• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,881 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

10: Why can't I love you?!

Theme Song: With The Wind

10: Why can't I love you?!

It was nighttime now, and Silver Spoon decided to follow BlackGatomon's guidance and just keep a watch on Diamond Tiara. They weren't spotted, as BlackGatomon helped Silver Spoon find hiding spots, where they could watch the her.

Her and Rumble.

They were always holding onto each other, laughing and flirting with each other. It made her sick. He was all over her, touching her constantly, at one point even tickling her. But that wasn't the worst thing. Diamond Tiara was enjoying it.

She never pushed him off, and if she did it was only being playful. She had no idea what he was doing to her! What he really wanted! As Silver Spoon followed them, she had to stop herself from throwing up.

Diamond… don't you get it?!

He just wants your body!

Silver Spoon and BlackGatomon followed them from a distance, eventually to the park. It was here that Diamond Tiara and Rumble laid down in the grass looking up at the stars.

“See that one?” Rumble pointed to a star, “I'm dedicating that one to you.”

Diamond Tiara giggled, “That's so cheesy, Rumble.”

“Well, I'm a cheesy guy,” Rumble said, “I'm thinking cheddar myself.”

“Mmm, more of a pepper jack in my eyes,” Diamond Tiara said, turning to her side facing Rumble, who raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah? Why's that?” Rumble asked.

“Because it's got more of a flavor,” Diamond Tiara said with a sweet smile, “Cheddar is too plain, and has holes in it.”

Rumble laughed turning to Diamond Tiara, “Are you sure that's not just because it's your favorite?”

Diamond Tiara sighed playfully, “You got me. See, I can be cheesy too.”

Rumble wrapped his arms around Diamond Tiara, pulling her close, “I'm really happy you gave me a chance, Diamond Tiara.”

“Well, just because I'm rich, doesn't mean I'm a bitch,” she said snuggling into Rumble's embrace, “Besides, you were nice to me. You're not after me just because of my money.”

“I don't care about any of that,” Rumble said rubbing her back, “I've had a crush on you since third grade, so just being close to you like this is a dream come true to me. I just want to be able to hold you close like this.”

“Rumble, I…” she closed her eyes gently, “I know we're still really young, but… I truly don't think that I'll ever find anyone who cares about me like you do.”

Silver Spoon's tensed up when she heard that. She cared about Diamond Tiara like that!

“What are you saying?” Rumble asked, hope in his voice. Diamond Tiara looked into his eyes lovingly.

“I'm saying that, even though we're still young, I think I love you.”

Silver Spoon felt a betrayal unlike anything ever when she heard that. She'd heard her mention that earlier at the mall, but to hear it now… and to hear her say it to him.

“Diamond, I…” he looked shocked, but he soon smiled, “I love you too!”

Her eyes widened, “Wait… r-really?”

“Yeah. I mean, yeah we're young, but I've been pining for you since we were eight. Diamond Tiara, I don't care that we're young. I love you, and I'm going to stay by your side forever.”

“Oh Rumble!” Diamond Tiara hugged Rumble lovingly, the young man returning the embrace. Silver Spoon was trembling now. Now they'd never be a part from each other.

“Silver Spoon!”

She looked to her side and saw BlackGatomon looking up at her.

“You see it, right?! You're losing her now!” BlackGatomon exclaimed.

“I do…” Silver Spoon said, trembling as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

“He's dangerous for her, Silver Spoon! You know that he'll hurt her one day!”

“I… I…”

“You love her, don't you?”

“Yes… I do…”

“Then you have to act now!”

“How?!” Silver Spoon fussed turning to her Digimon, “How do I protect her?!”

“I already told you,” BlackGatomon said, “We have to hide her someplace where he can't get to her.”

“You… really want us to kidnap her…?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Silver Spoon, if we don't, she's going to get hurt! Let me do this, Silver Spoon! Let me act on your behalf!”

“Y-you'll… act on…”

“Yes!” BlackGatomon walked forward looking at Silver Spoon earnestly, “Please Silver Spoon! Before it's too late! We have to act now or else we'll lose her forever!”

“I don't want to lose her…! I… I love her…”

“Then lend me your energy Silver Spoon! Please!”

Silver Spoon turned back to where Rumble and Diamond Tiara were, and she saw them look into each others’ eyes. They then slowly closed in, their lips touching in a soft tender kiss. That made something inside of Silver Spoon shatter. It became real at that moment. Diamond Tiara, she was…

Her hands grabbed her Digivice, and she gripped it tightly. She had the power to stop this. She could keep Diamond Tiara away from Rumble. All she had to do was…

“BlackGatomon…” she said trembling, “S-save her. Please…”

If she had turned to BlackGatomon, she would have seen a dark, sinister smirk appear on the black cat's face.

“So… I'll talk to you tomorrow?” Rumble asked when they reached the corner. Diamond Tiara nodded.

“I always have my phone with me, so I'll answer when you call.” Diamond Tiara said.

“Perfect. See ya, Diamond Tiara.”

“Take care, Rumble,” she kissed him on the cheek and then turned in the direction of her mansion. Rumble had offered to walk her home, but it was fine. After all, this city was safe for the most part. Save for those weird monster attacks, and those were always telegraphed by fog.

As she walked, she felt her heart soar in happiness. Finally, someone who loved her for who she was, and not for her money. Okay, so she had Silver Spoon too, but this was different. Silver Spoon was just as rich as she was, so of course they'd appreciate each other. Rumble was nice though because he didn't care about the money.

All he cared about was her.

She held her hands to her cheeks and squealed loudly from the thought. She was on cloud nine right now.

He loves me!

He loves me for who I am!

Once she calmed down from that though, her thoughts went back to Silver Spoon. She really seemed like something was up. Lately it seemed like she was always upset. She didn't think she could tell, but she knew something was wrong.

Next time she saw Silver Spoon, she was going to confront her about it.

She saw the shadow of something standing over her on the ground. It looked like a woman, but it had a really large left hand, and really large tattered wings on its back. She turned around slowly, and froze in shock when she saw the shadowy figure loom over her.

“Y-you're one of those monsters…!” she realized, backing away.

“We prefer the term Digimon,” the mysterious woman said, “In the name of Lady Lilithmon, you must come with me.”

Immediately, Diamond Tiara turned and ran in the direction of her house as fast as her high heels would take her. The Digimon jumped up in the air and landed in front of Diamond Tiara, causing her to fall back onto the ground. The woman had pale white skin and pure red eyes, and her entire body seemed to be covered in black leather. She also had long white hair flowing down her back, and her entire body was covered in chains.

“Like I said child, you're coming with me,” the Digimon said. Diamond Tiara backed away from the Digimon trembling.

“Don't hurt me! Please!” she begged.

“My Tamer insists on your safety, but if you don't come quietly, I'll have to use violence,” the Digimon said, charging up electricity in her left hand. Diamond Tiara screamed and jumped to her feet, once again running away. The monster took to the skies and flew after her, shooting lighting on the ground after her. She turned the corner and hid in an alleyway, and pulled out her phone.

“Hello? Diamond?”

“Rumble, you have to help me!” she whispered urgently.

“Diamond, what's wrong? You sound terrified!”

“You know those monsters that keep appearing? One of them is after me right now!”

“Wait, what?! Hold on, I'll find you!”

“Hurry Rumble!” Diamond Tiara begged, unaware that the monster was right behind her, “I'm scared that it will-” she gasped as she felt an elegant hand caress her cheek.

“Got you, my precious,” the Digimon cooed. Diamond Tiara screamed as the monster attacked her with electricity, causing her to drop her phone.

“Diamond Tiara? What's wrong?! Diamond?! Diamond!”

“Diamond, are you okay?”

“S-Silver Spoon…?” Diamond Tiara slowly woke up, realizing she was lying on the cold floor.

“Good, I was worried my Digimon hurt you too much.” Silver Spoon replied. Diamond Tiara blinked a bit at that. Her Digimon? She sat up, and instantly noticed something was wrong. She was in a dark room, and it didn't look like she was in hers or Silver Spoon's basement. Also, when she tried to move, she found her wrists were chained to a pole behind her.

“Spoony, what's the meaning of this?” she asked her friend, who was kneeling right in front of her.

“I'm sorry, Diamond, but I had to,” Silver said, caressing her cheek, “You were in danger.”

“Danger…?” Diamond Tiara asked. Did she mean the monster? Somehow, she didn't think so…

“From Rumble,” Silver Spoon stated, “He was a bad boy, and you were falling for him.”

“What?! Silver Spoon, what are you talking about?” Diamond Tiara asked, pulling against the chains, “Rumble is- you're not making any sense!”

“He had you fooled, Diamond!” Silver Spoon said desperately, “He didn't love you! Not like I love you!”

“Silver Spoon, you're scaring me,” Diamond Tiara said shying away from her friend, “Let me go.”

“No Diamond, I won't,” Silver Spoon shook her head, “If I let you go, you're going to run to him and leave me. I won't let you do that, Diamond Tiara.”

“What's going on with you?!” Diamond Tiara asked, “Silver Spoon, why are you being like this?!”

“Because I'm tired of being pushed aside!” Silver Spoon cried out, making Diamond Tiara flinch back, “You don't get it?! Even now you don't see?! Diamond Tiara, I love you!”

“W-what? Silver Spoon, you're not making any sense! What do you mean you-” she was blind sighted by a sudden kiss from her best friend. When she broke the kiss, Diamond Tiara blushed looking into her friend's eyes, “Silver Spoon… I…”

“Don't say it,” Silver Spoon seethed, “I know you still want him. That's why you're going to remain here until you realize who truly loves you.” she rose up and turned to leave.

“Silver Spoon no!” Diamond Tiara screamed, “Don't leave me here alone! Untie me, please!”

“She won't listen to you,” a familiar voice said, coming from an odd looking black cat that walked over to Silver Spoon, “She's already been affected by my data. Her drive is solely centered on her drive to have you all to herself.”

“You… you're that monster!” Diamond Tiara tried to lunge at BlackGatomon, “What did you do to her?!”

“Simple, I opened her eyes,” BlackGatomon drawled, jumping up into Silver Spoon's arms. She turned around to Diamond Tiara, petting the strange cat as she held her.

“This is my Digimon partner, BlackGatomon,” Silver Spoon said, her voice oddly dark, “She's been with me for the past few days, and she helped me realize that I needed to assert myself a bit more. That's why you're here now, Diamond Tiara. You wouldn't love me before, but you'll love me now. Since I'm going to be the only person you see from now on.”

As she turned to leave, Diamond Tiara began to panic, “No… NO!” she cried struggling against the chains, “SILVER SPOON! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! PLEASE LET ME GO! SILVER SPOON!”

“I'll be back later, Diamond,” Silver Spoon turned to her and blew her a kiss, “See you in the morning.” she then exited the building and closed the door behind her, apparently locking it.

Now alone, Diamond Tiara screamed and struggled against her bindings violently. Sadly, it proved futile though, and her will slowly gave way to heavy sobs.

“Rumble…! Help me, Rumble…!”

“The search is now on for Filthy Rich's young fourteen year old daughter, Diamond Tiara,” the newscaster said on the TV, “Her phone was found in an alleyway by her boyfriend, Rumble, who claims that she was being attacked by one of the monsters attacking Canterlot.”

“She sounded really scared when she called me,” Rumble said when it cut to him, “I even heard her scream right before she was cut off. I swear I'm not lying.”

“Hm…” Fluttershy said with a frown, watching the news with Guilmon sitting next to her eating a Pop Tart.

“That's really bad,” Guilmon said wilting, “I hope they find her.”

“Hopefully it's just Filthy Rich freaking out,” Cyrus said walking into the living room, “Maybe she just ran away from home.”

“Yeah… maybe,” Fluttershy said thoughtfully, “I'm heading to school. Guilmon, let's go.”

“W-wait, you want me to come with you?” Guilmon asked, taking another bite from his strawberry pop tart.

“Yes, I do,” she said getting up, “I'll see you later, Daddy.”

“Take care, honey,” Cyrus waved to her. Fluttershy hugged her father, kissed him on the cheek, and then walked to the door, picking up her backpack.

“Bye Dad!” Guilmon said, waving to Cyrus as they left out of the house. Cyrus smiled, watching them leave.

“Take care, kids,” he said. She didn't look it, but Cyrus could tell Fluttershy was doing better with her Digimon next to her.

“What’s wrong Fluttershy?” Guilmon asked, catching up to her, “You never ask me to come with you to school.”

“I want you to look for that girl,” Fluttershy requested, “Get the other Digimon, and have them team up with you to find her.”

“But… she doesn't have anything to do with our current mission, does she?” Guilmon asked tilting his head.

“She has everything to do with it,” Fluttershy said, pulling out her Digivice and opening a screen showing a picture of a bespectacled girl with long silver hair tied in a braid, “Based on what Pinkie Pie said, I was able to figure out that this girl is the Tamer we're looking for. Her name is Silver Spoon.”

“She's so young,” Guilmon pointed out, “She's probably only about 13 or so human years.”

“She also happens to be close to Filthy Rich's daughter, Diamond Tiara,” Fluttershy stated, “She said that she was being attacked by the monsters, and you and I both know what that means.”

Guilmon nodded, “She's talking about a Digimon.”

“Exactly, but a corrupted Digimon wouldn't single her out,” Fluttershy stated, “That means the Digimon was in perfect control of itself.”

Guilmon's eyes widened, “Meaning that it had a Tamer!”

Fluttershy nodded putting her Digivice back in her jacket pocket, “There are too many coincidences here, Guilmon, and they all feel like they're adding up to something big.”

“And that's why you want me to find that Diamond Tiara girl,” Guilmon said, “To see how they all add up.”

“Bingo. So, can I count on you and the other Digimon?” Fluttershy asked. Guilmon saluted.

“No problem, Fluttershy! I'll meet up with everyone at the lookout tree!” Guilmon turned to run off, but stopped, “Hey, Fluttershy?”

“What is it, Guilmon?”

“I'm really happy we're helping so many people.” Guilmon said, giving her a smile. Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment, and then turned away.

“I… I'm not going to ever leave people in need. Not if I can do something,” Fluttershy said, “I'll see you after school.”

With that said, Fluttershy rushed off. Guilmon smiled widely and ran off to the tree house. Hopefully Agumon and Gabumon were at least there.

Fluttershy met up with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in the school courtyard, where she spoke to both of them about her theory.

“I hope she's okay,” Pinkie Pie said, “Diamond Tiara's a bit spoiled, but she's really a sweet kid.”

“You know her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I've spoken to her a few times,” Pinkie Pie said, “Even though her father's not the nicest, she's actually really cordial and approachable.”

“Does she mention Silver Spoon?” Fluttershy asked Pinkie Pie.

“They used to always be together. I remember that the last time I ran into her, she was with that boy who was on the news, Rumble. They're kinda young to be as mature about their relationship as they are, but Diamond Tiara's already kinda mature for her age.” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Where are your Digimon?” Fluttershy asked.

“Veemon said something about a lookout tower,” Rainbow Dash shrugged, “I don't know, but Applejack and Rarity's Digimon invited him so he said he'd check it out.”

“Hackmon said the same thing,” Pinkie Pie added, “And I'm sure Agumon and Gabumon are they're. I get the feeling they're always there.”

“Okay, good,” Fluttershy said, “We need to find that girl as soon as possible. I don't like what the looks like.”

“Neither do I,” Rainbow Dash said, “But… what are we going to do about Silver Spoon if she's linked to her Digimon, and it turns out to be a bad Digimon?”

“Maybe Rarity and Applejack have a plan now,” Pinkie Pie said hopefully, “Maybe they consulted with Yggdrasil, and she's got an idea of how to fix this.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but we don't,” Rarity said, she and Applejack walking out to join them.

“Damn, so that sentient computer you two listen to is still clueless?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Her name is Yggdrasil, but I'm afraid so,” Rarity said gravely.

“I asked Guilmon to work with our Digimon to find our Tamer's friend,” Fluttershy said, “I think she's connected to this.”

“Good thinkin’,” Applejack said, “Our Digivices got a trackin’ feature in them, so we'll always know where our Digimon are.”

“That's convenient,” Rainbow Dash said, “So after school, we track down our Digimon and help in the search, right?”

“Sounds good to me,” Pinkie Pie said with a nod, “I hope this doesn't end in violence.”

“I hope we can save the Tamer,” Rarity said looking down seriously, “I don't want to have to delete her Digimon in a way that will hurt her.”

“The we'll just find another way,” Fluttershy said, “Class is about to start, so let's just be ready.”

The five girls all nodded to each other and went off in separate directions to their first classes. Hopefully Diamond Tiara was okay at least.

Guilmon was thankful that all of the Digimon were at the lookout tree, and he relayed Fluttershy's request. They were all happy to help, and instantly spread out into town, exploring the town in search of the missing girl.

While most of the Digimon searched in town, Hackmon walked out into the Whitetail Woods in the outskirts of town. Out of all of them, he'd been in the real world the longest, and he knew a lot more about these sort of situations.

After all, he and Maud watched nothing but cop shows when at home.

In all of the cop shows, the victim who disappeared usually turned up somewhere in an area like this. It helped that he was so small, so he could look at the ground closely for any clues. He didn't find anything outright, but stopped when he saw what looked like a tiny gem in the grass.

Hackmon looked to the side, thinking if this was a clue. His mind went to the picture of Diamond Tiara, remembering the headpiece she always wore.

“Hey!” Guilmon called out, running over to Hackmon, “Did you find something?”

“I think so,” Hackmon said looking around a bit, noticing a small shack in the distance, “Guilmon, let's check that over there.”

Guilmon looked, “That building over there?”

Hackmon nodded, “Something tells me that girl is close by.” Hackmon ran toward the shack, Guilmon following closely. Once they reached the shack, both Digimon heard sobbing from inside.

“Guilmon, can you take a look?” Hackmon asked, “You're taller than I am.”

Guilmon nodded and looked through the window. Inside he saw Diamond Tiara, wrists chained to a pipe behind her. She was struggling a bit, and she was crying loudly. She looked terrified. Inside of the room with her was a BlackGatomon. Guilmon quickly ducked and turned to Hackmon.

“Hackmon, she's in there!” Guilmon whispered, “There's a BlackGatomon in there too standing guard!”

“That's the Digimon Pinkie Pie and I saw!” Hackmon stated, “That means that girl is the Tamer!”

“But why did she kidnap Diamond Tiara?” Guilmon asked.

“That I don't know, but we need to warn everyone else!” Hackmon looked back at the shack, “Meet up with the other Digimon and our Tamers. I'll stay here and keep watch.”

“Alright Hackmon. I'll be back with everyone else!” Guilmon said running out of the woods. Hackmon ran behind a tree and hid, waiting for the others to get there. He wanted to charge right in, but he wasn't stupid. There was no way he'd be able to beat that BlackGatomon on his own.

It was after school by the time Guilmon got back, and everyone was waiting for him near the lookout tree.

“Everyone!” Guilmon called out, “Hackmon and I found Diamond Tiara!”

“Good job, Guilmon,” Fluttershy hugged her Digimon, “Where is she?”

“She's locked up in a small shack in the Whitetail Woods,” Guilmon said, “Hackmon's still there keeping watch.”

“She's locked up?!” Rarity cried, “Oh, the poor dear!”

“Who did this?!” Rainbow Dash demanded to know harshly.

“We know who,” Applejack pointed out, “Probably our rogue Tamer.”

“Speaking of,” Rarity pointed toward the school, where they saw Silver Spoon run out of the school building, in the direction away from the residential section of Canterlot.

“She's heading in the direction of where Hackmon is,” Pinkie Pie said, looking at her Digivice, “He probably wants to use his signal to lead us there.”

“Let's not waste any time,” Fluttershy said, “Sooner we get to her, the higher the chance we have of ending this without needing to hurt her.”

Everyone nodded, human and Digimon, and they all ran in the direction of the Whitetail Woods.

Diamond Tiara had long since given up on trying to escape on her own, and just sat down on the floor hanging her head helplessly. After a bit, she looked up and glared at the black cat lying on the floor in front of her.

“Hey,” she said, “Hey cat. I know you can hear me.”

Said cat opened an eye and looked at her.

“Hello human,” she drawled.

“What are you?” Diamond Tiara asked, “You're clearly not a cat.”

“You're right, I'm not,” BlackGatomon said sitting up and standing upright perfectly, “My name is BlackGatomon. I'm what's called a Digimon, or Digital Monster.”

“Digital Monster?” Diamond Tiara pulled at the chains binding her to the pole, “Okay, what do you want with Silver Spoon?”

“I didn't do anything except give her a little push in the right direction,” BlackGatomon said, walking around Diamond Tiara.

“No, I don't believe that!” Diamond Tiara shook her head, “I know Silver Spoon! She'd never do anything like this unless she were being controlled! I know you did something to her!”

“You hold that girl in too high regard,” BlackGatomon said with a smirk, “The lust she has for you is almost overwhelming. I'm surprised you didn't notice it. Or are you too focused on Rumble to notice how she truly feels. Perhaps you just don't care about her.”

“That's not true!” Diamond Tiara cried, “I love Silver Spoon! She's my closest friend! I never wanted to hurt her!”

“Then why don't you break up with Rumble and be with her?” BlackGatomon challenged, “Or are you just lying, saying what Silver Spoon wants to hear so we'll let you go?”

“I'm not lying!” Diamond Tiara sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks, “I do love Silver Spoon! It's just a different kind of love!”

“I'm sure,” BlackGatomon said, leaning against a wall, “I bet Silver Spoon would go for that ‘different kind of love’ Then again, I could just spin your words around so she thinks you're lying to her.”

“You're terrible,” Diamond Tiara sobbed helplessly, “I hate you so much!” almost on cue, the door opened and Silver Spoon walked in, “Silver Spoon!”

“Diamond, what's wrong?” Silver Spoon asked, kneeling down before her and caressing her face, “Why are you crying?”

“Why am I crying?!” Diamond Tiara was incredulous, “My best friend is keeping me prisoner! Silver Spoon, please stop listening to that cat thing over there?! This isn't who you are! It's controlling you!”

“BlackGatomon is my friend,” Silver Spoon shied away from Diamond Tiara, “She's always there for me, and she loves me. She was there even when you abandoned me for Rumble!”

“I didn't abandon you, Spoony!” Diamond Tiara cried, “I still loved you! Even now, I love you! You're my best friend, Silver Spoon!”

“But that's all, right?!” Silver Spoon asked harshly, “You say that you love me, but in the end you're going to throw me away for him!”

“It's true, Silver Spoon,” BlackGatomon chimed in, “I spoke to her while we waited for you to return. She said that she loved him more than you.”

The way Silver Spoon gasped and then narrowed her eyes at Diamond Tiara made the young imprisoned girl wilt in fear, “Is that true?”

“No no no!” Diamond Tiara said desperately, “I never said that! That evil cat is twisting my words! I said that I loved both you and Rumble, but it's a different kind of love!”

“She's trying to cover it up, but you know the truth!” BlackGatomon said immediately, “She means that the love she has for Rumble is higher than it is for you! Rumble is a menace, and as long as he lives she'll never love you!”

Silver Spoon looked up suddenly as if in realization, “You're right… he's the problem.”

“Silver Spoon, what are you thinking…?” Diamond Tiara asked slowly.

“Come BlackGatomon,” Silver Spoon said rising up, “Let's get rid of Rumble.”

BlackGatomon smiled evilly at Diamond Tiara, “As you wish, Silver Spoon.”


“Listen to her,” BlackGatomon seethed, both her and Silver Spoon glaring at Diamond Tiara, “She panics merely at the thought of him dying. That's all the proof you need.”

“I'm begging you, Silver Spoon, don't do this!” Diamond Tiara cried, “Leave Rumble alone! Stop listening to that evil cat thing and let me go! I promise, I'll never leave your side, and I'll find a way to make all of this ri-”

“SHUT UP!” Silver Spoon screamed, silencing Diamond Tiara, “I'm through listening to you! It's clear now that you're not going to love me as long as he's alive, so I'm going to kill him!” she closed her eyes trembling shedding tears of anger, “I hate him! I hate him and I hate what he represents! I love you so much, Diamond Tiara, but as long as he's alive, you're never going to see it! But you will!” she opened her eyes, glaring at Diamond Tiara intensely, “You'll see, and then you'll love me just as much as I love you! You'll love me because you won't have a choice!” with that she turned and stormed to the door.

“SILVER SPOON NO!” Diamond Tiara screamed, once again futilely pulling at her bindings, going into full panic mode. Silver Spoon ignored her pleas though, opening the door just in time to see Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack run up to the shack, all with their Digimon with them.

“W-what?” Silver Spoon asked, “Who are these girls?”

“We're Tamers, just like you,” Rarity said stepping forward, “That BlackGatomon, she's yours, right?”

“Silver Spoon, we have to take them out now!” BlackGatomon seethed getting on all fours, “They're bad Tamers! They're here to take Diamond Tiara away from you!”

“No!” Silver Spoon shook her head, spreading her arms out in defense of the shack, “I'm not letting you take her away!”

“Silver Spoon, that's your name, right?” Pinkie Pie asked slowly stepping forward, “You have to let her go. What you're doing is wrong. You're hurting Diamond Tiara.”

“I hate doing this to her,” Silver Spoon admitted, looking down, “But it’s the only way I'm going to get her to pay attention to me! She's going to leave me for Rumble!”

“I don't think that's right,” Guilmon chimed in, “You and that other girl are partners, right? Partners don't abandon each other, ever!”

“We really don't want this to get violent, darling,” Rarity urged.

“That's like the one thing she and I agree on,” Rainbow Dash added, “So just step away from the shack, give us your Digivice, and we'll work this out.”

“See?! They just confirmed it!” BlackGatomon cried out, “Now they're trying to separate us! They don't want you to have anyone, Silver Spoon! They want you be alone, without anyone to love you!”

Fluttershy frowned looking at BlackGatomon. Why was she going on and on about love and things like that?

“I'm not letting that happen!” Silver Spoon cried, tears of anger falling from her eyes, “If you want Diamond Tiara, you're going to have to go through us! But if it's my Digivice you want so badly,” she pulled it out of her dress pocket and held if forward, her other hand flowing with dark green energy, “Then I'll give it to you right now, along with all of its power!” she then pulled up a holographic keyboard and typed on it.

“Silver Spoon, DON'T!” Rarity screamed.

“Altering Program! Super Digivolve!” Silver Spoon screamed, pushing the enter key. She screamed as her entire body flowed with that green energy, which she then sent into her Digivice, shooting the energy out at BlackGatomon.



“BLACKGATOMON SUPER DIGIVOLVE TO!” BlackGatomon shouted, jumping into the air as her entire body immediately broke off revealing a dark green wire frame. Her Tamer's energy engulfed her, causing the frame to change shape and grow into the form of a darkly alluring woman. She spun around elegantly as her body took form, revealing the black clad Digimon that captured Diamond Tiara, “LADYDEVIMON!”

boss theme

“Oh this is bad!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed pulling out her Digivice to scan the new Digimon.





Silver Spoon held her chest in pain. She then glared at all of them almost demonically, her eyes glowing red.

“Just try and stop me!” both Silver Spoon and LadyDevimon said at the same time, “I'm not letting anyone take Diamond Tiara away from me!”

LadyDevimon rushed toward them ready to attack, however she was stopped as Applejack jumped in the way and held her back with her bare hands.

“What are we doin?!” Applejack asked, “We fightin’, or retreatin’?!”

“Retreat isn't an option!” Fluttershy pulled her goggles down, “Guilmon, get ready!”

“Right!” he stood in front of her, holding his arms out, “Let's do this!”

Applejack smirked and pushed LadyDevimon back, pulling out her Digivice, “I like the way y'all think! Time ta go dinosaur crazy, Agumon!”

“I was waiting for that!” Agumon said, standing next to his Tamer with a cocky grin. Both Applejack and Fluttershy typed on their keyboards at the same time.

“Altering Program! Digivolve!” the two girls shouted at the same time. LadyDevimon tried to charge at them again, but this time Applejack threw back her fist and landed a hard punch right in her jaw, actually sending the Ultimate Level Digimon back. She and Fluttershy sent their energy into their Digivices, which then shot out to their Digimon.





Fluttershy held her chest, grunting in pain after her Digimon digivolved.


“Ya alright there?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Don't worry about me,” Zero spat, standing upright with a sneer, “Let's just focus on the demon bitch in front of us.”

Applejack frowned at the sudden change, but thought nothing of it. The two dinosaur Digimon rushed at LadyDevimon, but she managed to hold both of them back with her hands. She kicked both Digimon back and then held her larger left hand out.

“DARKNESS WAVE!” she roared, shooting black bats made of darkness out at Growlmon and Greymon. The bats caught fire once they reached them, causing massive damage.

“Applejack!” Rarity cried.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “Pinkie Pie, we gotta go to the next level too!”

“Right! Let's do it Hackmon!

“Veemon, let's kick it into high gear!”

“Gabumon darling, get ready!”

“Altering Program! Digivolve!” all three girls shouted, sending their energy into their Digivices and sending it out to their corresponding Digimon.






ExVeemon charged at LadyDevimon and tackled her to the ground and began pummeling her with his fists. She kicked him off of her, but then flipped out of the way as Garurumon launched his Fox Fire attack in her direction.

“Altering Program! Nurse!” Pinkie Pie shouted sending the program. Instantly Greymon and Growlmon were healed, rising to their feet.

“Thanks,” Zero said dusting herself off, “Can you increase everyone's stats next too?”

“Sure thing. BaoHackmon, you mind acting as support for a bit?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Not at all!” BaoHackmon said, slashing LadyDevimon back with his tail, “Whatever it takes to help the team!”

“Alright! Altering Program! All Defense UP!”

All of the Digimon felt their defense increase. Just in time too, as LadyDevimon held her hand behind her charging up an attack.

“BLACK WING!” she intoned, her claw morphing into a sharp tipped spear like shape and charging with energy. She then slashed at BaoHackmon, but Garurumon pushed him out of the way, taking the attack himself.

“AHH!!!” Rarity screamed falling, back.

“Whoa! Got ya!” Applejack caught her, “Ya alright?”

“I… think so,” Rarity looked at her Digivice, surprised to see Garurumon's health already close to half, “But… our defense is up, isn't it?”

“Pinkie Pie, Attack next!” Rainbow Dash requested, typing on her keyboard, “I gotta see something!”

“Got it Dash! Altering Program! All Attack UP!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Once their attack increased, Rainbow Dash prepared her next program.

“Altering Program! Chi Level 2!” she shouted, sending the program, “Remember, just like I taught ya, ExVeemon!”

ExVeemon gave his Tamer a thumbs up, held his hands forward and then drew them to his side, “Ka… me… ha… me… HA!” he threw his arms forward, firing a large blue energy stream out at LadyDevimon, who held her arms in front of her in defense taking the attack.

“Why did yer Digimon use a Kamehameha?” Applejack asked, bemused.

“Because it's fucking awesome, that's why,” Rainbow Dash smirked, “Someone check her health.”

Zero looked down at her Digivice, “Shit! It's still not taking damage!”

“We're unstoppable!” Silver Spoon shouted, “You're not beating me! Not with those weak Digimon!”

LadyDevimon responded by rolling to the side and firing an electric blast out at ExVeemon, making both him and Rainbow Dash slide back a bit in pain.

“Damn it!” Rainbow Dash swore, “Why's she so strong?!”

“MEGA FLAME!” Greymon shouted.

“EXHAUST FLAME!” Growlmon roared at the same time. Both attacks fired at LadyDevimon, but she held her wings around her taking both attacks. Garurumon jumped high into the air and charged up his attack.

“FOX FIRE!” Garurumon intoned. His attack actually engulfed LadyDevimon. He landed and all five Champion Digimon gathered around him waiting for the smoke to clear. When it did though, they saw that LadyDevimon was perfectly unharmed.

“What?!” Growlmon cried out.

“How though?!” Greymon asked, “We've been hitting her with everything we have?!”

“Even though you’re strong, you're all still Digimon only able to reach Champion,” LadyDevimon taunted sauntering over to the Digimon, “I've been able to reach Ultimate for a while now.”

“That's putting your Tamer in unnecessary danger!” BaoHackmon exclaimed, “She's not ready for that level! You have to ease her into it!”

“I'm fine!” Silver Spoon said, holding her chest in pain, “Y-you're the weak ones! You just want me, t-to relent so y-you can steal Diamond Tiara away from me…!”

“Sweetheart, listen!” Rarity urged, “I know how it feels to love someone more than anyone more than anything, but you can't force someone to love you like this!”

“Please, revert your Digimon to the lower levels!” Pinkie Pie begged, “That way we can talk this over!”

“I'm through talking!” Silver Spoon cried out, gripping her Digivice tightly, “I'm putting an end to this right here, right now!”

LadyDevimon flew into the air, “POISON!” she shouted, spraying a black mist out of her hand down to the Digimon.

“Your Highness!” Garurumon shouted. He reacted immediately, throwing her on his back and jumping out of the attack. Unfortunately everyone else took it head on, instantly feeling like something was burning them from the inside out. Both Tamers and Digimon screamed in pain, falling to the ground.

“No!” Rarity screamed in horror, looking at everyone struggle to rise to their feet, “Garurumon, what do we do?”

“We have to go all out, Your Highness,” Garurumon said, kneeling down to let Rarity off his back, “At least try to even the odds a bit.”

“Yes, you're right,” Rarity said hugging her Digimon, “I relent and give you full control, Garurumon.” she then stepped forward, typing on her keyboard, “Altering Program! Super Digivolve!”

Everyone was shocked to hear Rarity scream to the sky, and even more surprised when purple energy flowed all around her. She stopped screaming and glared at LadyDevimon, and Garurumon jumped in front of her. She then sent the energy into her Digivice and shot it at her partner.



“GARURUMON, SUPER DIGIVOLVE TO!” Garurumon shouted running forward, the wind ripping his skin off to reveal his purple wire frame. His Tamer's energy engulfed him, and the frame altered in a funny way, actually changing to stand upright and gaining slight human like features. His skin reformed, revealing Garurumon, but standing like a human and wearing blue jeans, a single shoulder pad, and golden brass knuckles on both hands, “WEREGARURUMON!” she shouted before howling to the moonlight.

Rarity's entire body went limp for a second, but she then rose up, almost like a puppet, getting in a fighting stance just like the one WereGarurumon was in.

“What the hell…?” Zero asked.

Applejack sighed, “I was hopin’ she wouldn't go that far.”

“What's wrong with her?” Pinkie Pie asked, afraid of the answer.

“She used the full amount of her energy possible for Ultimate. It gives her Digimon more freedom of movement, but at a price. Fer one, she can't use programs anymore, an' two, she no longer controls her movements.”

As a demonstration almost, WereGarurumon circled around LadyDevimon. At the same time, Rarity also moved identically, as if she and her Digimon were one entity in two bodies.

“Thank you for removing my chains, Your Highness,” WereGarurumon said ferociously, “I will not use your gift in vain!”

The two ultimate Digimon charged at each other and fought close quarter, throwing punches and kicks at each other that they expertly blocked. At the same time, Rarity moved perfectly in sync with her Digimon, even grunting in pain if WereGarurumon got hit.


“No! Not this time!” WereGarurumon shouted, both he and Rarity doing a jumping spin kick, destroying the attack and landing perfectly on the ground, despite the latter of the two wearing high heels.

“KAISER NAIL!” Rarity screamed as if she were attacking. WereGarurumon then charged up his claws, and slashed wildly, pushing LadyDevimon back.

“Damn it!” LadyDevimon swore, “I didn't know you could reach Ultimate too!”

“Rarity, ya gotta keep yer cool!” Applejack urged, “Ya don't wanna lose yerself to the power!”

Rarity ignored her lover, instead having WereGarurumon charge at LadyDevimon and relentlessly attack her. This time she felt it.

But Silver Spoon was also flinching and crying out in pain from the attacks. Diamond Tiara was seeing the whole thing, her eyes going wide.

“No…” she shook her head, “No! Please stop! You'll kill her!”

Zero looked into the shack, meeting eyes with Diamond Tiara. She nodded to her and then rose up, “Growlmon, we need to stop Rarity.”

“Right,” Growlmon said, actually turning to WereGarurumon.

“Hey!” Applejack rose up and turned to Zero grabbing her arm, “What are ya doin?!”

“Do you want her to kill the Tamer?!” Zero asked harshly, “If not, then I suggest you stop your girlfriend before she fucks up!”

Applejack looked down and nodded, “Alright, we gotta do what we gotta do.”

Zero nodded to Applejack, “Growlmon, attack!”

“DRAGON SLASH!” Growlmon roared, slashing WereGarurumon away from LadyDevimon, “Stop it! You'll kill her if you don't!”

“I… I have to…!” WereGarurumon held his head in pain, “Have… to defeat… ENEMY!” WereGarurumon jumped and fired a powerful spin kick at Growlmon’s head, knocking him back for massive damage.

Both ExVeemon and BaoHackmon rushed at WereGarurumon, holding him steady. As he struggled, Greymon charged up his attack.

“MEGA FLAME!” he roared, shooting his attack point blank at WereGarurumon. This caused him and Rarity to fall back in pain, WereGarurumon shifting back into Gabumon, both Digimon and Tamer out cold.

“Thanks for saving me!” LadyDevimon shouted suddenly, rushing in and lashing at all four remaining Digimon, immediately making the Digimon and their Tamers fall to the ground, making her laugh cruelly.

“See what your kindness got you?” she taunted, “Now you've all lost!”

Pinkie Pie sat up enough to see Silver Spoon fall onto her knees, still holding her chest in pain, “S-stop… you're going… to…”

“Silver Spoon is willing to give her life to protect what she loves,” LadyDevimon said with a sinister smirk, “If she does end up dying, I'll be fine though.”

“You don't, even care about your Tamer?!” Rainbow Dash got to her knees at least, glaring venomously at LadyDevimon, “You bitch! ExVeemon and I will rip you apart!”

“But if you do that, you'll hurt Silver Spoon as well,” LadyDevimon said folding her arms, “Face it, Royal Knights. In the end, I was just too much for you to handle-” she was suddenly hit by a large metal orb, which caused her to fall back, both she and Silver Spoon screaming in pain.

“W-what the…?” Zero looked up, seeing the oddest sight. It was what looked like a red shen-long dragon with a white underside, two pairs of metallic wings on its back, and a large terrifying looking horn on it's forehead. When she saw the stripes on its body and the red gem on its forehead, she immediately knew who that was, “Twilight?!”

LadyDevimon looked up at the newcomer Digimon and flew up to him to engage. The new Digimon however was too much for her, and immediately managed to knock her down onto the ground. The red dragon gave a loud and odd sounding roar, but then flew down into LadyDevimon impaling her with his horn. Both LadyDevimon and Silver Spoon gasped in pain.

Everyone watched in horror at the display. On one hand they were happy it was on their side, but on the other hand, it was about to…

Using his horn, the red Digimon threw LadyDevimon high into the air. He then fired another really large metallic sphere out at LadyDevimon, who screamed in agony as her entire body exploded into pixels… deleted.

At the same time, Silver Spoon screamed loudly in pain, holding her head the entire time. Once her Digimon was gone completely, she stopped screaming and fell to the ground, her whole body going limp.

end song

Diamond Tiara began breathing heavily, eyes wide as tears began to fall freely, “SILVER SPOON!”

Pinkie Pie ran inside and managed to find the key to her chains, setting her free. Immediately Diamond Tiara ran over to her friend and held her, shaking her to awake.

“Silver Spoon! Silver Spoon, wake up!” she begged, “Please, don't be dead! DON'T DIE!”

“Oh… fuck…” Rainbow Dash said, looking on in horror.

“We failed…” Applejack lowered her hat over her eyes, “Damn it…”

Pinkie Pie walked over to the crying teen, “Diamond Tiara, I'm so sorr-”


Pinkie Pie flinched back in shock, “Diamond…?”


“I…” Pinkie Pie looked away in shame. No one could really refute it. In actuality, they all screwed up, BIG TIME.

“I hate you!” Diamond Tiara swore venomously, glaring at all of them, “I HATE ALL OF YOU!”

Rarity stirred and slowly woke up. When she saw Diamond Tiara in tears, holding a catatonic Silver Spoon, she covered her mouth in horror.

“Oh God…” Rarity said trembling, “W-what have I done…?”

Diamond Tiara rose up, carrying Silver Spoon over her shoulders, and slowly began to leave out of the forest. Not once did she look at anyone, and a constant stream of tears flowed down her cheeks.

The red Digimon started glowing, reverting back to Dorumon. At the same time, Twilight stepped out from behind a tree. She watched Diamond Tiara leave, and closed her eyes briefly.

“Mission complete,” she said simply, “The target has been deleted. Let's go, Dorumon.”

Dorumon nodded, “Right.” the two of them turned to leave out the forest.

“Is that all?”

Twilight stopped and turned back around, seeing Zero looking down at the ground, trembling, hands balled up into tight fists, and clearly crying.

“Is that, all you have to say?!” she seethed looking up at Twilight in hatred, “That girl was still connected to her Digimon, and you just… just…!”

“I did what I had to do,” Twilight said, putting her hands on her hips, “That being cleaning up your mess. I tried to give you a chance to end it on your own terms, and instead you turned on each other, and left yourselves wide open. Had I not stepped in when I did, all of you would have died.”

“And what about Silver Spoon?!” Rainbow Dash asked, “Do you seriously not care about what you just did?!”

“I completed my mission, and did so in the most efficient way,” Twilight explained, “All you were doing was wasting time. The mission would have been done in half the time if I'd been the one in charge of it.”

Zero had enough, and rushed toward Twilight screaming in rage. She tried to punch the gothic teen, but Twilight grabbed her fist, holding it steady and returning Zero's glare with one of her own.

“I'm not a super heroine. It's not my duty to worry about the lives of every living person,” Twilight stated, “I am Network Security, so when there's a threat, I eliminate it. You best learn that mentality as well, if you plan on becoming a Royal Knight.”

“You're… a Royal Knight…?” Zero asked incredulous.

“That's right, and unlike you, I'm not some idealistic kid playing a game,” Twilight continued, “I am Alphamon, former leader of the Royal Knights, and Lord of the Empty Seat.” she pushed Zero back harshly, “If this is what Yggdrasil replaced us with, then the Digital and Real World are both doomed.”

With that, she turned around and walked off, all of the girls watching her leave with varying degrees of emotion. Pinkie Pie fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands, sobbing loudly, Rainbow Dash was looking down trembling and gritting her teeth, Applejack had to hold Rarity, the latter was crying so hard. Zero watched Twilight and Dorumon walk off, a look of both hatred and determination on her face. She didn't know about joining the Royal Knights, but at that moment, she was sure of one thing.

She could not leave the fate of the two worlds in the hands of someone like Twilight.

Author's Note:

And now the story is beginning to show it's true colors. This story is my latest sin in the making.

Enjoy the ride. :pinkiecrazy:

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