• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,901 Views, 82 Comments

Help! My house is infested by My Little Pony - Opium4TmassS

Their is nothing worse than being an insect on the windshield of life.

  • ...

Their Creeping up on you

Revenge is a dish best served cold
-Old Klingon proverb

It is a well known fact that if you spent a lifetime pissing people off you should never accept strange packages from strange people named Anna...

Being one of the major movers and shakers in Hollywood had given Dunkin Mays the life few of us could ever dream about. From hot young women at his beck and call, a line of exotic cars, to his most prized possession the fifteen million dollar penthouse that gave the most amazing view of the Pacific ocean.

A state of the art home featuring everything a mogul could possibly want. From bullet-proof windows to doors that can be locked and unlocked with the press of a button on your cell phone. Truly a dream for people like him to live, work and with so many young beautiful women flocking to Hollywood, play in.

The name S. Kuklachelovek was written on the top of the box. Though having never met the man Simon Kuklachelovek was well known in the industry for making hit kid shows worth millions before his disappearance from the scene five years ago. After all this time his name still carried a lot of weight even with those dark rumors centered around his last project before he vanished. Some cartoon about horses or something Dunkin had heard. Still the thought of working with Simon excited him as his ideas were always a guaranteed cash cow, seeming to pull money from the sky.

As he carried the box to the kitchen Dunkin was surprised by how cold the box felt. Like a vacuum sucking up all the warmth from his hands as he placed it on the cabinet in his kitchen to grab a pair of scissors. The blades easily slicing through the packing tape. Seeming to pull away from each other before he could even cut it. Pulling the lid apart Dunkin wondered what it could be and how could they make money off of it as he peered inside and saw rows of dirty plastic toy ponies in different colors and styles staring back at him. Their blackened eyes too wide, their smiles too desperate. Stained and filthy they looked old, yet at the same time seemed they just came out the package.

"The fuck..." Dunkin muttered to himself. Kuklachelovek's strange humor was well known but he didn't see anything funny about sending junk pony dolls to someone.

"I just wanted to tell you what an asshole you are," said a voice suddenly blaring at him from his cell phone turning on in his pocket. A horrible, screechy, obviously intoxicated voice demanding to be heard. "He's dead. Dead you asshole and its all your fault. Fuck you Dunkin. Fuck you to hell!" the voice screeched on becoming nothing more than a drunken ramble of sobbing incoherency with a few more 'Fuck you' thrown in between every other word. The voice of a woman he had hoped to never have to talk to ever again. It was too bad she never understood until it was too late how the Hollywood machine runs.

"Well hello Stacy. How the hell are ya?' He asked, wondering silently how she got his number, "I know Jason is dead. I went to his funeral Tuesday. It was very nice."

"It's all your fault. I know Jason didn't do all of those things everyone accused him of doing. I know what you did. You ruined his life so you could take over the company. I hope you roast in hell for this."

"We all have secrets, Mrs. Finley. Apparently you didn't know your husband as well as you think," He said wanting to hang up on the crazy bitch as soon as he could, "Now I'm pretty busy having a lot of things to do but if it will make you feel better I'll send a bouquet of Lilies to your house by Friday. And if you need to talk to someone I suggest you make arrangements to see a therapist. If you want I'll have my secretary call you with a list now goodbye." He finished trying to turn off his phone as fast as he could so he didn't have to listen to anymore of her shit.

"You paid those actresses to tell the press he tried to molest them. I know you did. You made him leave the company so you could take over. You destroyed all the work my Jason did just so you could have it you monster. I hope you burn for etern..."

"Bye Stacy," said Dunkin, ending the call. Remembering Stacy Finley when he first saw her twenty years ago. God she had such a body when he first met her, with a hot ass to boot. Dunkin saw so much potential in her. He wanted to bang her so badly back then. It was too bad she let a marriage get in the way of her career but it was her choice and her fault.

"That's the problem with girls," he thought as he reached over to turn off the phone and her whiny voice, "They all want something for nothing."

Stopping when he noticed one of the toy ponies standing on his counter. It was a white one with the blue mane and horn that sported a fading blue diamond mark on the side of her rear leg. Its eyes had been blackened but still he couldn't shake the sensation of being watched intently, hungrily by the thing.

"Its just a damn toy," he grumbled pushing the creepy thought away as he had better things to do than be freaked out over a cheap piece of painted plastic. Growing angry with Simon's stupid gift to him. Promising himself that when he met the man he was going to give him a piece of his mind as he snatched up the toy only to drop it a second later, hitting the floor with a loud bang as he felt something sharp and cold stab deep his hand.

"Son of a bitch," he swore clutching his hand in pain. Already he could feel his hand starting to swell from the intense cold, almost like frostbite he thought as a thin trail of blood dripped from a small gash in his hand towards the floor.

A shrill whine parted his lips. God did it hurt. His mind awash in pain was already running through the list of Hollywood lawyers he could call to sue Kuklachelovek for bringing this dangerous shit to his house as he reached for a towel to clean up the mess when he saw the white pony toy once again. This time now standing on his cellphone. Still staring at him with those black colored eyes and a very noticeable smear of red across its still smiling mouth.

"Doors and windows locked." said the mechanical voice that came from his phone. Dunkin heard rapid clicks as his house secured itself against all intrusions. Leaving our poor Dunkin locked inside his own home while the sounds of many tiny things scrabbling across his tiled kitchen floor could be heard.

A fifteen million dollar state of the art penthouse complete with everything a mogul could possibly want or desire. A Beautifully palace designed to meet the needs of whatever life throws at you. Unfortunately none of the architects had any thought about the threat of being locked inside with savage toy ponies alone for five hours unable to get out or contact the outside world. As chaos, chaos and insanity ran rampant ever since the package came. Slowly driving Dunkin mad with their savage antics. They broke, they destroyed, they smashed and they hurt. But mostly they played and sang.

Dunkin grabbed the can of Raid as he chased after the tiny blue toy pony with the rainbow mane zipping across the kitchen floor like a horrible blue roach. Too fast for him to catch and kill but slow enough for him to keep up. It had been a game those things had been playing. Tormenting him ever since that box of pony dolls arrived earlier in the morning. Doing everything they could to make his life a living hell.

"At the gala, in the garden I'm going to see them all. All the creatures I'll befriend them at the Gaalaaaa." Their voices bounced off the walls, shook windows and assaulted his ears while Dunkin chased. Surrounding and suffocating. The song seemed to enveloped him from all sides. Squeezing him so tight it felt that it forced the air from his lungs and still the song continued as the chorus reached even higher levels.

"Die fucker!" Dunkin howled as the thing easily dodged his expensive dress shoes slamming around it in a vain attempt to squash the demonic toy into a blue paste. But it was just too fast. Too nimble as he heard tiny snorts of malicious glee mocking him from every failed attempt to kill the damned thing. But it was so focused on avoiding Dunkin's feet it didn't pay attention to the can of insecticide brought over him. There was a hiss with a stream of white acrid foam shooting out of the nozzle and smothering the toy with a thin sticky coat that dripped off the blue pony and left tiny hoof prints in its wake.

"I hope your dick falls off! I hope you get AIDS!" Yelled Stacy, working herself herself into a frenzy of hate, "Your an evil piece of shit who should just kill yourself."

"I'm really too busy to listen to your crazy right now," screamed Dunkin at the phone.

"That look on his face when he came home," Stacy continued ignoring Dunkin. Sobbing as she spoke, "After all those lies. The press hounding him for weeks. The death threats...the hate mail...But the worst of it all...was when Jason lost the company he had spent his life building...And you took it all away motherfucker..."

"We can talk about it later you dumb bitch."

"His last words were to me...he said he always loved me before heading into his office...Five minutes later he shot himself in the head. It was you...You killed him...You destroyed him...Its all your fault."

"Into the Gala. Into the Gala." the toys continued. Their singing mixing with the ramblings of the crying woman on the phone blending together to create such a horrible assault of sound clawing itself deep into his ears. Nested between his skull and brain becoming a painful throb of white noise.

Dunkin could see the toy start to slow down and stumble. An evil grin spread across his face as he could hear it start to hack and cough. It was obvious the stuff wasn't killing it but still it was definitely slowing it down. Once again he raised his foot over the tiny blue pony toy with the rainbow colored mane as the thing shuffled around in a sloppy circle clearly disoriented. Ready to smoosh it into a blue paste onto the floor.

"Into the Gala. Now's the time, we're ready and we look divine."

"This isn't over you sack of shit. Fuck you and your tiny limp dick. Fuck you Dunkin,"

A pain of such intensity slammed into his calf rocketing outwards and upwards across his leg. Forcing him onto the ground and distracting him enough where the tiny blue toy was able to stumble to safety behind the refrigerator.

A guttural whine pushed past his lips as the pain consumed Him. He could feel trails of blood gushing down his leg into his shoe and soak his very expensive sock. Dunkin forced his hands to stop trembling and hiked up his pant leg. Afraid to see what he already knew.

Another toy. This one a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane had its limbs tightly wrapped around his leg in an almost death grip with its razor sharp teeth tearing into Dunkin's flesh. Stopping the thing raised its head from the gash and gave Dunkin a bright friendly smile as it feasted while blood from the wound poured out over her.

"Hi my name is Fluttershy," the thing brightly garbled, chewing as it spoke, "I'm hoping we can be good friends." she finished saying as she dragged her tiny plastic tongue across her lower lip. Tasting him as he looked at her with terror.

He watched her with a growing feeling of shock and horror paralyzing him. How unreal it all seemed as she once again gave him a bright glowing smile before burying her head into the open wound on his leg. Dunkin found himself screaming in pain from the sensation of skin and muscle being ripped off his body by the toy pony as she started to eat his leg again while pushing herself deeper into the wound on his calf.

"And we'll have the best night EVEEEERR!"

Dunkin howled as the pain coursed through his entire body. As fast as he could he reached over to snatch her up but the toy jumped away easily dodging his hand. Dunkin watched it run across the tiled kitchen to join the other doll behind the refrigerator, leaving him lying on the kitchen floor covered in his own blood. Panting and screaming from the unyielding pain a wave of blackness overtook him, sending Dunkin off to blissful unconsciousness while muffled voices started to talk about dresses from behind the walls.

"I hope you die motherfucker." cried the voice from the cell phone just before everything went black.


"All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala, at the Gala!"

"At the Gala, all the royals They will meet fair Rarity They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala! I will find him, my Prince Charming, And how gallant he will be, He will treat me like a lady, tonight at the Gala!"

As much as he tried to ignore the singing it kept on. Dragging him forcibly back into the threshold of consciousness every time he tried to dive deeper into the nothing. All he wanted to do was stay there and drift off.

It was the sensation of something cold and slimy being slathered across his stomach that Dunkin was finally jolted from the warm and comfortable darkness that surrounded his mind as he lay there trying to make sense of the confusion.

His brain felt like cotton wrapped in wool while an insistent pain coming from his leg continued to demand attention. Dunkin knew he should be afraid but for the life of him he couldn't remember why. His jumbled mind trying to make out what was happening and why was their singing while feeling tiny pricks like bugs run across his body as a familiar herbal smell filled his nose. Taking him a few moments to realize the scent of rosemary.

The feeling of danger and revulsion flooded back into him as he started to remember the who's and the what's of all that had happened. Dragging him out of the inviting darkness that seemed to want to hold him and never let him go as he fought tooth and nail back to the waking world. Finally opening his eyes he was greeted by a rectangle of yellow. Taking a moment for his eyes to focus on what was in front of him before registering the block of butter starting to be spread over him by a purple unicorn toy.

A scream started formed its way from the back of his throat that turned into a choking fit after finding his mouth had been crammed full with stuffing leaving an aftertaste of cranberries while catching glimpses of a rainbow of toy ponies dancing and playing around and over his body from the corner of his eye.

The feeling of disgust worked its way over our poor Dunkin. Laying on the ground in his blood. Watching them scurry around like colorful roaches. He so wanted to swat the vermin off of him so much as he curled his hand into a fist. Yet finding that was all he could do with his arms tightly bound to his body. The same bindings that has been wrapped all over him including his face. The strands carried a slight minty smell and a waxy feel to it. Making our Dunkin realize he had been tied up with dental floss, thoroughly preventing the freedom to be away from all of this that he desperately wanted. Stopping his fight with the floss when he felt one of those horrible toys crawl to the top of his head.

This one was a dark blue toy pony with wings, a horn and a flowing mane that sparkled from all the glitter, sitting on his brow and staring directly in his eyes. Dunkin felt coldness radiating off it as she smiled warmly at him while he was forced to squint just to see it as he watched its mouth open impossibly wide to expose rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth.

The toy's speed caught him off-guard. In the blink of an eye the evil thing stretched over his face, to sink its teeth deep into his nose, tearing off flesh and cartilage as the other toy ponies continued to sing all around him.

"I am here at the Grand Gala, for it is the best party But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree Ponies playing, ponies dancing, with me at the Grand Gala! "

Dunkin screamed from the feel of her many sharp teeth ripping across his face as he fought to break free of his bindings. Only to find the floss holding tight against his struggles. cutting deep into his bare skin to add more the pain as the thing ripped off a chunk of his nose.

The pain. Oh god the pain mixing with the blood pouring downward from his partially eaten nose, stinging his eyes and flooding his mouth while a blinding panic took over his senses. Fighting even more with his bindings for the freedom to be away from all the insanity that was going on around him.

"I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night Ever! At the Gala." The toys finally finished with their terrible song.

"Princess Luna," cried a tiny voice near his ear, "What have we said?"

Through the corner of his eye he caught the toy glance guiltily downwards while the purple pony toy chastised the other one as bits of his flesh hung on the side of the things mouth.

"Like I told Fluttershy. You have to wait until we cook him. You don't know where he has been."

"Cook him?" Thought Dunkin. The hairs on the back of his neck sticking up.

The sounds of many small voices grunting. The sensation of tiny sharp knives pressing down on him all over his body as he felt his skin being pricked by what felt like tiny sharp pins made of ice they grabbed him with their mouth. Tight enough to hold and carry but not break the skin...too much. as our Dunkin felt the ground underneath start to slide and the ceiling start to move. As more toy ponies started to gather on top of him to sing a new song.

"Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays." Sang the same blue toy pony with the rainbow mane that he had chased earlier as it climbed onto his chest.

"But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold" This one an Orange toy pony stood next to the blue one while joining in the song.

"And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old." Dunkin could feel her plastic hoofs pricking his skin as a white one now climbed up his body and stood next to the three other toy ponies.

As the dark blue pony toy withdrew. The violet unicorn from before stood once again on his face as she joined the others with the song, "The time has come to welcome Spring and all things warm and green, But it's also time to say goodbye: It's Winter we must clean. How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do? How do I fit in without magic? I haven't got a clue." Squeaked her tiny voice.

Dunkin felt he was losing his grip on his sanity. If it wasn't for the fact of his mouth being crammed full of stuffing he would have been laughing his head off. Despite the pain. Despite the blood. Despite him being tied up and dragged across the kitchen floor. None of it felt real. None of it felt like that it was really happening. That any moment he was going to wake up back in bed hopefully with that rising starlet he had been wanting to bang. The blonde with those amazing breasts of hers.

It was then the chorus joined in that he finally lost his mind.

"Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up!"

Dunkin howled as spittle's of bread shot out of his mouth forming a crusty, bloody foam. His only desire was to break free from all the craziness around him. To get away from the toys and the insanity they have brought as he felt his body being turned around and caught a clear view of the oven for the first time.

"Cause tomorrow spring is here"

It was a big oven designed for cooking large amounts of food for when he threw those occasional Hollywood power parties. Or big enough, he realized. To place a full sized human in. Dunkin saw the oven was opened as a wave of heat engulfed him, forcing him to close his eyes while the toys danced as they carried him towards it. Baking sheets had been placed on the edge of the oven lid to the floor like a ramp to help pull him inside the thing. Pulling poor Dunkin along as they continued to sing: "Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer. Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up! 'Cause tomorrow Spring is here! Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up! 'Cause tomorrow Spring is here, 'Cause tomorrow Spring is here!"

The smell of burning hair flooded Dunkin's nose as the heat washed over him, burning his eyebrows and scorching what little hair was left on the tip of his head. He could feel those monsters dig their teeth deeper. Cutting through his clothes and skin. Fighting them as best he can as they carried him up the ramp.

The heating coil glowed a bright red. Enhanced in the blackness of the oven. The metal shelving had been removed to accommodate all of him. Dunkin saw more toy ponies in different colors dancing along the top of the oven. Still singing their horrible song as they twirled around, their limbs wrapped around each other's torso.

Like the fires of hell. Dunkin felt his skin starting to burn. He screamed, he cursed, he fought against his binding and still no one listened. No one cared. Fear overtook his mind so completely there was no noticing of the floss that was starting to burn nor the groaning of the oven lid unable to bear his weight as the thing bent almost to the floor before the left side broke off sending Dunkin and the ponies tumbling to the ground.

Hope and anger fueled his veins. Laughing hysterically while untangling himself. His mind flooded with images of what he was going to do to those evil things once he got free from the mess of floss that had been tied all over his body. Watching the toy ponies that now circled him clearly disappointed that their feast was getting away.

"Excuse me." said a tiny insistent voice next to his ear. It was the dark blue toy pony from before. She had crawled up his body and was now sitting on his shoulder, trying to talk to him as it softly poked him on the cheek. "I am Princess Luna and well, we went through a lot of trouble to prepare this meal and your kind of ruining it. If you could just pop yourself into the oven and let us cook and eat you we would really appreciate it." Princess Luna finished flashing one of her bright sharp smiles at him.

Dunkin watched her for a moment in stunned silence staring at the toy who called herself Princess Luna sit there quietly. Sincerely expecting him to do what she had asked of poor Dunkin who could feel the blood still running down his face and the pain in his leg throbbing in unison with his nose. Staring at the toy in shock.

It was then he felt an anger welling up from deep inside him. A blind, terrible emotion of murderous rage pouring from every part of him to the center of his chest hardening into a solid ball of righteous fury expanding outwards with a desire to inflict as much harm as he could to all those who have hurt him so much as he looked at the toy sitting calmly on his shoulder still smiling at him and saw only red.

With a swiftness that surprised even him. Before the talking doll could avoid him he grabbed her and slammed her to the ground with all of his strength. Princess Luna broke easily, her limbs flew off her body and ricochet off the kitchen cabinets to finally rest where he didn't see. And still it wasn't enough to sate his rage as he brought his foot over the still moving toy, trying desperately to crawl away and slammed it down on it with all of his strength. Over and over again he stomped on the toy pony. feeling the pieces embedding itself to the soles of his shoe and still it wasn't hurt enough for Dunkin...It wasn't dead enough for Dunkin.

"How do you like that?" He screamed at it.

His rage drove him to continue on smashing the toy even as a puddle of black goo formed around the broken toy and the smell of rot and death seemed to fill the kitchen. Dunkin couldn't stop, the primal emotion of his mind seemed to have taken over. Finally stopping only as the sane parts of him caught the other toys around him silently watching. Their expressions telling our Dunkin than he might have made a bad situation much, much worse.

They stood in the thousands around him. Toy ponies of every color, every make. Staring, watching. Everyone of them wore expressions of shock and revulsion slowly turning into something so much darker. Eyeing the killer of their beloved Princess Luna.

"Got yourself in quite a pickle old friend," said a new friendly voice from his cell phone turning on for a third time.

Dunkin knew the voice behind the man. A voice he had talked to, worked with and joked around. A voice he had thought he would never hear again. A voice he had heard so much he knew by instinct it could be no one else. And Dunkin felt very, very afraid.

"Jason?" He quietly asked.

"Remember when we started that film company all those years ago. Just the two of us against the Hollywood machine. Making the kind of movies that would change the world. Even back then everyone warned me about you. No one trusted you back then. No one liked you but me. Well the jokes on me it seems," said Jason chuckling at his own humor.

A mass of confusion and questions tumbled around inside Dunkin as he sought for a rational behind everything. Unable to believe or even comprehend what was happening. "You-you shot yourself...I went to you fu-."

"Funeral? Yes I saw it was a nice one. Very tasteful." said Jason softly laughing as he continued on," You know Dunkin If I have to confess something its that I never believed in God when I was alive. And let me tell you how surprised I was after blowing my brains out just how wrong I was. But that's not why I called Dunkin."

Dunkin felt the spittle in his mouth dry as he choked the words out, "Go on," he said staring at the toy ponies

They said not a world as Dunkin watched them and they watched Dunkin. And the Dunkin that was watching them felt very, very afraid as the lights in his penthouse suddenly went out. Leaving poor Dunkin alone. In the dark. surrounded by toy ponies.

"See I met someone and let me tell you he's a really cool guy. He's a bit strange but hey we all have faults," said the voice coming from his cellphone "He told me a few things. Showed me more. What's important is that the end doesn't have to be the end. You know like how I thought it was the end after those girls you hired told the newspaper all those stories about what I did and I thought it was the end of everything. One of them will be coming over shortly if I'm not mistaken."

"Look Jason if you want me to say I'm sor...."

"Dunkin, Dunkin," soothed Jason in his trademark calm voice, "I'm not even upset anymore. Hell I should be thanking you."

"Thanking me?"

"If I hadn't turned my brains into wallpaper I would never have met that Kuklachelovek guy or Discord as he likes to call himself. Super guy you should meet him one day he's a riot. Anyway in order for me to come back, by the way I've been talking to Stacy as well you know my wife you have been trying to screw behind my back for years."

"Look if we need to talk about what you-."

"She's super thrilled as well and can't wait to join me." interrupted Jason continuing on," She likes being called Cadance now for some reason. Pfft. Women go figure."

"I know you're angry but if tal-."

"What Discord told us. He's insane let me tell you. Great guy. That the door swings both ways. It takes a little changing on my side to make it work. The door is a kids cartoon after all. But that's the way the ball bounces. After I told him about us and about you he just got all excited to meet you. Demanded me to see you. And who am I to say no as I'm sure you've been playing with his little friends. Aren't they just the coolest."

It took a minute for Dunkin to process Jason's ramble and still leave him confused as to what he just said,"S-S-So what does this all mean?"

"It means you’re fucked my friend. Royally screwed. All those fairytale stories we were told as kids are real. Monsters really do exist, They hide under the bed and we’re coming to get you. I'd like to talk more, ya know relive old times but my wife will be here soon and as you know you should never keep a girl waiting take care."

there was a click as his phone shut off leaving our poor Dunkin alone and in the dark while the sounds of thousands upon thousands of plastic hooves scrabbling against tile was heard...

The elevator dinged opening at the thirty-fifth floor to tasteful mauve carpeting and strategically placed plants placed in exotic pots. Rhonda gave herself as quick once over to make sure everything was in place as she stepped out. Her Ralph Lauren stiletto heels clicking even over the carpet as she took out the pack of condoms from her purse. Dunkin was well known in the industry for making or breaking young actresses depending how far they put out and Rhonda was prepared to go as far as she could to see her name in lights.

"Hello?" Rhonda called as she entered his penthouse while unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse to show off more cleavage. "Mr. Mays, I'm here for the meeting about your next movie."

The penthouse was silent yet Rhonda didn't feel that she was alone. A shiver of nervousness creeped down her spin. A sensation of thousands of eyes watching her every movement hidden behind the thinnest of barriers hiding them from her.

"Dunkin?" she called, debating whether she should stay or get the hell out of there.

She didn't realize she had been holding her breath until she let out a small sigh as the sound of shuffling feet perked her ears. "Dunkin?" she called again following the sound as it led her to the kitchen. Stopping in shock when he saw him standing next to the oven. Staring at her with a mischievous smile spreading across his face. Unconsciously making her take a few steps back.

Dunkin's clothes were a mess ripped and barely hanging on him, splattered in dark red and black spots that Rhonda was positive that she really didn't want to know what it was. His skin sagged in places along his body in areas made Rhonda think of a deflated balloon. Worse still was that look, that crazy, empty, look in his eyes. His eyes that seemed to be staring at nothing yet seeing everything. The look of someone with nothing going on behind it. An vacant look. A nothing look.

The shambling mess that was named Dunkin shuffled its way over to Rhonda. Each limb jerked and out of synch with the other as a terrible smell emanated all around him seemingly choking the life out of everything it touched.

Rhonda could feel her throat tightening as the saliva dried rapidly in her mouth. She wanted to scream. She wanted to run from whatever that thing was that looked like Dunkin. It was when it got close enough did she start to see things run around underneath the skin moving rapidly around his body.

"Come on every pony smile, smile, smile Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine. All I really need's a smile, smile, smileFrom these happy friends of mmmmiiinnneee."

Then the singing began. Starting low, muffled almost like a chant but growing louder with shaky steps. As too Rhonda's shocked and horror realizing that the song was coming from inside him. Becoming a life of its own. Seeming to draw strength from her fear as the mess of Dunkin picked up its pace and pounced at her.

"Come on every pony smile, smile, smile. Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine. All I really need's a smile, smile, smile. From these happy friends of mmmmiiinnneee."

Rhonda's survival instincts kicked in as she started to turn to run and get away from the monster that was Dunkin but finding that still he was so much faster then her. His flabby arms wrapped around her, holding Rhonda surprisingly tight against him. His face still with that terrifying smile stretched from ear to ear as his chest started to bulge. Growing bigger and bigger from the skin being stretched to its limits.

Upwards the bulge traveled. Climbing rapidly towards his head. Dunkin's cheeks expanded till rips began to form leaving small trails of black goo mixing with traces of blood. And still his mouth grew even wider.

His lips parted from each other and something looking pink and plastic poked what she was positive was its head from Dunkin's mouth. The thing rapidly darted its head around before its eyes locked onto her and smiled brightly before disappearing back into his mouth that Rhonda finally broke free of her paralysis as a scream from the bottom of her soul worked its way out to the world as his mouth ripped open with bits of flesh exploding everywhere when thousands of pony toys, all the colors of the rainbow poured out of the body...

"Come on and sssssmmmmmiiiiiiilllleeeeee. Come on and sssssssmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiilllllllll eeeeeeeee"

Unto her..

"Come on and smile."

Comments ( 82 )

Well... sleep was for the weak anyway

That image is my pov while I'm screaming "Don't hug me! I'm scared!"

*insert all six Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared videos here*

Does this mean that the ponies are socially awkward? It sounded like Luna actually expected him to kill himself.

Also, does this mean that by destroying their dolls, they can die?

The ponies are easy to kill they just wont stay dead.. Also I wouldn't say Luna was socially awkward, more of having a world view just like in the cartoon...that happens to enjoy eating human flesh.

The only thing more terrifying is getting snuggled and tickled to death by a bunch of cuddly little cartoon ponies that escaped from the nearest Skittle Factory.

Are you describing cats that dig their claws deeper into your neck the more you move and keep wagging their tail which causes tickling? I thought that my cats were the only ones.

Uh.......Thank you?

Would work I guess, it'd just be nice if they could fight back even a little. They just keep getting the crap owned out of them. O_o

Maybe your right. I have let the ponies have free reign. And their other players in this game that I have left the groundwork for. Maybe its time to bring them out.

Why does this remind me of that scene from Small Soldiers where the dolls tie up Kristy? Great work, I'd love to do a reading of this!

It be an honor. Actually alot of it was inspired from the short tale "Their Creeping up on you." from the movie Creepshow.

Comment posted by Calmed Equine deleted Dec 10th, 2017

Revenge is a dish best served cold
-Old Klingon proverb

"Sir, do you want french fries with your order or not?"

It is a well known fact that if you spent a lifetime pissing people off you should never accept strange packages from strange people named Anna...

I'm probably alone in this, but I'm genuinely starting to feel bad for Anna. Sure, what she's done so far to help these things is atrocious and she's already beyond redemption (Unless "Derpy" decides to take action), but she's only doing it because of the love and care she never received. It really is heartbreaking.

Being one of the major movers and shakers in Hollywood had given Dunkin Ross the life few of us could ever dream about. From hot young women at his beck and call, a line of exotic cars, to his most prized possession the fifteen million dollar penthouse that gave the most amazing view of the Pacific ocean.

I haven't even finished the first paragraph and I already hate him. That was fast.

As he carried the box to the kitchen Dunkin was surprised by how cold the box felt. Like a vacuum sucking up all the warmth from his hands as he placed it on the cabinet in his kitchen to grab a pair of scissors. The blades easily slicing through the packing tape. Seeming to pull away from each other before he could even cut it. Pulling the lid apart Dunkin wondered what it could be and how could they make money off of it as he peered inside and saw rows of dirty plastic toy ponies in different colors and styles staring back at him. Their blackened eyes too wide their smiles too desperate. Stained and filthy they looked old, yet at the same time seemed they just came out the package.

Accurate description of G3 pony dolls.

Stopping when he noticed one of the toy ponies standing on his counter. It was a white one with the blue mane and horn that sported a fading blue diamond mark on the side of her rear leg. Its eyes had been blackened but still he couldn't shake the sensation of being watched intently, hungrily by the thing.

"Its just a damn toy," he grumbled pushing the creepy thought away as he had better things to do than be freaked out over a cheep piece of painted plastic. Growing angry with Simon's stupid gift to him. Promising himself that when he met the man he was going to give him a piece of his mind as he snatched up the toy only to drop it a second later, hitting the floor with a loud band as he felt something sharp and cold stab deep his hand.

"Son of a bitch," he swore clutching his hand in pain. Already he could feel his hand starting to swell from the intense cold, almost like frostbite he thought as a thin trail of blood dripped from a small gash in his hand towards the floor.

Watch your mouth.

A shrill whine parted his lips. God did it hurt. His mind awash in pain was already running through the list of Hollywood lawyers he could call to sue Kuklachelovek for bringing this dangerous shit to his house as he reached for a towel to clean up the mess when he saw the white pony toy once again. This time now standing on his cellphone. Still staring at him with those black colored eyes and a very noticeable smear of red across its still smiling mouth.

"Are you afraid to get dirty, dear?" :duck:
Damn, I'm really liking this portrayal of Rarity. Seeing her acting as a serial killer makes her look even more charming.

A fifteen million dollar state of the art penthouse complete with everything a mogul could possibly want or desire. A Beautifully palace designed to meet the needs of whatever life throws at you. Unfortunately none of the architects had any thought about the threat of being locked inside with savage toy ponies alone for five hours unable to get out or contact the outside world. As chaos, chaos and insanity ran rampant ever since the package came. Slowly driving Dunkin mad with their savage antics. They broke, they destroyed, they smashed and they hurt. But mostly they played and sang.

The new Gremlins movie sounds great.

Dunkin grabbed the can of Raid as he chased after the tiny blue toy pony with the rainbow mane zipping across the kitchen floor like a horrible blue roach. Too fast for him to catch and kill but slow enough for him to keep up. It had been a game those things had been playing. Tormenting him ever since that box of pony dolls arrived earlier in the morning. Doing everything they could to make his life a living hell.

:rainbowdetermined2:"You see, Twilight? I told you the Parasprite Spell was a good idea!"

"Hi my name is Fluttershy," the thing brightly garbled, chewing as it spoke, "I'm hoping we can be good friends." she finished saying as she drug her tiny plastic tongue across her lower lip. Tasting him as he looked at her with terror.

"Can I, uh....Eat your intestines? I mean, only if you want. Of course." :fluttershysad:

"All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala, at the Gala!"

"At the Gala, all the royals They will meet fair Rarity They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala! I will find him, my Prince Charming, And how gallant he will be, He will treat me like a lady, tonight at the Gala!"


"Princess Luna," cried a tiny voice near his ear, "What have we said?"

Through the corner of his eye he caught the toy glance guiltily downwards at the other one while bits of his flesh hung on the side of the things mouth.

"Like I told Fluttershy. You have to wait until we cook him. You dont know where he has been."

I don't even want to know where you have been.

The sounds of many small voices grunting. The sensation of tiny sharp knives pressing down on him all over his body as he felt his skin being pricked by what felt like tiny sharp pins made of ice they grabbed him with their mouth. Tight enough to hold and carry but not break the skin...too much. as our Dunkin felt the ground underneath start to slide and the ceiling start to move. As more toy ponies started to gather on top of him to sing a new song.

"Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays." Sang the same blue toy pony with the rainbow mane that he had chased earlier as it climbed onto his chest.

"But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold" This one an Orange toy pony stood next to the blue one while joining in the song.

"And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old." Dunkin could feel her plastic hoofs pricking his skin as a white one now climbed up his body and stood next to the three other toy ponies.

As the dark blue pony toy withdrew. The violet unicorn from before stood once again on his face as she joined the others with the song, "The time has come to welcome Spring and all things warm and green, But it's also time to say goodbye: It's Winter we must clean. How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do? How do I fit in without magic? I haven't got a clue." Squeaked her tiny voice.

Yay! Cooking is Magic!

The heating coil glowed a bright red. Enhanced in the blackness of the oven. The metal shelving had been removed to accommodate all of him. Dunkin saw more toy ponies in different colors dancing along the top of the oven. Still singing their horrible song as they twirled around, their limbs wrapped around each others torso.

Like the fires of hell. Dunkin felt his skin starting to burn. He screamed, he cursed, he fought against his binding and still no one listened. No one cared. Fear overtook mind so completely their was no noticing the floss that was starting to burn nor the groaning of the oven lid unable to bear his weight as the thing bent almost to the floor before the left side broke off sending Dunkin and the ponies tumbling to the ground.

With a swiftness that surprised even him. Before the talking doll could avoid him he grabbed her and slammed her to the ground with all of his strength. Princess Luna broke easily, her limbs flew off her body and ricochet off the kitchen cabinets to finally rest where he didn't see. And still it wasn't enough to sate his rage as he brought his foot over the still moving toy, trying desperately to crawl away and slammed it down on it with all of his strength. Over and over again he stomped on the toy pony. feeling the pieces embedding itself to the soles of his shoe and still it wasn't hurt enough for Dunkin...It wasn't dead enough for Dunkin.

"How do you like that?" He screamed as it.

His rage drove him to continue on smashing the toy even as a puddle of black goo formed around the broken toy and the smell of rot and death seemed to fill the kitchen. Dunkin couldn't stop, the primal emotion of his mind seemed to have taken over. Finally stopping only as the sane parts of him caught the other toys around him silently watching. Their expressions telling our Dunkin than he might have made a bad situation much, much worse.

They stood in the thousands around him. Toy ponies of every color, every make. Staring, watching. Everyone of them wore expressions of shock and revulsion slowly turning into something so much darker. Eyeing the killer of their beloved Princess Luna.

So they can be killed if you destroy their "plastic forms"? Huh. Interesting. Anyway, now you're dead for murdering Luna .

"Got yourself in quite a pickle old friend," said a new friendly voice from his cellphone turning on for a third time.

Dunkin knew the voice behind the man. A voice he had talked to, worked with and joked around. A voice he had thought he would never hear again. A voice he had heard so much he knew by instinct it could be no one else. And Dunkin felt very, very afraid.

"Jason?" He quietly asked.

Well, hello there. Long time no see.

"Funeral? Yes I saw it was a nice one. Very tasteful." said Jason softly laughing as he continued on," You know Dunkin If I have to confess something its that I never believed in God when I was alive. And let me tell you how surprised I was after blowing my brains out just how wrong I was. But thats not why I called Dunkin."

"It was to die for!".

"See I met someone and let me tell you he's a really cool guy. He's a bit strange but hey we all have faults," said the voice coming from his cellphone "He told me a few things. Showed me more. What's important was the end doesn't have to be the end. You know like how I thought it was the end after those girls you hired told the newspaper all those stories about what I did and I thought it was the end of everything. One of them will be coming over shortly if I'm not mistaken."

"Look Jason if you want me to say I'm sor...."

"Dunkin, Dunkin," soothed Jason in his trademark calm voice, "I'm not even upset anymore. Hell I should be thanking you."

"Thanking me?"

"If I hadn't turned my brains into wallpaper I would never have met that Kuklachelovek guy or Discord as he likes to call himself. Super guy you should meet him one day he's a riot. Anyway in order for me to come back, by the way I been talking to Stacy as well you know my wife you have been trying to bang behind my back for years."

"The point is you are a piece of shit, and you're going to get what you deserve".

"She's super thrilled as well and can't wait to join me." interrupted Jason continuing on," She likes being called Cadance now for some reason. Pfft. Women go figure."

So, if Stacy is Cadence in this universe, does that make Jason Shining Armor?

"I know your angry but if tal-."

"What Discord told us. He's insane let me tell you. Great guy. That the door swings both ways. It takes a little changing on my side to make it work. The door is a kids cartoon after all. But thats the way the ball bounces. After I told him about us and about you he just got all excited to meet you. Demanded me to see you. And who am I to say no as I'm sure you been playing with his little friends. Aren't they just the coolest."

It took a minute for Dunkin to process Jason's ramble and still leave him confused as to what he just said,"S-S-So what does this all mean?"

"It means your fucked my friend. Royally screwed. All those fairytale stories we were told as kids are real. Monsters really do exists, They hide under the bed and were coming to get you. I'd like to talk more, ya know relive old times but my wife will be here soon and as you know you should never keep a girl waiting take care."

their was a click as his phone shut off leaving our poor Dunkin alone and in the dark while the sounds of thousands upon thousands of plastic hooves scrabbling against tile was heard...

It was at this moment...that Dunkin knew...he fucked up.

The elevator dinged opening at the thirty-fifth floor to tasteful mauve carpeting and strategically placed plants placed in exotic pots. Rhonda gave herself as quick once over to make sure everything was in place as she stepped out. Her Ralph Lauren stiletto heels clicking even over the carpet as she took out the pack of condoms from her purse. Dunkin was well known in the industry for making or breaking young actresses depending how far they put out and Rhonda was prepared to go as far as she could to see her name in lights.

"Hello?" Rhonda called as she entered his penthouse while unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse to show off more cleavage. "Mr. Ross I'm here for the meeting about your next movie."

"Uh, my tits are waiting".

Dunkin's cloths were a mess ripped and barely hanging on him, splattered in dark red and black spots that Rhonda was positive that she really didn't want to know what it was. His skin sagged in places along his body in areas made Rhonda think of a deflated balloon. Worse still was that look, that crazy, empty, look in his eyes. His eyes that seemed to be staring at nothing yet seeing everything. The look of someone with nothing going on behind it. An vacant look. A nothing look.

His life in a nutshell.

"Come on every pony smile, smile, smile Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine. All I really need's a smile, smile, smile
From these happy friends of mmmmiiinnneee."

*Remembers Smile HD* The Horror :twilightoops:

Rhonda's survival instincts kicked in as she started to turn to run and get away from the monster that was Dunkin but finding that still he was so much faster then her. His flabby arms wrapped around her, holding Rhonda surprisingly tight against him. His face still with that terrifying smile stretched from ear to ear as his chest started to bulge. Growing bigger and bigger from the skin being stretched to its limits.

Upwards the bulge traveled. Climbing rapidly towards his head. Dunkin's cheeks expanded till rips began to form leaving small trails of black goo mixing with traces of blood. And still his mouth grew even wider.

His lips parted from each other and something looking pink and plastic poked what she was positive was its head from Dunkin's mouth. The thing rapidly darted its head around before its eyes locked onto her and smiled brightly before disappearing back into his mouth that Rhonda finally broke free of her paralysis as a scream from the bottom of her soul worked its way out to the world as his mouth ripped open with bits of flesh exploding everywhere when thousands of pony toys, all the colors of the rainbow poured out of the body...

Why do I think this is a rape scene?

"Come on and sssssmmmmmiiiiiiilllleeeeee. Come on and sssssssmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiilllllllllleeeeeeeee"

Unto her..

"Come on and smile."

Eeyup. This is indeed a rape scene.

I'm probably alone in this, but I'm genuinely starting to feel bad for Anna. Sure, what she's done so far to help these things is atrocious and she's already beyond redemption (Unless "Derpy" decides to take action), but she's only doing it because of the love and care she never received. It really is heartbreaking.

While I do agree do some extant that Anna has had to make some hard choices. And she does deserve some sympathy.At some point tho she made these decisions freely knowing full well her choices will hurt others whether they deserve it or not. In some ways she is just like the ponies maybe even worst.

"It was to die for!".

I should have thought of that line.:derpytongue2:

Oh don't get me wrong, she's become quite a psycopath with some twisted definition of justice that can't be redeemed. It's just sad seeing her turning into this due to the lack of affection from her mother and after finding out most of her life with her young brother had been a lie. Makes you think how sometimes people can do the worst things you can imagine because of one bad day.
Anyways, I'm actually enjoying a lot where this series is going. Say, do you happen to have any ideas for an Octavia story by any chance? Because I've been imagining this universe's version of the character chasing her preys after they hear a sweet, yet creepy melody playing in their houses. It may sound silly but hey, it's just a crazy pilot idea :derpytongue2:

How made the doll in the picture?

Well how about a bright talent but lonely musician who finds an Octavia doll that plays music like your premise. The person has been so pressured into music that she/he has grown to hate it. Octavia comes and offers to do the recital for him/her and the person agrees. Only to realize at the end that in order to take his/her place Octavia would have to wear his skin.

Thats just a rough idea it does need a lot of refining.

Do you mean how the dolls were made? The dolls were made in conjunction of MLP:Fim series. When the cartoons vanished so did the toy line that was in development.

Sounds grimdark as fuck....I love it :pinkiegasp:

Way darker than the title made it seem, and yet darkly funny, just the sort of thing I could see Discord (or another demon being him) doing . I'd consider labeling this "comedy" as well as the others you've included. Your obvious inspirations were Richard Matheson's "Prey" (1969, aka "Devil Doll") with the animated Zuni warrior doll and Stephen King's "Battleground" (1972) with its force of animated toy soldiers.

Anyway, well done.

Thank you it is an honor. Actually tho it was inspired from "Their Creeping up on you." from the movie Creepshow.

I love this series more and more with each new story!

Thank you that means a lot. And thank you for the fav.

This is terrifying... ITS SO PERFECT! :pinkiehappy:

Gucci Gang

i just said Gucci Gang :v

"If you could just pop yourself into the oven and let us cook and eat you we would really appreciate it."

Oh, I'd absolutely would buuuuut where I'm from it's considered incredibly rude to eat people without at least asking if it's okay with them and with the way you were acting I'm inclined to ask you to leave.

I laughed a little to hard at that.:derpytongue2:

Okay, what about Vinyl?

Will we finally get a good guy like :derpytongue2: again?

I don't know. I'll have to think of a way I can use her. I do have plans for Derpy just have to write the story for it.

Great can't wait.
Also, why not make Vinyl more like a rebel against Discord's plans. Just saying, we need more heroes.
Because :yay:<(HEROES NEVER DIE)

BTW I got the box of ponies, and all they did was sang "Build Our Machine" for 10 hours straight. They left because I was enjoying it. :rainbowhuh:

I think the saddest part of this story is that Luna dies. R.I.P Princess Luna. I hope she isn't permanently dead.

If it makes you feel better it wasn't the real Luna. It was Just a possessed toy.

Possessed by what? :rainbowhuh:

Poor poor Soul. He should have used more raid. Although I am kind of surprised that ANYTHING worked on them.

How many references did you make in this story?

References? Tho this story was inspired from the movie Creepshow episode Their creeping up on you. When a man was trapped in his penthouse with millions of roaches.

I was asking because of the alien reference in the end of the story.

Putting them down is easy. Its keeping them down that's the trick.

That was Stolen inspired from Creepshow. When at the end millions of roaches pour out of the guys mouth.

I will never look at a cockroach the same way again. :rainbowderp:

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