• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago



My favorite Marvel character ends up in Equestria.
I've deliberatly been vague about him though anyone who knows the universe will likely be able to guess him pretty easily, and the people he alludes to.
Not sure if it will be continued or not yet so it will remain incomplete for the time being.

(All rights to Marvel and Stan Lee for their characters, same for Hasbro ect ect.)

The teen rating is for the swearing.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 19 )

also, Story confirmed for awesome

no problem
I guess I gave you your first fav and like too

cain? who the hell is that

ok did some reserch cain is juggernaut ok

911094 Shh its a secret. But as the first to guess you get a happy Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

At first, I thought: "Good, Deadpool in Equestria!" because it was the obvious solution.
Then I read, like, the first two chapters and I was "...Come on...It can't be Juggy...Can it?"

Seriously, that's like, the most awesome crossover ever. And the jokes (the Hulk reference, oh God) and situations (quake harvesting! Yeah!) are hilarious.
I can't do anything but wait for more.

Until you said cain, I thought it was rhino.

The Juggernaut in Equestria? This will be...interesting. :rainbowderp:

Well if Cain is short for Cain Marko this might be a use of the severely downgraded 'hero' Juggs Chuck Austin used as a collosus stand in in his X-men run.

juggernaut is best pony

Lolz at Lyra, she makes ANY human in equestria story better
Also Discord, I didn't expect that, but I like it

Oh snap! Oh, and a little bit of advice, it feels a little bit too rushed.

I'm enjoying the concept of this story, but I have to agree with Freelance there. The story does feel a tad rushed, and plot diversions just seem to jump out of nowhere. I think one thing you should work on is creating more build-up in your plots, and try going into a bit more detail about the characters actions and what's going on around them. Also, if you didn't, this might be a good idea, try doing some research on Thi- I mean Cain, just before writing about him. You might even want to do that just before starting each new chapter. It helps freshen your view on the character and keeps his personality in tone, which, I'm not saying you did a bad job, I just think Cain might have reacted to certain things a bit differently, but that's only an opinion.

I will say though, that I got a great laugh out of Cain asking Lyra if she was a lesbian and then her freaking out :rainbowlaugh: ponies got to learn not to assume things :derpytongue2:

964730 Yes your right, its sort of bits I was meaning to put in the first chapter and forgot or thought of later, i guess I could have added it to he first chapter and now that I think of it I will likely do that when I've written the next one.
As for Cain, he been portrayed a lot of different ways over the years. I never actualy saw him as a "villan", selfish maybe and a bit greedy but even back in the Evil Mutants he wasn't that bad of a guy. With the exception of his half brother he never hated anyone much.
Anyhow this is more of how I see his personality. Plots? This is Equestria man things happen fast lol
I appreciate the comments though, thanks! :twilightsmile:

i suspected it was juggernaut and then you had him say his name. good job with the hints.

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