• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


In a mysterious location, all the baddies and not-quite-so-bad baddies get together, to see who among them is the evilest and most wickedest of them all.

Who will win? Well, I'm not going to tell you that here, am I? Read on, and all will be revealed. Maybe.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

hmmm i like the story but i feel it's a missed opportunity to have a villain competition being legit so i felt kind of teased to see it as a con but it was a good tease.

so good story overall just a missed opportunity to me

8078496 Well, you could always write your own... :raritywink:

8078516 true but i'm a reader not a writer it helps me relax

8078523 Scrabble fills that purpose for me. That, or a nice cold Cherry Coca Cola. :pinkiehappy:

Flurry hands down would have won.

bug mom a best.

"Hmm, Almost got em."

Why doI get the feeling the the "Friendship lessons" are more kinky than intended?

I blame Discord. And my depraved mind.

All this time, I was waiting for this to turn into some long, elaborate villain fight. I had bits on Suri beating up Svengallop! :rainbowlaugh:

...Rara may come second to Coco for my fic love, but somehow, I can tolerate Coco's villain counterpart more than Rara's. Weird.

8081296 Nah, that would've been too predictable for the likes of me. :twistnerd:
Anyway, thanks for favouriting so many of my recent fics. You have a real eye for quality...:raritywink: There's a question that's been bugging me for a while now: Where does the term 'Quillamore' come from? :twilightoops:

8081296 Judging by some of the stuff that makes the features box here... no more 'kinky' than some other members on this site, so you're in good company. :rainbowderp:


You're actually not the first person who's asked! Here's the story behind it that I told them:

Quillamore was actually a fairly quickly created username. I knew I wanted "quill" in it, but the one I came up with first, Quill Blossom, was already taken. I originally intended to use Cadance as my main fic-writing character, so the "amore" came from her full royal name. I'm glad Quill Blossom was taken, though; it doesn't sound as distinctive as Quillamore to me.

Even if Cadance isn't my main horse character anymore, I liked it so much I didn't have the heart to change it. That and Quillacoco would just be weird.

8083280 Oh, thanks for letting me know... very interesting. I would tell you the story behind mine, but I think it's pretty self explanatory. :pinkiehappy:

BTW congrats on making the features box... it's a good feeling, isn't it? :raritywink:

8084355 Well, enjoy it! You've earned it, whatever-your-name-is. Recognition from your peers after a hard night's slog in front of a keyboard is the ultimate thrill... either that or there are a lot of 'House' fans in the community... :raritywink:

This was amusing.

This fic is based on an episode of something-or-other from some-classic-animated-series.

Let me guess, was it based on “Almost Got ‘im” from Batman: The Animated Series?

This was entertaining, great work.

I guess the daring do villains didn’t count huh. Lol.

Nope. This is strictly for antagonists for the Mane 6. Didn't you read the invite? :moustache:

Ah I see. Hehe my villains bar story has Tirek too

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