• Published 12th May 2017
  • 4,925 Views, 138 Comments

Embracing the Fog - SunnyDays

Clearly, Spitfire and Fleet didn't seem to need him anymore. There was no turning back after this, no amounts of "I'm sorry"s that could make this right. Soarin was done being a Wonderbolt.

  • ...

3 - Shadows of the Past

A newspaper slammed down onto Spitfire’s desk, making the mare scowl up at the one who had put it there.

“Read it.” Fire Streak said forcefully, frowning back at her.

Spitfire looked over the newspaper, having to do a double-take at the front page. ‘Fan-Favorite Wonderbolt Resigns From Team’

“What?!” Spitfire exclaimed, “‘Fan Favorite Wonderbolt Soarin, resigns from the team due to abuse and a near-death experience while under Captain Spitfire’s watch’?!” She bit her lip. “‘Sources say that the Wonderbolts tried to replace the co-captain right after a sprain in his wing that very nearly caused his dea-’ Is this the national newspaper?!” She panicked.

“Oh yes, The Equestrian was more than happy to put it all over the front page. Might I just say; good job, Cap.” Streak spat, frowning heavily, “If your goal was to slander our good name, you succeeded.” With that final hiss, he left Spitfire’s office, slamming the door behind him. He mumbled incessantly, stomping his way over to the canteen, where the other Wonderbolts were assembled.

Misty Fly approached him, “...The Equestrian?” She asked simply.

“Yes!” Streak threw his hooves in the air, “What in Tartarus are we going to do about our image, Mist?! No one’s going to come to our next show after knowing what happened!”

“I think there's only one thing we can do.” Misty said simply.

“Throw Spits in a lake?” Surprise suggested.

“No.” Misty deadpanned. “We get Soarin back, that's what.” She nodded firmly.

“...Can we at least throw Flatfoot in a lake?”

Misty paused for a long moment, “...Later, Surprise. Later. First and foremost, though, I’m going to the archives.” She got up from the bench she was sitting on as Fire Streak stomped off to grab food of his own.

Surprise was the only one to follow Misty through the double doors of the canteen, “Whatcha need the archives for? They wouldn’t have Soarin’s file updated yet!”

“Soarin’s file isn’t my only clue.” Misty said as she led the charge through the compound. The grass crunched satisfyingly under her hooves as she headed straight towards the office buildings.


“If I know anything about our co-captain, he loves his family. So… Let’s use his file to locate some other family members. They might know where he’s gone off to.” Misty said, leading the perky pegasus into one of Spitfire’s record offices, down the hall from her actual office. Misty passed by the Captain’s office carefully, motioning for Surprise to be quiet.

“You’re in denial still, aren’t you?” Surprise asked they safely closed the door to the archives behind them.

“Huh?” Misty glanced over at Surprise as she scanned the filing cabinets in the room. It was nearly spotless, not a paper out of line. However, other than the cabinets themselves, there was only a single table in the concrete room and a hanging lightbulb on the ceiling. Misty pulled the chain, clicking it on.

“Soarin’s not our co-captain anymore, Mist.” Surprise reminded with a sad chuckle.

“Yeah, he’ll be the captain if I have anything to say about it.” Misty mumbled, opening the “P-S” drawer of files. Soarin's page was easy enough to find, seeing as it was fairly thick compared to the rest. She brought it over to a table and opened it. An intense feeling of gloom spread over her as she pulled out photos one by one of all the events and races Soarin had ever been to.

Surprise, meanwhile, caught something of interest, “Who’s that?” She pointed out a mare from one of the photos that neither of them recognized, “She kinda looks like Soarin.”

“I don’t know,” Misty admitted, frowning at the photo of the mare. “I’ve never heard of her before.”

“Well… She’s standing next to Soarin. Maybe she’s the ‘Shadey’ we hear so much about?” Surprise asked.

“Considering how similar they look, it isn’t impossible.” Misty said, going through the files in the cabinet, pulling out every “Shade” name that she could find.

“Yeesh, how many ‘Shades’ could there be?!” Surprise groaned, “There’s at least like 20 files here!”

Misty chuckled, “Yeah, but it’ll be easy enough to sort through them.” She opened one of the files before immediately pushing it aside. “Stallion.” She said simply.

“Oh yeah, at least we know that. Helps a little!” Surprise took one from the table, “...Eugh. Red and black.” She stuck out her tongue, pushing the file on top of the one Misty had pushed away.

“Don’t be coatist, Surprise. I have a cousin who’s red and black.” Misty snorted, opening up another file and pushing it aside.

“I feel sorry for you.” Surprise muttered, pushing another file aside, “I think I’ll have to wash my hooves at least four times after this.”

Misty rolled her eyes, continuing to shuffle through the files. Shadewish. Shade. Shadeflower. Darkness Shade. Shade Fly. Misty blinked, ‘Do… I have a cousin named Shade?’

Looking over, Misty saw Surprise giggling profusely. When their eyes met, Surprise whispered, “Shadefish.”

Misty raised an eyebrow, “Surprise, focus.”

“Okay, but that’s gonna be my new password for like, everything ever,” Surprise announced.

Taking note of that, Misty just continued with a sigh. Then, she came upon the familiar picture. She perked up with interest, “Nightshade. That’s our mare.”

“Nightshade?” Surprise trotted over, “Isn’t that the name of the icky plant that makes most poisons? Why would anypony in their right mind name themselves ‘poison’?”

“I don’t know, but apparently that’s her given name. There’s no record of a name change.”

“Then who would name their filly ‘poison’?!” Surprise asked, brow furrowed.

“Rock fans?” Misty asked with a shrug. She was met with a flat look. “Alright, alright, no one in their right mind. That’s like naming your foal ‘Loser’.”

“Exactly. You earn that name in life. Fleet knows all about it.” Surprise nodded.

Misty let out a loud, unattractive snort, quickly covering her snout to hold herself back. “R-Right.” She stuttered, clearing her throat, and continuing to sort through the file. She suddenly recoiled without warning, as if she’d been hit.

“What? What? What is it?” Surprise leaned in.

“Yeah, she’s Soarin’s sister…” Misty grimaced.

“Um, yay? Isn’t that why we’re he-?”

“-She was dishonorably discharged, Surprise, by Spitfire.”

“Oooh…” Surprise closed one eye, leaning away from the file. “Owch. ...For what?”

“Something here about purposefully breaking formation. And a crash. The collapse of a bleacher. Several badly injured audience members.” The two flinches became more and more exaggerated with each detail.

“Yeeeaaah, something tells me she kinda deserved it…” Surprise rubbed the back of her head. Misty let out a breath and passed Surprise a stack of photos, simply shaking her head. Surprise looked through them with chagrin.

The first was a simple photo of a younger Spitfire with her hoof over Nightshade’s shoulder in front of the Wonderbolts compound. The second seemed to be the two of them and Soarin at the Gala, Nightshade squashed between them. Their faces were frozen forever mid-laugh, probably laughing at whatever Soarin’s dumb, smirking face had just said. And the third, a picture of Nightshade and Spitfire as recruits, standing atop the highest stage. They were both puffed out and proud, Nightshade showing off the golden pony-faced pin on her chest. Spitfire’s silver pin was in stark contrast.

Surprise gasped, “Her… wingpony?!”

Misty shook her head a few times, “Second banana to a younger, faster flier. I can relate.”

“B-But Spitifire was a wingpony!” Surprise gasped.

“So were we, Surprise.” Misty reminded.

“Yeah, but we’re us! Spitfire’s our captain.” Surprise said.

“Guess she sees value in the seconds?” Misty joked before pulling out the last part of the file. Her eyebrows shot up, “Post-Wonderbolts… Redacted and reprinted by order of Princess Luna?”

Surprise frowned, “Aw, dangeet! That was the page we needed to see! Now how’re we gonna find her?”

“Not to worry. We’ll go straight to Luna herself.” Misty said, putting her hoof on her chest with a grin.

“Uhhh… How?”

“I have connections.” Misty nodded to herself, “We’ll just have to ask Luna about this-” Misty lifted the page in her hoof up, pointing specifically to the part of the file that was redacted by order of the Princess, "-And we'll find out where Nightshade is. We just need to speak to my father."

Surprise gasped excitedly, "I've always wanted to meet your dad!"

"You... have?"

"Yeah! I dunno anything about him! you never talk about your family and stuff!" Surprise hopped in place by the tips of her hooves.

Misty sighed slightly. "Well... There's good reason for that." She handed Nightshade's file to Surprise as she set off to put each of the folders back in the spot she'd found them in.

"Why? What'd he do?" Surprise tilted her head as she carefully tucked the file under her wing.

"It's not about what he did. It's about who he is." Misty said before turning around and heading out of the archive room.

Surprise followed, closing the door behind them, and lifting off in pursuit of Misty. Specifically, in the direction of Canterlot.

To say the least, Misty’s parents had a ton of money. This is what Surprise was thinking as she stepped past the security guards out front and into the Canterlot mansion. It had to be at least five floors tall, carved into the face of the Canterhorn mountain. Or at least it looked like it, the large, pillared exterior poking halfway from the mountain. The roof was slanted and almost looked like only half of an average roof.

“Sorry about that. Gotta keep the place safe and all...” Misty smiled sheepishly as they walked the long hallways of her childhood. “Dad’s office is just down this corridor.”

"Okay, now I gotta know! What does your Dad do to need his own army out front?"

"He's a politician."

“Huh. So that's how he’s gonna know about Princess Luna and stuff.” Surprise's eyes wandered about the great halls filled with elegant tapestries and golden moldings.

About Princess Luna? Surprise, he knows her personally! My family is one of the last surviving nobility of the night lines, he serves in her court.”

“Ohhhhh! So he knows her then?” The white mare grinned inquisitively as she gave Misty a sideways look.

Misty sighed, simply trotting across a final hall and giving three curt knocks on her father’s dark oak office door.

“Come in.” A deep voice called from within.

Misty opened the door to her father’s office, “Good evening, Dad.”

“Ah! Misty, my dove, what brings you to my office?” Misty’s father came up to them.

“HELLO MR. MISTY’S DAD, SIR!” Surprise waved eagerly, looking the grey unicorn stallion over. He was tall with a larger build, and Surprise reasoned that he liked food. His thick, straight, blue mane curled at the ends. Lastly, his cutie mark depicted a shooting star wrapping around a roll of parchment.

He chuckled, “Polaris will do, Miss Pie.”

“Hello then Mr. Polaris sir!” Surprise corrected with a grin.

“Well, what brings you both?” Polaris repeated, looking over at Misty.

“Actually, I need a bit of a favor. Can you-”

“-I will handle that favor with only the promise of a more casual visit in the future,” Polaris said, motioning them both farther into his office and sitting in his chair. “Can I at least get that, daughter dearest?” He teased.

“Yes, yes, Dad.” Misty held back an eye roll at her father as she smiled. Oh, her typical father, always wanting his daughters’ attention. “We need to get into Princess Luna’s court tonight if you wouldn’t mind.”

Polaris paused. “Misty. Sweetheart. Dearest.”

Misty tilted her head at her father’s strange, sudden expressions, was this too much? Was she treading on thin ic-?

“You know you can just walk in, right?” Polaris snickered, putting his hoof on his muzzle, and face scrunched in sweet irony. “There’s never anyone in Luna’s court. She’d love to have anyone to talk to besides just me and the odd guard.”

“Oooohhh.” The mares replied in chorus.

“Might I ask why though?” Polaris looked them both over now, eyebrow raised.

“Wonderbolt business, sorry.” Misty said simply, putting up her hooves.

“Yeppers! Secrets beyond your wildest dreams!” Surprise threw her hooves into the air, “...Actually, we’re just tryin’ ta get our friend back.” Surprise said, “And we need the Princess’s help.”

“Well, I suppose I’ll have the two of you ride with me to the castle then?” Polaris asked.

“I mean, that’d be better than flying, I guess.” Misty shrugged.

“WOOO! I CALL THE TOP!” Surprise bounded off towards the front of the mansion. Misty followed, shaking her head all the way.

“P-Please don’t run, Miss Pie!” Polaris shouted to her. He turned to Misty worriedly, "...is she serious about riding on top of the carriage?"

"Absolutely," Misty responded flatly.