• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 2,933 Views, 42 Comments

Aetheric Headaches - Flutterpriest

When a unicorn possesses more natural power than a non-alicorn can hold, consequences take shape. Starlight is one such mare that is victim to the hold of possessing too much magical power for her form to hold. This is her internal struggle.

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A Typical Friday Night

When a unicorn has too much magic built up inside them or produces magical energy too quickly, they can be prone to, for the lack of a better term, headaches. Don't be fooled. These aren't normal headaches. I never quite know when one of my headaches is going to hit me. They usually come on gradually, in the background of other mundane things. I'll rub my forehead because I'm focused on a new spell I'm trying to write. Or maybe my eyes will hurt, but I'll attribute it to the strain of my eyes from reading too much that day. Or even I'll blame the nausea on some leftovers that I left in the fridge for too long.

However, the story is usually the same every time. And once they begin to hit, it's too late to stop them.

Yesterday was my most recent one. I was getting ready to start a lesson with Twilight and I realized what was about to happen. We were in her study, wrapping up the last few parts of the aetheric diagram on a chalkboard-- The diagram unicorns use to illustrate in what way and how much magical energy is released from their bodies out to form the spell the want to perform. It's real complicated stuff, -- When she looked at me funny.

"Hey Starlight? Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," I replied reflexively. "Why wouldn't I?"

I heard myself say the words out loud, and I immediately knew what was going on. They're words I've said a million times before in this same situation. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and realized how much easier on my eyes it was to have my eyelids closed.

"Well," Twilight said, rubbing her mane with a hoof. "I just notice you're rubbing your eyes alot, and you keep losing your train of thought. I've never really seen you so off your game before."

I nodded my head, before considering my options. I promised Twilight I would help with the spell. She cleared her whole day to do this properly. And now that we only have four or five more hours of sunlight at best, we can't afford to lose this time before she goes back to "Princess Scheduling." You know. Where every hour of your day is filled with something at all times? Or is that a term that only gets used around princesses? Not the point. The point is that time was a really valuable resource.

"Yeah, It's just a headache," I said nonchelantly. "I'm sure it'll pass."

"Wait, do you get Aetheric Headaches?" Twilight asked.

I sighed to myself, knowing I couldn't blatantly lie to one of my best friends. The jig was up before it even got started.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I replied.

"I read about them once. They're usually only in the most powerful of unicorns! And the symptoms just get worse and worse the more natural power that the unicorn has. But usually ponies have had them their entire lives."

"Yep. That's right."

"Starlight, if we can't finish this tonight, that's totally okay," Twilight said with a reassuring smile. She walked up to me and put a hoof on my back. I could feel every square inch ofher hoof exactly where it lied on my skin. The hypersensitivity already began to set in. I knew then I was going to have a very, very bad night.

"I... can't thank you enough, Twilight," I said softly, though the words rang in my ears. "I really need to go lie down."

"You do that."

I would have sprinted to my room, but I had to take extra care with every single step I took. My balance was already breaking down and I could feel the room begin to feel fuzzy at the edges. My brain felt as if it were being cooked from inside my skull. I took a deep breath and took the stairs one at a time to my room, then shut the door. I locked it tightly, and with my last ounce of focus, cast a silence spell around my room.

Once the spell completed, I nearly collapsed from the effort as the last few wisps of magic escaped my horn. I placed a hoof on my forehead and slowly walked to my bed. I tried my best to keep the pressure up as I hobbled across the room. It felt as if everything around me were heating up. Sweat was beginning to drip from my hooves. I took another deep breath, and finally laid down.

If the nurse gave me a pain chart, I would still only rate myself about a five out of ten. If it stayed here, I knew things would probably be okay. I'd down some pills, call it an early night, and be right as rain in the morning.

Except, That only works if I caught the headache in it's early stages. This reached puberty, and just like a real teenager, it was out to make my life hell.

I took a deep breath and covered my eyes with a pillow. Then it started. In the faction of a second, it felt like a sewing needle had just been punctured deep within my brain. My whole body twitched, but as quickly as the pain started, it stops. I draw in breath hard and let it out slowly. I taste copper on my tongue. I feel the sheets of my bed grow damp from sweat. Then the stabbing comes again, deeper, harder, and more intense then before. A yelp escapes my lips. Moisture seeps into the pillow covering my eyes as I whimper, grabbing my covers for support.

I begin to count from one upward, whispering each word. A creak across the room makes my ears fold flat in pain. I pull the pillow off of my eyes to use the cool side of the pillow and I notice my vision has gone blurry. My body shivers as another pang of stabbing comes on, but this time doesn't go away. I cover my face with the pillow, screaming in pain. Now, I begin to sob.

'Starlight, focus,' I try to think to myself. 'I know what's coming next. I need my bucket.

My stomach churns. Usually I feel better after my body goes into overdrive trying expel every little excess -anything- from my body. Something about natural uppers. I couldn't think about it or the stabbing would come back. I lifted the pillow and looked accross the room. There it was. Without another thought, I lit my horn.

It was the worst thing I could have done.

It was as if every synapse in my skull were on fire. I curled into a ball, feeling as if some small squirrel were trying to burrow out the prison of my skull. I screamed out, whimpering as I rolled off of my bed. I didn't even feel the impact of the floor.

Once the pain let up, I had only one goal in mind, getting to that pail. I crawled on the ground, like a foal, toward the blurry blue bucket on the other side of the room. An involuntary burp moved up my throat as tears dripped onto the floor. In just a few short minutes, I had gone from completely functional to a non-functional being of misery. As I crawled, I remember thinking how much I just wanted it to be over. For the suffering to end, at any cost. Finally I grabbed the bucket, just in time for my body to force out of it any possible toxin that could be infecting it. My body shook as the bile escaped my body and a trace of dark blue smoke shot out of my horn. It felt like the warmth was being shoved out of me. That my life itself was being pushed from my form to only leave a soulless husk of a being.

The tears flowed freely as I began to dry heave. Why? Why does this happen to me? Why can't I stop them?

I collapsed on the ground beside the bucket, feeling empty, broken. I closed my eyes, and that was it. I was out like a light. Completely comatose to the world for eight straight hours.

Anyway, that was my night. How did you sleep?

Author's Note:

Prompt: Describe a Migrane Headache in the form of a story while having one.

Comments ( 42 )

I assume this is what you wrote when you had the migraine the other day. :heart: It certainly communicated the feeling very effectively. Good job.

Migraines are a bitch. That is all. :heart:

I was getting ready to ask if this was written during or shortly after a migraine before I saw the author's note.

From reading this, it seems that some of the severe headaches I've had in the past that I thought were migraines, were not. I've never felt that bad. I have a newfound understanding of what my friends and family members who DO get them go through.

Couple small things:
"Yeah, It's just a headache," I said nonchelantly. "I'm sure it'll pass."

Then it started. In the faction of a second, it felt like a sewing needle had just been punctured deep within my brain
fraction of a second

Good story, migraines are the worst!

Very visceral and well-written. Descriptions are good. I really got, no pun intended, into Starlight's head, so to speak.

Shouldn't Twilight have gotten those very headaches when she was a unicorn? After all, she was the Princess's protégé, and was considered to be one of the most advanced unicorns around.

She probably would have, but maybe it doesn't happen to every extremely powerful unicorn. Maybe only some.

So incessant migraines are a sign of incredibly powerful unicorns? Would now be a good time to mention I had a non-stop one for five years straight?

Ha, I'm more powerful than Starlight Glimmer! (Or, at least, that's how I choose to rationalize it.)

That's pretty great. It seems great! The story, I mean.

The headache sounds terrible.

This isn't the first account, or the second, I've encountered where throwing up seems to be as close to a relief as there is, as migraines are concerned. I had an early childhood friend spend about an hour a day stricken by migraines; I currently live with someone who experiences them once or several times a month.

You've given me a better appreciation for what the word really means.

Lucky for me ... I've only ever had a migraine like this once. I'm very prone to normal headaches, but this has only been my night once in my life; hoping against hope that never comes back.
You're quite good at describing pain; I've long enjoyed that about your writing.

Wow, and I thought I've had bad headaches. :applejackunsure: I hope this doesn't mean this is the kind of headache you were having. :fluttercry: Anyways, nice story. Are you gonna make a sequel about Twilight talking to Starlight about this? It seems like the type of thing Twilight would have. Also, I slept fine, thank you for asking. :ajsmug: Though I was woken up several times throughout the night. :ajsleepy:


Oh god, yes. Migraines can totally get that bad, personal experience.

Holy hell you sure that doesn't deserve a dark tag? Or a sad one? Because this is NOT what I was expecting when I saw the slice of life one :applecry:

This is emo-priest writing isn't it:trixieshiftright:. BRING FLUTTERPREIST BACK YOU MONSTER!!

Twilight is powerful for a normal unicorn yes. However compared to Starlight she is literally nothing. Twilight at the time she was an unicorn was weaker than Base Queen Chrysalis without love by a pretty big margin losing to her in the first comic arc before being amped. However it's been shown that Base Queen Chrysalis without any love absorbed is far weaker than any alicorn. She was surprised when she defeated Celestia after absorbing love which makes sense since she was losing against Princess Luna and Twilight 1 on 1 in the same comic arc issue. While Starlight on the other hand is one of the 4 possibly 5 unicorns in the series that has shown magic on par or above that of an alicorn. The other 3 or possibly 4 are Starswirl the Bearded, Princess Amore, Radiant Hope and possibly Shadowlock.

Horrifically evocative, and I mean that in a good way. A very well-crafted, more personal kind of body horror.

Two words: Ursa Minor. (Also, you forget the little kitten people. Chrysalis had plenty of love to work with.)

Did you know before the Princesses were raising the sun and moon it actually took multiple elite unicorns to move them? Yeah and the Princesses can do it casually by themselves and Starlight is around equal to them in magic power. So your Ursa Minor argument just helped further prove it. Twilight as an unicorn I guess counts as a elite unicorn and she lifted a Ursa Minor. While alicorn level characters can casually move the sun and moon like Starswirl the Bearded. Which logically means Starlight should be able to do it as well. If you want to I could PM you my MLP character power ranking to show where Starlight and Unicorn Twilight ranks and why.

as someone who currently has a migraine i can totally relate, though i think id be fine with them if they were the side effect of being a super magical unicorn :trixieshiftright:


Comics aren't canon.

Tell that to the recent comics that have confirmed them to be canon. Heck it's even tied to the season 7. We already know who's the villain for the finale with all the hints that the comics and show has been giving us. Also when has the comics ever been not canon? They have always told us it was secondary canon and recently they've decided to make it canon ever since they started to make references on it. Season 6 referenced Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's flight camp. While this season they are directly showing comics book characters in the show. It's already been confirmed in one of the season 7 returns preview.

What does Aetheric mean?

From what I've read it's apparently referring to a person's aura. In this case, Starlight Glimmer's.

You are forgetting the fact that Twilight has said that Starlight has more raw power than Twilight herself does. However, there is no evidence of Starlight being on the same power level as an Alicorn, and power is not the only thing to consider.

How is fighting roughly equally with Alicorn Twilight in both the Season 5 finale and Season 6 Episode 21 not on the same power as Alicorns. She was also able to use a spell and affect the Royal Sisters in Season 7 Episode 10. Seriously is it always like this on Fimfiction? I talk about why Starlight is op and I get dislikes for no reason. It happens every single time.

Just because she can cast a spell on the sisters does not mean she is on the same power level. In the 'fight' with Twilight, or the ones I have seen, Twilight wins.

When has Twilight ever won a battle against Starlight?
In the Season 5 Finale Cutie Remark after coming back from the Queen Chrysalis timeline Starlight fought Twilight to a draw. In Season 6 Episode 21 Every Little Thing She Does Starlight also fought Twilight to a draw if not she seemed to slightly have the upper hoof. She than impressed Twilight by using spells she have never seen before. Twilight also had trouble removing the mind control spell she used even commenting saying it was really strong stuff. Seriously it's been repeatedly shown that she is on par with Alicorns.

But it hasn't been shown she is on par with alicorns. In The Cutie Map, Starlight can't break Twilight's shield, saying it is stronger than anything she has ever seen. All of your examples do not show power, they show a spell crafted well. Starlight has good control over her magic.

About Twilight coming back, you are assuming that Twilight has fully learned how to use all the magic at her disposal, which I highly doubt, while Starlight has control over all her magic.

You seem to be talking about the mock battle in season 6 episode 21. Nobody won, Twilight stopped because she didn't want to damage anything.

So Twilight couldn't break Starlight shield in the season 5 finale. So that would mean Starlight is stronger than Twilight right? Seriously your logic is stupid. Just because a character couldn't break a shield of another character on another on a similar lvl of power doesn't mean she isn't that strong. Also what do you mean Twilight doesn't have all the magic at her disposal. She's been an alicorn for 2 seasons at that point. Plus it was just a beam battle not a spell battle like Every Little Thing She Does and they tied which shows that they are roughly equal in raw power.
At this point you're just trying to deny the fact that Starlight is around equal to the Alicorns. So whatever I'm not even gonna reply anymore.

But you haven't proven that Starlight is on the same level as them all. We could also assume that Twilight is not using all of her power, because that may cause too much damage.

In season 6 episode 21, neither of them can break the others' shield, and since it was a training session anyway, we can safely assume that either neither of them were using their full power, or one of them wasn't, and the other was at their limit.

Seriously, you don't have any evidence that Starlight would win in a straight up magic battle with any of the alicorns, like Twilight did with Tirek.

And that reminds me, if Starlight is Alicorn level, and Tirek had her magic. Since the four alicorns are equal to Discord and all the other ponies, plus whatever Tirek had to begin with, that would mean that Starlight has 1/4 of the total non Alicorn power, which doesn't make sense.

Now, I would love to see your ranking and reasons.

So you just assumed that Twilight didn't use all her power when both her and Starlight were tired after their fight in the Season 5 Finale.

Alright than fine let's ignore Every Little Thing She Does.

The fact that she was roughly equal to the Alicorns in the Season 5 Finale in raw power along with the fact she has SUPER OP AND BROKEN spells like the Cutie Mark removal spell clearly puts her above the Alicorns. Also she Is literally a pony Saiyan she grows stronger the more emotional she gets.

Starlight was never created at the time of Twilight's Kingdom it's just that simple. Also Tirek's power absorption never made any sense to begin with. After he absorbed the Mane 5 he somehow seemed to grow just as much as when he absorbed Discord's magic.

Are you sure you want the rankings? They have heavy spoilers for the comics along with a potential spoiler for the season 7 finale?

No, I never said anything about that. I was referring to season 6 episode 21.

In the season 5 finale, where is it explicitly stated that she is equal in raw power to ALL the alicorns? Those spells could have been made by anyone, and I am certain that the alicorns, or even unicorn Twilight could do it. Nothing has contradicted that.

Starlight wasn't born at that time? She must have aged fast. Sure, it didn't make sense, but we have it in the show, we cannot just toss it aside. The mane 5 are special. They have a more power friendship than anyone else, and the name of the show is 'friendship is magic'.

Yes, I am certain.

All the Alicorns are around equal power just some are slightly stronger than the others. Celestia and Luna are just around slightly stronger than Twilight.

Also the Cutie Mark spells are unique to Starlight because she was the creator of those specific spells. And Season 7 Episode 10 A Royal Problem proves that the Cutie Mark spell works on even Princess Celestia and Luna.

I didn't say she wasn't born I said her concept wasn't even made yet at the time of the season 4 finale. Just as how the possible season 7 finale villain was at first just thought to be a one off joke.

Fine but I'm gonna PM it to you. I don't want to spoil anobody else reading this in the comments.

Sure, they are all around the same power, but Celestia and Luna have far more control than anyone else. Basically, they are able to use their magic more efficiently, essentially meaning they have a higher effective power rating.

Just because a spell works on someone does not mean the caster is more powerful than the castee.

Okay, and even if her concept wasn't around, we can't just assume that she didn't exist. That fight with Tirek shows a lot about the power level of various characters. While due to the circumstances, it is hard to place who exactly has how much, it is still very informative, along with the known fact that Discord is more powerful than the sisters.


I hate to be a downer, but can this please move to PM's? :pinkiesad2:

Yeah we just did sorry about it

We already have. Too many notifications?

Having never suffered a migraine (to my limited knowledge), I can honestly count myself blessed after reading that. Yeesh.

Don’t currently have a migraine but my first migraine made me throw up in my moms van may be getting one rn

I expected that ‘creak’ across the room to have been Twilight sneaking in to check on Starlight. Guess that wasn’t it, oh well

As a migraine sufferer, I felt this. They only get better if you catch them right away, otherwise it’s misery. I suffer food aversions and crazy whacked sense of smell when I get them.

This was really good! I knew right away her headaches were the equivalent of a migraine. Poor Starlight…

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