• Published 10th Jul 2012
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My Little Heartbreak: Meanwhile, Back at the Farm - Jet_Black1980

Stuck in the library for a month HB goes a little stircrazy, a trip to the farm seems in order!

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Twenty-Five Minutes Ago

Chapter Six.

Twenty-Five Minutes Ago.

Bon-Bon and Lyra looked at Twilight momentarily. “Well, we heard that the library was going to be reopening,” Bon-Bon started.

“Yeah, so we figured that we’d go over there and pick up the books we ordered,” Lyra continued. “I mean, it has been almost a month’s worth of waiting.”

Twilight sighed and nodded. “Yes, and I am sorry about that. There was an...incident involving Heartbreak and some magic tea.”

“She sort of told us about that. Apparently it’s the reason that she currently has a hole in her hoof?” Bon-Bon asked.

“Yeah! And the reason for all those hats and clocks that are lingering around Ponyville. Along with some of the property damage,” Spike said thoughtfully.

Twilight shot Spike a look. “Yes, things were getting a little out of hoof-”

“That’s one way of putting it,” Spike muttered.

“But, we were able to regain control,” Twilight continued.

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other. “Uhm, is there more to that story?” Lyra asked.

Twilight blinked and eyed Spike. “Nothing worth mentioning. Too much magic in the wrong pony at the wrong time. You know how that goes,” Twilight explained.

Lyra nodded. Any unicorn worth her horn knew the dangers of too much unstable magic in the wrong place at the wrong time. It still didn’t explain why this, ‘Heartbreak’ had drilled a hole in her hoof. “Right, but back to what happened at the library today,” Lyra began. “We figured that we’d pick up the books that we ordered. When we got to the library, it didn’t seem like there was anypony there. But after a little bit, Heartbreak came to the door. Apparently she hadn’t heard anything about the library opening, but we explained that we just wanted to pick up our books.”

“So far, so good?” Spike asked.

“Well,-” Bon-Bon began.

“Well, it did seem good at the beginning of it all, there were some reintroductions,” Lyra interrupted. “I mean, like you said, magic tea. But it took her forever to open the door.”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “She did have a hole drilled into her hoof. She’s kind of learning how to do things all over again.”

“Why didn’t you just take her to Zecora to get it fixed? Or better yet, the hospital?” Bon-Bon asked.

“Well, she just had a strong dose of unstable magic going through her system. Not only has it made her leery of any more magic, but it just isn’t a good idea to begin with. There’s no telling what trace magic could be left over. Adding another unicorn’s magic might just make things worse. As far as taking her to Zecora?” Twilight paused. “She found out that that is where I got the tea to begin with.”

“Ooooh,” the two of them replied together.

“Right, so she’d be even more leery of Zecora after all that,” Bon-Bon replied.

“Right,” Twilight smiled and nodded.

Spike took out his quill and paper. As he wrote, Twilight looked over his shoulder. “I just remembered something that I needed to write to the Princess for later, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded. “It’s a good idea to write that down then. Anyway, back to what happened.”

“Right, once we got in she was all like, ‘Alright, let’s be quick about this, I want to take a shower today.’ And so she started looking for the books. I noticed the hole in her hoof and asked if I could examine it-” Lyra explained.

“You-” Bon-Bon’s interruption was met with a swift elbow to her leg.

“Asked her as politely as I could, but, she pulled back and was kind of rude about it,” Lyra said. “Which given the situation, is a bit more understandable now.” Bon-Bon rubbed her foreleg and rolled her eyes.

“More understandable than the current situation,” Bon-Bon muttered, looking at her friend.

“Anyway, after that, she threw a fit about us calling her, ‘Heartbreak,’ and insisted that we call her, ‘H.B.’” Lyra continued.

“She likes it a lot better than, ‘Heartbreak,’” Spike explained.

“Then she decided that she just wanted us out of the library. She found the books that we ordered, but was having trouble getting them. Bon-Bon asked me to help and I did. But then when she sat down, I saw a spider and accidently dropped the three books I just pulled off the shelves on her head. She was understandably upset, but just wanted us out of the library. She stuffed my books into my saddle bags and then shoved the two of us out of the library.”

Twilight frowned and sighed. “Oh, Heartbreak,” she took a deep breath. “I was going to run a few more errands but it looks like I have to have a talk with her.”

“Yeah, what is her deal anyhow?” Lyra asked. “I mean, she doesn’t seem to be from Ponyville..”

Twilight blinked. “Well, you see, she’s sort of a foreign exchange student from a really remote part of Equestria who is going to be staying here in Ponyville for little over a year. The ponies in the region are rather isolated and are only now talking to ‘outsiders’. They needed a guide for her, and as the Princess’s top student, she felt that I was the perfect pony to help her acclimate to her life here.” Twilight rolled her eyes again. “It’s been quite the chore and has come with some rather unpleasant,” she paused, “Surprises.”

Lyra nodded. “I see. Well, foreign or not, hopefully you talking to her will help her understand that we do things a little differently in this part of Equestia!”


The two friends had been sitting at the local eatery for fifteen minutes. Food had been ordered and had arrived five minutes after seating. Lyra had ordered a sandwich and Bon-Bon a bowl of tomato soup.

Bon-Bon stared at Lyra. Her soup had grown cold. Lyra looked up at her long time friend and roommate.

“Is there something wrong, Bon-Bon?” she asked.

“What would give you that idea?” Bon-Bon retorted.

“You haven’t touched your soup and your eyes have been burning holes through me ever since we ordered.” Lyra picked up her sandwich in between both hooves and took a bite. Bon-Bon remained silent. “Well,” Lyra said, swallowing. “Are you going to tell me what it is, or continue to shoot me evil looks?”

Bon-Bon sighed and took a sip of her cold soup.

“Was it me grabbing Heartbreaks’ hoof?” Lyra asked.

“Not entirely, but that was part of it,” Bon-Bon replied.

“Was it my over enthusiastic explanation of the H.L.C?” Lyra asked, her voice starting to show a bit of annoyance.

“That was part of it, but no.” Bon-Bon took another sip of her soup. She frowned.

“Was it when I dropped those books on her head!?” Lyra slammed her hoof down on the table. Whatever game Bon-Bon was playing at, it wasn’t fun anymore.

“No.” Bon-Bon replied disapprovingly.

“Then what? Cause I am getting rather frustrated here!” Lyra said, frowning.

Bon-Bon took a deep breath. “It was what you told Twilight.”

Lyra blinked. “What about what I told Twilight?” She asked.

Bon-Bon frowned. “There was no spider and you did something that was very unlike you.” She looked up at Lyra. “You didn’t talk about humans, the H.L.C, or even hands.”

Lyra frowned. “I thought you would have been relieved by something like that.”

“Normally, yes, but you elbowed me as if you wanted me to quiet about something. And I might have not seen this, ‘spider,’ but I am fairly certain that you aren’t afraid of spiders.” Bon-Bon replied. “On more than one occasion it’s been me who needs rescuing from the furry little nightmares.” she shivered a bit. “Not you.”

“Well.. Um...” Lyra began.

“Well, ‘Um’ what?” Bon-Bon asked, crossing her hooves.

“Well, Um, what about Twilight! She was acting awfully suspicious! I mean, she was fidgeting quite a bit. And who doesn’t take a pony to the hospital to get a check up after something like that?!” Lyra protested.

“So that makes it ok to omit details and even make things up?!” Bon-Bon retorted. “Isn’t that the same as, you know, lying?”

“She was doing the same thing!” Lyra replied, slamming her hooves on the table so hard that it shook the silverware.

“Right. I don’t think she was, but that’s beside the point. Let’s say for sake of argument that she was,” Bon-Bon replied. “How does that make what you did any better?”

Lyra started to wave her hooves about wildly as she grasped for an explanation. “She! I! I mean! Uuuugh!” she finally pointed at Bon-Bon. “She has a hole in her hoof, she can’t say the word ‘human’ and,” Lyra seemed to pause for dramatic effect. “And! She was sitting funny!”

Bon-Bon gave a deadpanned look. “Lyra. You sit funny.”

“Not like she was sitting! No pony should be able to sit like how she was sitting!” Lyra exclaimed.

“Lyra. Nopony should be able to sit like you sit.” Bon-Bon leaned over. “But somehow you pull it off. And it isn’t a reason to go around lying to ponies about scaring others from foreign parts of Equestria.”

“Ugh!” Lyra threw her hooves. “You just don’t get it!” she shook her head. “You know what? Whatever. I have an H.L.C. get together to plan for next week, if you need me, you know where to find me.” she said, placing her bits down and leaving the table. She paused briefly and looked at Bon-Bon. “I’m telling you. there is something weird about that mare!”, She turned away and continued walking. “And I am going to find out what that something is!”

“There’s something weird about you, Lyra!” Bon-Bon shouted as her friend walked away.

Lyra frowned as she walked off. That Heartbreak was hiding something, Twilight was hiding something. Why else would she have confined her to the library for an entire month?! The hole in her hoof, her stutter, her overall behavior, something just didn’t seem right! And then there was the way she was sitting. Very few ponies could pull that pose off without a great deal of practice.

Lyra sighed. “Maybe Bon-Bon is right. Maybe I am making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe-”

“Pssst,” A nearby voice said. Confused, Lyra looked around. “Pssssst!” the voice repeated. Lyra turned her head to the direction of the voice. Sitting at a table was a pale grey stallion with a straight black mane and tail. A pair of spectacles peeked over the newspaper he was reading. “Psssst!” Lyra looked around and tried to walk casual to the table. “Are you Lyra Heartstrings?” he asked in a hushed tone.

Lyra looked at the strange colt’s flank. It looked like a web of small dots connected by thin strings. “Depends on who’s asking.” she replied with caution.

“Oh, just a pony who’s job it is to connect the dots, figure out the plots, and try to understand what’s really going on,” he replied, continuing to look at his paper. “A pony who is staying in town for an event that is coming up next week. A pony who couldn’t help but overhear your conversation back there.”

Lyra looked at the creepy looking pony. Something told her that he could do with a great deal more sunshine and a great deal less time in the basement. “Were you eavesdropping?!” She growled, nearly slamming her hooves on the table where the mysterious colt sat.

“Hey!” he hissed. “No need to get your tail in a knot, I’m not,” he looked over his paper, “Fingerless.

Lyra paused. “You might be not be fingerless, but are you tailless?” she asked.

“As tailless as they come.” he replied. “Want to join me?”

Lyra looked around trying to act as casual as she could. “Alright, you have my attention, but code words aren’t going to be enough. What’s the secret handshake?”

The colt smirked. “That’s easy.” He put down his paper and looked forlorn at his hooves. He began to shake them. “If I only had hands to shake with!” he said under his breath.

Lyra jumped and then smiled. This was indeed an H.L.C. Member. “Alright then.” She took a seat. “Obviously you know who I am. Mind introducing yourself?”

“You might have heard of me. I’m Tale Spinner. And I’m from the chapter of the H.L.C. located in Manehatten,” he replied.

Lyra blinked and then frowned. “Wait.. Tale Spinner, yeah! I do know that name! Haven’t you been reprimanded for-”

“Telling the truth and uncovering some of the more shady bits of Equestrian history that not even the Princesses want us to know.” Tale Spinner interjected. “About the history between ponies and humans...”

“That’s not what I heard.” Lyra replied.

“What you heard was what they wanted you to hear,” Tale Spinner said, putting his newspaper away.

“Yeah, sure. Look, Tale Spinner, I’m sure you are a nice pony and all, but I have other things to do. So -” Lyra began to get up.

“Wait! Hear me out, please,” Tale Spinner begged. “I need somepony to hear what I have to say.”

Lyra frowned. Part of her was telling her to just brush this crazy colt off. If the stories about him were true, he made her look pretty darn sane. However, he was still an H.L.C. member. And human enthusiasts were really hard to come by. “You have five minutes.”

Tale Spinner smiled. “Right, I’ll be quick then. We wouldn’t want to attract any strange attention.” Lyra rolled her eyes, she’d humor him. He took out a manila envelope. “I take it that you know about how humans were portrayed in Equestrian mythology, and about the mass self exile by the Three Human Kings...”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “Pfffft, yeah, any H.L.C. member knows about that. How the humans grew jealous of the pony’s abilities and tried to take them for their own. There was a conflict and then the three human kings went to the unicorns and told them that banishment back to the human home world was the only solution. The unicorns,” Lyra sighed and shook her hoof, “Stupidly agreed and stupidly sent the humans back to where they came.” She shook her head.

“Yup,” Tale Spinner replied. “That’s what everypony learns if they have taken Equestrian mythological history. However,” he looked around and slid the envelope to Lyra. “What if I were to tell you that there was more to this little story? What if I were to tell you, that living somewhere in a secluded part of Equestria, that there were still humans?”

“I would say that you are downright batty,” Lyra replied. “If there were humans still living in Equestria, then why haven’t we seen them? Humans don’t have magic, so they can’t exactly hide too well, you know.”

“Well, that would be a problem,” Tale Spinner tapped his hooves together quietly and looked up at her with a knowing smile. “If they still were human, that is...”

Lyra looked even more confused. “Huh?”

“What if instead of looking like humans, they looked like ponies?” Tale Spinner asked. “What if they chose to stay behind, but couldn’t stay looking human? What if they couldn’t fit in with the other ponies and chose to live elsewhere?” a white flash flickered in his glasses. "Somewhere remote?"

Lyra looked at the envelope sitting before her. “Alright, it sounds crazy, but I’m listening.”

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