• Published 10th Aug 2017
  • 12,523 Views, 65 Comments

A Changeling at the Breakfast Table - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find an unexpected guest at her breakfast table.

  • ...

What are YOU doing here?

Twilight Sparkle let out a groan as she woke up. Her wings spread out and flapped, trying to push the blankets off her as she crawled out of bed. With a yawn, she made her way over to her dresser, eyes still closed. Horn lighting up, Twilight grabbed her brush in her magic and gave it a quick run through her mane. While brushing, she opened her eyes a little. Everything was a little blurry, but she could still make out enough to know what was what if she thought about it.

At the moment, one thing was on her mind: Coffee!

Blinking enough of the sleep from her eyes to make out basic shapes, Twilight managed to make her way to the bedroom door and opened it. As she made her way down along one of the long crystal halls of her castle, her stomach managed to reach at least part of her brain so she was thinking about food as well as coffee. It was enough to try and get her brain working a little more as she tried to remember what day it was, which in turn would help her remember what breakfast would be.

As she realized it would be pancakes, Twilight became more excited at the prospect. In this case, "more excited" meant that she actually lifted her hooves off the ground instead of simply dragging them.

Finally, Twilight reached the dining room where four figures sat, already eating. They all stopped as she entered the room, turning to look at her with various expressions.

"Morning, Spike," Twilight said before letting loose another yawn as she stopped beside the young dragon. "Please tell me there's coffee."

Spike looked at Twilight, then over at the others at the table. He raised an eyebrow then turned to look at Twilight again.

"Uhm...yeah?" he replied, shifting in his seat. He glanced toward the others again. "There's... uh... a plate of pancakes as well."

"Great," Twilight said as she started walking again. "Can't wait."

She continued on toward the kitchen, acknowledging the others as she went.

"Morning, Starlight."

"...Good morning, Twilight," Starlight replied, looking at her mentor with a furrowed brow. "Uhm... you... feeling okay?"

"Fine," Twilight replied. "Morning, Trixie."

"Sparkle," Trixie stated as she stuck her nose up.

"Morning, Chrysalis."

"Twilight," Queen Chrysalis hissed out, baring her fangs. The changeling's brow was furrowed in a mix of anger and confusion as she glared at the young alicorn.

Twilight, however, seemed completely oblivious as she made her way into the kitchen. As soon as she entered, she could smell the coffee, and feel herself perking up. Her eyes lit up at the sight and she licked her lips. Horn lighting up, she reached for one of her coffee cups when something suddenly occurred to her.

"Wait a second," she called out as she turned around and pushed the door open, looking at the two unicorns, changeling, and dragon sitting at the table.

"What are you doing here, Trixie?" she asked. "I thought you had a show down in Maneport this weekend."

"Uuuuuugh...." Trixie groaned out, throwing her head back and rolling her eyes. "Don't remind me." She let out a huff. "They ended up cancelling The Grrrreat and Powerful TRIXIE! because their... ugh... 'first choice' was able to make it after all." Flopping into her seat, she crossed her forelegs and let out a snort.

"Oh, sorry to hear that," Twilight said.

Returning to the kitchen, she grabbed her mug and poured some coffee, adding plenty of cream and sugar as she did. Then she turned her attention to the plate of pancakes, creating a ring of whipped cream and filling it with blueberries in syrup. She then added a few sprinkles and one last dollop of whipped cream before declaring it perfect.

Joining the others, Twilight sat down. She took a big piece of her pancakes and took a bite, letting out a small noise of pleasure as she chewed. Sweet, fluffy, and a little bit of tang from the berries.

"Delicious as always, Spike," Twilight stated before taking a drink of her coffee.

"Thanks," Spike said. "But... uhm..." He pointed toward Queen Chrysalis. "Isn't there something you want to... I don't know... ask about?" He then started his arm frantically toward said changeling. "Like the fact that Queen Chrysalis is sitting right at the table?"

"You're absolutely right, Spike," Twilight said as she cut another piece from her pancakes. After eating it, she turned her attention to Chrysalis. "So, since you are joining us for breakfast, does that mean you will be wanting your own room from now on instead of sleeping under Starlight's bed?"

The room turned quiet as the other four stared at Twilight Sparkle, eyes wide and mouths hanging open. She started to cut off another piece of her breakfast, but stopped as she noticed their reactions.

"You knew I was here the whole time?" Queen Chrysalis cried out in shock, her insect wings flickering against her.

Twilight jumped slightly at being yelled out, her wings flicking out as well. Slowly, they returned to their sides as Twilight licked her lips.

"Well... I don't know about 'the whole time,'" she answered, "but I have known for a while."

"HA!" Trixie cried out as she turned with a grin to Queen Chrysalis. "I knew it. Pay up, queenie!"

A grumble escaped from Chrysalis as her horn lit up. Pulling out ten bits, she tossed them at the pale blue unicorn.

"I hope you choke on them," she growled out. "Bombastic show mare."

"Don't be jealous because I was right!" Trixie retorted. Her eyes narrowed as a wicked smirk spread across her lips. "Besides, you should be used to losing to smart and talented unicorns by now."

Chrysalis stood up on her hind legs, slamming her front hooves onto the table. Her wings spread out wide as she towered over the mare.

"I WILL STRANGLE YOU WITH YOUR OWN CAPE AND STUFF YOUR BODY IN YOUR STUPID HAT!" she roared, spraying green spittle all over Trixie in the process.

The light turquoise aura of Starlight Glimmer's magic surrounded the two, pulling them apart and setting Queen Chrysalis back down.

"Chrysalis, don't threaten Trixie," Starlight ordered. "And Trixie, don't antagonize her."

"But it's so much fun," the two both whined out, getting a groan and head shake from both Twilight and Starlight.

"Fine," Chrysalis huffed. "I'll forget about the court jester for now." She turned her attention back to Twilight Sparkle, leaving a magically restrained Trixie choking on her own anger. "How did you figure out that I was here?"

"Well, the biggest and most obvious clue was the fact you sing in the shower." Twilight rolled her eyes and gave a shake of her head. "Even if you didn't have such a distinct singing voice, I don't think anypony else would sing a song about getting revenge on Thorax."

A green blush formed across Chrysalis's cheeks as she sank down in her seat, glaring at a snickering Spike.

"Speaking of the bathroom," Twilight continued, "there's also the fact that you left your hairs behind from time to time. Very long, green, and easily recognizable hairs. Then there were glimpses of you here and there, like when I would nearly catch you raiding the kitchen in the middle of the night or when you would transform in a flash of green flame just before I caught sight of you, and one or two glimpses of you out of disguise in the halls or such. Add to that the letter I got from Shining Armor and Cadance stating that you had been there, but fled after 'attempts at a mutual diplomatic alliance' -- which was in quotes by the way -- and I pretty much knew you were here and why."

"So, if you knew, why did you never say anything?" Starlight asked.

"Well, you seemed to have it under control," Twilight answered. "You weren't replaced by a still loyal changeling, and showed no signs of serious stress, emotional drain, or physical health issues. Plus, since you two were spending so much time together, it seemed like you would have a greater chance of developing a friendship with Chrysalis if I kept out of it and didn't interfere." Her ears pulled back. "Especially since I nearly messed things up for you with Trixie." She let out a sigh. "And on top of that, if I acknowledged that Chrysalis was here, I would feel obligated to tell Princess Celestia, who would likely tell Shiny and Cadance, who would in turn come down for more" -- she made quotes with her hooves -- "'diplomatic relations, and I don't think any of us want that." Twilight shuddered and let out a disgusted noise.

Trixie tilted her head, raising an eyebrow.

"Did something happ--"

"WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT IT!" Twilight cut in. "EVER!"

"Okay," Spike said as he stood up, crossing his arms. "So, how about we talk about the fact you knew she was here, and never told me?" He pointed at Chrysalis. "Do you have any idea how terrifying it was to come out of the kitchen and find her here? Don't you think that as someone who lives here, I should have been told we have a former villain staying in the castle?"

Twilight's ears pulled back as she sank down, tucking her body close. She looked away from the others, staring down into her coffee.

"You're right," she said. "I probably should have told you. You live here and do a lot of work, so you had a right to know. But I didn't want you to get caught in the middle of things, having to decide whether to keep it secret from Celestia or not."

Spike's features softened as the anger faded. Hopping down from his seat, he made his way over to Twilight and gave her a hug.

"Twilight, I've known you my whole life," he stated. "And while I may be the first to try and get you help when you go crazy, I'll also trust you if I really trust you know what you're doing."

Reaching out with a wing, Twilight wrapped it around the dragon before giving him a full hug.

"You're right. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I promise to make it up to you." She smiled. "Maybe with five new comic books next time we're in Canterlot on me."

"Yes!" Spike called out, breaking the hug as he threw up his arms in victory.

"Ugh!" Chrysalis groaned, reminding the pair they were not alone. "I may need to feed on love, but that does not mean I want to watch such a stupidly touching moment. Can we get back to the subject at hoof: me?" She then leaned forward. "Now, I believe you said something about my own room?"

Comments ( 65 )

its good and funny:rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile:

I love adorable changeling stories. They're my one weakness. That and kittens.

Kind of interesting if Chrysalis would share a room with Spike.

So, you're saying that if I want to defeat you, I should write a story about a changeling getting a kitten? :duck: *makes a note of that*

Actually, she's sharing a room with Starlight Glimmer. I'll try to make that a little more clear.

No! Not that! Anything but That!

(Yes. That. Please.)

Heh. Cute. A few errors here and there, but good enough for an upvote. :twilightsmile:

That's a nice one. Pretty hilarious. xD

That was amusing. I take it Shining Armor and Cadence are a bit too 'friendly' in this universe.

"Well, the biggest and most obvious clue was the fact you sing in the shower." Twilight rolled her head and gave a shake of her head. "Even if you didn't have such a distinct singing voice, I don't think anypony else would sing a song about getting revenge on Thorax."

A green blush formed across Chrysalis's cheeks as she sank down in her seat, glaring at a snickering Spike.

So, what's with the blushing? Is this ChrysalisxThorax or something?

I think it's hilarious how we all think from the title going in that Chrysalis is who is going to surprise Twilight, nope it's Trixie, because Twilight knew and she is a troll :twilightsmile:

this is one of those "the description and cover art make you think twilight is going crazy, but actually new it all along stories." huh?

No, she very much hates Thorax. It's more embarrassment that she would do something as foolish as singing loudly in the shower -- which would easily give her away -- when she's supposed to be hiding and sneaking around.

At first, I thought Twilight didn't care because she was so tired. :rainbowlaugh: Boy, was I wrong.

"You're right," she said. "I probably should have told you. You live here and do a lot of work, so you had a right to no. But I didn't want you to get caught in the middle of things, having to decide whether to keep it secret from Celestia or not."


"Speaking of the bathroom," Twilight continued, "there's also the fact that you left your hairs behind from time to time. Very long, green, and easily recognizable hairs. Then there were glimpses of you here and there, like when I would nearly catching raiding the kitchen in the middle of the night or when you would transform in a flash of green flame just before I caught sight of you, and one or two glimpses of you out of disguise in the halls or such. Add to that the letter I got from Shining Armor and Cadance stating that you had been there, but fled after 'attempts at a mutual diplomatic alliance' -- which was in quotes by the way -- and I pretty much knew you were here and why."

Should this be "...would nearly catch you raiding the kitchen..."

Purely stylistic, I know, but shouldn't these be em-dashes (—) (Alt+0151) here? Also fairly certain that they shouldn't have spaces as they're taking the purpose of parentheses.

A cute cuddly kitten that is in actually a changeling infiltrator.


"You're right," she said. "I probably should have told you. You live here and do a lot of work, so you had a right to NO. But I didn't want you to get caught in the middle of things, having to decide whether to keep it secret from Celestia or not."

An spelling error.

I'm not seeing that. It was pointed out before and I corrected it. I just double-checked it, and it shows it as "know."

What a lovely follow up to Breaking Out to Avoid Being Broken In. I just read that one and loved it for the... Diplomatic relations... Well specifically Chryssi's reaction to the Diplomatic advances. Seriously though, what kind of monster is in to nonconsensual diplomacy.

This one being a well written follow up to a great story grants it access to an upward facing thumb and a gold star.

oh well its just what I saw. Just wanted to point it out. looked back and it was corrected, who know what happen.


The last story was Shining and Cadence inviting Chrysalis to diplomatic talks, and really it was more of a sex dungeon trap. She barely managed to escape. They find her really, really hot.

but how did sparkleplug know?


Her own room? You mean she doesn't want to be a bedbug? :rainbowlaugh:

While kittens are adorbs and deathly cute, there's a lot to be said about puppies too. That and when they grow up, they won't ignore you like cats (you can also train them to attack certain reformed changeling lords). Kinda surprised Chrysalis does have a dog of her own by now?

Hmm, then again, now that her hive bailed on her (all the children left the nest!) it's almost a foregone conclusion that she'll turn to pets for "children" and love. I have this very strange and confusing vision of her and Flutters now as the animal caretakers. :twilightoops:

Excellent! Please make this a regular thing, because both stories have just opened a box of wild and crazy random roommate adventure stories!

Sequel! Do it! You know you want to! Maybe even a collaboration with the writer who inspired this work?!:trollestia:

This was adorable, I love it! :pinkiehappy:

^ I would totally pay to see that.


Her own room? You mean she doesn't want to be a bedbug? :rainbowlaugh:

Hahahahahahaha! I enjoyed that almost as much as the story, lol. :twilightsmile:

Uhm, because she knows her brother and sister-in-law very well? That, plus the quotation marks around 'attempts at a mutual diplomatic alliance' in the letter they send her about their encounter with Crysalis.

:moustache:Only if you look like Rarity

and of course Princess Celestia
:trollestia:Keep your friends close, your enemies closer

Don't you think that as someone who lives here, I should have been told we have a former villain staying in the castle?"

You mean like.... a third one?

Ever wonder what would happen if Spike was in a secret relationship with Tiara?

No. I mean, I've thought a little about Diamond and Spike, but never enough to pursue it as a story idea (aside from a background event in one story), and have never really thought about having someone in a secret relationship. However, I have also read A Diamond in Crystal if the question is somehow tied to that.

Trixie doesn't technically live there. She's just there a lot when visiting Starlight. Technically she has her own place.

While I could probably come up with one or two amusing stories, I don't think I could do enough with it to have it be a proper full story, and I really don't want to do another story that is more like a collection of shorts. One is sufficient for me.

Let's just say that "Principal Shining Armor" and "Naughty Student Cadance" is something that Twilight cannot forget, and still regrets walking in on.


Trixie doesn't technically live there. She's just there a lot when visiting Starlight. Technically she has her own place.

C'mon. We both know that when she is in Ponyville Trixie now showers at Twilight's Castle, eats all the food at Twilight's castle, does all her laundry at Twilight's castle, and probably swipes toilet paper for the next time she hits the road. I'd count that as living there.

That's why I said "technically." (And any rumors that it is Trixie who added peanut butter crackers to the shopping list is completely and utterly denied as absolute lies)

will there be a sequel?

No, or at least not by me. If someone else wants to explore Chrysalis living at the castle while Twilight and friends try to reform her, feel free. Unfortunately, I don't know what to do with it other than silly little stories similar to an anthology, and as I said before, I don't really feel like doing another one of those.

Yeah, the collection of short chapters was where I was heading, but it's cool if you don't really want to, just throwing that thought out there for support reasons. Later!:moustache:

Ok, this was just the perfect piece of fluff for my staycation. Thanks.

"Chrysalis, don't threaten Trixie," Starlight ordered. "And Trixie, don't antagonize her."
"But it's so much fun," the two both whined out, getting a groan and head shake from both Twilight and Starlight.

Come on, Starlight. Let them (and us!) have some fun.

:moustache:: "Don't you think that as someone who lives here, I should have been told we have a former villain staying in the castle?"

It seems you don't have a problem with Trixie and Starlight. Another additional villain wouldn't be that bad, would it?

Nice little story. Still, I found a few minor things you may want to edit.

Horn lighting up, Twilight gabbed her brush in her magic and gave it a quick run through her mane. /quote] I'm pretty sure that should be "grabbed".

They all stopped as she entered the room, turning to look at her with various expression.

That should be plural.

He raises an eyebrow then turns to look at Twilight again.

This seems a bit odd since the rest of the story's done in past tense. Shouldn't it be "He raised an eyebrow, then turned to look at Twilight again."?

This was nothing like I expected. I love it.

I lost it when Twily said she knew Chrissy was there the whole time.
This was good and funny.

this is just sooooooooo good i love it.
more please.

Trixie as Kramer, huh?

I dig it.


Great job.

Short but sweet. I like it!

"Wait a second," she called out as she turned around and pushed the door open, looking at the two unicorns, changeling, and dragon sitting at the table.

Oh please tell me it's going where I hope it's going

"What are you doing here, Trixie?"

Yes! I nearly lost it at this point.

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