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8000 soldiers!


Starlight Glimmer waited patiently to be judged for her actions. She had just put the entire world of Equestria at risk. What sort of punishment would befall her?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

I'm torn. On the one hand, the it was a dream thing accounts for a major complaint I would have made, but on the other, it really pulls the punch here.

Now, if it hadn't been a dream, I was going to bring up this:

Starlight wasn't screwing around there. She clearly possesses an "intent to kill". That pre-friendship Starlight didn't react with "you'll take my horn from my cold, dead skull" would have been rather hard to believe.

link4 #2 · May 12th, 2017 · · 1 ·

i half expected starlight to wake up from kite flying, to have her horn gone still. but having learned to appreciate friends despite it. Am i cruel for thinking like that? that seems manipulative :X

8158328 That actually makes for a pretty good alternative ending imo.:twilightsheepish:

8158384 i mean.. 'i promise not to use my magic for evil IF you don't take my horn'

i mean.. you shouldn't use it for evil anyways.. so

What if they reduced her magic font to 1% of its maximum capacity?:pinkiehappy:

That wouldn't really be any better than removing her horn. Is it less cruel to cut off all of a pianist's fingers and one thumb, rather than cutting off both hands?

Come to think of it, removing Starlight's magic and calling it good is dumb. Sure, she can't cast world-ending spells anymore, but she managed to start a cult relying mostly on her crazy ideology and charisma (iirc, all she relied on magic for was the cutie mark removal), and now she can point to her head and say "see? The Princess of Friendship cut off my horn, they're evil!" Machiavelli explained this centuries ago:

Upon this, one has to remark that men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge.

Ah... "It was all a dream." My favourite trope. :ajbemused:

Well, I have to say, your penname fits you well, as this IS art.

Without her magic, Starlight Glimmer is definitely not doomed. In fact, who knows what doors will open in the process.


Damn, that kind of stories scares me like hell. Somehow the 'mutilation for justice' approach, seems wrong no matter what :twilightoops:

Still, pretty good read - any chance for the alternate ending ?


She clearly possesses an "intent to kill"

And Twilight somehow didn't? They were using the same spells and Twilight didn't seem to concerned about Spike being caught in the crossfire.

Of course she did, but that's not exactly relevant to the issue. Whether Twi would be capable of carrying out the punishment isn't what I'm concerned about; whether or not Starlight would just stand there and let it happen is what bothers me.

I wasn't trying to answer that (should of read more carefully.)

But for why Star didn't do anything; She's stuck in a room with Twilight ready to lobotomize her along with the rest of her friends, the second they see her horn light up they would be on her. That and she really wanted to trust Twilight now that she knows Twilight was right and she was wrong.

The only thing I hate is the fact that I can't upvote this more than once.

"No!" Starlight turned for the door. "I can’t! Just let me out of here NOW!" She bursted out of the room and ran down the hall, right for the front exit with Twilight following close behind. She flew right above Starlight, saying down to her, "I won’t force you into being my friend, but I can at least try to talk you into settling down before you do something dangerous."

I just realized that this should be two separate paragraphs.

I think people forget that even at her worst, she never intended to kill anyone. Not even Twilight. Proof of this is the fact she had lots of opportunities to do so, but didn't.

She wouldn't use deadly force if she knew she would hit Twilight. She was only just distracting Twilight.

Twilight opened her eyes, refusing to look. "I’m… sorry that it has to be this way, but please, consider being my-"

Oh, that's some delicious gloating

That's really cool citation! Thank you for it!
I haven't read Machiavelli yet, but my own thoughts were like: if they could confidently foresee if Starlight will turn on them in the future then there are basically only two options: A. to kill her if she will (advantage: no revenge possibility) and B. be nice to her if she will not (advantage: powerful new ally). The problem is that in reality they don't know if it should be A or B. So they compromise on something like average of two that combines flaws of A and B: no powerful ally + revenge possibility :rainbowlaugh: (and it actually seems like pretty popular and general real-life cognitive flaw)
I should definitely read Machiavelli in the near future.

It takes place in season 7 and was written during season 7 so no, it’s not.

While it was a shame that it was a dream. The after scene was great.

Imagine if it actually happened.

This is true, even with the crystallization spell. If Twilight didn’t break free from the crystal herself before it hit the ground, it wouldn’t have killed her or Spike. The crystal was merely encasing her and Spike. They didn’t turn into an actual crystal like Discord turned into stone. And besides, even when Starlight saw Twilight as she was talking to the young Fluttershy, she did not seem the slightest bit surprised to see Twilight again. She knew Twilight would’ve made it.

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