said. "The assassin brought plenty of food for all of us. We'll be good as new when we arrive."

Twilight's horn glowed, preparing another teleport. She struck at the unicorn first—but he was ready. His counterspell angled the teleport to one side, where it struck the dividing wall instead. It vanished with a crash, torn right out of the train to smash onto the ground outside. She could hear the glass shattering, however faintly.

Rarity was right, I have no idea what I’m doing here. Maybe she didn't, but Twilight was an Alicorn. She'd stood up to Discord, and Nightmare Moon, and worse. The unicorn's horn glowed a sickly green—but she didn't give him the chance to cast anything. Twilight cast another teleport—this one aimed at herself. There was no way even a skilled sorcerer could stop that, not without preparing a curse beforehand. She appeared on the other side of the room, a little behind Rarity.


Her friend obeyed, and Twilight blasted into the pegasus she'd been fighting with a wave of magical force, smashing him backward through several dividing walls and into the side of the train. They didn't stay long enough to see what happened next—Twilight yanked on her hoof, tugging her through the doorway to the connector.

Twilight aimed another spell straight down, melting the steel connecting the engine to the rest of the train. She braced her hind legs against the car, then shoved with all her magical might. It wasn't just a force on the other half—the same force that acted on the rest of the train pushed on them, blasting them forward so fast she heard the engine itself begin to protest. In mere seconds, Twilight watched the rest of the train vanish into the gloom.

Of course, with all that magic drained from her, she felt as weak as a sponge that had just been wrung-out. "What about... the engineer?"

Rarity cast a spell at the metal door into the engine, then pushed it open.

The pony inside dressed exactly as any other engineer Twilight had known, wearing suspenders and a big hat. "Excuse me sir!" Rarity shouted, over the roaring of the engine. "Are you all right?"

He didn't respond, didn't look away from his equipment, didn't even blink. Rarity turned back. "Enthralled. He's no danger to anyone."

Twilight sighed, collapsing through the metal door to the piping-hot engine room. The engineer turned—but he still wasn't looking at them. He lifted a shovel from the hook, and shoveled a few large scoops of coal into the boiler.

Rarity shut the door behind them, sealing it with another spell. "I daresay that could have gone better."

Author's Note:

Behold as the secrets rise from the ashes! As before, I'll be updating daily until the section is complete.

I have always prided myself on leaving no story unfinished. This passion project has been a thorn in my side for a long time, one I deeply love. Let's make sure she gets the ending she deserves, eh?