• Member Since 4th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Pippington Britishhooves

Those who can read and write hold the key to knowledge and the process of thought. For some reason, I have chosen to use this gift to write about fictional cartoon ponies instead of important stuff.



Equestria is a wondrous nation of friendship, harmony, and convenient magic. Eras have passed under the watchful eye of the princesses, and the ponies of the land have thrived in the environment provided for them. In fact, they have been almost blessed with such a peaceful and prosperous way of life that the realities and dangers of the world in which they live are almost forgotten to them. Most struggles are resolved within a day, tops, and the easy pace of life has become the norm. For the citizens of the land, this is no bad thing, and in Equestria, it is practically a standard.

Twilight Sparkle, however, is no pony to lay down and let life pass her by. The newest princess of Equestria is curious, erudite, and ambitious, and in her quest to learn more about the nature of reality, she has taken to studying all she can about the world. In pursuit of this noble goal, she spends more time with her once-rival Sunset Shimmer and co in the mirror world, talking and exploring the ways of the alternate world.

And then comes the snag. While the two worlds may share many similarities, humanity has found a way to push forwards with an eagerness and vigour that even the Princess of Friendship finds amazing, and in doing so, confronts the mare with some uncomfortable questions, all of which she seeks to answer for the betterment of ponykind.

Except for "what is beef?" and "where does glue and leather come from in this world?"

Equestria probably wont benefit from discovering those, and Princess Luna would have to defer most of her workload to a certified therapist.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

This story is amazing! I'd personally love if you could continue it somehow, but if not, this is still very awesome!

Don't recall how I clicked into this story but I do like this premise as something to ponder. The discussion of the rise of the French republic reminded me of ted-ed's series history on trial specifically History vs Napoleon

I don't know why this has less than 300 views but this story is fantastic! Good comedy is hard, and this excels!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. It's probably got so few views because the whole thing tends to be a cycle - the more viewers you have, the more attention you get, and vice-versa. I'm not worried about viewership though, I just enjoyed putting it out there. The fact that other people enjoyed it at all is reward enough.

My law degree is finally counting for something, it seems. I never figured it'd be writing about pastel coloured cartoon ponies. Weird how life works out.

*laughing* Yep, life can turn out that way!

Isn't a person guilty until proven innocent under the Napoleonic code?

Almost want an expanded middle section where she goes through a few other government/law systems. Be especially funny to see her try to explain communism in Russia or the Japanese version of feudalism.

Princess Celestia had, in her thousands of years of reining (reigning) over the nation, made mistakes. Most were minor and easily ignored or overlooked by everypony else, while some were mere personal regrets. None of these had interfered with her ability to lead Equestria and to plot the best course for her subjects. She was revered and admired, and any minor fault was dismissed by the sheer weight of what she had accomplished and the finesse with which she did it. Her decisions were unchallenged and her authority unquestioned, and she had proven many times over that she was no tyrant nor incompetent buffoon masquerading as a monarch. Princess Celestia was the mightiest alicorn in the land, and her wisdom was unimpeachable.

I don't believe so, but they certainly aren't under common law. Apparently Equestria doesn't have that protection, to their detriment.

I'm only really knowledgeable in European history, jurisprudence and philosophy, and the chapter was getting kinda long as it was, but I agree that they'd make for an interesting section. Maybe another author with more knowledge on those systems can write a piece for it, much like authors have continued to make additions to a particular work of Fuller's to share their viewpoint.

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