• Member Since 17th Sep, 2015
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Head of Common Mockery

Heyo! I am the Head of Common Mockery. I write whatever ideas for fics I come up with.


Scorpan, brother of Tirek, is a wanderer of the wastelands that surround the land of Equestria. And when he feels his brother's escape, he wanders no more and heads for an island that is occupied by nothing but an unstoppable force of rage and hatred. A force that makes all the monsters of the wasteland quiver in fear, for this force is the King of them all. But he slumbers a deep slumber, as the monsters encased him into the heart of an island... But Scorpan knows how to wake his King, and is willing to sacrifice himself to his King so that Tirek can be stopped.

Tirek has consumed every ounce of magic in Equestria. He has consumed the magic of the ponies, he has consumed the magic of the Alicorns, and he has consumed the power of friendship. If there was only something that could stop him from making Equestria and The Everfree look like the rest of the world...

Folks, I made this because why not. Godzilla keeps everyone in line, and Lord Tirek is no exception to his rule over the monsters. The Final Wars Godzilla is being used in this fiction.


I have fixed all the errors that I could, and changed a few sentences so that it can flow better. I hope that this improves the reading experience!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 42 )

Final wars Godzilla is the apex of what Godzilla should be. An unstoppable force that destroys everything in his path. And even when he comes up against something strong, he still wins.

Honestly, I picked that Godzilla because he looks the best to me.

Dude, this is an awesome story!


Yeah it's the best rubber suit Godzilla there is.

The 2014 Godzilla is my favorite though.

How did Godzilla randomly absorb his power? Seems like that would have been helpful against Keizer instead of getting owned

Because Kaiser Ghidorah use graviton beams, whereas Tirek uses an actual power-based beam. That attack was taken from a scene in Godzilla: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack when a King Ghidorah that used a long-rang electrical attack tried to electrocute Godzilla, but Godzilla absorbed it instead while charging his own long-range attack. I'd show you a clip, but I can't find it on YouTube. He only ever used that attack in that movie, but I thought it was friggin' metal so I made Godzilla use it in my fic.

8124502 That was a ghost power, not one of Godzilla's. He only used it because he was possessed by ghosts that gave him all kinds of weird abilities. The Godzilla in that movie isn't even Godzilla, it's just Godzilla's corpse getting puppeted by ghosts.

8124309 Mine is the Heisei. Grew up with the movies and absolutely loved them. Especially King Ghidorah.

Well, I know that and I think it's still pretty metal, so Godzilla still used it.

King Kong beat Godzilla though, just to say he isn't undefeatable.

That's the Showa Godzilla, who stands at 50 meters tall and isn't as powerful. The Godzilla in this fiction stands 100 meters tall, and is more what I think Godzilla should be. An unstoppable tyrant who has cast his own pecking order on all the monsters.

This story was freaking awesome.

8124873 k. Good to know. This was well written and fun to read btw

I was going to do something like this but I guess you beat me to the punch. Like to point out a flaw though, Discord can't poof up a "I'm with stupid" shirt if he doesn't have any magic

It wasn't a shirt, it was just a tattoo. Add one Godzilla absorbed Tirek's beam and used it against Tirek, A very small amount of magic was released, I probably should've mentioned that it was specifically Discord's.

Also, if you do end up making and releasing your own fic anyways, just remember who beat you to it.
It was me! Dio The Head of Common Mockery!

Folks, I made this because why not. Godzilla keeps everyone in line, and Lord Tirek is no exception to his rule over the monsters.

Wouldn't that mean you should have Godzilla face King Sombra since he's King Of The Monsters in equestria according to IDW Comics.
here the issue scene:
s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/da/2e/4f/da2e4fe9ba6519e00a667588a38a96d8.jpg .
I'll be waiting.

King Sombra will not be Godzilla's problem... However, another Godzilla monster will become King Sombra's problem instead.

Actually, you've given me a fantastic idea!

8125867 I'm glad I helped. Beside a few grammar error in your story.

I can imagine a smoke cloud shadow form of Sombra fight godzilla while using his crystal in his unicorn form to jump around him.

But has a Godzilla G-fan and some what expert. I need to ask, Why didn't you show Godzilla displaying any kung-fu move, skill planning along with his other powers(EX. Nuclear Pulse, Electricity, Magnetic ,Tail Slide Drop Kick,Red Spiral Ray, blue Atomic spiral beam, regeneration G-1)?

As for Blue Spiral Ray here LivingCorpseX video to explain what I meant:

On sombra you might want to look on something about him from idw comic. Just a suggestion.

Story spoilers: Actually, I did show the nuclear pulse, red spiral Ray, and regenerator G-1. The nuclear pulse is Whitt blew the rubble off of Godzilla, I always considered Godzilla's red spiral beam to be thermoatomic, and Generator G-1 is what made him impervious to all of Tirek's attacks. As for the blue spiral beam, that's just a more charged version of Godzilla's normal beam. I will try to describe the spiral bit more in the future, but I wouldn't count on it. However, that being is noticeable in Godzilla: Final Wars, when Godzilla stomps his feet and tail into the ground and charges he's been to fire at the meteorite containing Monster X.,

Also: here's a general hint at what will happen in the next fiction. Crystal based enemies are nothing new to Godzilla.

8125690 Yeah you really did, but because you used Final Wars Godzilla like me that makes it okay:pinkiehappy:

We about to get some Sombra vs Godzilla up in this biz!!.

Folks, I made this because I felt that there wasn't a proper Godzilla fic on this site. So I made one.

:trixieshiftright: Did you? Did you honestly?

8154965 Somewhere after the first half of the story, it looks like speech to text was used to write it. So many errors and sometimes I had no clue what the heck it said. Those errors not withstanding, I consider this a decent fic

Well, I actually did most of the first half through speech-to-text on my iPhone while I worked my job of managing garbage at two separate apartment complexes. The second half I hand typed on my iPad... Oh the irony of text-to-speech working better than actually typing.

If you would like to point out some of my errors, feel free to! 😊🖖🏻

Very nice.

Lesson learned? Never screw with the King of the Monsters.

Godzilla is the G.O.A.T

Legendary should make a collaboration with Hasbro
MLP the 2nd movie: Godzilla King of Equestria


The thought about it sounds awesome, if that doesn't make it a movie. Spoiler Alert Fluttershy save the day.

EGentle Giant?
While on an expedition to study aquatic life in the middle of the ocean, Fluttershy discovers a massive beast with a vow to protect the planet. The thing is, the planet is pretty safe as-is, so he's been kind of bored.
RunicTreetops · 3.1k words  ·  46  3 · 1k views
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