• Published 6th May 2017
  • 592 Views, 5 Comments

Pixels - shysage

Hi, I'm Princess Twilight. Something I saw in town one cold day gave me the idea for this magical exercise. It worked, but I got more than I bargained for, I guess.

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Chapter 1, Spots

Hi, it's me, Princess Twilight. I remember I was working on my magic that night. I had many of my books spread all over a few of the reading tables in the Library in the Castle. Everypony else had long since gone to sleep, even those few guards that were supposed to protect the Castle, me, the rest of us. That thought made me laugh for some reason.

I had come up with the idea for this magical exercise earlier in the day while watching some poor mare walk carefully through Ponyville balancing a few large packages on her back. She was not a Unicorn and so she couldn't use magic to hold her packages steady. She was also not a Pegasus, or she could have used her wings to help keep everything a little steadier, although I... You really shouldn't use your wings for stuff like that. Flying is such a treasure, and your wings should be reserved just for that! But this Earth Pony mare, she walked very slowly, and often had to stop and move to re-balance her stack of boxes. She had to carefully feel what the boxes were doing, if they were shifting, moving... I could have easily carried the whole stack for her with my magic. I saw her coming from afar, and couldn't stop watching. It was almost painful; I was waiting for the boxes to come crashing down. At one point, she stopped to re-balance near me. "I can help you with those of you need me too" I offered politely.

She smiled and said "Yea, probably, but I'm not going far. I'm practicing doing this, because, well, I can!" She balanced onward, walking slowly, concentrating mightily to keep her boxes in place. She worked her way carefully around the corner between two houses, and was out of sight. I just stood there after she was gone, for a minute maybe, thinking.

I knew Spike was already out of patience; I had been standing, watching, for minutes. "Twilight, can we just go?" He kept saying that. Maybe I got him up too early this morning. Lack of sleep makes him grumpy, although he naps, well, all the time. At least he isn't huge yet; a huge, grumpy dragon would not be a pleasant experience! Wait, Spike? That made me laugh, too. Well, snow on the ground... Spike was probably cold. Still, deep in thought, reflecting on what I had just watched, I began to think about how I could use my magic, exercise my magic, like that, because, well, I can! I thought about this often the rest of the day, and Spike and I headed for the next, last stop on the list (lunch).

So, after everypony else was asleep, it was time to test my magic exercise. I had already pulled a good number of books from the shelves, and placed them carefully on a few tables around me. I used books by my favorite adventure writer; I love those stories! Well, the books are all the same size, which I felt might help. Don't get me wrong, I love all my books, and taking care of them is important, even for this exercise. But this is what I did. Using my magic, I picked up one of the books from the table, moved it, and held it flat, title side up, maybe a foreleg above the ground. I recognized that first book immediately as one of my favorite stories by this writer. I suddenly wanted to stop and just read! But I reached for another book. As I held the first book there, I added the second book on top of it, also title side up, but with half of the second book off the edge of the first book. The magic path that I was using to hold the books up, I had to sense that second book, and adjust my, well, holding magic to hold both books up. I reached for a third book, and placed it on top of the first book, also with roughly half of that book hanging over the edge, over the other side of the first book. I was building an up-side-down pyramid (whatever that is) with these books. And, the magic that I was using to hold the books up, well, I had to be able to sense, to feel where those books where, and hold them up too. I reached for another book, and started a third layer of books.

Well, it is difficult to concentrate on two different, well, different magical paths. I had already learned that multiple magic spells can be very tightly inter-woven and coupled (A Wing and a Prayer, chapter 1). But once cast, magic like that handles itself; the coupling takes place as you actually cast the spell, as you work through the spell details to cast it. But direct, continuous, sensitive control of two spells, at the same time... This was a hard exercise for me! And I don't know what that mare had in her boxes, but I didn't ever want to see any of my books hit the floor! Well, I was not sure what else I could use for this exercise. After I carefully added the third layer, I began to feel... My magic was working hard for this! Still, I added a fourth layer, starting from the middle and working out (10 books total!). This was hard for me, but that was why this was a magical exercise! I mean, fighting some huge magical foe, I could just blast away with everything I had. And if the weight of these books was all bound together, picking it up would be easy. But this particular magical exercise was about magical control, magical sensing. It felt just as demanding. And I started adding a fifth layer of books, starting at the center again, and working out to the... When I added the 14th book to one of the ends, I felt... The whole stack of books almost toppled, but I quickly moved the bottom holding magic to again re-balance everything, and it almost fell the other way. Back and forth, back and forth, slowly... I managed to sense, to regain control of the pile, and my precious books were saved. And, I don't know what I was thinking, but I had many more books ready and waiting on my tables! Wow, 5 rows, 15 books, I think that was my stopping point this time. That was about as much...

But this was the real test. I wanted to move this bazaar stack of my precious books around. Just like that mare, I wanted to be able to walk while holding this stack of books, sensing what I had to do, using just a single magical path, the spell holding all these books up. I had to sense exactly what this stack of books was doing, what I needed to do to keep those books, all my precious books steady, while I walked, slowly. I took a tiny step... Everything almost came crashing down again. Those books... I shifted them this way, then that way, as I frantically worked to re-establish balance. Wow, that was scary! Magically, mentally, this was also very difficult. But I did it. I took another step. I actually anticipated the motion the stack of books would go through, and so it didn't take as long to re-balance. I took another step, then rebalanced. This was a hard exercise, which made it a good exercise for me, but I was learning, growing in my ability, even from this rediculous looking stack of books! But I couldn't walk forward any further, either; there was a reading table in front of me. I had to turn. Now that... I would have to anticipate not only moving forward, but now, actually rotating... I almost chickened out right then, thinking seriously about gently leaning the stack up against the table, and putting each book safely down.

I tried to turn. I didn't turn very far at first. But... wow... The sensing, the rotating, the rebalance... It was all very intense. I mean, who would have thought... Just turning, while magically holding, sensing, balancing this huge stack of books... I turned a little more, well intentionally I turned further than the last time, which still wasn't a lot... WOW! I almost lost that stack of books, and actually had to use a second magical path, a second, concurrent spell to actually catch, steady that stack of books. But I kept them from falling.

I also noticed right then... There was a very small spot in my field of vision, towards the left, and way up high. It was small, and black maybe, and varied ever so slightly in size. I actually sat there, motionless, holding that stack of books, and watched it. I sighed, then started carefully putting the books back on the table. I wondered if I magically broke something, I didn't know. I didn't know if that was even possible. I had been... In the past, I felt I had to push my magic to the limits, fighting bad monsters, and never had this happen. Well, this magic exercise had been very demanding, very draining. I was beat. I lovingly put every single one of my beloved books back on the shelf where they belonged (one at a time), walked slowly into my room, and climbed into bed. That task, that magical exercise was so demanding that I was quickly asleep. I think I even slept in.

I awoke to Spike banging on my door. "Twilight, are you in there? Come on, your first appointment is... waiting..." I rolled over on my back, and smiled. I guess I did sleep in. It felt wonderful! Spike should be used to that by now. Looking at the white ceiling in my room... There were two small spots now. Well, I couldn't worry about that, somepony was in my Library for a magic lesson. I would jump into that! That is always so fun.

As I brushed my mane though, I remembered that tonight was the Fall Frolic, and I would be the one to light the frolic bonfire in town hall. I smiled to myself and thought "Fireball time!" Surely there had to be a spell to run fire streamers, I guess, down from a central fireball, down to the logs below, to start them on fire. I smiled then began to think through spells. And just then, a third small spot popped into my field of vision. They were all in the upper left, and didn't obstruct anything, and nothing hurt that I could tell. And I don't think, didn't feel that my magic was affected at all. Still, I thought to myself again. "Maybe I should get someone else to light the frolic bonfire tonight..." My magic lesson was with an adorable mare named Hope and was a lot of fun. She grew up in one of the big cities near Canterlot, and was certainly bruised by the experience. She... her magic was weak because her tools were so limited. But in a big city, there is a certain amount of logic in limiting, confining... Well, our time together was just a lot of fun, and I got the rest of the girls involved, including Filia and Fiona. It was just a fun afternoon. And as I worked with Hope, I began to think... Yes, I would have her light the frolic bonfire. I realized she might need a little help, but that would not be a problem. And the rest of the afternoon the girls and I relaxed with Hope. The Frolic was, well, normal, and Hope managed to light the bonfire. She did fine. We all ended up back at the Castle, in the Library, and we sacked out together there. It was just a lot of fun (CSR Princess, chapter 4).

The next day, I didn't have time to even notice those spots until the next evening. That next day was just very busy for me after all my precious friends left; I had a lot of appointments that day. Wait, I take that back. I was meeting with the Castle guard force Captain that day. That meeting is regularly scheduled. He just wanted to discuss any ideas I had about making the guard force around the Castle "more effective" was the phrase he used. I thought briefly, then said quietly "...more magic?" Maybe I was trying to hint that the Unicorns in the guard force should press onward in learning, growing their magic. That was a pretty... Two more spots popped up...

The Guard Captain said "Excuse me, what?"

I cleaned up the mess and replied "It was nothing. The guard force is doing a fine job, as always. Thank you!" Well, I didn't have time to think about those spots any more. The rest of the day blazed quickly by, including dinner with the Mayor in the Castle dining area. The next thing I knew, it was late, everypony else was asleep, and I was pulling my favorite adventure story down for a fun read. Six spots, plain as day on the blank white pages near the front of that book. All were in the upper corners, five in the left corner, one in the right. I shrugged. Nothing hurt. My magic seemed un-affected. I didn't know... I read until late, then went to bed.

The next morning, I took a count, first thing. Seven now, I realized I should probably at least research this... I had a huge library after all! And I began listing in my head some of my magic books that might address this sort of thing. Well, to make a long story short, after reviewing many volumes, and spending half a day, I had not found anything even close to this, to my spots. I put the book down, and sighed. I would need to ask... Princess Celestia. And, that was a problem. Spoke always took these messages, and I didn't want to alarm him. But, I would need him to send it... Well, right now, he was asleep under his blanket in his bed. It was here in the Library, because that was where I usually was, during the day anyway. Besides, in our old tree-house, I suggested him sleeping downstairs in the Library because his snoring... Thinking that just made me want to cry. I still miss that place... Maybe we could rebuild it...

I walked over to my desk, pulled down a piece of paper, and wrote the following letter.

"My amazing magic teacher, Princess Celestia,

While not wanting to alarm anypony, I have noticed a very few small spots in my field of vision, a few in the upper right corner, and a few more in the upper left corner. Nothing hurts, and my magic seems unaffected. I could not find anything in the books I have in the library here about this. Do you have any suggestions where I might look?

Your faithful student, Princess Twilight"

After I wrote that, I rolled it up and sealed it closed like we usually do. I knew I would need to explain... But maybe Spike being half asleep... I walked over to his bed, pulled his blanket up, and woke him up. Well, he had one eye open.

"Spike, this is private, I'm sorry, but I need it sent to Princess Celestia."

I had to get out of the way to avoid... From under his blanket, he belched out fire, and the letter was on it's way.

"Put my blanked down now, please..." He protested. "It is so cold..."

I sighed, then remembered my favorite mystery writer, pulled a book out, and opened it on the table. I didn't count spots; I just started reading. I didn't read very long. Spike propped his blanket up some, belched a letter from Princess Celestia out, and it fell un-ceremoniously on the floor, then Spike put his blanket back down. As Spike began snoring again, I just stared at Princess Celestia's letter, there on the floor. Spike... Well, it was the middle of winter, and snow probably covered the ground. I had not been outside yet, but was pretty sure it would be windy and snowing more. It was very cold outside anyway. I don't think Spike likes cold weather.

I unsealed, unrolled the letter and read. Princess Celestia's response said simply this.

"What color, and is their size constant?"

Wow, that was it! Well, I looked, I carefully looked again. The spots were still slowly changing in size, a little larger, then a little smaller. And actually, where spots were close, I could discern the color, very dark purple. I sighed, walked over to my desk, got another piece of paper, and wrote a letter back, simply this.

"Dark purple, and slowly varying in size."

I rolled it up, sealed it, then walked over to Spike. I was pretty sure I knew what would happen, so I was ready. Using my magic, I held this next letter to Princess Celestia close to his blanket, then pulled his blanket up right next to the letter. There was a whoosh, and it was gone. Then his snoring resumed. It was hard not to laugh! And I didn't even leave; I just waited. Before too long, Spike picked up the same edge of his blanket, and belched Princess Celestia's response onto the floor again, snoring soon after.

Princess Celestia's answer didn't help me relax at all.

"Taking Air Coach, be there in an hour."