• Member Since 5th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

G r e y

Converting my old 2014-2024 greentexts to prose and posting them here. Also writing new stuff.



Trixie just so happened to find a note from a secret admirer one day at school. And she is more than eager to find whoever it could be.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Wow... sad

I don't get it is it her reflection

Wow that is sad.

Damn, that's sad. :( I'll be your Valentine, Trixie!

Holy crap, I've never seen a fic go from 0 to dark that fast. Is this real life?

I'm imagining that this story is told entirely in first-person narration by Trixie herself.

I liked the story, so tragic and bizarre. So sad.

Wow! This is really something. All Trixie wants is someone to love and to be loved by. As I was reading this, this song came to mind.

Awwww, I’ll be your valentine, Trixie! Butterscotch Moonglow thinks The Great and Powerful Trixie is the best background character!

Me at the start: It's gonna be herself at the end, isn't it?

Me at the middle: oh? maybe I'm wrong. If so, who could it be? Flash? Sandlewood? Some other character?

Me at the end: ....God damn it....

But anyway, though that is sad, I like how you were able to trick me. It was predictable, but at the same time, not. Props to you.

Comment posted by Alkohole deleted Feb 27th, 2018
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