• Published 31st May 2017
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My Little Pony: Writings of Creation. - HunterBrony101

History of Equestria about Amalthea's wonders(Based on the Bible).

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Moses led the Pegasi from Egrypt to the edge of a part of Equestria. He sent spies ahead into this area to see whether the tribes who lived there were hostile. Although Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report about the area, others told frightening stories of giants and fortified cities. The Pegasi were scared and refused to go on. As a result, Amalthea made them wander in the wilderness for 40 years. When Moses died, Amalthea chose Joshua to be the leader of the Pegasi.

"Get ready to enter the area of land I have promised you"

The Pegasi prepared themselves. First, the priests stepped into the Jordan River carrying the Ark of the Covenant, which contained Amalthea's law. Immediately, the water stopped flowing, and the Pegasi walked across dry land into to the area of land.

Now the fortified city of Jericho lay ahead, it's huge gates shut against them. Joshua obeyed Amalthea's instructions. For six days the Pegasi army marched
around the city walls, while seven priests with ram's horns marched in front of the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day, they marched seven times. When the priests blew their horns, Joshua ordered the Pegasi to shout, for Amalthea had given Jericho to them.

The walls began to crumble and Jericho was theirs. Only Rahab and her family were kept safe because she had hidden the spies Joshua had sent into the city. The Pegasi made their home in that area of Equestria and, when they were obedient to Amalthea, they prospered there.

Aside of Celestia and Luna, the ponies had many leaders who led them into battle. Among them was Samson, whom Amalthea had given superpony strength. When Samson fell in love with the mare Delilah, she made him tell her the secret of his strength - his mane. With his strength he won over a group of ponies known as the Philistines. When his mane was cut off, his strength disappeared.

The Philistines took Samson prisoner and tortured him. Then they brought him to their temple to mock him. But Samson prayed to Amalthea asking her to remember him and return his strength. Then Samson pushed against the pillars; they crumbled and fell, crushing Samson and everypony in the temple.

Time passed, and ponies forgot to follow Amalthea's ways. But Amalthea spoke to a colt named Samuel, at the temple in Shiloh. Three times Amalthea called his name. The last time, Samuel realized it was Amalthea.

Samuel grew up to be a priest, through whom Amalthea spoke to the ponies. When they asked for a governor, Samuel tried to tell them that Amalthea was both their Queen and Governor. But Amalthea told Samuel to grant their wish and Anoint Saul governor of Equestria.

At first, Saul obeyed Amalthea. But he soon became disobedient. When he was moody, a shepherd colt named David played music to calm him down. In secret, Amalthea chose David to be Equestria's future governor.

The Philistines had a champion named Goliath. He was a giant of a pony, standing over 12 feet tall, and he did not follow the Equestians' Goddess. Twice a day Goliath stood in front of the Equestrian army and shouted. He challenged them to fight him, but nopony dared to. Then one day, David went to the Equestrian camp. When he heard Goliath's challenge, he wondered why anypony should be afraid. Amalthea was on their side. He decided to fight Goliath.

David took his sling and five smooth stones. Goliath sneered when he saw David. But David swung his sling around in the air at high speed. A stone struck Goliath on the forehead, and he fell down dead. Then David took Goliath's own sword and cut off the giant's head.

When Saul died, the ponies wanted David to be their governor, for they knew that Amalthea had chosen him. So David became governor and warrior, and he defeated Equestria's enemies. He wanted to give thanks to Amalthea. He told the ponies to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Celestia and Luna's castle, where it would stay, and told everypony to come and celebrate.

So, as Levite priests carried the ark into the area of Celestia and Luna's castle, musicians played, choirs sang songs of praise, and everypony shouted with joy. David danced in front of the ark, praising Amalthea. His wife Michal, watched scornfully. She thought David looked foolish. But Amalthea told David that she would make him great and would bless his descendants.

David's son Solomon was famous for his great wisdom, a gift from Amalthea. One day, two mares were arguing over who was the mother of a baby. Solomon ordered for the baby to be cut in half. When one of the mares pleaded for the baby's life, Solomon knew she was the real mother.

In the area of Celestia and Luna's castle, Solomon built a beautiful temple, where ponies could worship Amalthea. The temple contained bronze pillars and golden furniture; its stone walls were lined with cedar wood and covered with gold. The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the holiest part of the temple.

Far away, the Queen of Sheba heard tales of Governor Solomon's wisdom and wealth. She wanted to know if they were true, and traveled more than 1,200 miles with her officials and servants to visit the governor. She brought gifts of gold, spices, and precious jewels. She talked to Solomon who answered all her questions.

"I was told stories of your greatness, but your wisdom and riches are even greater than I imagined. Your people must be so happy to be governed by you. I want to praise your Goddess for all that she has given you and for the love that she has shown to her ponies"

Then she and Solomon exchanged gifts and she returned to her home country.