• Published 25th Jun 2017
  • 1,998 Views, 56 Comments

Equestria Girls: Fallen Canterlot - Feather Book

After losing contact with Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle set out to discover what happened to her friends. But now she’s trapped in the ruins of Canterlot City, her friends are missing and she’s lost her way home.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Apple Creek

Spike had fallen asleep on a moth-eaten couch. Twilight lounged back by his side keeping a careful eye on him as his chest rose and fell. Even in his sleep he would occasionally wince in pain.

Twilight ran a gentle hand over his head and sighed as she tightly hugged her bag. Her whole body was sore and tired. Yellow and blue bruises had already begun to appear on her arms and legs. At least the cut on her leg had stopped bleeding by now.

Once they were some distance from the school, Sunset had pulled the group into an abandoned home. The building was in a sorry state. The paint had long been peeling off its wooden frame and very few windows remained intact. In its shadow plants flourished, overgrowing the walls and digging their roots deep into the foundations, but in the blazing sunlight they wilted and died.

Other buildings they passed had fared no better. In the centre of the streets cars sat rusting in the sun, some had once crashed into others and were left abandoned. The paved road had cracked and plants struggled to reclaim the land. The only other life they came across were a few crows, hiding under a front porch.

Twilight was just thankful there were no other bodies. She clenched her eyes shut at the thought as tears began to well up. She saw those bones lying in the dirt, crawling out like they were crying for help. Why? She shook her head, trying to get the thoughts away. Why would someone just leave them there like that!

She opened her eyes and sighed. The shaking didn’t help.

Twilight glanced over to Sunset who sat in the windowsill, looking out at the street from behind the lifeless curtains. The strange metal contraption rested cautiously in her lap; a ‘gun’ she had called it. A portable hand cannon she used to protect herself. Such an invention both fascinated and terrified Twilight, but more pressing questions floated to the front of her mind.

Twilight struggled to push herself upright and after a few breaths asked, “Sunset?”

Sunset quickly glanced over and flashed Twilight a small smile.

Twilight couldn’t help but return the gesture. Even in all this chaos, Twilight had managed to find her friend. That thought alone brought comfort. She was lost and confused, much more so than when she had first come to this world. But, with Sunset here, Twilight knew that together they’d be able to get through anything. At least, she hoped so. “Sunset, that thing back there… What was it?”

Sunset’s smile faded. She quickly glanced back outside as she frowned. “I think it was a demon. Well, that’s what everyone else calls them. Personally, I hate the name.”

“Why’s that?”

She let out a small chuckle. “Well... I kind of turned into a demon, remember? But I was nowhere near as ugly as that!”

Twilight frowned as she remembered back to the first time they met. It felt like a lifetime ago now; the three days when Sunset had stolen Twilight’s crown and attempted to use it to take over Canterlot High and then Equestria. It was difficult for Twilight to believe that the friend who sat before her once attempted to destroy herself and their friends. “Do you still beat yourself up over that?”

Sunset scoffed. “Please, me turning into a raging she-demon? I’m fine, Twilight. Yeah, it’s still a sore spot, and the others never let me or the other Twilight live it down, but I’ve accepted it and moved on. Besides, I’ve apologised enough for the old me.”

Sunset turned back to Twilight with a concerned look. “How about you, Twilight? Are you feeling okay? This must be a lot to take in.”

Twilight’s squeeze around her bag tightened. Her eyes briefly diverted themselves from Sunset’s gaze. “No,” she whispered. “I… I mean, I will be. It’s just that… This is so much to take in! What happened, Sunset? What’s wrong with the world? You said it was magic, but this world shouldn’t have magic that could do this!”

Twilight shot to her feet and began to pace around the room. Her mind raced with thoughts and questions that she struggled to get out into coherent sentences. The school? The evacuation? The dragon-demon? Cranky Doodle? None of it made sense! She knew magic like the back of her hoof but she didn’t know of any spell that could have caused this much destruction. Then again, she had hands in this world, and she barely knew those.

Twilight tensed as she felt a hand clasp around her shoulder.

“Hey, Twilight. It’s okay,” Sunset said. “You probably have a lot of questions, and I’ll answer them later, when we’re safe. First we need to keep moving, okay?”

Twilight glanced over to Spike. The Princess’s voice echoed inside her head, along with Spike’s pleading eyes. She remembered the promise she made. “We should head back to the portal. We’ve got to… The portal!”

Twilight dived for her bag and pulled out the journal. It glowed gently and felt warm to the touch. She threw the first pages open and read. Sometime between the first message and now Starlight had written two more.


I’ve been studying the portal and I’m detecting some real crazy magic readings. Stuff I can’t identify! Whatever it is, it’s creating a lot of magical disturbance that’s affecting the portal, but it’s well within normal parameters for now. I’ll keep a close eye on it.

Please be alright, Twilight. We hope you’re safe.

Your friend,
Starlight Glimmer.

Twilight frowned and read the second message.


Please, are you okay? We’re all worried about you. I don’t think the Princess can keep Rainbow Dash from rushing in to save you for much longer. I’m sure the others will want to go too. I know I do.

The portal is still stable but I’m growing concerned. I think it could fail if this keeps up. But so long as you have the journal on your end I should be able to reopen it.

Please be okay, Twilight. We’re all thinking about you.

Your friend,
Starlight Glimmer.

“Is everything okay?” Sunset asked.

Twilight reached into her bag for a pen. “Yes. For now, at least. Starlight is worried that it could fail if the strange magic keeps up.”

“It must be that demon,” Sunset grumbled. “Twilight, if that thing is anywhere near the portal, then we can’t go back. It’s just far too dangerous.”

Twilight glanced at Spike and then back to Sunset. “I’m sorry, but I promised both Spike and Princess Celestia that we would go back if it got dangerous. I’ve got to go.”

“Twilight, please, I’m sure Princess Celestia would want you safe above following her words to the letter.” Sunset sighed and sat next to Twilight. “I promise, I’ll do anything to get you back through that portal. But we should wait a few hours for the demon to disappear.”

“But Spike needs help now!”

“And Fluttershy can do that,” Sunset said. “You know how she is with animals and… well, Spike is a dog now.”

Twilight frowned. “Fine… but as soon as the portal is clear we’ve got to go back though. Let me just tell Starlight that we’re okay.”

She quickly penned a message to Starlight explaining the situation and that Sunset was going to take Twilight to a town called Apple Creek to meet the other girls. When that was done she quickly placed the journal back into her bag and carefully lifted Spike.

“Ah… What’s going on?” he groaned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“We’re going to see Fluttershy and get you looked at. Just let me know if you’re in pain.” Twilight smiled down at him as they exited the house.

Spike grinned back and nodded. “Thanks, Twi.”

Twilight was thankful for the hat and sunglasses Sunset had provided. While the heat lapped at her skin, she no longer felt blinded by the sun’s unrelenting light.

“Just stay close to me, Twilight,” Sunset said as they walked down the centre of the street. “I know the safe way back, but we’ve got to be on our guard. Most of the nasty stuff only comes out at night, but there’s plenty of danger in the day too.”

“Nasty stuff? Like the demon?”

“Kind of. The magic that did this to the world, it also really messed up animals too. Some come out in the day but others… Well, just avoid dark places for now, okay?”

Twilight frowned but nodded. “You do know that you will have to explain everything eventually, right? I mean, if I’m going back to Equestria to find a solution for all of this then I’ve got to know everything I can first.”

Sunset glanced back at her. “Yeah, and I’ll be sure to tell you everything I know. But not now; we’ve got to hurry. It’s about a two hour walk to Apple Creek from here if everything goes well.”

They rounded a corner, where a fire hydrant had burst at some point long ago, creating a pond of water across the road that was now teeming with small aquatic creatures that darted between the hardy reeds. A large truck painted in green and black sat abandoned in the murky water as flies buzzed through the air. Sunset stepped over a discarded suitcase as she continued to walk. Abandoned luggage littered the sidewalk and the front gardens of each passing home.

Twilight glanced down as she passed a forgotten teddy bear. The sight of its weather-worn face smiling up at her brought a sharp pain to her chest. She shivered and snapped her head away. She hadn’t spent long in this world, and despite all its fascinating differences, she quickly came to realise that the people here were little different from those back home. This bear belonged to someone. Where were they now?

Twilight hugged Spike tighter as her eyes dampened. Spike nuzzled himself into her with a comforting look as she glanced back up to the homes.

Bursting suitcases and bags of all kinds were left on the front porches of the homes and many of the doors were left wide open. Through the broken windows she could see possessions lying abandoned and decaying with time. She tried to imagine what it must have been like for these people, having to decide what to bring with them in a hurry and leaving most if it abandoned in the panic. It bitterly reminded Twilight of the time she had lost her own home to Tirek.

At least there aren’t any more bodies. The thought did little to calm her.

“They tried to evacuate the city when it all started,” Sunset said. Twilight felt herself relax as the silence was broken. “But most of the city didn’t get out. Anyway, I missed all the official stuff. By the time I woke up, people had been going crazy, getting magic powers and turning into monsters for over a week.”

“People turned into monsters?” Spike asked. “And got magic powers too?”

“Yes. I have no idea how but…” Sunset trailed off as she came to a stop. She froze in place, her eyes darted around the sky.

Twilight had also frozen, or rather, the air around her froze as if the heat of the day was suddenly sucked away. The air itself began to push down on them like an invisible wall. She too looked to the sky as her breaths began to speed out of control.

Suddenly, Sunset grabbed Twilight’s arm. Twilight ignored the pain as she squeezed down on a bruise. Sunset dragged Twilight into the pond and pulled her under the wreck of the abandoned truck. The rapidly cooling water soaked into her boots as they crouched down low under the metal frame.

Twilight would have wondered how such a pond would have remained for so long in this heat, but the sound of large wings flapping kept all thoughts from her mind. A large shadow flew over them, trailing with it a wave of pressure that squeezed tighter around them. Twilight risked a glance up. It was Dragon. The demon flew low to the ground and Twilight caught a glimpse of its two heads hanging low, its many eyes looking all around.

She quickly pulled herself back as a small pain grew behind her eyes. She ignored it and instead focused on holding her breath. Refusing to let out a single sound. Spike and Sunset had the same idea.

They waited for some of the longest minutes in Twilight’s life as Dragon circled above them three times, each time growing lower until its ever-changing body brushed the rooftops. Twilight felt the thud ripple through the earth as it landed just a street away. The very same street they had found shelter on.

Twilight listened to the sounds of the demon as it moved behind the buildings. Eventually Sunset gulped and slowly eased herself out of cover. She stayed low and carefully climbed out of the pond before gesturing back to Twilight.

Twilight followed as quickly as she dared. She winced at how loud the ripples around her ankles sounded. She allowed herself a soft breath as she stepped out onto the cracked asphalt.

Sunset was pushed up against the side of a rusting car. She nodded to Twilight before darting low to the next car. It it wasn’t for her tight hold of Spike, Twilight’s hands would be trembling. She followed closely as they shot between the wrecks, putting as much distance between them and the demon as they could. Twilight didn’t dare glance back over her shoulder. She continued running. Her heart was pounding painfully loud as she kept up with Sunset.

Finally, the air started to warm and the pressure slowly released itself. She let out a sigh of relief as they now broke into a close sprint. “Sunset,” she gasped in a hushed tone. “That thing followed us!”

“I know!” Sunset replied, her voice equally quiet. “Just keep moving. We’ve got to lose it before we reach home!”

Twilight nodded. Even as her legs began to burn up she persevered to keep pace with her friend. Twilight wasn’t a stranger running from danger but she silently cursed only having two legs to do so; it was much easier on four. Still, she had to keep going, she just had to.

They reached a junction and Sunset paused for a moment, looking all four ways before swinging off to the right. Twilight followed close behind for a few meters only to get pulled to a sudden stop as Sunset grabbed her.

The road before them had collapsed into a large sinkhole and had filled with a thick black water. A sedan was half submerged in the pool and its roof had crumpled inwards like a crushed sheet of paper.

“Not this way,” Sunset said.

“Why? We can just go around it.”

Sunset shook her head. She quickly glanced back the way they came and then turned back to the hole. “Hold out your arm.”

Twilight was about to question but decided against it, instead she freed one arm from Spike and raised it towards the pool. A cold shiver ran up her arm as the fine hairs stood on end.

“Can you feel that? Can you also smell the ozone in the air?”

Twilight took in a deep sniff and almost coughed at the thick smell. She nodded and wiped her nose.

Sunset glanced downwards and picked a small piece of metal from between the dust and weeds. “Watch,” she said as she raised it and hurled it at the hole. Suddenly, a wave of pressure rushed past them towards the hole. The air shimmered and rippled the water as the metal suddenly curved off track and was crushed by the air. Then, the air released itself, slamming back into Twilight and Sunset as the metal shot off with a crack and imbedded itself into the side of a house.

“It’s a magical anomaly,” Sunset explained. “They come in all shapes and sizes, and most are deadly. Keep an eye out for them.”

“I would have walked right into that if it weren’t for you,” Twilight whispered as she watched the air. It was hard to see but she could make out a faint shimmer, almost like the heat resting above the ground on a hot summer's day. “Thank you.”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for,” Sunset said as she gave Twilight’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s keep going. This way.”

Twilight took another long sip of her water. The canteen was already half empty and the water had long since warmed in the heat. She let out a small sigh as she fastened the lid, a difficult task whilst trying to comfortably hold a dog at the same time.

“I would keep an eye on that, Twilight,” Sunset said.

It took her a moment to recognise that Sunset had said something. “What do you mean?”

“Fresh, clean water is a luxury out here. The weather is so unpredictable and we can go weeks without rain.”

Twilight just nodded between her deep breaths. With each step, it became more difficult to walk in a straight line and her vision blurred soon after each blink. Without her hat and sunglasses she would surely have gone blind by now.

Sunset reached under Twilight’s arm and supported her. Her crimson bandanna was pulled down enough to reveal her reassuring smile.

“Thanks, Sunset.”

They had spent the last hour carefully moving through back yards and down ruined streets. Sunset had lead them on longer route around the ruined suburbs to give the High School a clear berth. Now they walked up a main road, cracked and covered with abandoned vehicles like the others. Despite its broken appearance, something felt familiar to Twilight. The houses had thinned out and grown larger. Dying trees filled out the empty land between them and up ahead the road curved into the foothills of the mountains to the south of the city.

“Isn’t this the way to Sweet Apple Acres?” she asked.

“Yeah, but we’re not going all the way there. Apple Creek was a brand-new housing development built right up against the farm shortly before the Burning Days. All the building supplies, the nearby farmland and new homes made for a perfect place to set up a fortified town.”

“So why does Applejack live there instead of on the farm?”

“Believe me, I’m sure she would love to still be living there,” Sunset sighed. “They helped build Apple Creek shortly after the Burning Days. They remained on the farm but it became harder to keep it safe. Then one night their home was attacked. We barely made it out of there but the house was destroyed.”

Twilight gasped. “What? But… Oh, poor Applejack.”

Sunset solemnly nodded. “Yeah. Fortunately, no one got hurt but it was easier to move to Apple Creek then to try rebuilding.”

“What about Fluttershy, then?” Twilight asked. “Why is she here?”

“Applejack found her in her barn crying her eyes out,” Sunset sighed gently. A downcast look had overtaken her face. “I think Applejack knows why, but neither of them talk about what happened. Either way, Fluttershy has been living with us ever since.”

Twilight gulped at the burning question that grew in her mind. She wondered if she even wanted to ask it but the words were already escaping her lips. “What… What about her family?”

Sunset looked away as if her shoes were suddenly far more interesting then the conversation. “I went to her home to look for them. What I found…” She shook her head. “They weren’t there. I don’t know what happened to them but the house was a mess.”

Dark thoughts drifted into Twilight’s mind. She clasped her eyes closed and tried to picture anything else. They continued in silence for a few more minutes as the houses grew more spread out and thick forests of trees, barely clinging onto life, filled out the sides of the roads. Up ahead the road rose into the foothills of the mountains, revealing rows upon rows of dying apple trees.

To the left a large sign pointed down a wide road, proudly displaying the message “Welcome to Apple Creek. Buy your new dream home today!”

They followed the sign and walked down the cleaner road lined with larger homes that had yet to suffer the same ill fate of the older ones further in town. Up ahead a large wall had been built across the road. Large, metal spikes and barbed wire had been fastened to the outside of the crude brick and metal structure. A gate made from rebar and corrugated sheets had been built in the centre of the road with a tower to its right side.

“Listen, Twilight,” Sunset said as she turned her. “When we’re in the town, do not discuss magic in public, okay? Not even in front of Granny Smith.”

“Okay… Why?”

“Twilight, not everyone here is as accepting of magic as the school was. They blame magic for everything that went wrong in the world. Magic is banned in Apple Creek and if they know that we have it they’ll exile us. And that’s if we’re lucky and they don’t hand us over to the Witch Hunters.”

“Witch Hunters?” Twilight asked as she gave Sunset a curiously sceptical look.

“Yeah. They’re a bunch of thugs who go around ‘hunting’ magic. They’re nothing but trouble and some of the things I’ve heard them do…” Sunset shuddered. “Let’s just get inside.”

“Yeah, that sounds sweet! I can’t wait to get out of this heat,” Spike groaned. “If I were still a dragon, I would’ve loved this heat!”

Twilight chuckled softly. “Now you know how I feel in the heat. You just have to put up with it like the rest of us, Spike. Until we get home at least.” Twilight looked up at the gate. Someone was standing in the tower looking down at them. “But, perhaps it’s best if you stay quiet now and act like a normal dog.”

“Sunset Shimmer?” the man in the tower called. “Is that you?”

“Does it look like me, Caramel?” Sunset called back as she removed her bandana and goggles.

“I didn’t expect you back so soon. Who’s your friend?”

“This is Twilight Sparkle, an old friend of mine. I can vouch for her.”

The man in the tower studied them for a moment. Twilight gave him a small wave and a smile.

“Well, I guess if you vouch for her she can come in. But make sure she stays out of trouble.”

“Yeah, I will. I promise,” Sunset said. “So… Are you going to let us in or what?”

“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses,” Caramel said as he vanished from the tower. The group waited in silence for a few moments before the sound of metal grinding filled the air. Finally, one half of the gate slowly swung open to the sound of grinding chains. Stopping just enough to allow the girls to walk through.

Sunset thanked Caramel as they passed him and entered the town. Twilight let out a small gasp as she looked around. It was much busier than she expected. A market area had been set up by the gate, stalls of all shapes and sizes sat on the sidewalks selling their wares. One stall displayed lines of clothing and advertised clothing repairs, whilst another stall was full of what looked like scrap to Twilight. Piles of metal and wiring sat on the tables as behind them an elderly man was hunched over a workbench tinkering away with what looked like an alarm clock.

High above the market large sheets and canvases were hung, providing a welcoming shade over the street. A group of children ran by, laughing to each other as they passed the small clusters of adults. Everyone wore clothing that fully covered their skin. Their heads were covered with hats, hoods, bonnets and scarves, although under the shade many had taken the opportunity to go bare-headed.

Twilight smiled as she looked around. “Sunset, this is amazing! It’s just like back home… only, where are the food stalls?”

“Food and water is tightly rationed by the Council,” Sunset said as she led Twilight down the street. “Everyone gets an equal amount, so long as they help out in their own way. Gathering enough food for the town is hard work, even for the Apples. But, if you’re really hungry and have some money to spare we do have a restaurant.” She pointed to a large house to the side of the road. A bright sign had been placed over its door welcoming all to “Sugar Cube Inn.”

“And yes, it is run by Mr and Mrs Cake,” Sunset chuckled.

“Really? I’m so glad that they’re safe.”

“Yeah, safe… Anyway, the house is this way. Do you want to see Applejack first, explore a bit, or have a sit down?”

As Twilight looked around she had almost forgot about her exhaustion. The homes that lined the side of the road were in near pristine shape, apart from the dead dry lawns out the front. Much of the lawn space had been filled up with shacks built from wood and metal or by caravans, now fixed in place by the passage of time.

Applejack. Twilight smiled at the name. She didn’t want to wait, she had to see her friend. Plus, the chance to explore the social and economic changes among the population was a bonus. Perhaps it would provide some clues that could help her find answers to what happened. “I want to see everything, Sunset. Let’s go and find Applejack and get to work.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Spike whispered.

“Oh… Sorry, Spike. Are you okay?”

“My side still really hurts,” he groaned.

Sunset quickly grabbed hold of Twilight’s arm as a group passed, once she was sure they hadn’t paid her any attention she walked them forwards at a brisk pace. “Let’s go to Fluttershy and get you looked at.”

Sunset lead the two towards the far end of town. The bustle of the market faded behind them as the street calmed, but also grew more crowded with hobbled together structures. The awning overhead thinned out providing only narrow trails of shade to walk through. Twilight glanced at the wooden and metal shacks lining the sides of the road and caught the hungry and curious eyes of people sitting in their makeshift homes. Twilight almost gagged at the stench of sewage that wafted through the air. They passed a mangy dog, lazily lying in the shade of an old caravan. Its owner watched them closely as she hung out her washing on a line stretched between two huts.

Twilight moved closer to Sunset and kept up the pace. She had read about such places in Equestria’s past, but to see them upclose tugged at her heart. She shook her head. How could the brilliant city she had seen fall to such a state? Her mind thought back to Applejack’s home. She had only been to this world’s version once, but it was as ever inviting and comforting as her Equestrian counterpart’s. But did the Apple family really live in such a place now? The structure of many of these shacks would barely pass any points of the Equestrian Building Code and the health and safety aspects of each hut were downright atrocious. A single spark could result in the loss of what little livelihoods these people had left.

The buildings soon thinned out, revealing a wide-open cul-de-sac with the large houses standing almost as proud as they once would have in their heyday. The front lawns had been repurposed into vegetable gardens and small grazing patches for chickens. The stench of waste gave way to the more welcoming smells of open farmland as they headed for the house at the far end. Twilight glanced at the farmers who tended to the small allotments. The sweat flowed out from under their hats and hoods and soaked through their bandannas.

One side of the street opened as if two houses were missing; this gave way to a vast stretch of allotments. Sheep and pigs grazed on whatever little sustenance they could find between the rows of crops and the narrow irrigation trenches. The farmland gently sloped downwards towards a riverbed. A slight glint of water caught Twilight’s eye as she looked beyond it at the rows and rows of healthy and ripe apple trees. A smile crossed her face as she took in the view. She knew the Apple family had a way with their orchard, but to see one thriving in such conditions filled her with pride for her friends.

Twilight followed Sunset closely as they approached the house at the far end. It was built in a similar style to the rest of the homes, but an aura of homeliness filled the air around it. Twilight wasn’t sure if it was from the well-cared for paint or the stacks of farming supplies that lined the walls, but it looked like a small slice of bright order in the otherwise bleak and chaotic world.

They didn’t head for the front door, instead Sunset pulled Twilight around the side of the building and knocked on a windowless door. A sign next to the door simply read “Animal Clinic.”

“Twilight, before Fluttershy answers, there’s something you should know about her,” Sunset said. “You see, ever since AJ found her she’s been much more… well, shy then she used to be. We’ve been trying to coax her out of her shell but it hasn’t done much.”

Twilight was about to respond when the sudden clicking of the door handle interrupted them. The door slowly swung open just enough for a cyan eye to peek out. Sunset was about to speak only for the door to suddenly swing wide open and a pink blur to rush into Twilight.

Twilight yelped as a pair of pale arms flung themselves around her and squeezed tight. “Oh, my goodness! Twilight! Spike!” Fluttershy cried in a soft tone. “I can’t believe it. It’s really you!”

“Fluttershy!” Twilight croaked. Fluttershy’s hug was far stronger than something she would have expected from the skinny girl. She felt her arms burn in pain as she pressed down on her bruises. “Too tight!”

Fluttershy gasped and suddenly released the two. “Oh, no!” She quickly covered her mouth. Her voice was barely a whisper, “I’m so sorry.”

Fluttershy looked much like how Twilight remembered. Unlike Sunset, her skin had not been damaged by the sun and her long pink hair was well-kept. But her cyan eyes were shrunken back in worn sockets and had lost much of their luster.

Twilight gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. I’m so happy to see you too.”

Fluttershy looked Twilight over and her face fell into one of concern. “Y-You’re hurt? What happened?”

“Twilight and Spike had a run in with a crazy,” Sunset sighed. “Can you help them?”

“Yes, of course. Please, do come in.”

Twilight blinked a few times as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the clinic, a pair of long florescent lights lit the bare room. The air was thick with the damp smell of animals with a slight hint of chemicals. Along one wall cages sat with small ramps leading up to their doors to allow the animals to scurry about freely. There weren’t that many animals, as far as Twilight could see. A few rabbits hopped around her feet and a group of cats lazily hanged about from the top of a cupboard. A snake sat snoozing under the only ray of outdoor sunlight that passed through the thin windows along wall, the rest of the windows had been blacked out preventing the piercing light from breaching the animal sanctum. A few tables and chairs sat around along with several cabinets filled with medicine bottles and supplies.

Twilight gently placed Spike down on a table. The young dog let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed himself.
“S-Sunset… Could you please look at Twilight while I tend to Spike?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight had to strain her ears to pick up her words as Fluttershy hid herself behind her long pink hair. Sunset nodded and gently took Twilight over to a seat at the far end of the room.

“You really don’t need to do anything,” Twilight said as sunset unwrapped the bandage. “I can do it myself.

“No, Twilight. You should rest. You’ve been through a lot today.” Sunset looked up at her with a small smile. “Besides, it would give you time to start asking questions.”

Twilight’s face lit up at the thought. “Oh, where to begin?” she almost squealed. Twilight thought for a moment and glanced over to Fluttershy who remained at the far side of the room with her back to them as she talked quietly to Spike. “So, what has everyone been up to since the portal closed?”

“Well, we’ve all been helping Apple Creek. Fluttershy set up this clinic to help all the animals she could, but it needed supplies and that’s where I came in. I raided her old Animal Shelter for most of the stuff you see here.”

Twilight paused as Sunset’s words circled in her head. “You stole it!”

Fluttershy let out a small yelp and fearfully glanced over at them for a moment. Twilight apologised and asked again quieter, “You stole it? You stole everything in here?”

“It’s not like anyone else was going to use it, Twilight,” Sunset sighed as she dabbed Twilight’s knee with disinfectant, causing her to hiss in pain. “I know it sounds bad, okay. It feels bad. But we need this stuff to survive so we scavenge it from wherever we can. So long as no one still owns it.”

“What if they come back?”

“Twilight, I used to feel the same, okay. But this is just how the world works now and there isn’t much we can do otherwise. There aren’t any people making things anymore and any shops just sell stuff they scavenged or traded.”

Twilight frowned. It made sense that goods, especially medicine, would be hard to come by in such dire circumstances. But to resort to theft to acquire them? The thought sickened Twilight, but deep down she couldn’t bring herself to blame Sunset. Her actions, while unpleasant, were entirely logical. Twilight closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Fine. Just… Promise me that you will only take what you absolutely need and no one else does.”

“Already do that, Twilight.” Sunset prepared a fresh bandage and began to wrap it around Twilight’s knee. “The problem is that this stuff won’t last forever. I don’t know what Fluttershy’s going to do when she runs out.”

“Hopefully we would have fixed things by then.”

“Yeah… Hopefully. Anyway, so Fluttershy runs this shelter and I scavenge for goods. The scavenging was really an excuse to look for answers, but I haven’t had any luck there. As for Applejack, she and her family help run the farms. They mostly look after the orchard across the creek. It’s the last part of Sweet Apple Acres they tend now.”

“Well, at least they still have a small slice of home,” Twilight sighed. “Oh, Sunset. I’m just so sorry for everything that’s happened.”

“There’s no need to apologise, Twilight. This wasn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, but I just feel like I could have done something—”

“Twilight,” Sunset said as she stood and crossed her arms over her chest. “You are not to blame for this, so don’t blame yourself for not doing something, okay?”

Twilight’s argument caught in her throat and she nodded.

“Besides,” Sunset continued. “You can help now. We’ll get you back to Equestria first thing tomorrow morning, I promise.”

“Yes, yes of course, Sunset. Thank you.” She let out a sigh before a wide grin crossed her face. Twilight quickly unzipped her backpack and rummaged around before pulling out a notebook and a quill. “I need to know everything, Sunset. Tell me everything you can!”

Sunset chuckled and nodded. “Sure, but let’s go and pay Applejack a visit.” She turned to Fluttershy and said, “Fluttershy, is it okay if we leave Spike with you?”

Fluttershy turned her head just enough to see an eye peek out from behind her hair. She smiled and nodded. Spike meanwhile was lying back on a soft pillow with a sleepy smile. “Have fun you two,” he said, with only one eye open.

Twilight and Sunset left the converted garage through the door they entered and then followed a narrow dirt track that twisted through the allotments towards the river. “So, you know about the Madness already. We have no idea what causes it, but sometimes it’s a slow and gradual change, other times they just snap overnight. It puts everyone on edge.”

Twilight nodded and eagerly wrote down notes in her book.

“People have also started getting magical abilities, much like the ones we have,” Sunset added in a hushed tone after checking no one was around to hear. “But while we needed our geodes to make our powers work there doesn’t seem to be something connected to the magic they gain. But, what’s even weirder is that Fluttershy, AJ and myself have all lost our geodes from the time we woke up after the Burning Days started.”

“But you used your magic back at the school?” Twilight replied as they approached a small wooden bridge that crossed the creek. The riverbed was wide, but only a small stream of water now flowed lazily down the central channel.

“Yeah. Whatever powers everyone else’s magic must also be powering our own.”

Twilight nodded and scribbled down some more notes on the page. “I see. Ooh, this is fascinating, Sunset. Spontaneous magical distribution among a previously magically-inert population! I could write a book about this back home!” She glanced up to Sunset who was giving her an amused smirk. Twilight chuckled sheepishly. “After I fix this world, that is.”

“It’s fine, Twilight,” Sunset chuckled.

They crossed into the orchard and the blazing sun was soon hidden behind the thick canopy of the apple trees. Large red and thoroughly juicy looking apples hung from the branches. Twilight felt her mouth water at the sight. She had never realised how special an apple could be until she met Applejack. The amount of care and dedication that went into the orchard was perhaps greater than Twilight’s own dedication towards studying. She was amazed that despite the dire state of this world, the Apple family had managed to keep such a beautiful and bountiful crop growing.

Suddenly there was movement up ahead as a large man in a wide Stetson and a red flannel shirt came down the trail. He held a near overflowing bucket of apples over his shoulder and smiled widely when he saw the two. “Howdy, Twilight. Ah didn’t think we’d see ya again.”

“Big Mac!” Twilight said, smiling at the sight of Applejack’s brother. “It’s good to see you too.”

Bic Mac shifted on his feet for a moment before leaning in and asking, “Yer the… out of town one, right?”

Twilight chuckled. “Yeah, that’s me. I thought I’d stop by for a visit but… things aren’t exactly as I remember.”

“Eeyup,” the older Apple said. “Applejack is just up ahead.”

Twilight and Sunset thanked him as they passed and continued up the hill. Soon voices began to drift through the trees, a pair of familiar voices that brought a smile to Twilight. “Ah’m tellin’ ya, Sis,” Apple Bloom said. “Old Bark and Whittle Root need this water more than Greenshoots.”

“Apple Bloom, we’ve talked ‘bout this,” Applejack replied. “Ah know you care ‘bout the trees, heck, even Granny and I have given then names and read them bedtime stories, but ya shouldn’t do such things around here. People may get the wrong idea about ya.”

“But, Sis! Ah’m just…” Apple Bloom let out a frustrated sigh. “Please, the trees over there need this water.”

Twilight and Sunset came to the edge of a small clearing. Baskets of freshly collected apples sat in the shade by an old water pump. Applejack held a bucket of water in her arms as she looked down at her little sister.

Applejack was about to speak, but Apple Bloom looked towards Sunset and Twilight as a large smile exploded on her face. “Oh mah gosh! Twilight Sparkle!”

Applejack’s head shot around, “Twilight? Ah don’t believe it!”

“Applejack! Apple Bloom! It’s so great to see you again!”

Applejack placed the bucket down and rushed over to Twilight. “Mah goodness, Girl! Ah’d never thought Ah would see ya again… Ya the Princess one, right?”

“Yes, that’s me. I came to find you all after we lost contact. But… Well, I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“When Sunset said she was going to try and find ya, Ah didn’t expect you would actually come. Uh, sorry for not believing ya, Sunset.”

“It’s fine, Applejack,” Sunset said with a small smirk. “I found her being chased by Mr Doodle through the school.”

“Oh, geez, Ah am sure glad Sunset found ya.”

“Yeah, so am I,” Twilight sighed. “Still, it’s so good to see you two again. I’m so glad you and your family are safe.”

“It’s sure been tough, but we’ve been doing our best,” Applejack said. “Say, we’re just ‘bout finished up here, why don’t we go back to the house and catch up?”

“But, Applejack. The trees!” Apple Bloom said. “Please, the trees on the western side need this water. Ah know the soil over there looks wet, but it ain’t deep enough for the roots. They need a bit more.”

Applejack thought for a moment and then sighed. “Sure, Sugarcube. Ah trust ya and you’ve been right ‘bout these things before.”

Apple Bloom quickly hugged her sister and thanked her before lifting the bucket as best she could and stumbled with it through the trees.

The three girls made their way back towards the house. This time the questions turned to Twilight as Applejack and Sunset were eager to hear what Twilight had got up to back in Equestria. Twilight was happy to indulge the other two in the events of her life and those of her friends. However, the conversation came to an abrupt stop as the front of Applejack’s house came into view. “What the heck are those varmints doing here!”

Twilight staggered to a standstill and looked at a group that had gathered in front the house. Big Mac stood next to an elderly lady that Twilight recognised as Granny Smith. She stood with sternly with her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping impatiently.

Meanwhile, another group stood before them. On their left side stood a short woman with purple hair flowing from under her hat. It took a moment for Twilight to recognise her as Miss Cheerilee the school teacher. The other three men were a mystery.

The man in the centre stood tall and confident. A sympathetic grin was plastered on his tanned face. Greying black hair poked out from under his wide black hat. He wore a deep blue suit with a red tie that stood out as being too fine among the dust and the dirt. Behind him stood a shorter man in a blue waistcoat and to their right stood a man built like a brick wall. He wore a dusty grey uniform of some kind with a matching boonie hat.

“Who are they?” Twilight whispered.

“It’s the town Council,” Applejack grumbled. “Granny Smith, Cheerilee, Filthy Rich, Davenport and Night Sentry.”

Twilight looked at the man in the suit. She could see the resemblance to Filthy Rich now, he even had a tarnished broach of his pony-counterpart’s cutie mark attached to his left lapel. Davenport also resembled her local quill and sofa sellspony. As for Night Sentry, she had never met someone with that name in her world. So why did the man in grey looked familiar? “Night Sentry?”

“He’s the head of the town guard and…. He’s Flash Sentry’s dad,” Sunset said.

“Flash!” Twilight gasped. A mixture of fear and excitement rose from her gut as she thought of him. Despite the time they spent apart, her stomach still fluttered when she thought of him. He was the first, and so far, only pony, or person, who ever made her feel this way. “Oh goodness, is he okay? Please tell me he’s here?”

The two girls looked to each other before averting their gaze from Twilight. “Ah’m sorry, Sugarcube. But we haven’t seen him. Not even his dad knows where he’s at.”

“Oh…” Twilight’s stomach sank. Yet another missing friend. He had to be okay, she was sure of that. Just as she was sure her friends were. He was just as strong and resourceful as they were. Perhaps they were held up somewhere Sunset hasn’t looked yet? She made a mental note to ask Sunset about other locations in the city later. Twilight pushed her feelings away and practised Cadance’s breathing technique to calm her nerves. She then looked back at the group and asked, “So… What do they want?”

“It’s probably ‘bout Big Mac’s truck. He’s been trying to get fuel rations for it for months.”

“I’m going to take a closer look,” Sunset said as she marched forwards. Twilight and Sunset followed close behind.

“And I’m telling you, Granny Smith. The answer is still no,” Filthy Rich said.

“Well, we need those extra supplies,” Granny Smith stated. There was no hint of compromise in her words. “Without them we can’t keep Big Mac’s truck runnin’.”

Big Mac nodded in agreement.

“We all voted on this, and it was three against two in favour of Sergeant Sentry’s proposal.”

“The MRAP needs the fuel to patrol the roads and protect the town,” Night Sentry said.

“Ah don’t care ‘bout yer fancy Army truck, Sergeant. We haven’t been attacked in years!”

“Granny Smith. If it wasn’t for that truck, then we wouldn’t have saved you when your house was attacked,” Filthy Rich said.

Granny Smith’s face flashed red as she gritted her teeth. “Ah… Ah know. But we need Big Mac’s truck to transport the apples and other crops.”

“If we could use it to trade with Magicland or anywhere else, then maybe. But just moving stuff around the farms and to the market isn’t good enough to justify the cost.”

Granny Smith looked like she was about to explode but Big Mac gently placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head. The elderly woman looked at him for a moment before letting out a long sigh. “Fine. Y’all win. But don’t yer dare go squanderin’ any of that fuel on pointless things.”

“We wouldn’t dream of it, Granny Smith. Thank you for understanding.”

“Ah’m still gonna keep sayin’ how much I disagree with this.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Filthy Rich looked over at the girls and flashed them a toothy smile. “Good afternoon ladies, and do my eyes deceive me or is that Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight’s brow twisted in confusion. “We’ve met? Oh! I mean… Yes! Yes, it’s me. Sorry.”

“I don’t blame you for forgetting. It was a long time ago now,” he chuckled dryly. “Still, it’s good to see a new friendly face. Welcome to our town, you’re free to stay the night, so long as you adhere to our rules. I trust Miss Applejack and Miss Shimmer here will take care of you.”

“Yes. Thank you, Mr Rich.”

“If you need anything just stop by my office. I’m always happy to listen to the concerns of the people.” He turned to everyone and pulled on the lapels of his jacket. “Well, if that’s all, I bid you all good day.”

Night Sentry and Davenport followed Filthy Rich as they walked back into town. Miss Cheerilee lingered for a moment and then smiled at Twilight. “Twilight! It’s so good to see you again!”

“Thank you, Miss Cheerilee.”

“Oh please, we’re not in school anymore. Just call me Cheerilee.”

“I’ll give it a try,” she chuckled.

“Ah take it yer the one who voted in favour of Big Mac?” Applejack asked as she glanced at her brother who was doing his best to hide his disappointment. “Thanks for that.”

“Oh, not at all. I know how much that truck means to him. I’m just sorry things turned out this way. Anyway, I’m so happy to see you three girls have found another friend after all this time.”

“Cheerilee,” Granny Smith said, her anger was replaced with a kind smile. “Ah was just about to start cooking, an’ it looks like we already have one guest. Would you care to join?”

Miss Cheerilee politely declined and said her goodbyes before Granny Smith gave Twilight a hearty welcome. She then beckoned the trio inside. The house itself was spacious, but lacked in both decoration and furnishing. Only a few rustic pictures and photographs that must have been scavenged from Applejack’s old home lined the walls and the little furniture was a miss-match of different styles, ages and conditions.

The kitchen was equally sparse. The windows were covered with thick black drapes that blocked out all sunlight leaving only a single dim lightbulb to light the room. A large wooden table sat in the dining area surrounded by a variety of chairs. The kitchen area was hidden behind a counter with two stools by its side. It was also spotlessly clean and a bowl of fresh apples sat waiting to be eaten.

“So, how long are yer stayin’ for, Twilight?” Applejack asked as the girls took their seats around the kitchen counter.

“Oh, I plan to return to Equestria tomorrow. I just need to gather as much data as I can while I’m here and then I’m going to study what could have caused all of this and hopefully find some way to help.”

“Well, that’s a mighty tall order, there Twi. But Ah’m grateful for yer help.”

“Yes, but I don’t plan on staying too long in Equestria. I want to come back and help all of you in whatever way I can.” She paused for a moment and looked between her two friends. Their faces were tired, and covered in a thin layer of dirt and grime that did little to hide their sunburn. It was only Fluttershy that seemed to retain her former radiance, but even then it was hard to tell in the darkness of her clinic.

“I want to help you, and I want to help the other girls. I’ve… I’ve got to find them.”

Applejack and Sunset exchanged a look. “Listen, Twilight,” Sunset said. “We both want nothing more than to get the gang back together. They are our friends too and we think about them every day.”

“It’s true.” Applejack nodded as she removed her hat and held it over her chest. “Not a day goes by when Ah don’t think of Rarity or Rainbow. An’ birthdays just aren’t the same without Pinkie.”

“Twilight, I have looked for them. But after months without finding anything good… I just had to stop. It’s far too dangerous.”

“That, an’ yer barely made it back with that stab wound through yer shoulder.”

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me,” Sunset sighed as she absentmindedly rubbed her left shoulder.

“It’s really that dangerous?” Twilight asked, her face flushed with sympathy and worry. “We made it back here okay and you made it seem like that demon was a rare thing.”

“Y’all saw a demon?” Applejack asked.

“I also said there were other monsters, Twilight,” Sunset stressed. “During the day, all you have to worry about the Mad, bandits, wild animals, mutants and scourge. At night.. Well, at night that’s where the real monsters come out.”

Twilight quickly scribbled down what Sunset said in her notebook. Questions quickly began bubbling in her mind. With all these dangers, were her friends even still safe? She frowned and pushed out the thought. New questions flooded her mind to bury the fears, after all, the more she knew the less she had to fear.

“Okay, so it is dangerous. There’s still a lot I would like to understand. Is the Madness a disease of some kind? Is it curable? What exactly are demons? How much do you know about them? Who was that person in a cloak who helped us escape the school?”

“Wait! Hold on, Twilight. Person in a cloak?” Sunset injected. An expression of concern etched over her face.

“Yes… I may have forgot to mention them. They opened the door to the kitchen for us… Well, I think they did anyway. I just saw them standing there and they gestured for us to come over to them.”

Sunset frowned and pushed herself closer to Twilight. “What did they look like? Did you see?”

“W-Well… They wore a long cloak of some kind. But it was too dark to make anything out. Sorry, Sunset.”

Sunset sighed and shook her head. “It’s… It’s fine, Twilight. Don’t worry about it.”

“An’ as for your other questions. Ah don’t think anyone knows, to be honest,” Applejack ran a hand through her straw blonde hair as she thought. “Folk’s say that demons are the biggest and the worse kind of monster created during the Burning Days. Ah’ve only seen one years ago, but it didn’t bother us.”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah… Fortunately they’re super rare. But if one is hanging around the school, then that’s bad news for us and the town.”

“We should tell the council about it,” Applejack said.

“Not now, yer not,” Granny Smith said as she appeared behind them, causing the group to jump in their seats. “It’s late an’ Filthy Rich don’t care for visitors at this time of the day. Ah’m ‘bout to start cooking too.”

Twilight turned back to her notebook. “So… Are there any other towns around?”

“Well, there’s Magicland up north,” Sunset said. “We trade with them sometimes, but most people here want nothing to do with them.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because it’s full of no-good cursed people,” Granny Smith grumbled as she started cutting vegetables. “Mark my words, every one of those poor cursed are just a time-bomb waiting to go off.”


“She means magic users,” Sunset said. “They also have an unfortunate tendency to turn Mad more often than everyone else. At least, that’s what everyone seems to think. I haven’t had time to study it.”

Twilight jotted down a memo to study the spread of Madness in magical and non-magical communities.

“Then there’s Wondertown,” Applejack said. “It’s somewhere on the eastern side of the city. But Ah don’t know anyone who’s managed to get there and back again.”

“Nor do I,” Sunset added. “We only know about it thanks to Wondertown Radio. The only Radio station still running these days.”

“Why hasn’t anyone been there?”

“The Crystal Empire. And get this, it’s led by someone who calls themselves King Sombra.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Well, I expected that he would have a counterpart here, everyone else appears to do so.” She eagerly scribbled down some more notes and thoughts. “But what do you know about it?”

“Only that it’s big trouble,” Applejack said. “An’ that it’s built on top of Crystal Prep Academy. Those folks are nothin’ but evil slavers these days. They raid the city for anyone and anythin’ then drag it back home whether it wants to go or not. Once y’all inside yer never seen again.”

“That… sadly makes a lot of sense actually,” Twilight sighed. She had never met anyone from that school, but she heard so much about it from Sunset. The thought that this world’s version of Cadance could still be there crossed her mind and twisted her stomach. “W-Well… We just have to fix that too.”

“Hang on a moment there, Twi. Ah know you want to save the world and everythin’, but the Empire is a whole other level of trouble. We’ve just gotta stay away.”

“She’s right, Twilight. We would need an army to even get close to Sombra.”

“Well, we can put it in a to-do later list,” Twilight said as she quickly created the list in the back of the notebook. Applejack and Sunset just looked at each other and shrugged.

“How are you feeling, Spike?” Fluttershy asked. She had just finished placing the last bottle of painkillers into the cabinet and locked it tight. She turned back to the small purple dog that lay on a bright soft pillow and took a seat next to him.

“Much better, thank you,” he said with a weak smile. “I feel like I could walk now!”

“You can, but it will start to hurt again once the pills ware off. Fortunately, nothing was broken, but you should take it easy for a few days.”

“An excuse not to do anything? Twilight won’t like it,” he chuckled.

Fluttershy let out a small giggle of her own but then sighed. “If you do still plan on going home tomorrow, I do suggest you see a real doctor. They’ll be able to help more than I can.”

“What do you mean, Fluttershy? You are great with animals!”

Fluttershy felt herself try to blush as she played with her hands. “T-Thank you, Spike. But I’m no real doctor. I only know what I read and what Mrs Fauna taught me…” She paused for a moment. Mrs Fauna’s face crossed her mind. She could still see the look of fear in her eyes, pleading out to her. Fluttershy clasped her eyes shut and shook her head, pushing the images away. “I do wish she was still here,” she said, although she was scarcely sure if the words even left her mouth.

Spike gently rested a paw on her arm, knocking her out of the trance. “You may not be a real doctor, but if you’re anything like the Fluttershy back home then you’re just as great, if not better than most!”

Fluttershy smiled gently. “Thank you, Spike.” The two sat in quiet for a moment before she asked, “What is she like? The other me.”

“Oh, well, she’s just like you, really. Only a pony,” Spike said with a chuckle. “But she’s so sweet and kind. She lives in this treehouse cottage with all her animal friends and she even runs her own animal sanctuary.”

A sad smile crossed her face. She had always dreamed since she was young of running her own animal sanctuary. The fact that her trans-dimensional twin had achieved her dream warmed her heart, but the happiness soon faded as Fluttershy looked at the dusty floor of the garage she now called her clinic. How could she ever run a true sanctuary in a place like this? No person or animal was safe around here.

“W-Well… I’m just glad she’s happy.”

“Hey, Fluttershy, can I ask a question?”

“Oh? A question?” Fluttershy wasn’t sure if to panic or not. She nodded carefully. “O-Okay.”

“Sunset mentioned earlier that you’ve become… Well, shyer then you use to be. Is it true? Because you seem pretty normal to me.”

Of all the questions he had to ask it had to be that one. Fluttershy closed her eyes and sighed deeply as she carefully chose her words. “S-Spike… I… I just feel more comfortable around animals these days. It’s… Safer…”

“Safer than Sunset and Applejack?”

Fluttershy mentally slapped herself. “N-No… I don’t mean it like that… You see… A lot of people in the world are bad now… And I… I just…” Her voice trembled to a whispered before no words came. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t bring herself to confide in him her feelings, after all, unlike other animals he could talk to others.

She just gulped and then said in a low, shaking tone, “I… I’m sorry, Spike. I can’t answer that.”

Spike frowned but then nodded. “Okay, Fluttershy. I’m sorry for asking,” he said. “But you know that if you whether want to talk, then I’m here for you.”

A small smile crossed her face. She always knew she could trust her friends and that they would be there for her. But she liked her shell. It was easier this way.

Twilight and the others helped Granny Smith prepare the evening meal. It wasn’t anything that could be considered a banquet, but there was a respectable amount of fresh vegetables that were stewed and roasted. Fortunately, no meat was cooked this evening, Twilight wasn’t sure if she could have stomached being in the kitchen if such a smell was in the air, not that she knew what cooking meat smelt like.

Fluttershy didn’t join them and Applejack assured Twilight that was normal before taking her food to her. Fluttershy liked to eat alone in her bedroom, located in a small room adjacent to her clinic. She rarely set foot outside of the house, and instead preferred to remain in the blacked-out rooms on the lower floor. Not that Twilight could blame her if the heat was anything like it was today. She had been near active volcanoes that were more pleasant than the sunlight outside. Her skin had already started to sting and peel and she feared how it would look once she returned to Equestria. Sunburn under fur was not an easy thing to manage.

The meal itself was a very pleasant experience. The table was filled with fascinating conversation about the day and Twilight couldn’t help but ask many more questions on how the town works and how they farm in such dire conditions. By now her notebook was half-full with notes, theories, questions and answers, all hastily scribbled down as best she could using fingers. She still didn’t quite understand how spike could do it every day for her back home.

By the time the sun was setting the family decided to call it a night and head to their rooms. Twilight was sharing with Sunset who had been highly insistent that Twilight could stay in her bed while she took the floor. Twilight, not wanting to seem rude, refused the offer and presented her own sleeping bag she had stuffed in her backpack. However, the plan quickly fell part when she realised it was still pony sized.

Sunset’s mattress wasn’t the most comfortable of mattresses Twilight had slept on, but it’s soft warmth quickly helped to soothe her sore body. Spike was curled up peacefully on a soft pile of sheets as Sunset sat on her own makeshift bed that was sprawled out across the floor.

Sunset’s room was a good size, especially considering the lack of furniture. But the walls were bare and there wasn’t a single luxury other than the small radio that gently filled the air with a soft violin melody. A simple pair of drapes hung over the window, letting only a sliver of orange light through.

“We’ll get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Hopefully that demon has gone and we can get you home,” Sunset said as she lay in her sleeping bag.

Twilight looked up from the journal. She had just finished filling Starlight in on what had happened and the plan to return. “Starlight says that she isn’t getting any of those curious anomalies in the portal anymore. It should be safe to return. You’ll keep the journal of course, that way we can come and go as we please.”

“That’s great Twilight,” Sunset said as she lay back with a sigh. She stared at the ceiling for a few moments as the sweet music drifted around them. “Twilight… Do you really think you can think of something to help?”

“Well, if it’s just magic then there’s always a way to counteract it,” she said. “After all, Starswirl’s Fifth Law of Magical Conservation states that that for every—”

“For every spell there is a counter spell. Yeah, I know Twilight. It’s just that magic here doesn’t work the same as it does in Equestria!” Sunset let a long groan and wrapped her arms over her face. “I’ve been trying to figure that out ever since we first got our magic.”

A pang of guilt shot from Twilight’s heart as she curled herself up on the bed. “I was supposed to help you with that, wasn’t I?”

Sunset perched herself up from the floor. “It wasn't your fault, Twilight. I know you were busy being Princess of Friendship and all that. Even when Starlight offered to help we didn’t make any progress.”

Twilight frowned. She knew that on some level Sunset was right, it wasn’t her fault that this happened, but it was her fault that she wasn’t there to help. She was always busy saving the world or just having fun with her friends to focuses on assisting Sunset with her study of Human magic. Clenching her hands into tight fists, Twilight buried her head into her knees.

I really am a bad friend, aren’t I? She thought. That lone skeleton flashed before her eyes. The nameless dry bones looking up at her as if it was taunting her. Perhaps if she had paid more attention to Sunset they would still be alive? The skull then flashed to Rarity’s face, followed by Rainbow Dash’s, Pinkie Pie’s and finally her own face. She threw her head up and glared out the window, “I still should have done more! Half our friends are missing, Sunset! They could be… They could be lying in the streets just like that skeleton!”

Twilight didn’t notice Sunset had leaped to her feet until she felt her arms wrap around her. Twilight huffed and kept her eyes shut tight but allowed herself to be pulled into the hug. “Shhh… Please, Twilight. If anyone should feel like that, it’s me. I was the one who was supposed to work it all out, to fix things. I… I’m sorry, Twilight. I just want nothing more than to find a way to make things right. And you can help with that, if you want. We can fix this, together.”

“It still doesn’t help our friends,” Twilight sighed.

“I know, Twilight. I know.”

The two sat in silence for a while. Twilight barely noticed the music as her thoughts burned themselves out. She had failed as a friend, that feeling stung her more than when she learned how much she let Moondancer down all those years ago. She should have helped Sunset sooner, but she couldn’t dwell on that. She can help now, and nothing will stop her.

The music came to an end as a new voice filled the room. “What a lovely peace to end the day to. Thank you all for listening to Classical hour with me, your host, Octavia Melody. Up next I hope you’re ready to party down to the beats of the one and only DJ-PON3! Thank you all for listening, and we hope you join us again on Wondertown Radio.”

Sunset reached over and switched the radio off. “Sorry, Vinyl, but we’ve got to sleep,” she chuckled.

Twilight was thankful for the chance to change the topic. She sighed and let herself lie back in the bed. “She’s the one who helped us at the Battle of the Bands, right?”

“Yeah, and Octavia was also at school with us.”

“So, they’ve got a radio station now?” Twilight asked. She was still curious about radio, it was one of the many things she had wished to study about this world. While magic can be used to transmit messages over long distance, such a device is simply unheard off.

“They don’t own the station, although they do have a lot of shows on it. There’s been thoughts of trying to contact them with a radio of our own, but we just couldn’t get a signal out to them. But from what they say it sure does sound like Wondertown is a great place all things considered.”

Twilight nodded. “Well, at least it’s nice to know that they’re safe.”

“Yeah, it gives me hope that the others are there too, living it up in Wondertown...”

Both girls lay back down in their beds as the darkness outside grew. Twilight took one last look at the journal. Starlight had written back again confirming that she’ll keep an eye out for them in the morning. Twilight quickly thanked her before setting the journal on the bedside table.

“Hey,” Sunset whispered. “This is just like one of those slumber parties we use to have… Well, with less games of course.”

“I only went to one, remember,” Twilight chuckled. “But yeah, I guess you’re right.”

After a moment of shared laughter Sunset yawned. “Goodnight, Twilight.”

“Goodnight, Sunset.” Twilight closed her eyes. She let her thoughts die as her mind carried her to sleep.

Neither of them noticed the growing chill in the heavy air as a touch of frost lapped at the window.

Author's Note:

Exposition chapter! Hopefully it wasn't too dry for most of you, but there was a lot of stuff I wanted to cover. Things shouldn't get this slow again.

Thank you to everyone who read, liked, favourited and commented on the first chapter. I'm sorry that I didn't get to say thank you to all of you individually, but I really appreciate it.

Chapter 3 is already progressing well, so I will see you all again soon. Thank you for reading, and as always, please leave your thoughts, comments, questions or anything else you want to say below.