• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


Princess Luna is the best princess and Nightmare Moon is the best queen.


This story is a sequel to Celestia's Protege

Starlight Glimmer has finally come of age and is now going to start aiding Celestia with bigger issues than simply being her protege. What she doesn't know is that these roles will alter her life completely. Not only will these issues alter her life, but those of her friends as well.

The beginning of the Glimmerverse in Ponyville.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 40 )

This actually works better because these 6 have been friends forever and the real mane 6 have only been friends for a few hours.


The exact reason I wrote it this way. I wanted much more than just the characters to be different in this....I wanted the group dynamic to be one of long time friends and schoolmates. One thing that sometimes bothers me is that in season 1 of FiM, in "Griffon the Brush Off" it seems like Rainbow merely tolerates Pinkie's presence and that they aren't even friends.

The same goes with Applejack and Rarity in "Look Before You Sleep" and well, a lot of seasons 1 and even 2. I don't think they all truly became friends until season 3.


It makes me wonder how they were able to unite and use the Elements given that it seemed like they weren't really good friends. Another thing that annoys me is that when Nightmare Moon returned it showed the CMC huddling together when they didn't actually meet until the day of Diamond Tiara's cute-canera.

I know I may be overly analytical sometimes but it does seem like the writers miss things sometimes. The season 5 finale especially. When Starlight stopped the rainboom and Twilight and Spike returned to the present, that map shouldn't have even been there. There would have been no Twilight and friends to stop any villains, none to get the Elements back in the tree, no keys to be found, no castle and thus, no map. While I love those episodes because of how powerful Starlight is, that is one aspect of it that drives me up the wall.

I think the map cam traverse timelines. Tha6s my theory at least


That is likely the case but still, in these other timelines it never would have even come to be. One thing I would have liked would have been one final alteration of the present, one where Starlight tore up the scroll, stopped the rainboom and returned to a present where SHE was the princess and the Mane Six that existed would be the ones in my story.

How many seasons will this story have?


I'm not sure exactly yet, nor am I for certain how many episodes each season will have. I'm thinking ten right now and some of these episodes won't be based off of any FiM episode, they'll be completely of my own doing.

Also, each season will be a separate story....listed as a sequel to the prior one.


You know how upset Applejack got at Twilight for using magic on the farm, that is where I got the whole earth ponies not wanting magic involved in Winter Wrap Up. Of course neither Starlight or Moondancer were thrilled with this tradition to start with. I can see where you are coming from with them being racist against unicorns but it is just Ponyville being old fashioned. Personally I like your imaginative thinking of having them use magic to finish the job but of course Celestia wants them to try and do it the earth pony way.

Regarding the very ending....while I won't be doing a second winter wrap up, Moondancer and Starlight will sneak off in the future to avoid this situation.


And I refuse to bow down to Earth pony rules if I were a character. Heck I might be a rebel.

I would have had Starlight and Moondancer do the same thing but I decided to write it to where Celestia wanted them to do things the Ponyville way so that they could maybe make more friends. Moondancer and Starlight are very close with their circle of friends but bonding with other ponies isn't exactly easy for those two. For the other four, it is rather easy. It is because of the studious nature of those two that it makes it harder for them....well that and they think anything other than the unicorn way of doing things is wasteful and time consuming.


And I'm thinking I'll have it take longer for those two to just accept doing things the earth pony way....hell I may have it to where they never fully accept it. I'm not just going to have those two become Twilight v2.0. In the Winter Wrap Up episode, Twilight wanted so badly to try to do things the earth pony way. Had Celestia not told them they needed to do it that way, Starlight eventually would have done it like she did in "My Rise, Fall and Return to Equestria: Starlight's Story" where she simply fired a bolt out of her horn, the energy spread outwards and cleaned up winter in nothing flat.

Honesty, I felt like both sides were in the wrong here. But thats just me.

I cant wait to see what Twilight has been up to in this Timeline. Will we see her at the Wedding? :twilightoops:


I have plans on what Twilight and what she has been up to. Regarding the wedding though, I'm thinking I may plan something else entirely for what prompts Chrysi's first attack because I have written Starlight to be an only child. Hell I might decide to do something involving her parents because just like Shining Armor meant the world to Twilight, Starlight's parents mean the world to her....but don't worry, Twily will eventually show up.


Here's the thing, I wanted to make Starlight a bit different than Twilight. Just like how Twilight wanted to try her hardest to do things the earth pony way, I had Starlight view it as stupid and time consuming. Had it not been for Celestia, I would have had her cast a spell to wrap it up in 10 seconds flat.

Nice. Also, ten seconds flat joke from the very first episode. Niiiiiice. But I more meant against Tricia.


Tricia? Oh you mean Trixie!

Is this going to continue? I ask because I think I read in one of your blog post that you wanted to finish "Terror in Equestria" before continue but I see you finished it and are in the story "filling in"

Yes it will. After I finish Filling In, I will get back to work on this. Regarding Terror in Equestria, I'm not sure when I will start on the last one in that series.

YES!!!!!!!!!! YOU WROTE MORE TO THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:


I'm hoping to get another episode/chapter done before the end of the month, one where Zapapple season arrives and Starlight wants to help them get every single zapapple harvested before they all zap away.


I agree on that. Hell she could have hired Starlight and just think of all the desserts that could be made and sold. Starlight could boost production and they'd turn a bigger profit than ever.

Wait is Pinkie Pie around anywhere?

I think the CMC were together because they were 3 young fillies when Nightmare Moon turns up, of course they would huddle together.

The unicorn replied, "I am Starswirl the Second. I want you as my protege because you are a genius and like I said, together we could overthrow Celestia and rule together."

Come on, Nightmare Moon are you even trying? Do you really think she'd fall for that.

Before anypony else could say anything they saw a yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, fly up to the larger Ursa and land on it's nose. Fluttershy stared it straight in the eyes and began, "You, just who do you think you are going around destroying other ponies' property. You may be huge, have sharp teeth and shake the ground when you walk but you do not, I repeat, you do not destroy Ponyville!"

The larger Ursa cowered down and whimpered, causing the smaller one to go silent. The larger Ursa began to growl a bit and Fluttershy could make out what it said. She continued, "I'm sorry they woke you two up but they're tiny compared to you."

Yeah Fluttershy's cool.

Okay but in Ponyville Winter Wrap Up is done the Earth Pony way because it's traditional. At the start of the the Ticket Master Twilight is helping Applejack with her magic, it's more this specific event. It's like what if there was a traditional event involving throwing a ball with 1 arm and I used two it wouldn't be right.


Nope. Your prose is just putrid and this entire concept of Starlight somehow being judged as suitable to use an element of HARMONY after all she did to completely disrupt it? No.

I'm gonna go read some Lunaverse to wash the bad taste this left in my mouth out...maybe with bourbon.

as well as saying that? ... shinning and candence, can not get married

they in the previous time line only began to relate, because candence became double baba, since she was the celestia student

as in this twin timeline, did not get the role, shining and candence, may have even met, but did not relate like this

and you could do a twin of evil or something, for example, in another story, that celestia became practically the adoptive mother of twin, she tried a teleportation spell and ended up in the domains of cryss, and became her student the name of the story, plus look for the foal in the daybreaker room, and one of those related to it)

you could do something like this, there are many options ... shadow, cryss, maybe she has found the mirror and went to the human world in the moonlight of sunset, since you said that sunset does not exist in that timeline

more then twin, would have to find the mirror in another moonlight, after all if starlight will be the girl in this story, twin can pear the villain's robe and become midnight, tune that old sentence is right ... or you die a hero, or lives long enough to become a villain ... although in the case of twin of this reality, she would become a reformed villain

This is looking quite promising, Wonder what you’ll do with it...

Also, FIRST!

Ohhhh please update this! I love it! :pinkiehappy:

Im just wondering if you are going to finish this?


I will eventually. I've had a lot going on, including finishing the TiE series, a couple of stories that just came to my mind and I've had family to take care of as well.

*Nightmare chuckled, "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Nightmare Moon chuckled a cold chuckle. "Why, am I not royal for you? Don't you know who I am?"

As someone whose wrote several stories with an episode-like structure, I will say that when I do those stories, I don't really treat the episodes like episodes; I simply do some writing that feels in-line with how every character is known to act or has been acting in the story up to that point. Really what I just do is that I just write the lines as I would anything else really. I don't really care for treating the chapters like episodes. And before you go critising that, keep in mind that my most popular story from my original account of Timeman202 "My Little Pony: The Changeling of Friendship" was also written this same way. For that story to become featured despite this fact, means that I'm doing something right.

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